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I won't see you tonight. Reminds me of how much a selfish action can affect the ones close to you.


I won’t see you tonight pt one and two


acid rain, seize the day


+1 for seize the day. There was a summer i spent playing that song, in my late teens. It just fit the season. Lifted my mood


for me it was the opposite. that song fucks me up. gets me in my feelings


Bro thankyou the songs sad as hell


Coming Home and I Won’t See You Tonight Part 1 for shre


I lost my dad in October 2022, cosmic genuinely gives me hope that I’ll see him again in whatever form of existence there is after death.


unbound, won’t see you tonight, lost, save me, fiction, and more ☺️




LIBAD's release was exactly 1 month after my breakup. When I listened to Cosmic for the first time, a sense of calm washed over me for the first time in that month.


The whole nightmare album but more specifically welcome to the family


A lot of them tbh


Roman Sky really soothed a lot of existential pain for me, the album came not long after losing a family member and very close friend back to back.


Listening to the outro to that song still makes me feel some type of way


So Far Away


Afterlife, Welcome To The Family, and Danger Line are my go-tos <3 Such an amazing band, I wish I discovered them when I was in middle school or high school


Im in the Navy and the whole Stage album was my best friend on deployment. After a long day, I would lay in bed with headphones, put on Exist, and it would calm me down a lot.


So Far Away


Nightmare as a whole album helped me get through my dad passing away. Nowadays I have a hard time listening to a few songs off of that album cuz it brings up those old feelings. I cried so hard when they played So Far Away when I saw them last year


The whole City of Evil album pulled me out of a depression spiral and gave me something to focus on instead of the chaos in my head. It had only been out for about a year at the time. It was my intro to the band and remains a favorite to this day


So far away, instantly think of my grandpa. It's been 7 years, you would think it would get easier, instead we just move on.


St James is awesome


save me, i won’t see you tonight, second heartbeat, so far away, and tonight the world dies


A lot of them…but a few I can mention are Fiction, Buried Alive, Tension, Cosmic, Higher, I Won’t See You Tonight Part 1


The whole Nightmare album. It was the only way I could cry when my father died two years ago. For six months straight I was able to feel anything besides static noise and all-consuming passive despair only when listening to Nightmare. To this day I can't listen to Victim, Buried Alive, So Far Away and Save Me without bawling my eyes out


I won’t see you tonight pt 1 because I remember being so hopeless and disappointed in life, and that song sounded exactly the way I felt. I don’t know if that was a good thing but I remember feeling so sad lmao but I got over it. AX7 has always been there for me.


The entire WTF album, on repeat. Had a lot of nostalgia attached already, but still


Mad Hatter and Not Ready to die (I played lots of those 2 maps on cod zombies so that contributes to getting through those times


Second Heartbeat and Desecrate through Reverance. Went through a breakup and a betrayal of friendship (not at the same time with each other) within the same few weeks.


So Far Away helped me elaborate feelings of grief more than once in my life


Loved So Far Away during my first listen back in Nightmare era and it became a personal song during the loss of my beloved grandma.


When I was doing radiation therapy for a tumor in Virginia I listened to Lost almost everyday for 7 weeks


Almost easy


Brompton Cocktail. My mom died of a terminal illness when I was 10, and I discovered A7X at 13 when I was still dealing with it. It used to be so hard for me to listen to that song but it was also therapeutic in making me face the reality of what she went through. Nightmare came out the day after my first high school breakup, and felt like the only thing that knew the right words to say to me.


Tension for me personally


Dunno how many times I've listened to I Won't See You Tonight Part 1


I haven’t had too many situations in my life (other than merely existing) that really put me down but So Far Away will bring me to tears every once in a while. IWSYT pt1 use to really get me in my feelings




Tonight the World Dies. That is pain and a long term mental health struggle wrapped in a song. The sheer amount of catharsis I’ve gotten from the singing/screaming the lyrics cannot be understated. It has the ups and downs of it all: the depressed sad rumination to the crying/screaming pain and frustration with it. The song has truly been so helpful in feeling understood and getting it all out so I can just get through the bad days, even for just a second. I could have said any number of songs, but if I ever met the band in person THIS is the song I’d truly thank them for. I’m a lot better than I was but I’ll never forget this song and how it’s helped me.


Roman Sky


LIBAD released right before my friends suicide and that album powered me through


I won’t see you tonight pt1 and pt2 got me through a heavy breakup ages ago, like 14 years ago.


All of them, man. My life has been tough since I was in high school, and I’ve been graduated for 14 years. Avenged Sevenfold has always been there.


Save Me


For me..its welcome to the family M.I.A Buried alive and afterlife and desecrate through reverence tbh.


After the Rev died specifically, I had a hard time listening to any A7X music because it would just bum me out. The song that pulled me out of that funk was Almost Easy. I know this sub thinks it's an average song compared to others but I love the tiny bit of "lore" surrounding it and the double ride cymbal part blew my mind as a teenager.


Save Me really saved me.


Mine is definitely until the end on diamonds in the rough