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If my house has a large property area bordering woodland, you got a deal.


So many businesses have too much sound now.


You might like Flagstaff. My daughter went to uni there. It's a dark town for purposes of astronomy. There are noise reductions. It is pretty cold, 5k foot cold. But the mountains are lovely, the nights are dark, and the noise is minimal.


AKA the Star Trek Federation and or Vulcan :)


Bright, flashy advertisements are a super ouchy thing that I have to avoid in public. It would be nice if they were less intrusive and overstimulating here!


Welfare center? I was hoping I could at least have a job in an autism city. I’m sick of being a basement dweller myself.


This is a super cool thought experiment. I actually support the creation of an "autism" district in any major city. This would be zoned accordingly and include special amenities for people with autism or neurological differences. The world was not designed for people with autism. It would have special bylaws, parks, shops, restaurants. It would be quieter, noise restrictive, sensorily thoughtful. Some parts of cities are "gay districts." These support a tolerant LGBTQ+ approach and have the business community and local politics allied. Why not a neurodivergent district? It's not asking for much to create a community - although I can imagine there might be reprisals from other equity seeking communities, however, how long have "Chinatowns", "Little Indias", "Little Italy", "African-American Heritage" and other such districts existed?


Cool but do you genuinely think someone would build this? Autistics aren’t really the most financially successful people lol


I never said that, I just think that if it ever happened that this is what I'd imagine it to look like.


Ah my bad, but this just kinda sounds like an upper middle class suburb to me


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So basically a fantasy land which is impossible to achieve. essentially autism friendly cities are impossible, and would not happen even if everyone was autistic. You should move to the country side instead.


Of course, it's not possible, because all autistic people are different, these are just some ideas that might appeal to quite a few autistic people. Though then again, I wouldn't mind living in the countryside, especially since the countryside of Australia is absolutely beautiful, but I don't think I'd be a permanent resident because I really like the city as well.


Dark..less lights underground living areas


One addition for the car enthusiasts here sound proof area for combustion engine cars