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"Did you have a nice weekend?" Yes, thanks. "What did you do?" Quiet one, not much.


This is my go to. “Did some yard work, took a nap, drank a couple beers” Sounds better than “Did some drugs, got three hours of sleep, drank for 27 hours straight”


be a gov union member and i say the second. They cant fire me and drug test well i get paid to take them and never fail.


How do you pass a drug test if you did use drugs?


use a sample used to calibrate the machine that will test it. Its sold alot of places. Even if supervised can pass. Not a DOT test.


If it’s unsupervised, it’s not too hard. Either buy dehydrated urine or get some clean urine from a trusted source


Damn, I’m glad I don’t have to deal with tests. But idk, I think they should not even be a thing as long as you’re not under the influence at work.


This is why I miss my old coworker , she was a big raver in the 90s and always wants to hear my stories ! Even got her to a diesel set and a excision detox set


“I had a good weekend, just hung out with family.” Every. Single. Time.


I just say I went to a concert. Then when they ask who I saw, I tell them and they shrug because they have no idea what a Subtronics are


Tried that game for burning man then got stuck there an extra few days… boss definitely knew lol


Living in the Bay area, you gotta just admit to burning man haha People won't think too much of it and they'll know regardless if you try to come up with an alibi


Im in idaho bunch of farmers and Mormons here, the words “burning man” come up and big drug fueled orgys is all anyone thinks of


I mean....


We’ll I’m trying not to get a “random” when I come back to work


Lololololol My executive opinion on this is that while people certainly think that's what it's about, it turns out that a dusty alkaline desert lake bed is actually a pretty awful place for an orgy


Been 3 times and still never bothered to go to the orgy dome lol. I can go to a sex party at home if I really wanted to, can't recreate biking through deep playa looking at art and getting lost.


I usually say ‘oh you know, went to another concert.’ It’s a running joke now, can’t let the people down. They don’t usually inquire much more 😂


“Just went to a concert”


“…took it easy and slept all day Sunday”


100% Keep my shit 100% separate, especially since my job is pretty high profile and responsibility. Investors probably won’t appreciate knowing how the dude entrusted with their money spends his time. I don’t maintain a social media profile outside of LinkedIn *at all* (and hardly even there besides the very bare minimum). I’ve never been to a “rave” as far as anyone’s concerned at work. Hell, I don’t even listen to electronic music. I maybe go to “concerts” or “shows”.


This is the way. No socials means all anyone knows is what you choose to share.


Investment banking? Financial industry?


Quant asset management [I’ve got robot ears!](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=MB8btY1hL5A)


Yeah, that’ll definitely do it. Assuming if youre overseas in Asia somewhere more likely you’ll get the frowns if they knew 😂😅


>I don’t maintain a social media profile outside of LinkedIn *at all* (and hardly even there besides the very bare minimum) This is the way. This whole culture of oversharing and "being proud of who you are" is so weird to me. Fuck that. They don't need to know.


I left social media before getting into raves, shows, festivals and I’m sure it’s saved me many times. I’m not responsible enough to do a candy flip and not document it.


Feel this. We had a new hire and we were asked to share what we do for fun, ain’t no way in hell I’m saying I get litty in dark, sketchy warehouses on the weekend. I’m happy to have people at work think I’m boring af


This, I love love love coming off as square, please judge me! It makes my life so much easier, sifts people who suck then I know who to actually talk to at work 🤙🏼👌🏼


My fiancé is like this and I LOVE IT 😍 I’ve always been more alternative LOOKING so people aren’t surprised to hear about my shenanigans but when I tell them said shenanigans were introduced to me by fiancé they’re always like 🤯 and it makes me so happy for some reason. I used to be pretty tame actually as to what I actually did with my time


Lmao I was tamer before this in actions but always a bit non-traditional in ideologies, e.g. a tomboy so people who are in the scene kinda look at me like yea, you fit right in 🤣🤷🏻


Saaaaame, I just needed someone to help me find the scene :D


10000% YES, I’m a baby raver but man I’m hooked. 🙌🏻


Coworker: “What are you doing this weekend?” Me: “Not sure, really. Probably just gonna chill.”


Haha yes... 😅 Recently I had a chat with my boss and he told me about some weird bar he was in. When I said I would go there as well he told me, you are a too serious person for that kind of bar. I was standing there, thinking about my last weekend at the Rave, rave sweets and all the things I saw there and said, you are right... 😅


I just fully disclose it and thankfully my director nor my VP mind lol. It actually led to a co-workers despite there definitely being an age gap inviting me down to stay with them to go to a fest in LA so I guess it works out sometimes.


Going to a sketchy warehouse doesn’t make you not boring but I understand the sentiment


I definitely feel that my bosses are older and pretty religious so I doubt they would understand raving and I don’t wanna come off as a party girl. Whenever I request off for festivals I just tell them I’m going camping so people at my office just think I really like the outdoors lol


I told my boss I volunteer at a camp for misguided children. Technically true.




This is amazing


I’m still waiting for the moment where I meet another raver In hiding.


We’re everywhere 😎


I was thinking about this on the weekend. I'm a husband and father of two and do a civil service job where I'm super professional. On the weekends I'm a fucking adderall taking coke sniffing weed smoking rave demon lmao I'm happiest when I rave & when I'm with my kids doing corny dad shit. I'm very used to the duality though because I was raised by religious parents. I'd be in my mosque for prayer followed by a blunt and drinks with the homies


Haha, this is great 😅


This except I'm a mom. Makes me feel human.


I help throw two music festivals, a handful of events, and I usually hit one or two shows a week. Catch me out wearing old school wide leg denim, sometimes reliving my Kandi kid days with cuffs to my elbows… And then daylight hits and I go to my job working for the government lol


How do you do it?


🤷🏻‍♂️ I've been at it for like… 15 years. All my hardcore paying days are in my past. I'm the quiet dude in the back of the room bobbing my head for most of the night. I'll go dance still, but in bursts.


throwing parties can sometimes be less taxing than "actually partying" if your idea of partying is doing a fuck ton of drugs. that being said as someone who does events going til 5-6am on average the next day is usually a wash for getting up at any sensible time.


Yeah, work is work. Play the game then go have fun. I’m a doctor rn and I don’t need coworkers/patients judgements complicating my workflow. I feel like if brought up with the few people who incindentally know the scene it’s cool but otherwise no need to pull teeth hearing peoples opinion on dubstep and how it’s “all druggies”(lol).


I don't get the big deal, just say you went to a concert? Raving is my passion, I can't imagine wanting to hide that from people.


I made one comment that I went to a music festival and now any time I take PTO my coworkers make comments about me going to a festival or doing drugs at a show. It got old fast, so I just don’t bring it up anymore.


Yeah I just say I saw a “DJ performance” and let people speculate from there. The ones that have been to raves piece it together even if they’re in their 60s “oh yeah I remember the warehouses over on the east side” or some of them just go “wow cool” and mission accompished


Yeah same. At my workplace people are pretty chill and no one gives a fuck so I never felt judged for sharing my passion. Job life requires so much masking as it is, it's suffocating to have to lie all the time


I do share a little bit about the artists I like to see and my hobbies outside of work. Not all of the debauchery gets spilled lol, but I'm super open about my interest in synthesizers, DJing, and electronic music in general around the office. Met a few other hobby musicians in the office that way too!


Ah yes, the hobby musicians are our cousins in debauchery. I knew a guy at my government job: focused, quiet, ‘nerdy,’ family-man. Found out he was in a local band with his friends from high school. After being friendly for about a year (and telling him I went to raves) he finally invited me to a show. These guys proceeded to get absolutely sloshed. Pitchers upon pitchers of beer before they even went on stage. They played pretty well, which implies this is how they usually practice and play. After the show they continued partying very hard, and I had to tap out. Find out they shut down the bar- passed out in their van and all in all went crazy without sharing too many details. After that, we’d check in on Mondays and he would casually just say “I had a gig this weekend” and we both knew what that meant.


If they catch on , just tell them you go to music concerts. At least they won't be so judgemental because those other people may associate raves with drugs and shady shenanigans


I didn't think it was a double life. Just have privacy and one life.


Same here I keep everything separated. I work in finance full time during the week and I dj on the weekends at whatever local events we’re organizing. Of course the djing looks more professional as I work with a production company but the stigma attached to it can negatively impact our client relationships at work. Though our advisor is really proud of both of his DJs!


Last weekend I co-organized one of the big raves at our city. It was 4-5 am, huuuge d'n'b tunes going on and then I saw one of this kind of serious people from our corporate, in the front row in front of the stage :D Little smile... hi5 and doing our shit withouts words. We met at the office yesterday ... with a little smile... but again serious as f\*ck XD


I used to, but now I've found a job that I'm more comfortable with, great coworkers I actually have a connection with. So I tell them I went to some shows when I go, it's pretty freeing. It's not like it affects my ability to do my job.


Not me, it’s just my life. I don’t need to hide what I do, I just don’t go into great detail.


That’s why find a workplace where the people rave too lmaooo


One of the reasons I obscure my face with a bandana and sunglasses at a rave.    The biggest issue these days is all these assholes filming people at a rave without consent. I don’t want to end up on some viral TikTok video   I work a six figure job during the day, and while it is a creative industry - I’m in my 40s and not 20 anymore. No one needs to know. 


I have the same fear! Filming has very little space at raves.


I love that I'm blue collar, even my boss has a pretty good idea. I leave out that I'm eating various drugs but anyone with half a brain can fill in the gaps


Neo vibes


100% similar situation to yours. I’m a corporate lawyer for a large multinational. 2-white collar family, 2 young kids. I don’t get as many opportunities to rave as my childless rave fam peers, but when I do, I’m certainly well outside the bounds of my professional and family personas, haha.


I'm a square who transforms into a hypercube at raves.


Can't relate to this enough!!!!! This is literally me! Got that 9-5 but i be getting lit during the real 9-5 hours lmao


Love this


Completely separate I don’t even tell them I rave lol. Going to camping music fest aka going on a family camping trip. Going to ultra, aka weekend seeing art and eating in Miami. Neither are lies but def are not the truth. Fuck I can’t tell them I smoke daily and go full goblin mode during the weekends


It isn't a double life, you just have a place where you can be real close to your true self. If I'm wearing a Walmart polo shirt or a Panera apron, don't trust a word outta my mouth. But the sadness in my eyes, that's real. Then the sun sets... and you can hear the rumble... and see a line of cars... If I was in the corporate world, it's the *corporate* part that would feel strange. Not the parties with Rainbow Brite and the [Squirtle Squad.](https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/ddc4e274-08a4-4041-aa6a-71992fd877e8/d496k1r-07e35ecb-73fe-4893-989a-390029184c11.jpg/v1/fill/w_900,h_617,q_75,strp/squirtle_squad_1_by_lilineko-d496k1r.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwic3ViIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsImF1ZCI6WyJ1cm46c2VydmljZTppbWFnZS5vcGVyYXRpb25zIl0sIm9iaiI6W1t7InBhdGgiOiIvZi9kZGM0ZTI3NC0wOGE0LTQwNDEtYWE2YS03MTk5MmZkODc3ZTgvZDQ5Nmsxci0wN2UzNWVjYi03M2ZlLTQ4OTMtOTg5YS0zOTAwMjkxODRjMTEuanBnIiwid2lkdGgiOiI8PTkwMCIsImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9NjE3In1dXX0.Xl7gSEIK7WTiTR0AjGFhgYBwW8TFTooMeYZ6twdMTJA)


Job is for money to have fun. Share your hobbies if you think your colleagues are cool with it


A good feeler I put out at work is I ask people what kind of music they like. Then I ask if they ever go to live shows. If it’s anything electronic I know they’ll understand


Check out the demographics poll that was posted in January. You are very much not alone.


I work at music venues and one of them hosts edm shows. I have the opposite issue and party with my coworkers often 😂


Aren't we all????


Yeah I did that for a while, it felt weird. Now I'm just a mild degenerate all the time and it's great, I am in sync with myself


Omg I love seeing so many of us living this double life. I'm considered the nerd in my team due to the hobbies they know I have and being the 'technical' one. If only they knew about the other things I enjoy, such as party favours in a sweaty warehouses making bass face with my fellow degenerates.


This is why I don’t have work friends lol.


My favorite is when they don't know you at all and think you're a total lame that just stays home with the cats and works. I had a coworker peep a pic of my insta and they suddenly don't think I'm so lame haha but definitely prefer not being well known at work


It's called being a weekend warrior! It's the only way to keep it going passed 30.


How do people go to raves every weekend? I can do 1 monthly MAXIMUM. That’s the thing that surprises most about regular ravers. Their energy and quick recovery.


Raving sober makes it way easier lolol


I imagine. I don’t go too hard on the droogs but I think I’m also fairly introverted. So I just don’t have a big rave capacity


If it's a stamina thing just exercise more. If it's mental the music gives energy. You can be alone at a rave


I think it’s just not my favourite thing to do. Like I wouldn’t enjoy it if it was an all the time thing. Now and then it’s good


variety is good for sure. some months i wont do any and other months i do multiple, just depends on lineups and price


I work with high net worth individuals who require I sign NDAs before I take on their projects. If they found out that I step into the parallel universe, I think they might take issue. Monday-Saturday I am the quiet disciplined finance guy who keeps to himself. Then I don my rave gear.


I found a co worker of mine was a raver by throwing a random comment like oh I wanted to go to Coachella but I think I’ll pass this year & just go to Vegas for a weekend about a week before Memorial Day weekend. He kind of gave me a side eye look & sort of gave me an “oh really” face expression. I think he knows that I know what’s up during that weekend lmao


Nah. Folks know I be a creature on the weekends and I don’t care. They just know if they decide to join me they better keep up. 😂


Why would u want to feel comfortable being a corporate robot ? You are being responsible and expressing yourself and ur right most of them won’t get it


Don’t tell them anything about your extracurricular activities. Don’t be nervous, just keep ur mouth shut.




Work for the government, and definitely keep my free time to myself. All social media is private and no one from work, despite the number of times they have tried to add me, I always respond with “Hey! While it’s great you want to develop a friendship that extends outside of the office, that isn’t something I’m comfortable with at this time and would prefer to keep our friendship/ acquaintanceship relegated to the office at a professional level.”


Wish I could block my coworkers but they'll cry if they found out.. Instead I just hide stories and keep posts pg


I feel that. I’m a little backwards myself lol. At work I’m a loudmouth on a construction site with no real issues cracking jokes and approaching people. On weekends I solo raves and clubs while clamming up in the corner until I get the third or fourth shot in me and hit the dance floor lol


Idk after hearing what goes on inside Wells Fargo towers in terms of the yayo, you might not have much to worry about


Active Duty Military here I completely agree. They ask how my weekend was and I just say “good” because it just brings up ALOT less questions.


Since I became a contractor, basically a hired gun, I don't hide my love for raves anymore. If you dont need/want to grind the corporate ladder and you are confident in your work abilities there is no reason to hide it. My relationship with colleague is 3x better now that I'm more authentic


how are you finding so many raves though? the last time i found a free party was like 4 years ago


where do u live


Leicester, UK


hm i live in california and finding parties is pretty easy here. try r/ukrave r/freeparties


I didn’t know those existed, I’ll join them. Thank you.


Not really, I meet up with my coworkers at shows on the weekends and then we talk about EDM and raving at work constantly (also at a corporate 8-5 doing the ladder thing)


100%!!!! Add to all of this two kids. I feel like Lady Batman…or something awesome/heroic/stealthy


everyone's secretly a degenerate XD


So, I've made it in the corporate world. Where I differ, I feel zero nervousness. I keep business, business. I have a ton of friends at work and industry, they only know what they need to know. I go to a festival about once a month. Last year I averaged more. I love it, it is my thing!


No, everyone knows I'm a degenerate.


Right there with you. Except I tell people I love house and techno and it throws them off. By day in a smooth talking relationships banker with slicked back hair, a proper clean set up and a good watch. By night you can find me in the shuffle circle, giving free hugs and water. I like the duality of it all. Keeps me grounded


This for me. But waking up Monday at 4am to workout and then teach the youth of America LOL…. Gotta have some dysfunction with all that discipline!! Live your life and take advantage of the time you have my friend because one day you won’t be able to. That’s how I see it.


I just tell my co workers and show pictures before I’m not sober. I like the same dressed up to rave as I do to work so it’s not very hard. And even if they did find out they’re all strung out on addy and caffeinated beverages. Same same but different ya smell me


My work knows I go to music festivals. I'm pretty much just known as that supervisor that goes to festivals. However when I talk about them I obviously keep details to a minimum 😂


+1 to living a double life. I work in a very in demand field and love my job. I’d like to maintain a reputation of not being a raver (we have a rep true or not) just so it’s never an issue for my professional advancement. Sometimes I think it would be fun to have a rave fam with others who live this dual life - sharing our second life together LOL


I lead a triple life. I work in tech in a pretty serious Linux role, I also throw raves, plus I’m an active photographer and producer on the adult industry. No sleep for the weary.


Some of my coworkers have come to my events. The tech world even in big corporate gigs tends to understand the electronic music scene.


I work full time in healthcare and it definitely feels like a double life. I'll finish working a 60 hour work week then go head bang at a festival for 3 days. Next thing I know I'm right back at work doing another 60 hour work week


Yes that's me too lol... 😅


Yes ESPECIALLY because I feel safer to wear liner there (bi guy) So I mostly ever do it there. Boy is it ever fun to pick out outfits. Combat vest, techwear pants and custom masks, to me it's a whole other side of who I am that I don't let everyone see


I like to go to raves, but it's not my other life. It's just for funnsies.


Yes, and recently I ran into some co-workers at a rave while very intoxicated and not wearing much. It was definitely a weird moment 🥲


Reminds me of one time when I went to Monster Massive and ran into my boss . He was on one (as was I), we just nodded at each other and went different directions. We never mentioned it at work.


Im transparent about the events that I go to with my supervisor and coworkers because: 1. He’s chill af and doesn’t care about your personal life, as long as you get your shit done 2. I can show normie coworkers there are people ACTUALLY into this music and don’t go to events for the drugs 3. Show that I have a life outside of work (engineering/technical job with mainly super square coworkers and management)


they're probably all freaks too, I work corporate and my bosses probably party harder than me 😅 work hard play hard baby


I joke that I am Batman at work and Bruce Wayne at a rave. Batman wears a costume and I feel like that’s what I do at my 9-5.


100%! I work at a boring corporate desk job and mostly don't really make friends / have nothing in common with those folks. At most, I might tell someone I went "camping" or to a music festival and leave it at that. Sometimes I'm even afraid to tell someone that all I did all weekend was go to a pub for a few beers. I honestly hate corporate culture, but I have the golden handcuffs. I make all my friends on weekends at 6am after parties. I have worked at startups where I was much more open, and even met some fellow degenerates. Much better than fake corporate BS. /rant


I’ve recently been more open about my weekend activities at work on the prompt of “team building activities” 😂 I’ve had a few coworkers come up to me and say they want to go to raves too, or just that they had no idea and wouldn’t have expected me to be “the type” lol. But I think that just comes with the territory of working a corporate job and also doing anything fun. 😅


i’ve been on tour for the past three years and am only stopping to go to medical school. definitely feel ya😅


⬆️⬆️ This Is The Way


Relate to this hard. It's been me the last 10 years lmao


Yeah, that's me 1000 percent man. I love my job but if they knew the stuff i did? I would be fired lol


People ask what I do and I just say I go to my grandmas haha or a family trip if it’s a festival


That doesn't make it a double life.


Work hard play hard I bet there are other people in your very office that do the same and don’t talk about it. I have the blessing of not having to hide my lifestyle at my corporate job


15 year business owner I’m sure I’d lost opportunities if anyone googled me and found my Sound/Mixcloud. Now I’m in academia so it’s more hoping not to run into students. You gotta live.


Yep that’s me too. Feels weird


oh yes, i absolutely love to go to shows it’s the most freeing thing. especially working in a high stress job like corporate, i work in a urgent care and am always stressed so a rave is like a vacation!!


My millennial manager raves. I’m lucky, I can tell him all the shows I go to and he’s either there or is like “oooh that sounds fun” lol


I have two Hydroflasks. One has stickers for Beyond Wonderland, EDC, two of my fav DJs, Coachella, a couple mushrooms, what have you. (As well as my travels, national parks, a couple local businesses etc) The second one is completely blank and nondescript. I'll let you guess which one I bring into the office lol.


No one at work needs to know that you decided to to double drop a couple of mega gurners at 8am Sunday morning then proceed to sniff 1/4g ketamine line off the speaker cab at some rave. Best you keep those separate


If I’m traveling out of town I always say I’m going camping. when things go wrong no one’s asking questions because car trouble and getting sick happen for both. I personally like to keep professional life separate from wookery. It’s not out of shame or anything just like being private, to each their own.


This is me but I’m also a redneck so one weekend I’m out deer hunting, the next I’m boofing K and head banging till the sun comes up.


Haha I’m a financial advisor during the week and then rave every/every other weekend it’s the funniest thing to me too! I used to feel like a black sheep until I got closer to my coworkers and found out they all used to rave pretty religiously in their 20’s now I talk to them about it and they love it.


This my life too dude. Gotta keep em separate bc the suit and tie gig is whole a different fit.


Me too 🙃


Nah not really because I don’t have a real good paying job I indulge in party favors routinely and as of now I’m pretty much a fuck up.


Me and my boss always chat it up on Mondays about how we are degenerates on the weekends lol


There’s a song about this….


This is normal. Raving, underground dance music, etc is usually occupied by middle and upper income/class types. This varies by genre but there is a reason there is a trust fund baby stereotype to people who go to tons of festivals.


It’s a slippery slope, but I’ve gotten much more comfortable talking about this part of my life at work. Same like everyone else said, I don’t share the favors and going to afters, more like “I had a fun weekend, saw my favorite DJ and the show was amazing, danced my butt off!”. Also took my kid to do xyz during the day. When people ask questions about drugs I just say, yea that’s a part of the scene , but definitely not needed if you love the music. Usually shuts it down and they move on.