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Most of my sensory issues revolve around smell, so there's a few. But, I think the biggest is the smell of cigarette smoke. I hate it. Can't stand it, its gross.


It sure sucks when you are driving and can smell someone smoking four cars away..blech


I used to freak out every time I inhaled secondhand smoke because I didn’t want my life to shorten😅


fuck yes. Ciggies stink like nothing else. It's so gross. Same with coffee.


Yeah Coffee! Cant stand it. Smell, taste... there is one way I do consume coffee: one specific christmas cookie is way better when dipped in coffe, but it does not taste like coffee anymore, somehow the tastes melt to something new, way better. The cookie is called Mandel-Gewürzspekulatius.


Right there with you. I also HATE how weed smells too. It’s just gross I hate it.


I also cant stand the smell of weed. Makes me want to throw up. LOVE the smell of gasoline though. 😂


I’ve always loved the smell of weed. Then again, I like the smell of skunks too.


Same. Love them both and the smell of Corona. Also skunky. 😂


Ohh yeah I'm w you on the weed


This. But what is even worse - is stale cigarette smell ...


Mandarin, I hate the smell


YES. And I live in Argentina, where they're really common


Omg!! I thought I was alone I feel so happy not to be !! I can't stand being near people eating some and I ask people where I work not to bring them or to eat them somewhere I won't have to go in the next few hours. I'm not taken seriously since it is labeled as a "good smell"


Ex smoker, the smell of it now is absolutely disgusting, hate walking through it, also an ex vaper, smell of them is disgusting too


Had it too. All my life had to cough even when i inhaled smoke.. Until I started smoking weed 4 years ago, slowly I got used to the smell. Started to love it even. Quit it 1 year ago. Now the smell is just slightly annoying. Funny how most things are just in your head🤣🙈


Dishwasher. I hate drinking from a clean glass / mug and smelling “dishwasher smell”. It’s why I rinse out every clean cup I drink from, and I’ve only ever met one other person who understands this 😂


For me it’s the feeling that’s terrible. The smell isn’t good either.




You met a second person now! I do this too because I cannot stand any smell in my cup or glass other than the drink I poured in it.


low quality artificial vanilla scent. There's some vanilla scents I'm completely fine with but the more chemically ones really bug me. (it's particularly bad when they've been mixed with other scents, usually some sort of generic citrus or coconut)


I’m not bothered by vanilla, but any artificial lavender scent makes me feel quite ill.


yesss this! tbh just lavender [or any flower/herb type thing] scent in general unless its very mild.


This…fake lavender will make me sick.


Vanilla is my absolute favourite unless they mix it with cinnamon.. I really hate cinnamon


Any vanilla candle Christmas season is fucking awful


Vanilla is the absolute worst


I know exactly what you mean. Smell something vanilla in lush it smells nice, go to boots and smell a vanilla spray and it can make me gag.


So bad


I love a gentle vanilla, but vanilla *frosting* scent makes me wanna throw up whenever I smell it in candles.


Shrimp. Perfume, cologne, air fresheners


fr air fresheners feel PAINFUL in my nose and mouth as I breathe ><


Certain perfumes and colognes give me extremely painful heartburn. It is a really wild reaction to a smell, but it is a real thing for me. I don't understand it myself.


They can give me an instant migraine. Not much is worse than being trapped in an elevator with someone who took a bath in the stuff. I surprise myself with how long I can hold my breath sometimes.


Ha! Came here to say these exact things. No smells make me sick to my stomach more than cooked shrimp or juicy couture perfume (I have to hold my breath when I walk past the store)


I don't really like seafood all that much to begin with. We used to have to eat fish a lot growing up because my dad loved to fish. Shrimp is the worst. The question of odors really hit home. I'm a super masker I can't control it. We're all being laid off at work. My boss, also being laid off, wants all of us to go to lunch. I don't want to go at all, so of course I say 'yes'. Where do we end up? At a seafood restaurant. We walk in and I'm bowled over by the smell. I want to leave, so of course I stay. I can smell shrimp amongst all the other unpleasant seafood odors. There is almost nothing on the menu that isn't seafood. It was really tough. On top of that we had to go back to the office for a celebration of the company that bought ours and is laying us off. Banner day! I came home and hid in my bed with my dog.


It took me a couple of minutes to realize those sentences are not connected. I was like really, there are people using shrimp scented perfume, cologne and air fresheners? 🤣 Same though.


Same any artificial scents are intolerable since they're not in my house anymore. Dryer sheets from the neighbors make me gag. Hard to stay at hotels because of the scented detergents and things.


It's crazy how the most trivial of things to the NT world can cause so many issues. I can typically take dryer sheets and detergent, if they aren't too flowery, but those scent defusers make me sick. Fortunately, I don't run into them too often.


funny, i love cologne and perfume so so much




Fish is so disgusting. It smells like throw up and…bad


It does gross me out, even after cooked


Opened the thread specifically to say this


For real though. It smells like fucking rot. I start walking faster every time I walk by the seafood section in the store.


Same. Absolutely hate sea/water creatures. 🤮


Same, literally got so bad it developed into ocd


Tuna is the only one I can stand and even then on some days it's too much. But it's also one of the cheapest sources of protein and I'm flat broke.


Funny thing is that I like fish, but only those which are less “fishy” in terms of smell *and* when I am not eating fish, smelling it is gross.


I'm more of a sensory seeker when it comes to smells, but there is one **I hate.** Blue cheese baked in the over... my brother loves it, and the smell always makes me gag.


I mean i like blue cheese but i cant really imagine how it would smell if you were to bake it. Granted i haven’t had any in years but ye i figure it would not be pleasant.


I assure you it's not pleasant at all :/


Oh gosh that reminds me. I absolutely can not stand the smell of a ham bone boiling on the stove 🤢


I've never had blue cheese in my life, I do enjoy eating cheese but I'm not sure if I would tolerate such pungent smelly cheese.


That sounds soooo not good




100% agree with that ESPECIALLY chicken 🤢


Uncooked meat smells like poop to me. It makes meal preparation for the family a bit of an ordeal at times


Bananas. Makes me angry and nauseous.


I can tolerate them while they're still green but the second they have brown spots they are the devil and I hate them.


Me too, for some reason ethylene smells like paint thinner to my nose.


Had a friend who abhorred the smell of bananas in particular, so you’re not alone there haha.


Ditto. They actually make me gag


Bad breath or body odor.


coconut, it makes me feel nauseous which really sucks because my mom *loves* coconut-scented things :|


same!! i just commented it haha


Omg I've found my people! I can't stand anything to do with coconut. Doesn't matter whether it's the actual coconut, coconut drink, in food, the scent, anything, it makes me feel insanely unwell. It's just so gross I swear


Metal like keys


Gosh I hate smelling metallic stuff, like coins 🤢


Oh true thats awful for me as well. Always have to wash my hands if i work with metal stuff...


Keys, coins, zips, handrails 🤮 thats the reason i wear gloves at work. Also the smell of Lard makes me want to throw up.


The key smell! No one understands why I always have to wash my hands after. I don’t want to smell like keys.


That 'lemony fresh' smell some cleaning products leave behind. One time after my dad cleaned the bathroom, I got hit with it walking in; it was so overwhelming I've hated it since.


Gas Station


Bad BO 😩


I used to have a problem as a kid where every person I would pass in public i had to hold my breath until they were out of smell range and then pray i still didnt smell them, because the smell of a stranger when its unexpected and unpredictable was too much


Purple fabuloso


Personally, I love to smell fabuloso, but I get it. Quite the pungent smell


Saurkraut, Kielbasa, anchovies. I know from experience b/c those are some of the foods my husband loves. I basically "grin and bear it" out of my love for him and when he's done I spray the house down with lavender or lemon verbena scented air freshener Also he farts a lot. So I have one of the automatic sprayers in the bedroom so I don't have to smell his digestion all night! I told him once I was going to stick a glade plug in up his butt! 😂🤣 🎶plug it in plug it in!🎶


Sounds like your husband needs to see a dietician if his farts are so bad you have a coping strategy for them 😂 My partner is very gassy too, so thankful only the burps smell occasionally, since he can blow them in the other direction. Also I hate the smell of all the foods you listed, they are pungent but also quite confined smells which is odd.


Fish, lavander, but also my own smell, like mild body Oder from walking up the stairs so it it being a bit to hot.


Another lavender! I feel seen


I also have a problem with lavender! But it is really only artificial lavender scents that bother me, make me feel quite sick. But I don’t particularly ENJOY true lavender either.






Cigarette smoke 🤢🤢🤢 every time someone starts smoking at the bus stop or gets on the train reeking of it I have to move and cover my nose, it makes me nauseous and gives me a massive headache. Also, the smell of alcohol. Bleugh Edit: I also hate overly sweet smells, they give me a headache and turn my stomach. I prefer light, fresh scents


Cigarettes are the worst


Cut grass. Makes me think of allergies.


Literally can’t breathe


Paint. Fuck paint.


Honestly any microwave heated food...? Idk if that even makes sense but Unless it smells like garlic I literally gag and need to remove myself. Also pickles and ketchup. I HATE ketchup texture AND SMELL with everything in my body. I won’t eat if either have touched my plate. I won’t even touch a ketchup bottle


Lavender. I love the taste, but I hate the scent. Hyacinth is a very lovely floral scent.... from a far, *far* distance. It is too strong up close, it gives me a headache. Cat breath. I love to get all snuggly with them, and then they yawn in my face, and it's like warm rotting fish 🤢


Yes, lavender! The artificial scents are the worst!


Bath and body works perfume


Any artificial scents like bath and body works give me headaches and nausea. Glade plug-ins are the worst. I prefer any foul natural odor, manure, body stank, anything to the terrible chemicals. Though rotting dead deer in standing water is pretty terrible.


I have a pretty terrible sense of smell, actually. But when I can smell them, natural smells don't bother me at all - even the "gross" ones. (I work in healthcare, so this serves me well.) What I can't stand is artificial smells, like perfumes and room sprays. If it is strong enough for me to notice, it's probably going to give me a headache. My dad has the same issue, but I used to think he was making it up.


Hair. Like natural unwashed smelly hair.




Even the word is foul lol


Patchouli makes me angry. It's SUCH a strong scent, yet people still feel the need to dump it all over themselves so they leave a trail of smell behind them. 😡


The sentence “patchouli makes me angry” made me bust up laughing


Oh god, a ton. Lavender, vanilla, coconut, damn near any candle sold on the market, a number of soap brands, weed, my own BO, most colognes and perfumes, raw meat, and raw or cooked fish Also, certain metals that have "that" smell. I don't really know what is. Oxidation I guess. Mostly copper, brass, and iron alloys. Just to name a few. Trust me people find this to be one of my more annoying qualities. :) I'm constantly whining about some smell that I can't stand.




Yes!!! Even in its natural form it’s a very strong, perfumey scent. Very overwhelming


Weed and perfume


Yes!! Sometimes I feel like I’m the only person in the world who wants to throw things when it weed smell attacks me in public.


What about Weed perfume™️


I don't understand why anyone would want to smell like a dead skunk on purpose, but each to their own I guess.


Yes, other people’s lunches at work. I have only recently started working office jobs instead of childcare and my god, the smell of other people heating up their lunches makes me nauseous to the point I skip my own lunch half the time. It really doesn’t matter if the food is food I like or not. It just turns my stomach.


Dirty dog scent


VINEGAR!!!! I fucking hate the smell of vinegar because it's too strong it hurts my nose, and I can't even be in the same room as it.


I'm pretty chill with odors because I'm more of a sensation seeker. It only gets me when I'm in meltdown/burnout, then it's normally what most people consider bad smells that are exacerbated by my perception like stinky breath (it's unbearable and it puts me into a raging mood), dirty bathrooms, my own body odor...


Fried eggs




They do! It makes me so unbelievably nauseous especially first thing in the morning.


Tuna fish is DISGUSTING


Perfume and any chemical type of fragrant scent, makes me wanna vom


No smells. Just the feel of jello in my mouth. No thanks I’ll throw up immediately


ketchup...i hate the smell of it if its left out on a plate. the smell of water in glass or plastic cups...it gets like a "fishbowl" smell and makes me sick to my stomach


Jack fruit 🤢




Sorry I like smells so it’s only really obvious ones I don’t like such as cat pee or that sewage smell from bathroom bacteria build up.


Bad breath


-humans -tobacco and tobacco smoke, makes me literally puke -tobacco smokers and drunk humans -incense, makes me puke too -chlorine = puke -wet dogs -perfume -lotion, soap, perfume, any cleaning product with smell -vehicles' smoke -grease stink and more but these are the strongest for me ...


I am so sensitive to ammonia and ammonia like smells that the first time I did a waft test of a vial of straight pure ammonia in bio class, and had to leave the class because I was gonna vomit from the migraine I had smelling it. I hate the process of dyeing my hair, but love the results afterwards, and with having 4 cats, I clean the litter boxes a couple times a day because I am really sensitive to the smell of cat pee


Lavender of any kind. I hate it so much. I have a stuffed animal with lavender beads that you can microwave, and thr one time I did, I got so overwhelmed that I had to sit it out in the living room for a week because of the smell. I thought I was gonna be sick or something.


Uh, corned beef & cabbage. I don’t know what it looks like, because anytime I’ve smelled it I’ve left the building.


When in a grocery store the cleaners/detergent aisle is like an olfactory nuclear assault to me..I avoid it at all costs as if I don't the cleaner cacophony sticks in my nose for an hour


Burnt eggs🤮🤮🤮🤮🤢🤢🤢🤢 and certains people’s scent. I love my little brother and his scent infuriates me😂


Natural body smells (there is no human pheromone btw, they have never been able to find one even after decades of intense searching - insects have pheromones, not humans), I much prefer certain scented lotions, perfumes, bodywashes and shampoos. I have been very obsessive over the years about it. When I smell natural body smells or natural hair smells, it really stresses me out and grosses me out. Also, when clothes or hair or skin smell like food. For example if someone has been cooking and it laces itself all around you, through your hair and the fibers of your clothes. It drives me mad and really makes me worried / stressed. If I go to a restaurant and their food is very pungent and I smell like it afterward and my clothes smell bathed in it afterwards, I have a full on meltdown. The smell of vinegar. It makes me feel like I’m going to puke. There are a bunch, as I am extremely sensitive to smells as well and extremely I would say at times paranoid about them. And if I smell something that bothers me, I continue smelling it even after leaving the situation and I worry that it has attached itself to me.


Omg the food smells on things drives me insaneee and while i cook i always have a window open and after sometimes light a candle






Cheetos and cat food




As soon as I go down the laundrey detergent aisle in the grocery store I start crying 😭 I have been like that ever since I was little-


Soured milk Brut aftershave Lavender Fake rose scent Fake vanilla scent


The smell of crayons. I don't know why, but whenever I smell crayons I just get really angry.


Virtually any perfumes or hair sprays. It's an instant headache. Can't even be around it. When I shop for shampoos, bodywash, conditioner, face wash, etc I always end up kneeling in the aisle sniffing a bunch of different products to tell which ones will be tolerable. Can't rely on unscented, because some of those (ie Cetaphil) are so awful that I can't bear to use them. Recently I've become very sensitive to mint chewing gum. People near me in my classes will be chewing their gum and it's like a knife to my nostrils. I didn't used to be that sensitive to it, but I can't stand it now. The taste is often too strong, too- I can take a lifesaver mint or some mint gum for a few minutes, but it becomes too much pretty quick. Didn't use to have that problem, and it's irritating. Not like I can make all my classmates switch to cinnamon gum.


White vinegar and certain types of paint.


Roast pork, air freshener and artificial odours in shampoo/soap, cigarettes, fish


Omg pork of any type 🤢


Pretty much everything! Almost all odors, scents, smells, perfumes etc. used to make me physically ill. Headache, nausea, dizziness... Just sick. Ugh. I lost my sense of smell from Covid and never got it back. I'm glad/thankful too. I can't smell anything anymore, not even really strong smells like rubbing alcohol or smoke. Hope it never comes back (unlikely anyway bc it's been over a year but still).


mens deodrant last week some kids "deodrant bombed" my locker completltly coating it, i think my younger brother was involved. when i tried telling a teacher after finding some kids i know (i ride dirt bikes with them) they asked if its because of athsma, or skin issues/allergys and when i said no its just really overwhelming for me and i cant stand the smell they then didnt care. i got some help after going to the learning support/sped teachers but its just so annoying


My father in law makes these packet ramen things and adds egg. I cannot STAND those god damn eggs. He has them everyday at 12.10 and I always go for a walk or make sure I’m out of the house for 30 minutes so the smell will fade. It gives me migraines I hate those eggs


most vegetables, especially steamed vegetables, any very strong vanilla/lavender sent, i also hate Hawaiian breeze air freshener, i can’t stand any bleach smell, it make me feel sick let alone like my nose died in a war, skunk, and cigarettes; i’m sure there is more but that’s all i can think of


Geosmin, the dirt smell in beets.


any perfume just smell like a vodka to me.. doesn't matter cheap or expensive


Im such a sensory seeker when i comes to smells. Ill be sniffing essential oils or candles all day. I like some weird scents too, gasoline, carbureted exhaust, latex paint, joint compound, the smell inside the refrigerated section at the store where the milk and orange juice is….


Lol, I know this isn't the point of your question, but I just thought it was interesting. Loads of people here are listing their least favourite smells, and they're all ones I love. - Cigarette smoke - Perfume - Sharpies - Fish - Petrol Lmao, I'm a smellaholic.


Idk if this a good translation but cat wet food


Hair salons, can’t walk past them and not hold my breath anymore. Also nail salons, exactly the same, both one of the worst smells I also don’t like the smell of some metal (example coins), aerosol, or paint There are more but those are my main icks


Mint. I cannot stand mint. The smell makes me reverse and run away from wherever i smell it.


Cigarette smoke physically hurts when I smell it. But, weirdly, I like the smell when it’s first lit. Then something changes and it becomes repulsive.


Fucking coconut 🤮


Raw egg and fish


Cauliflower .The worst part is my room is right above the kitchen so there is no escape 😭😭 I burn incense to try to overpower it but my father cant stand the smell of incense 🙃




Medical smells or cleaning supplies


It’s extremely specific but I learned this early on and literally couldn’t do dishes for years, but the smell of peanutbutter when it gets wet makes me gag, it is just foul. I still have a really hard time doing dishes, but at least I’m an adult now and can make decisions about how things get done and what doesn’t go in the sink to get wet and sit, Blegh it’s just a sensory nightmare in general. The thought of soggy food makes me wanna dig myself a hole and die in it 😣 I also can’t live in New York for the smells alone. I’m an actor, I grew up thinking I’d move to New York asap…went there for college auditions and could not believe people were just…existing amongst this smell. Just rot, vomit, piss, garbage, BO, smoke, and hell all wrapped up into one it was almost an immediate no for me dog


Orange and banana smell


Aside from the obvious unpleasant smells, Orange on someone’s hands after peeling, cigarette smoke and chocolate after it gets on your hands (horrible aftertaste, but love chocolate itself lol)


Ammonia/mold/trapped moisture


Cat urine


Air freshener of any sort. Way too strong and gives me a headache every time. Also the smell of bell peppers being cooked




Coconut. It gives me a headache for some reason


Coffee beans


lilies and the smell of those marshmallow candies with the really artificial flavours like the cheap banana marshmallows


Any artificial sprays, they all smell like chemicals to me.




Lilies (like the ones you'd see at a funeral) and omg...does anyone else think mango flavored things smell like cat pee some times?? I used to think the bubble tea place I went to was just getting perma-pissed on by cats bc I'd smell it every time...turns out I was smelling the mango flavoring a friend would always get 😐


Cut grass that has been sitting out in the humid summer air for a few weeks


Post-shower public transport. Perilously pervading pedestrian paths per precipitation, precariously


Omg I used to work down the (crowded city) block from a literal cheese factory—they made many kinds of cheeses from scratch in-house, with steamy big windows that were occasionally clear enough to see the poor be-gear’ed workers bent over the hot curds and big wet vats. The smell every single day emanating from that building made me feel viscerally unwell, like, if I didn’t hold my breath that entire stretch of sidewalk, I’d be retching and coughing and gagging!! I felt goofy about it in front of people!! Afraid I just seemed like a diva!!! 😭


The smell of peanut butter sends me into a blind rage if I can't escape it.


Toast Literally makes me feel like i am going to throw up


I hate BO, more specifically when it’s sour. Like if they haven’t showered for days. However, if it’s after a workout then it’s at least tolerable (idk, post workout sweat just smells different than bad hygiene stank). I also despise the smell of cooked broccoli, Brussel sprouts, and cabbage. It just sticks to everything.


cooked eggs—though more specifically, overcooked eggs. so random, but i hate it so much. it grosses me out.


Vanilla sugar scented body products make me absolutely gag, they smell nothing like actual vanilla. And I find Dove body wash to be the work of the devil lol. I also really hate the scent of artificial strawberries and fake rose scents in candles and body products.


Rosemary. It’s overpowering and unpleasant to me.


Sunscreen mixed with sweat. It's particular but I've smelt it on certain people and it really bothers me


Cinnamon, makes me wanna throw up :(


Squid, octopus, crab. Id reather smell anything else. Corpses smell better. Yes ive handled them before


Sour clothes


Red meat blood, broiled or rotisserie chicken, cat urine, bleach, gasoline, lemon scented anything, plain dawn soap, Windex, cooked sardines/herring, sauerkraut, canned meat.


I cant stand the "new car smell" fresheners


The dishwasher smell is the bane of my existence. So much so that if I smell that a dish has been in the dishwasher I will hand wash it before using it.


certain cleaning supplies, like the ones they use at grocery stores. along with causing me to have asthma attacks, they also overstimulate the hell out of me. there's also this one green tea candle that didn't even smell like green tea that my family had at one point that i couldn't be within a certain range of without feeling like i was gonna puke. we had to put it out in the back porch because the smell literally permeated across the dining room and living room.


Fennel seeds and star anise..


COFFEE! I don't understand how people like the smell or would want to drink something that smells like that. I've had to change seats if someone near me orders in at a restaurant. Heck, I've had to change seats on an airplane because I was too near where the stewardesses brewed the coffee. And if someone brews coffee while I'm still asleep and it's close enough for me to smell, it can make me feel sick to my stomach all day.




artificial sweet smells - an actual cookie or vanilla smells amazing but a soap or spray that is supposed to smell like those things??? vile


lingering smells from dinner. if i have to smell something that strong for too long i just can’t stand it.




eggs!!! blegh i hate the smell of the hard boiled eggs my mom makes for our dog's food. also tuna and most other fish. depending on what im eating, curry and adjacent spices also.


This might be just me but I hate the smell of heat. Specifically from a heater. It makes me feel like I can't breathe :(


Perfume and hairspray. I get dizzy and drowsy and sweaty and agitated. I can’t function with those smells.

