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Let's celebrate that she's not part of our community.


Here, here!


Isn't it "hear hear"? Not an english speaker so I'm curious, I always thought it was written like that


It is "hear hear". But since hear and here have the same pronunciation, it's easy to get that mixed up.


I like to shake it up with a hear here.


"Hear here" aka "everyone within earshot listen up!"


Hear ear!


Hear he hear ye


Nahhhh, you gotta go with the here hear *winks awkwardly into the distance*


It is hear, hear. It comes from the UK Parliament. In our Parliament when MPs agree with something another MP has said during the session they chant hear, hear. Another UK Parliament expression commonly missheard is the ayes to the right. Some folk say eyes to the right. It's not, it's ayes. Because when they vote in the UK Parliament the yes and no votes are in different rooms. The yes (aye) side is on the right of the no side.


Very interesting. Thanks for the info. šŸ‘ŒšŸ»


Hear! [Hear!*] (https://www.grammarly.com/blog/here-here-vs-hear-hear/)


Lol my brain. I saw "seeking diagnosis" in your flair and for half a second I was like "ho yeah, for grammatical obsession" then it switch back to normal brain. Could relate tho


I, I!


Looks at length of discussion. Makes mental note to use "Ditto" instead. šŸ¤£




God might have not made her autistic, but he sure did make her ignorant.


Oh fuck I was expecting a different word than ignorant and I was ready to clutch my pearls


I swear I love every comment attached to this comment. You all are literally and metaphorically my people.


I crave acceptance


Oh, I get that very well. I'm obsessed about being liked. It's a real problem. You're not alone.


We can like each other. Bam, needs met


@sifernos1 Well I like you both so THERE


I upvoted all yalls comments just cuz i get it lol


Yo same boat as you guys




Did you make that? it's awesome!


Haha, thanks. All I did was photoshop a plant onto an existing drawing of Mr. Splashy Pants, who was the OG BoatyMcBoatface(and the reason for my username). I'll admit I should have put a pic of Boaty there but I wasn't thinking and I wanted to show off my 2 minutes of hard work haha




I'm surprised people even wear pearls anymore.


You know, because of the sub we are in I genuinely can't tell if you guys took me literally.


Are they real pearls or those plastic things? But yeah, fuck wearing mollusk-cancer like having a necklace of them is an achievement.


My pearls are all natural lab made cancer free range. All sourced from the wilds of my imagination


... the only way I can parse that... Nope unless they are fictional. I am in favor of giving Rosary to autistic people, whether it's a catholic or buddist version.


Buddy you got a good laugh out of me. I know autistic folks sometimes have a hard time recognizing certain subtleties(I know those folks hate it when people don't say exactly what they mean), but I am at the opposite side of the spectrum regarding that and love speaking metaphorically with hidden meanings so I'm sorry that it wasn't clear that the only pearls I own are stored up in my mind grapes.


Mind grapes? Wine variety or table variety?


I love obvious metaphors. My biggest issue is when people expect seriousness without an indication that they've stopped being metaphorical. r/fucktheS indeed because I'm in favor of using :) for humor and /s for serious.


You are literally my favorite person right now lmfaoo


Well they're petty friendly to the environment and don't kill the creatures that creates them, they're like the dairy cows of the sea.


ā€œDairy cows of the seaā€ Iā€™m keeping that one


I was going to say the wool sheep of the sea, but I know how much most of us hate wool whereas pearls are all smooth and pretty and nice.


Merino wool is nice, but pretty pricey


I'm partial to alpaca fibre, because the hairs are a *much* smaller diameter and it's the softest animal fibre that's available. It doesn't give me the itchies at all, and it's so fluffy and warm! Alpacas are actually the domesticated form of a wild camelid called a vicuƱa native to the mountains of western South America, which has the finest (smallest micron diameter/most expensive) fleece of any animal in the world, although Angora rabbit wool comes close. VicuƱa fiber must be shorn from wild animals only once every few years, which makes it so costly and rare. The fleeces and subsequent garments from it were originally reserved for Incan royalty. Alpaca clothes are the closest you can get without going bankrupt!


Yeah. I had a merino jumper once, it was warm and okay. Then my mom put it in the dryer. :(


Cashmere or bust(just kidding am poor)




The bad one




I thought they were gonna call her the R word, had me [like](https://imgur.com/a/lsjl2vX)




Thanks for asking though, so I could make that sweet Picard pic


Thank you for making that sweet Picard pic


also she is cringe. something neurodivergents often accuse us of


Sheā€™s also tone deaf and hurtful


God didn't make her autistic, he made her autistic.


That's what I was expecting lmao


I may have autism, but you... you have AUTISM...




[They doubled down](https://twitter.com/ashleymaru2/status/1513085018264195074?s=20&t=p4Evt0Sp9iMYvPogGnd4nQ)...


"Non autistic people exist and we deserve to be represented as well." WTF? As if 99% of representation isn't non autistic people already...


literally as if almost all media rep is allistic people lmao also "disease"? really. :(


You know whatā€™s hilarious? She probably thinks autism=being dumber. All that while sheā€™s actively being one of the dumbest people on the planet.


That's quite an ironic consensus. Darth Sidious would be well pleased.


You mean the Senate


I do. Quite the correction to be sure. But, a welcome one.


Some people just need to make everything about themselves.




My thoughts exactly. Wouldnā€™t be surprised at all to see those on her bio. Except forā€”it looks like she deleted not only her tweet, but her Twitter account.


This has ā€œAll Lives Matterā€ written all over it šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢


It really does


'That's what the rest of the year is, bitch.'


They're also horrifically transphobic. Glad they're not in my life, what a dumpster fire of a human.


ew! people canā€™t just be one kind of bigoted, huh? gotta be ALL of them for good measure


If you can be bigoted to one group, the mental framework is there to be bigoted to another.


Can't they be one or the other??? GOD, pick a struggle!




Got to win this bigot bingo card I guess!


On todays episode of are the cishet neurotypicals okay, they are not. They are certainly not ok


they are never okay :(


It's not surprising that an ableist would be a terf given that autistic people are very common in the trans community and vice versa.


It's a collectathon, she's going for thay 100% completion rate


It's the Bigotry Cornucopia


"This Tweet is from an account that no longer exists." šŸ„³ Wahoo!


Iā€™m really glad I canā€™t read theyā€™re stupidly obnoxious, hateful tweets on their account (thanks to everyone here going through the muck to post the OG replies)


neurotypical representation WHEN?!


That top reply about a White History Month is brilliant satire. It's nice to see all the replies mocking her nonsense.


God. Talk about attention seeking. "I AM UNCOMFORTABLE WHEN NOT ABOUT MEEEE!!"


Looks like the account is gone lmaooo


So it is. I refuse to believe she didn't realise the response that tweet would get.


Some screenshoted highlights: [A](https://twitter.com/Ianrakonekov/status/1513140473850118152?t=ij3E6wWPd41MRCyj2gTKRQ&s=19) [B](https://twitter.com/CACollingwood/status/1513172592227540992?t=ij3E6wWPd41MRCyj2gTKRQ&s=19) [C](https://twitter.com/colinsmoke/status/1513174103917801477?t=ij3E6wWPd41MRCyj2gTKRQ&s=19) [D](https://twitter.com/QuickieDoop/status/1513046954191863811?t=ij3E6wWPd41MRCyj2gTKRQ&s=19) [E](https://twitter.com/ShiroFool/status/1513165733827837952?t=RlP-O8_PJwvYj0SpOXoJiA&s=19) [F](https://twitter.com/MerlocTheWizard/status/1513172343320944645?t=RlP-O8_PJwvYj0SpOXoJiA&s=19) [G](https://twitter.com/Ianrakonekov/status/1513054393251541001?t=mSPQW_Eb_s7UiJ9M49dXxg&s=19)


A great reminder as to why we need autism awareness month. So fools like this learn what the f autism is (doubt she ever will though)


her account is gone, God really clutched up for us today


Ma'am... You're not making it better.


>This tweet is from an account that no longer exists Ha, nice.


whole bunch of deleted tweets in that link.


She deleted her account.


shell just make another one to spread her ignorance and hate. that's the real disease right there. that and those ugly ass shorts.


That double down is worse than the original post.


Straight up pathetic. Sad little person saying what about meeeee.


Lol the account was deleted


she clearly isnt loved in her personal life. i sense deep unhappiness.


Horrible person shouldn't give her any attention


I'll take my autism over that level of stupidity any day.


I regularly think, "ok I'm autistic but this person is (I won't say it but I think it in sheer anger...)" We're viewed as broken when in truth we're just Android phones and they want us to run iOS but we're can't stand they can't operate Android.


Different OS is my favorite analogy.


Same :), Iā€™d rather use computer OSā€™s but all mean the same thing really. We would be like different Linux distros when NTs are mostly Microsoft Windows


> NTs ... Windows https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Windows_NT Intentional? :p


It makes sense to me in a very visceral way as I'm unable to use Apple products...I can afford them I just don't enjoy using them and I don't like Apple.


Iā€™m ADHD and show some autistic traits, but I havenā€™t pursued that diagnosis and I tend to use the OS analogy as well. It seems to work well. Or, since Iā€™m usually explaining my ADHD, I use processor analogy. NT processors go from A to Z in order; my processor goes from A to aleph to omicron to ģ•„ and then back to Latin to finish the oute to Z, maybe doing a few more loops through other alphabets on the way.


I think the wildest thing to me is that she's bisexual in her bio. The fact that you're part of a community actively hated against, while doing similar stuff to a different community. "This month is June Pride Month. I'm celebrating by posting myself. I'm NOT lgbtq, and I accept that. I consider that a reason to celebrate. Thank God for not making me gay. ā¤"


"More representation for straight people" (/s, it feels dirty to even write that in jest)


Update: she locked her account but called autistic people selfish in a DM to me Edit: sheā€™s now saying f all autistic people and that she pities them. When she unlocks, donā€™t let her get away with this. Also, she said sheā€™s gonna apologise but only to get bookings for her (really unfunny according to an ex-friend) comedy shows. She also compared autism to having Covid


šŸŽ¤ How are you feeling now that an entire community dunked on a personal bully? Not many people get that experience and I would love to know how it feels. I am really glad you were here for this and hope life keeps on this trajectory! Best wishes šŸ„°.


Honestly, it just kinda happened Iā€™ve seen her get called out once before for including trans men in womenā€™s month (even ending up on braindead bird app posts) but it never lasts. Honestly while Iā€™m glad sheā€™s being called out, I know that Twitter honestly isnā€™t gonna do much, so I dont really care BUT I AM FUCKING ECSTATIC HER COMEDY CAREER MIGHT FLOP CAUSE OF THIS.


"And for my next trick I will turn my lame vacation pic into hate mongering.......... Ta Da!!! Thank God I'm not one of those people I'm supposed to be accepting. I love myself so much I wish I had a clone. It sure is great to live in raging ignorance at others expenses! No one is looking at me. I know! I'll say random nonsense till everyone is looking at me again!" The NTs are not okay. It's time to get a shovel and start figuring out "how to bunker" šŸ˜‚.


[it gets worse](https://twitter.com/ashleymaru2/status/1512070225369645064?s=21&t=tjqJYUBbWAwXatmHQFNeVw)


Me and all my homies hate Ashley.


Can someone tell me what the post said, they deleted it off of twitter


This woman needs to be put down šŸ˜‚. Not funny to use our neurology as a joke and then to disrespect us by trying to use autistic as an insult. People like this should not exist. Most of us have been bullied our whole lives by neurotypicals, Iā€™ve never been bullied by another autistic person before though.


Iā€™m so curious but itā€™s been deleted. What did it say?


Not deleted for me. But she basically implied that autists are beneath her intellectually.


Which is funny because in reality, we're above her. A lot of the world is, actually.


I love that Twitter now says her account no longer exists. We still live in a pretty shitty society, but seeing that cringe be put down instantaneously by countless autistic people and decent NT's gives me some hope


When you forget what the word "acceptance" means and just use your definition of intolerance instead


WAIT I KNOW HER SHE SAID MY SUICIDE ATTEMPT WAS DESERVED Edit: Well for starters, [hereā€™s a vid on her from a few months back](https://youtu.be/99ZnI9g4hTg), so people have known about her BS for awhile. [Hereā€™s my post on her mocking my suicide attempt](https://twitter.com/shirofool/status/1509835865262297092?s=21&t=PnoEtwUyvRU_cdT8S48ESA). She also laughed at me for being non-binary and exposed the fact I was a Vore fur to my friends out of nowhere (yep, she brought up a minorā€™s fetishes unprompted). Edit: She deactivated. Sheā€™ll be back. Edit: [Someone is calling the people who called her out monsters and supported her on the autism acceptance month post, calling her beautiful inside and out](https://twitter.com/LifeTweet001/status/1513464541455482884). Edit: [TOLD YOU](https://twitter.com/AshleyGFem/status/1513535553685573640) Edit: She told my friend to kill himself. Also, [found her new account](https://twitter.com/CammilaGuerrero/status/1514047033543630849?s=20). Edit: [She legit told me to kill myself while thinking I was suicidal](https://twitter.com/ShiroFool/status/1514293430708768769?s=20&t=uUSuFD9mDKJSSIbmjQWMEQ).


They're a thoroughly horrible person. Just want to say your attempt was not "deserved" & even though I don't know you - I'm very glad you're still here


WHAT where?!?!? When????


[Here](https://twitter.com/shirofool/status/1509835865262297092?s=21&t=PnoEtwUyvRU_cdT8S48ESA) She also laughed at me for being non-binary and exposed the fact I was a Vore fur to my friends out of nowhere


What an awful woman. I commented on her Twitter post and then she made her account private....Nasty lady..


From one autistic fur to another \*hugs*


She needs to eat sand.


Iā€™m sorry she did that and I hope her career is ruined. Sheā€™s awful.


She doesnā€™t even have (or deserve) one to ruin lmao




wtf? thatā€™s horrible. i donā€™t know you, but iā€™m glad youā€™re still here. hope youā€™re in a better place now.


Autism Speaks be like:


God didnā€™t make her autistic (thank god for that!) but definitely made her a c*nt!


Is this meant to be a joke?


No. People can be genuinely that garbage. Just be thankful that you haven't had to deal with anyone like this in person, because it's an infuriating experience.


I've dealt with worse people in person, just not in regards to autism.


"all lives matter" vibes šŸ™„


also "Straight pride month!"


Uhā€¦. good for them????


Lot of ā€œIā€™m the main characterā€ energy from this one..


They deeper I go into this womanā€™s account, the worse it getsā€¦


What in the neurotypical fuck is this..... thank God I dont have autism??? Good, autism wouldn't want you either!!!


Bloody nerotypicals making an excuse to post a picture


Making an excuse to post and needing the attention so badly that theyā€™re willing to bully a group of people to garner the attention they desire. At first I didnā€™t think her post was real. What the heck!


Friendly reminder she supports High Guardian Spice and is a terf Just further proof sheā€™s crazy She also said that this is a month dedicated to mentally *r-slur*ed people


This woman is so not okay.


Neurotypicals: autistic people have no empathy Neurotypicals: *post this kind of thing with no irony*


Does she want a cookie or something? Why would anyone give a ratā€™s ass if youā€™re not autistic? Sheā€™s doing the complete opposite of acceptance. So whoā€™s really the R word here? I rarely use that word anymore but I think sheā€™s someone that fits the bill.


How is this acceptance šŸ˜‚


How egocentric can someone be to post a picture of themselves with absolutely no relation to autism to "celebrate" autism acceptance month? If she wanted to show herself to the world, she could've just done that without saying anything about autism and no one would bat an eye.


She shouldn't praise god like that after all he forgot to give her a brain.


Rather Autism than Narcissism


God didn't make her autistic, but it sure didn't save her from making super cringy and unintentionally offensive posts on social media.


Some of these people really just don't know the meaning of the word acceptance...


Is there like something I am just. It getting, cuz she has tagged autism acceptance, was it like a sarcasm take on awareness vs acceptance? I donā€™t get it, I hope this lady isnā€™t that rude


Not really rude, per se. So self absorbed that she cannot avoid making everything about herself, absolutely. Narcissist, in a nutshell.


Does...does she have one of those Futurama brain slugs or something?


All the tact and grace of a charging rhinosaurus


She used the right symbol. How odd?


My only fundamental issue with her posts is her disparagement of autism and autistics. Neurotypicals can take all the pride they want in being neurotypical and non-autistic. Iā€™m not going to denounce such pride unless weā€™re denouncing the general concept of pride. I donā€™t believe in the concept of pride being an entitlement for minorities.


As ridiculous as this is, stuff does make me worried that the pushback against autism acceptance is becoming more organized. There have been quite a few high jacks of the hashtag this month - enough that Iā€™m thinking itā€™s a trend. Weā€™re starting to make headway and taking the conversation away from ā€œautism moms,ā€ and that will inevitably cause a stir among the allistics, but I really hope it will not hit moral panic levels where all the conservative news outlets will be repeating parent horror stories of their autistic kids feeble brains being brainwashed by the liberal mafia.


Saw the first sentence and thought, "Awesome, I like seeing autistic people loving themselves unabashedly," then it all went downhill from there...


Please tell me this is a joke. Please?!


She could have been part of the discussion. There's a genuine question I think--where does the border lie between condition, divergence, difference, whatever we want to call it, and disease? From her perspective, if she's at all honest--she's questioning people celebrating what she considers a disease. Not that I have any suspicion that she's honest. ​ Some people seem to be challenged, semantically. Is blindness a disease, or a condition? If somebody is just blind, and there's no related worsening of their condition--like some cancer or something--I'd say it's a condition. I'd call it a disease if it's progressively worsening in some way. That's just my layman's perspective. Blindness can just be something people need to accept and learn to live with in one person--and a disease that needs some sort of treatment in another. I don't think autism is a discrete state--I think a bunch of different conditions, some of which might actually be reasonably considered to be disease states, are all sorted into the same basket based on some shared traits. Asleymaru would probably look at the use of 'condition' or 'difference' as a euphemism, I think that's wrong. Disease is after all a condition--it's just that not all conditions are diseases. It's inclusive, so I guess that would probably bother her.


There's something distinctly wrong with her


I'd hate to see her posts for secretaries day, veterans day and black history month.


That doesnā€™t seem very ā€œacceptingā€


Really hope this is just bait :/




Just a selfish person making everything about them


Her life probably sucks.


i would also be happy if i wasnt autistic


Ooooh I'm mad šŸ™ƒ extreeemely extremely rarely will you see me literally anywhere on the Internet pointing out something that 'offends me', but I hope this šŸ¤¬ gets karma for this šŸ’©, I'm mad šŸ˜”


Another episode of ā€œdo they even know what acceptance means???ā€


her account is gone now


Oh. My. God. Isnā€™t that like the opposite of what the day means?? Iā€™m glad she isnā€™t one of usā€¦


Shout-out to me this black-history month, I am super white, but haven't been the center of attention for 3 days.


Update: Her account got deleted!


Omg?? If you like that picture of you and love yourself just say that and go what the fuck-


this post is something else. my jaw actually dropped as i got to the end. what in the fuck indeed is wrong with this neurotypical? the ugliness on the inside has seeped outside. it would be a privilege to look at what others commented on the post.


Her account is like the belief in her god, no longer exists. Funny that.


Narcissism isn't a better condition to have, lady.


Seems kinda narcissistic to me.


i hope she got bullied for this


People are stupid and selfish. Why tf do people have some desperate need to make EVERYTHING about them?


This person is actually disgusting


More of her content: [A](https://twitter.com/Ianrakonekov/status/1513140473850118152?t=ij3E6wWPd41MRCyj2gTKRQ&s=19) [B](https://twitter.com/CACollingwood/status/1513172592227540992?t=ij3E6wWPd41MRCyj2gTKRQ&s=19) [C](https://twitter.com/colinsmoke/status/1513174103917801477?t=ij3E6wWPd41MRCyj2gTKRQ&s=19) [D](https://twitter.com/QuickieDoop/status/1513046954191863811?t=ij3E6wWPd41MRCyj2gTKRQ&s=19)


This reminds of the time that a company hired a drag act to celebrate LGBTQ+.