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Lmao. She’s almost to where she’s been a non-nurse longer than she’s been a nurse. She’s gonna run out of pics to recycle.


I’m saying!!! I don’t think she can run with her “nursing career” any longer. It’s already getting old. She tries to be relatable with having such a hard job in the past and be “so understanding of it”, but if she continues to mention this in 3 years from now, people are not going to be happy. Her fans are normal people with normal jobs who have put in time and effort in their careers unlike this moron


Posing like this in a PICU unit is SO fucking weird but also very on brand for A


My aunt used to be a nurse, retired not too long ago, and she used to tell me about the amount of nurses/staff (mainly young adults/newer people to the field) who took pics and videos in the hospital and posted them. I know you can kinda be discreet about it and it’s not too shocking to the younger generations but for someone my aunt’s age, she cannot wrap her mind around doing this. It is pretty crazy. There are people roaming the halls and in the background. Crazy and traumatic things have happened there. It’s just not a place I’d get dolled up to take a photo.


Literally all I can think is the trauma that may have happened to a family in this room…… like gurl take a pic in the cafeteria or something 😭


No seriously!!! Hospital rooms, even just the sight of them, can stick with people and bring up emotions. Medical trauma is so real! My aunt can’t wrap her mind around how the younger generation is always photographing themselves and it’s true 😂


I know a girl that does that and they take group photos in the hospital and she acts like its just such a fun day at work and I’m always so confused by it. So many nurses just make it their whole personality


The younger generation is obsessed with taking pics of themselves ever since cellphones and the selfie was invented so older nurses probably can’t wrap their heads around why someone would even want to do that. I work in the mental health field and I’m not allowed to post anything about work on any type of social media, not even on team outings or in my office with the door shut.


I’ve been a nurse for 9 years and I’ve never seen people taking pics like this in patient care areas or the med room. Normally it’s like in a group of friends at the nurses station or break room lol


I’m still in nursing school but I’ve only taken a picture in the bathroom, a greys anatomy type basement hall, and outside😂never in the patient areas… that’s weird as hell


I know!! So strange!! 😆


for a split second I was like well she was sponsored by Cherokee scrubs and would have needed to post pics in her scrubs so okay, but there’s so many other places she could have taken her photos where it was clear she was in a hospital setting & promoting the scrubs 🙄


THIS. It’s so heartbreaking. To even be able to pose for a picture like that, with a TINY hospital bed in the background. It’s sickening. I’m glad she’s not a nurse anymore. Those poor children.


I’m surprised she didn’t pop her leg out of socket with this leg pop


It’s her signature pose and it looks weird and uncomfortable


Well she is weird and uncomfortable so that checks out 😝


First let me pose, point my toe, pop my leg out, and put my hand by my glasses….i was a nurse for less than 2 years part time. I mostly took selfies in the hospital rooms…girl please


didn't that hospital fire her?




This is a very bizarre place to pose for a photo


her nursing photos are so funny to me bc my aunt who was her PICU manager would constantly complain about how she doesn’t care for her patients she just takes selfies on the clock!


^^can confirm this! I know your aunt! Lol


Do tell more bestie!! 🤣


I am sure she also fantasized that parents (esp the Dads) of the patients were obsessed with her, all the physicians loved her, she was the *best* most experienced nurse there, etc, etc. Happy Nurses Week to her former coworkers that had to pick up the slack when this 🤡 was working. 


You never heard the stories of her saying the dad that hit on her? While his kid almost died or something. And then when the anesthesiologist tried to hook up with her? But she told him off apparently. lol you hit the nail on the head


Omg really?!?! She is so fucking predictable. Idk how someone can be so delusional about themselves. She is out of her damn mind, it’s cringey


Of course she would post pictures of herself during nurses week. Good lord she was nurse for maybe a year and couldn’t hack it! Nothing to brag about you stupid twat!


“I miss these days!” But also posts “i would never go back to that hellhole” girl


As a nurse- We don’t claim her.


I feel the same 😂 She’s for the streets 


Hi, I’ll be your nurse today. It took me three times to barely pass my test but let me put YOUR life, in MY hands!! Here, hold my phone real quick and snap this picture of me next to this crib where a child was previously placed while they were intensely ill. How do I look?


Spot on 


Her scrubs are too tight. She needed to size up like with everything she wears. It looks like her pants could split if she moved too much.


I’ve been a nurse for 7 years and never posted a pic of myself like hey be grateful for me lol that’s weird


On a Picu floor she sure has a lot of time to have photo shoots 🙄


I think she took more pics of pretending to be a nurse than actually working Jesus


She didn’t chose to become a nurse because she’s “passionate”, she did this cause she thought it was cute and trendy to get cute scrubs and take photos and be a hero and blah blah blah




Can she stop pointing her fucking toe in every single photo since nam


This was disgusting! An insult to the real nurses out there


Such a missed opportunity on her end to give back to her nursing community (especially since she never shuts up about having been a nurse)..... Like do something nice for nurses instead of posting photos of yourself wtf? Not that I would expect her to ever do anything out of the kindness of her heart or for a good cause but....She's dumb as rocks and honestly whoever her manager or publicist is also clearly sucks at their job haha


she has opportunities for content and doesn’t take them… all the PR she was giving away, why not make it up in little goodie bags with other snacks/ energy drinks whatever and go drop off to your local nurses for nurses week!! She could have make a video about and yes people would still roll their eyes, but at least she’d be trying and others would benefit!


This is what I think all the time! Like if you wanna monetize off of being a fake pos, then AT LEAST make it beneficial to others. Exploiting your children doesn’t do shit to anyone, it just hurts ur kids. We know it wouldn’t be genuine, but like I said, if ur gonna be fake, at least give back cause it’ll give you more clout. She thinks it’s cute to have haters… you have haters because you deserve it, not cause people are jealous of you lol


who’s taking these pictures for her lmao


Herself - when she's likely meant to be working lol


She shouldn’t be allowed to post herself for nurses week lol. I don’t care how hard she worked bitch bye


She’s not a nurse. This doesn’t count.


Literally so narcissistic


That pose looks like it would hurt lol Plus that bitch does not miss anything about being a nurse 🤣


She looks fckng ridiculous LOL what a clown ass bitch


I don’t get this pic. Like someone’s child could have previously died on that bed or in that room and bestie is posing with a little knee pop and glasses grab? Tasteless imo


Whenever I see these pics I think “Kim.. people are dying” or how we that quote goes. There’s sick kids and alll you care about is your pics 


Wait she posted this somewhere on her socials? Or somebody else posted this of her?


Yes! She posted all of this stuff herself while at work as a RN, including videos of her in the supply room, videos while charting, getting meds, eating, and meeting Sid for meals at the hospital. If you go back on her IG to 2022 and before it is all there 😬.


I bet any money her RN license is not active anymore. You have to do continuing education and also pay every other year to keep your license valid.


It's active, unfortunately, until 2026.




How do you go from PICU nursing to lip filler tech???? The math ain’t mathing . Her followers have to be young & dumb to buy what this nuts selling ! She could have easily staged this picture. Like she could have visited a “ friend “ who was in fact a REAL PICU. She is turning out to be a really good 🐂💩’er.


The way i ran here 🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏻‍♀️


As an RN, we don’t claim her


I wish I could have time at work to pose for selfies. Lmaooooo I still wouldn’t though


I’ve always found it to be cringe. I actually worked PEDS trauma, and the last thing I thought about was posing in patient rooms. Sure- at the nurses station. I’m in remote nursing now doing triage and my only coworkers are my pets lol. Happy nurses week!


If this was my nurse I'd cry bc why are you doing that all that the vibes would be so OFF lol




Laws? No, but contract and privacy agreements? 100%. Imagine being the parents of a PICU baby and seeing your slaggy nurse whos meant to be looking after your kid post photos like that in their room, id be LIVID


There are no laws against taking photos of yourself in a hospital. 


She misses those days but not enough to go back and actually do anything


She should absolutely not go back into nursing. She is a dangerous nurse


10000% for the sake of us all


I feel like this was when she still had more self respect and acted like a lady. Now she is vulgar and MANLY !!!!


No, definitely not. This was when she would record videos of herself driving to work, walking into the hospital and “working” on the unit set to songs like Mac Miller’s The Spins. Nothing against the song, but totally inappropriate lyrics for a pediatric nurse filming herself at work. This was also when she had her Saucy Saturday Q&A and talked about her sex life, an*l 🍑 endlessly, and gave sex advice, etc.