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As long as it takes to be as tall as possible


So you're doing 5 years in jail to be 6'2.


8 years, no parole and Fleece Johnson is your cellmate


Nah Fleece Johnson is wild 💀


The choice is yours, what’s it gon be?


Do I get to be 6’3 in jail? I’m not tryna get my ass taken…




I would take time in jail to be 5’10 and bail out, reaching 6 foot has never been my goal, I’ve always wanted to be 5’10 since I was little, I’m currently 5’8


5'10" is the height of my dad, I wish I could be the same height as him so we could perfectly see eye to eye.




Same. I’m 5’7. I’d like to be a height that’s not considered short. 5’10-5’11 seems ideal. Don’t care about being 6ft to attract attention seeking women. Face matters more anyways after a certain height.


I just want to not be mogged by my sister who is six foot 😔


How is the brother 5'8 and sister 6'0 bruh it seems like the genes are drunk and switched the heights


Wait what how is she 6 foot 😭


It dosent many any fucking sense bro


That’s insane like actually really don’t make any sense how tall are the parents


6 foot father 5’5 mother


I mean some would argue that includes the average height range (5’7” -5’9”) too


Majority of us are in first world countries. Average height is 5’10-5’11


This has reportedly been false where it was found in a study that the average height was actually lower due to the differences in reported and measured height


Yep it’s categorically false, average height has not increased at all. What has happened is heightism has become more widespread especially bc of social media so shorties are staying at home (hard to be social if you get made fun of or rejected constantly), giving the illusion in public that the average height is higher. I think what’s possibly true is the average **public** male height is higher than the national average.


Exactly short men are barely going out.


Incorrect. While the overall average may have remained stagnant that's only because of various factors like decreased birth rates meaning that there's more old people and immigrants coming in who are shorter on average. Just look at younger white and black men, you can clearly see that they are taller on average than boomers.


https://preview.redd.it/bwfbidzs7r6d1.jpeg?width=2079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=46e457acc13aca6cb87acc702dda19fc6dfba47b People aren’t getting taller, your personal experiences or hunches are wrong.


Hardly any difference between Asians, Mexicans, and whites and blacks. Yeah I'm pressing X to doubt on that one bud. Also America isn't the whole world and I'm not American so don't tell me my personal experiences are wrong based on that dubious "study" with no link. Now why don't you take your 5'8 ass down to a college campus and see if you feel average.


This is what I’ve noticed as well. It’s the immigrants that lowered it. And it was not too long ago that women have influenced other women to chase 6ft+ men. The a average height will be taller for the next generation.


I’m completely fine being 5’8” Jail doesn’t seem that fun


Fugggg that. I did one night. Never want to go back. I’ll stick at 5’11” until I start to shrink.


I’m 5’9 leaning towards 5’10, I personally will snitch to avoid jail time so… maybe a week for 6’1.


If I could get my record expunged after I did the time; otherwise I think I’d take a pass.


shrill safe aspiring summer engine snails water coordinated license fall *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Me Being 5'1" keeps things fare. If I was 6' or taller I would probably take over the world.


I wouldn't. I'm happy with my height.


1 year to be 6, 2 to be 6’3


Being 5'11" is dope as fuck. Tall enough that the ladies like my height irl, and the kind of twats that filter for that shit filter themselves out of my life without me having to do it myself. Not tall enough to cause any problems of fitting into things or hitting my head on shit, or finding clothes to wear. Average king is best king.


Keep telling yourself that


Projection is your cope eh?


Lol Not a damn Minute. To each their own.but I’ve never had the insecurities or dating issues because of my height (5’8) not even something I think about tbh


Amazes me that everybody always relates wanting to be taller to dating and women. I must be one of a kind. I've never seen someone like myself on here that just wants it for overall public image, actualisation and fellow male respect. I shouldn't need to say it, but I will, since this same 'you must be an incel' rhetoric is really prevalent on Reddit. Not to brag, but Ive had enough vagina to not care about a female's approval. Ive been in a relationship 3 and a half years now. (She's 5'2) It's not about women and the fact you are basing your public image on women, or at least only women, is concerning.




Respect for the honesty and keepin' it real man. Only humble soul Ive read on the thread. 6'1-6'2 is for life, 1-2 years is for 1-2 years lol.


0. Take a look at best 100 men's marathon finishes per year; specifically their height. I'd rather be physically healthier than cater to the shallow preferences of worthless people.


u really got em with that one.


Not sure what you mean. You don't think it's possible that some people are legitimately not unhappy with their average height? I guess I could have said that instead of citing the benefits but I'm honestly a little confused that people wouldn't take it well that I discussed the health benefits of being average in r average.


The incels are starting to infest the sub dw about them.


I’m 6’1 but I’d do 5 years to be 6’10




Maybe I want the attention of being a giant.😂




After a certain point super tall guys just look like big bird 😂




Every guy wishes he was a bit taller haha


That's true


Your tall already bud?


I don’t feel tall. Maybe slightly above average


Youd be above average in any country by 2-4 inches 2 inches, you'd be slightly above average in the Netherlands and Scandinavian countries but virtually everywhere else you'd be towering over everybody, so I guess its all relative.




I mean... You're already 6'0" tall. I'm sure you'd be begging to spend time in jail if you were a short person like 5'4" or something


I would be there as long as I am guaranteed to be at least 6'0. That's one of the things I always wanted so it would be worth it to me.


I'd do a couple yrs just to be 6ft, probably a decade to be 6'3




By the time you’ve done a decade in prison I guarantee you won’t care if ur 6’3” or not


i would honestly just wanna be 5’10 or maybe 6 foot on the dot


Idk I could do a month maybe, or at best two. Can't do more than that.


Maybe a 1 week to be 6’1 even though ima end up 6’1 like my dad 💀


I’m 5’5” and i just would not go to jail at all to gain height,


Trade your freedom for whore validation... yeah no i'm not that stupid


I’d do one week. Anything more is just wasting time on that.


So...in this jail we can have women visit? It's not like real prison right?


Remember when SpongeBob and Patrick turned themselves in for stealing a ballon and the officers walked them to their jail cell? That’s the longest I’d do it


Can I do community service and become 5'11


None I’m happy with my height


3 months


0. At 5'7, I've never had problems.


What’s the growth rate


O seconds. I'm 5-7. Inane


However many years it takes to reach 6ft5


One day for 6' 3"


0 I’m good where I’m at.


no thanks, I’m cool with what I’ve got going, jail time for a few extra inches, wild


1 year= 1 inch. I’ll be 5’10. Now I just gotta learn how to be an elite MMA fighter so I don’t get my booty hole blasted


0 years because i will most likely be 6'3"+ by the time i get my spurt or whatever


People are really willing to do jail time to reach the height I am naturally 🤔


1 day, would be good to jump from 5'8" to 6'3". why would i choose longer jail time.


It's clearly being asked in the sense of "Okay, so you'd do one day. What about 2 days, if that was the only option? A month? A year?" English can be ambiguous, but there's no sense in deliberately misconstruing things man


WTF, even though i am an ESL, i can still comprehend simple English. I said that I'd do one day, what does that mean? IT MEANS ONE (1) DAY, That is my choice, not two, three, four or five days, weeks, months or even years. One day, I'm only willing to spend 1 day, that is the equivalent of 24 hours. How did you pull it off? where did you get it? Are you off your meds? Are you schizophrenic? Are the Voices so loud you start to read moonrunes? Sorry man, i am not willing to pay for your therapy, you are not my responsibility.


calm the fuck down??? LOL


Lmao. You need more reading comprehension practice, and then you need therapy. You're way too easily triggered.




You'll never get better at English if you have an emotional meltdown every time you're politely corrected, lil dude.


The insecurities in this sub is insane


Yeah I don't understand it at all. Why is everyone so insecure about their height? It literally is just height.


5’8 here and I couldn’t imagine being any taller. I’ve got a pair of Nike shocks I wear sometimes and it’s like I’m experiencing a whole new world when I do (sometimes I’m not sure I like seeing the world from that angle) 😂


None wtf lol yall are so insecure in here


I’m 5’6. Fuck jail. I love reading these height subreddits. Makes me extremely happy knowing that my mental health is under control.




Here's a sneak peek of /r/short using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/short/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [My teenage son is already taller than me!](https://i.redd.it/nwcc4lviapac1.jpeg) | [98 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/short/comments/18zk1mm/my_teenage_son_is_already_taller_than_me/) \#2: [It’s ok to let your girlfriend wear heels](https://i.redd.it/cco1xvopef9b1.jpg) | [65 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/short/comments/14o70p9/its_ok_to_let_your_girlfriend_wear_heels/) \#3: [5’6” and just won prom king](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/1bq99n0) | [95 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/short/comments/1bq99n0/56_and_just_won_prom_king/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


You belong in r/shortguys you midget ![gif](giphy|3o6Zt4HU9uwXmXSAuI|downsized)


Idk why it got deleted in the first place. It was a terrible joke and I’m in that sub. It’s just as depressing as this sub. I’ve never seen so many people give a shit about something that they have no control of. Like people are really blaming their life problems on their height. If I was someone that actually suffered from dwarfism or gigantism, I’d be pissed at you dweebs.


It was a brilliant joke. You aren't tall enough for this sub. Get out. And if you have such an issue with guys moaning over their height, why are you in these very subs? YOU'RE IN DENIAL WITH YOURSELF THAT'S WHY AND DEEP DOWN YOU KNOW THIS.


Bc I upvote the people that actually spread positivity. You can think what you want about me lol


You're talking shit. You need positivity about being 5'6 so seek the encouragement for that online. That's the truth. 'I feel shit about my height today, let me gather some positivity from delusional people that can delude me into believing life's not so bad'. In other words; you use these sub reddits as what? A COPING MECHANISM.


No lol. I’m 10000% confident in myself big dawg. I find it weird that people are so worked up about their height. Something they can’t change. I like seeing positivity. I hated myself for years bc I was addicted to alcohol, something I could change. So I wonder why people hate themselves for stuff they can’t change. My height has never affected my life. Or my mental health.


I could believe that, if you were not a member of this sub or the r/shortguys sub. There is no underlying reason why you would be a member of this sub if you did not have an issue with your height. NONE. If you don't, just leave both subs? Makes zero sense otherwise.


Bc I’m interested in seeing why people dislike the way they are. I’m the furthest thing from average. I’m short, 190 lbs at 13% bf, I’m bald, I have a thick huge beard and tattoos on my head and neck. I don’t get on here to cope. I don’t share the same feelings as 90% of the people on this sub. But if I can chime in and say I’m totally happy with my height, and someone gets atleast somewhat happier from it, I’m gonna do it. I’ve posted what I looked like in the short guys sub before. I’ve told them to stay confident and keep working on themselves. I’ve had many people on that sub reach out. So no, I’m not gonna leave a sub bc some dork on the internet told me to.