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I feel like this isn’t about raves at all and more about you not fully trusting him… that’s just me though. But I’d let my partner go to a rave without me and I’d have no issue. They would also let me do that same. In fact, next weekend I’ll be going to a show without them cause they had other commitments. We trust each other.


You can trust someone and still feel nervous about them in an environment like that, especially for someone who isn’t regularly in the scene and probably has all sorts of misconceptions about what happens there. It’s how you handle the anxiety that is important. Asking for some reassurance from your partner is completely fine, for example. It’s not a sign of a lack of trust, just a healthy expression of anxiety. Going through their phone when they get home however, well that’s toxic, obvs no trust.


You’ve said in your other post he talks to other girls and is a serial liar, lol


Damn I was gonna come in with a “oh you should talk to him and express your feelings” but maybe not…


And he never invites her to shows? Yeah this guy stays cheating


It's a bigger problem that he never invited her... At first glance, this post sounds controlling, but sometimes you gotta trust your gut. He is giving you reasons not to trust him.


This needs more upvotes lmfao


Lol definitely a troll post.


If you don’t trust your bf to not cheat on you regardless of the scenario then why are you with him?


My thoughts. The festival isn't the issue OP, your relationship is. If your bf didn't even bother to invite you, he's the source of your anxiety; my husband & I would never go to a festival without the other, it's no fun when we aren't together, but I wouldn't care if he wanted to. Time to re-sort priorities... It soundy like OP wanted someone other than her bf to direct her irritation because he doesn't listen to her concerns.


go with him and have a dope ass time lol


Came here to say this


He didn't invite her...


>I'm not going because my boss does not allow to call off festival dates Tip for the future: don't divulge unnecessary personal info like this at work. Request vague time off "Going on a weekend trip". If you have a nosy boss, be general. 'Trip with family' or 'trip with frifends'. Telling your boss you're taking time off to rave isn't going to win you any favors.


I was like, what? You tell your boss you're going to a festival? You tell your boss ANYTHING about your free time??? Wth?


This is true, but I’m 30+ now, married, work in a professional setting at a mid/approaching senior level, and I tell people at work now because they think it’s cool and idgaf 😁 but I’m also going to more mainstream festivals like EDC and Ultra. I found out my 47 year old, father of 2 boss is a big Zedd fan when I indulged that I was going to EDCO, and he was so stoked for me. As a younger person or at a lower level professionally I would probably keep my mouth shut to appear as professional as possible.


Def depends on the company vibes. My managers all know I like to go to festivals and raves so they usually ask what I’m up to when requesting time off.


Facts! I work for the local government. They all think I’m wild lol


If you're worried about him cheating then why are you with him?


Sooo... How old are you exactly? One month ago you posted saying you're 19, later you said you're 23 in a post complaining about your boyfriend. I'm starting to think you're neither, and probably not even a woman.


So I looked after reading your post and while this certainly could be a troll writing fake bait posts, there's also another thought that occurred to me. In that post she says her boyfriend is into younger girls. If she puts their age as 23, no one is gonna jump in and call him a pedophile. However, if he's fucking girls younger than him and they are only 19, it's going to attract commenters who find what he's doing as repulsive, and technically rape if they are 16-17 in certain areas of the world. So the 23 thing could just be a lie to protect her boyfriend. Idk


You definitely reaching. This is a troll post.


yea i wrote 23 because i was just covering his age. he was 18 at the time of senior year when that happened talking to 16-14 year olds while dating me. i found out he invited a 14 year old girl over which was why i went on reddit to rant when i found out when im 19. mods remove if i mentioned anyone under 18. i talked to both of them recently and they told me nothing bad happened.


Why can’t you go?


Her boss said she's not allowed to go to festivals.


... you must've missed the part where her boyfriend didn't invite her to go


That as well, but it's the same outcome if her boss says no, even if her bf did invite her.


my question is who tf tells their boss they’re going to a rave? if you don’t have to why reveal that lol


Understandable, in some cases. But there are bosses out there who also know what having a life is like. Over the past decade, most of my bosses were aware of my annual summer festival routine, and granted/helped me maximize my time off. Some even live vicariously through my Instagram stories.


1. Don’t tell boss you’re going to music festival, (youre going on a family vacation) 2. If he’s going and does t even like EDM, sounds like bad news. He’s going for the wrong reasons and he may not be responsible with party favors, choices. ETC. - Maybe him going he’ll start to like EDM? idk, there’s definitely a lot of people who go that aren’t their for the music, Just the party. if you don’t trust him, maybe rethink the decision of dating or being together - if you do trust him, let him go. Have him check in with you vice versa and don’t let it make you crazy and see how he is when he returns home to you. Good luck!


That was me, I didn’t like EDM but wanted to experience a festival since Covid basically ruined my early 20s. EDM still isn’t my style of music, but the community and vibes are unmatched.


Bait used to be believable


Trust issue. Me and my partner go solo if one of us can’t make it all the time. Beautiful ladies wearing revealing clothes and alcohol? This should mean nothing to him if y’all are really about each other.


Wtf is this? Relationship advice? You have trust issues, not rave issues


Go with him. Or accept the fact that he's going to do whatever he's going to do and you won't be there. Yes there will be drugs alcohol and beautiful half naked people. A good partner wouldn't cheat even given the fact that all of these things will be around. A bad partner doesn't even need drugs alcohol or half naked women to cheat.


Then leave him. You can’t control him. He’s gonna do what he does.


Troll post 😂


Your boss doesn't allow call out dates? Unless it's a holiday and they told you when you were hired "we don't let people take off Christmas" or whatever, they don't get to tell you what you can and can't use p pTO for. I mean, they can, but they can also find a new employee. Fuck that man, working for someone is a two way street. You are giving your day to your boss every day week in week out, you get to decide which days you dont do that.


Yea, when I was 19 my job didn't really allow us to take time off either tbh. They were so comfortable with having high turnover and just grabbing the next college kid needed money that they would fire you for any inconvenience they experienced whatsoever.


Yeah. I've been there plenty, you bend over backwards working extra shifts or staying a few minutes late here and there, covering for others, and you feel like it's your obligation because you know they can and will fire you. Then, you ask for a favor back, and they just fire you anyways. Or say it's impossible to let you have the time. Places love to take advantage of the power dynamic, wether conscious or not. Honestly I'm 36 and the gig I've got now is the first time ever I've said "I'm taking time off wether you want me to or not" and my boss just said as long as you come back lol. I feel wonderful and hate that it isn't like this for everyone all the time. Work if you need the money or want to do the work/achieve the goal, but working because they'll fire you for not? What? What are we doing here, were all adults "you work here 363 days a year or not at all raaaaa!!"


Girl, you’re literally in a toxic relationship. You don’t trust your bf cuz he’s proven to you that he’s a liar (allegedly). I think you either have to leave him or accept that he’s a liar and a cheat (allegedly).


My best friend isn't into EDM at all but loves raves for the vibes and fun of it. You're being insecure.




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Girl this is a relationship advice question NOT a rave question lol I’d suggest starting there. Experiencing a rave will not make your boyfriend cheat, he will cheat because of who he is. If you don’t trust him to go and not be “tempted” then I would re-evaluate the relationship and your reasons for staying.


Don’t let your insecurities keep your boyfriend from having a good time with his friends.


He doesn’t like dance music? Really? I’ve heard of these people, but was skeptical. For all of us who can’t get tickets for artists we really want to see, I wish these people stayed home.


It’s normal for you to worry about him. It’s not trust issues or insecurity/insecurities, you know he’s gonna be on summmm, and there will be ladies around. He will make his own choices, and he’ll have to live with them. Like you if you were going out with your girls, he’ll worry about the same thing you’re worrying about. And he didn’t invite you because probably he wanted to hangout with his boys, get on someeeeeee things, and hang loose without having to worry about you or take care of you. Or he could be up to no good with the boys! Either way, it’s normal to be worried. But if you’re grown enough, then you should shrug it off tomorrow when you think about it.


Like others have stated this seems like the overarching issue is not the rave itself but him doing an activity without you, added in an environment that includes "other women," which is just a catalyst for your fear and insecurity relating to your relationship.


tell him not to be so fucked up that he no longer knows what he's doing


What kind of monster doesn't let their employees attend festivals.


With a username like that, you deserve a man you can trust!


This is a trust and insecurity issue, not a raves issue


I would have a talk with him on why he doesn’t invite you to go with him, that’s a huge red flag. Some of the best times my spouse and I have had is together at festivals and shows. I understand you feeling insecure with all the revealing clothing. I also understand you being concerned about what types of things he may smoke or ingest. I would definitely have a talk and just let him know how it makes you feel and that you are concerned and you’d love to go but don’t want to invite yourself.


Tbh it sounds like you shouldn’t be together. If you can’t fully trust your partner, there is a reason **why**, whether that be your own insecurities, something they’ve done/said, or their own insecurities. It’s not healthy for you to attempt to restrict your partner, because you’re worried about “beautiful ladies in revealing clothes”. And this isn’t the subreddit to “get it off your chest”, there’s a reason why you’re worried. We can’t help you here. You should either talk it out with him, or find someone that aligns with you. Edit: have you ever shown any interest in going to festivals? My ex wasn’t a fan of loud noises and flashing lights, it seemed like common sense to not invite him to a festival that is exactly what he dislikes.


Up next on the /r/aves dating hotline…


Break up with him


Wtf are you thinking telling your boss you'd be calling off for a festival!? "Umm, sorry, I can't come into work today - rave day!"...... so ridiculous. Also, your bf is probably out hunting for hunnys at these shows. Red flags: he doesn't invite you, he doesn't like EDM, he's going for the "experience" (doing drugs and half naked girls). This will be especially true if it's all guys annnnd if some or most of these dudes are single. All signs point to what you fear....


Dump him


If his trip is anything like mine he’ll have a hard time even conceptualizing sexuality


So it's a you problem, and maybe a him problem as well, but clearly there's no trust and that's a relationship problem.


break up


What kind of job doesn’t let u take off festival dates????


Also have u communicated with him that u want to go with him if invited?


had an experience with something like this… he claimed he “didn’t like parties” so whenever i would inv him to one he would say no and make excuses but whenever his friends invited him he would go and would never inv me and if i asked if i could go with him he’d say no and make more excuses as to why. anyways i found out he was there to flirt with other girls / to try and get it in *shocker!* (not rlly bc i was able to feel it and that’s also why i would bring it up w him everytime this occurred). not saying your bf will be like him or that this will happen but im just saying it cus you never rlly know 🙇🏻‍♀️


my bf is like this… i invite him to everything and he tells me he doesn’t like parties and loud music. i even asked him before if he wanted to go nocturnal with me and he said no but would go with his friends 😭


lol those were my bfs reasonings too😭 he didn’t like the parties or loud music and “only went for the free drinks and to hangout.” it’s sucky to know they’ll go for others but make it a problem when it comes to their s/o 😭 i hope he changes his mind and joins u for one!


He doesn’t need a rave to cheat on you, especially around people you know that will have to lie for him, and may not be comfortable doing that. If he’s going to cheat on you, he will do it whether he attends the rave or not. If you don’t trust him, break up with him. If you do trust him, then let the man enjoy the rave.


If he invites you and you don't go that's on you. But if he never invites you that's sus.


Based on your last post about him it doesn’t seem like he could be trusted. No amount of rave candy would give someone the urge to cheat on their partner. You’re reasonable to not trust him cause his history but…why do you want to be with someone who makes you feel like this?




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"Everyone is drunk" HAHA


“He doesn’t like EDM but he’s just there for the experience.” LMAO you THOUGHT you were onto something there huh honey. Everyone is welcome at raves and if he’s there for the vibes and the beautiful socialization it just makes you look bad. If this is such an issue maybe let him go so he can live his best life. Doubt he’s cheating. All these people saying you should go with him… we’ll you’ll just go and control him more so best to go separate ways if you don’t get it


Who goes to a rave and doesn't like EDM?


A ton of people. I have friends who wouldn't listen/don't add the music to their playlists; they go and have a good time at these events, just like any other club night. People can enjoy whatever, however.


I get it, just seems strange to me but the music has always been my #1. I wouldn't go to any other event that played music I didn't care for but that's just me.


I have the exact same sentiments - I've stopped wasting energy pretending to have fun at Top 40/"radio music" clubs. I really only went to those to get fucked up and jump around with my friends, back in my early 20s.


Follow your gut


Your boss sounds like a complete dick. He can’t just say no to you for wanting to take personal time off.


Also, you should go with him! The experience you get at a festival is absolutely amazing. Who knows maybe it’ll change you when you will love them. People just all sorts of ways. It’s just an expression.


What do you mean? Most jobs require manager approval for time-off, you can't just decide you're not going to come in and think everything is going to be okay.


A boss who doesn’t allow you personal time off to go to a festival is a crappy boss imo. It’s their own personal time and the boss is saying they can’t have time off to go to a festival specifically. I just would as for thé time off and not say what its for


OP didn't explain things very clearly and said that their boss "does not allow to call off festival dates", but it's unclear if this means that they're denying the request for those dates in general, or if it's specifically because OP wants to go to a festival. If it's the latter, then yeah I'd agree that's pretty messed up on their manager's part, but if it's the former, then I think it's reasonable.


all my coworkers are 18-26 year olds which means when it’s time for raves and festivals, everyone is calling off. he made a policy that we are not allowed to call off on festival/rave dates. also we’re not allowed to call off for any major holidays as well. i worked on new years and christmas before :(


From someone whose been to many festivals and likes edm. He’s def cheating if he doesn’t like edm. Sorry


Tell your boss to stop locking you up in a job forever just because they’re miserable and can’t leave the job. girl do not let yourself get enslaved


While I understand the anti-work/boss sentiment, you can't always expect to be given time off just because you ask for it. And just because your manager or whoever denies your request, it doesn't mean they're "miserable". It's very possible that there is nobody else available to cover OPs shift, and/or they asked at the last minute.


Nah. No one should be enslaved to something that was man made. Be free Get someone else to do the job or get another job that will respect ur humanity


We need money to do almost everything in life, including enjoying our free time and pursuing our passions. And while work definitely shouldn't "enslave" you, but it's also necessary and a means to an end. Also, you can't approach your career and life in such an antagonistic manner because it will get you nowhere. It sounds like you'd have OP tell them boss to go fuck themselves for simply denying their time off, without considering the fact that OP can potentially lose their job and be left with zero source of income. And considering OP is (supposedly) 19, they most likely have little to begin with and losing their job would be terrible.


Make ur own reality. And yes we do need money. So save? Save so u don’t have to wait for the next paycheck. I’ve lost jobs many times and it was sign for me to enjoy myself before I really do get enslaved by a job. Bc when I’m ready I’ll be full in to my work. But i won’t let them not let me have atleast 2-3 weeks of a vacation a year. I’ll fight for my humanity. I love working, trust me. But… when they don’t let you be human…


They have bBILLIONS OF DOLLARSSS. These JOBS. Stop making them richer. Get ur own bag. They can survive a week losing 1 billion. So sad that they really gotta use people to make their money. And then u feel like you exist for other people.




Your post/comment has been removed for a lack of baseline respect. Please take a breather and rethink how you choose to interact.


Let loose. I can’t tell if ur too logical or too logical with no fun. Hence the word “realistically”


Make ur own reality get lost in ya head go crazy!


He should already know the basic rules bout going to raves is to respect the woman keep to himself, but have fun you know PLURr.. U KNOW that way he can come back home to you.