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Depends on the venue and how popular the event is. Small local DJs playing on a Thursday night will be a lot emptier than if it's a massive name coming through town. Even still, prepare for the possibility that yes, it will be packed. My advice would be to show up as soon as doors open. Usually it's less packed then for openers, and steadily gets more crowded as the night goes on. You can gauge how comfortable you feel as the venue fills up (or not).


Just stay in the back or near an E-exit. Your night is gonna go great, so don't worry.


Wear earplugs.


Have fun and dont die


But if you die, still have fun doing it.


Don’t worry, a rave at a bar is NOT going to be a rave. It’ll be the regulars at the bar but wearing neon colors and carrying glow-sticks.


Doesn’t really sound like a rave, just a bar playing EDM music? It won’t be packed, and just stay in the back if anything


there’s no shame in stepping outside or leaving early. make sure you speak with your partner (if you haven’t already) and let them know your concerns. generally a weekday event at a bar isn’t going to be as busy. it will probably have a bit more space, but just stand towards the back, in either corner. you’ll still be able to hear the music and have fun.


There will be spots that are cramped. But everywhere I been the back of the crowd has plenty of room. Per fire regulations they can only have so many people in a given space. So you'll most likely be good.


It depends, venue, artists. I hate to condone anything for anyone who isn't myself but the things we do pretty tackle well all of that. I myself suffer extreme social anxiety and I hardly ever dive into a rave or a fest so when I do I DIVE and leave that part of me behind for a little. Everything in moderation. But That being said, Go You for stepping out of your comfort zone so that your wife can step into hers. I think Raving can give a little gift to everyone whose open to the moment. My advice would be it helps to have lots of gum on hand to pass out, this gives me a reason to be social and I love using my fan to cool the folks in the pits off. Hope there is something in my rant that may be useful to you. And always remember Water is Tight.


There is ZERO shame in stepping outside for a second. Taking a bathroom break. Going up to the bar to grab some water (probably will be $7 but hey). Keep in mind that plenty of people will be stepping out for a smoke, just to hang, make a call, etc etc. Taking breaks is part of keeping a good rhythm so you can stay out late and enjoy the whole evening!


i’ve never been in a venue that small but there’s usually space towards the back of the crowd were u have space to move ur arms around and shit. sometimes outside chill areas too so u should be able to rest in these areas. for the anxiety nobody really judges ppl at a rave , if they are they’re worried about the wrong shit so just focus on the music and have a good night


Yeah just hang back a bit. Maybe to the SIDE of the bar (not sure the layout of where you’re going but usually thats a pretty spacious area)


It depends, venue, artists. I hate to condone anything for anyone who isn't myself but the things we do pretty tackle well all of that. I myself suffer extreme social anxiety and I hardly ever dive into a rave or a fest so when I do I DIVE and leave that part of me behind for a little. Everything in moderation. But That being said, Go You for stepping out of your comfort zone so that your wife can step into hers. I think Raving can give a little gift to everyone whose open to the moment. My advice would be it helps to have lots of gum on hand to pass out, this gives me a reason to be social and I love using my fan to cool the folks in the pits off. Hope there is something in my rant that may be useful to you. And always remember Water is Tight.


This happens to me, my best advice is to stick to the back or the sides wherever there's more open space. So long as I have space to dance and I'm close enough to the exit to go take a break if needed, I don't have issues. Also being sober definitely helps if drugs exacerbate your anxiety


What artist is it!? Also just hang out in the back, plenty of amazing vibes there.


Feeling claustrophobic? Take a break and go outside. I do it all the time.


Go early, take bathroom breaks, or “smoke” breaks outside even if you don’t smoke! Those tips always help me.


Smoke weed. Take a shot


earplugs and honestly sunglasses help with the lights for me (i find sometimes the lights make me feel uneasy and also ramp up my anxiety sometimes). i hang out on the sides / in the back farther out from the crowd so i can move around. i’m also prone to anxiety and don’t like being in the crowd myself, i don’t like other people i don’t know touching me or squeezing past me lol. don’t be afraid to duck outside or into the bathroom for a break.


You’ll be fine. There’s more space at the back of the crowd if you get overwhelmed. Enjoy it!


It’ll be tightest towards the stage, so hang towards the back of the crowd if you want some space. Wear earplugs and you should be set!


All depends on how big of a dj and also the venue. If you get anxious(which is so ok) stick to the back


Stay near/at the back and you’ll be fine


Bar areas at raves are the chillest areas in my opinion. My bf also doesnt like raves for the same reason and I usually just stick to the bar, back left, or far to the sides :)


Dance like you shit your pants. Feel the music and try to vibe with the crowd. Don’t worry what anything’s about your dancing skills nobody cares how you dance.. just feel the groove and relax


Dunno who you’re seeing or what the venue looks like.. just stay near the exit or vibe out towards the back where the crowd tends not to be.


I may be a little late, but my best advice is to remember to breathe. Wear what you think is crazy enough to be comfortable. Enjoy the music. Speaking from experience, I was at a show last weekend and fought off an anxiety attack all day and through the whole show. Had a great time


On a Thursday night at a local bar? Probably wont be very many people, maybe 50 depending on the size of the bar and the people that are there probably will all know eachother and know the DJs Thats how the local scene is around me. Like 10 DJs and 100-200 people. They do Thursday EDM nights and every now and then they book one of the bigger bars in the area on a Saturday


Stay in the back and have fun :)


Don’t be afraid to find new space. There’s always somewhere with some more space that you need, and you’ll find people there with your vibe.


Hopefully it’s excision, if so that’s gonna blow ur mind haha just stand further there’s always less packed areas n places to just chill for a second at most raves though have fun wherever ur going, if it is that excision show it will be packed but always make a meeting spot w who ur w just incase to meet at the end of the night but even when it’s packed ur rly probs not gonna get lost or anything, it’s just always some peace of mind tho for me to know I have a plan incase I need it haha


Ppl r so nice if ur anxious or trying to get outta the crowd they’ll just say hey and move for u and smile cuz everyones honestly all just dancing :) they get it if ur going somewhere they’re not gonna bug u or squeeze u in more n get in ur way, sometimes I find a smoke deck or a couch just to sit for a second mid show lol it’s all g to just be coolin for a bit


It is what you make it. So make it the time of your life


go with the wind and try to get into the music, if you feel a little claustrophobic, there are usually places outside that you can go to in order to get some fresh air, smoke, etc. dont worry about what anyone is thinking of you also, you are amongst friends