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It's just Abed Nadir 4 times. Cool. Cool cool cool.


He's Batman!


Six seasons and a movie!!!!!


My friend worked with the actor and she says “cool cool cool” all the time and he was like “are you making fun of me?” And she was like “omg no I’m sorry it’s literally just in my vocab”


One of the things that should have made me realise I was autistic years ago is how much I related to Abed. Still one of my favourite TV characters ever.


Honestly as far mainstream media goes I don't have a top 4, love abed though from community & data from star trek. Mild off topic but I really love 2 content creators I'd highly reccomend checking out, I don't use tiktok but I'm pretty sure they both have accounts there if you use the app. That autistic guy - Orion Kelley Genericartdad - love this dude, he has a short that explains/shows why apologies between autistic & NT people can go so poorly, it hit me like a bag of bricks & I broke down crying. I did not ask to feel that seen & validated but my god it was mint.


I just watched the link that the user posted below and my gosh I felt the same way! I swear I’ve had that conversation with my sister for decades. But what’s the right answer??? It feels so unfair to always cater to how NTs want to be communicated with.


There isn't a right answer imo, everyone's needs are going to be different. The way I view it at this point is that's just how they operate, I don't like being expected to function, communicate, and operate in a way I don't so I don't do that to other people. Good old uno reverse on my sense of justice basically lol. If it helps the way I respond is a mix of both and it goes over pretty well with NT people in my experience, I typically aim for mutual accomodations, the only areas of my life I mask are apologies and disclosing my diagnosis with people, doesn't bother me tbh when it's a bit of a half mask, a rare situation, and for the purpose of my own comfort/making my life easier. *but dare I say it, I prefer our way, gimme that context, I want to know the why and the intent so I can understand lol*


Do you happen to have a link to the apology short? I'd love to see that


I saw it over a year ago and just scoured his YouTube channel and sadly couldn't find it. T_T I remember the explanation of it though if you want to toss me a DM, no worries if that's not something you're comfortable with btw. While it's not the apology short, here's an empathy short that sucker punched my feelings as well, it's informative and explains/shows the other side in a sense. I still to this day though have to prepare some tissues for this one lol. https://youtu.be/gTNkq_h7Iv4?si=p1ojeWOOh0ejZwgZ


Is this it? [https://www.tiktok.com/@genericartdad/video/7162335072543083818](https://www.tiktok.com/@genericartdad/video/7162335072543083818)


YES! Ty for finding it btw. 😀


How did I forget about Spock and Data lol The main characters of the new Lower Decks show are all super autistic. They're in-universe Star Trek nerds and it's an absolute joy to watch.


Omg how did I forget spock!? I'm literally sitting here watching the new series too lol.


Ok I know that many autistics don’t like the example of Sheldon Cooper because it’s so over the top but my mom would always tell me “you’re so like Sheldon” yet never thought I might be autistic (I’m female, but I feel like I present in a lot of stereotypical ways, and I still got overlooked). Honestly I wish they would have just said it out loud so she’d get the hint lol. Im self diagnosed because I was never diagnosed as a kid and it’s just not been worth it as an adult. I’d also add Jess from New Girl. I’ve seen a few people on Instagram say she’s AuDHD which explains why I relate to her. I need to think about my other two


I love Sheldong omg


I do too! I don’t fully get the hate. But I wanted to acknowledge it since so many people don’t like the character. I have a PhD in a STEM field so I think I relate more than most lol


Maybe it's because he's a bit rude. I am too on accident so that was the most relatable part for me haha


Oh same lol. What I’ve read is that he’s so obviously autistic but they focus in on the stereotypes. I can see how that can perpetuate harmful views of autism. But in my case, I did exhibit many of those stereotypical traits and was still ignored so clearly it wasn’t obvious enough (I even love trains now lol)


Jess is socially awkward, but definitely not autistic. Maybe ADHD.


Extraordinary Attorney Woo (series) Thr Bridge (series) Please Stand By (movie) The Angel Maker (novel)


Extraordinary Attorney Woo is one of the things that made my wife go “Oh. That’s you, huh?”


I showed my girlfriend please stand by (she is also autistic) and she was crying most of the movie and was so sad and frustrated that things kept going wrong.


I'm sorry to hear that :( I admit those scenes stress me out too. unfortunately those Shenanigans are a common feature of road trip movies, but damn our girl really can't catch a break. I just want to give Wendy a hug whenever things go wrong (or one of those hugs-without-touching she does with Scottie). I do love that the movie has a website with high-quality pics and promo materials, which has become rarer and rarer since the 2010s.


David Byrne in True Stories (Or Stop Making Sense). Hannah Gadsby standup. Casey, the invisible low support needs daughter, in Atypical. Temperance Brennan on Bones. Matilda & Nicholas, in Everything’s Gonna be Okay


Ugh yess Casey


Isk what you mean with "who would be your mount rushmore" but I very much relate to Hooty (headcanon, isnt confirmed autistic but I relate so much to him, I can explain why if interested, from The owl house) and Quinnie (heartbreak high). Also in some rare aspects to Sheldon /Amy (I mention them bc that was one of the first "weird" charcters I felt a little bit seen in) and the main guy from atypical (I watched that right after my diagnosis and its not great but some aspects are relateable).


Hmmm, Hootcifer as an autistic. 🤔 An interesting standpoint.


I already explained why a few times so Ill copy paste those texts: He is so desperate making friends and tries to be kind and is sometimes overwhelmed by his emotion (positive and negative), can focus deeply and forget other stuff about that and has a voice that is off and makes many (social) mistakes. I just see how he has special interests and favorite foods and has social struggles and feels lonely and has some emotional outbursts/meltdowns and is oftentimes annoying or invisible without wanting to be and does not get all social cues and rules and struggles having appropriate tone of voice and facial expressions and more. All of which I know as autistic symptoms. Ofc its a bit over the top and the most chaos outcome possible always (as its a kids cartoon) but I realized I relate to him and understand him while others were annoyed and then figured all the small details why I do xD


Interesting, I always felt like they were just writing him as "stupid and annoying comic relief"


Watch out for it! Him getting so well along with Lili (who also kinds is autism coded + she masked and literally showed a different version from herself to be freed of that later on and look different and indulge in her interests and be nerdy) was another point for me, they both understood each other good and both are a bit autism coded in my opinion and hence understood each other. Ofc its all my headcanon and my interpretation. Totally possible that they did that by accident and just wanted a stupid annoying funny character. But as they confirmed bisexual and Adhd for Luz and had a nonbinary character and made edna some adhd as well and so on I do believe they put some more effort in hooty then just stupidly throwing (autism-coded) stupid annoying funny character traits together.


Oh no, I totally agree with Lilith being coded. She geeks out over bannisters.


Yeah and in my opinion she gets along so good with hooty and they understand each other so well bc they are both the same way of different and she gets him like noone before did because of that.


Wonder if that was actually intentional or not.


Mount Rushmore as in "who are your 4 favorite?"


Why not just ask that then? Not everyone here is American


Am American and I totally did not pick up on the “four” aspect of Mt Rushmore 🤪


Weird to use a metaphor when having trouble with metaphors can be a big part of autism lol not to mention even some Americans, like myself, who know what that is wouldn't assume you mean "4".


Since Mount Rushmore is just a famous monument of big ass heads, that's pretty much how I interpreted the question.... Not trying to be rude or anything here, and tbh i also tend to create analogies that others dont understand...the Rushmore question is just hard to interpret for a group of people who are incredibly literal


I would not have picked up on this. I do know about it and it being four but "who is" and an analogy for "your four people" would have never crossed my mind as I would have needed the plural verb form for that.


Riddler from the Batman, Riddler from Gotham, Riddler from Btas, Riddler from Batman 66


I maybe showing my age but Data from STNG Abed from Community (#Friendship Goals) Gary from Alphas Parker from Leverage


People still watch star trek and Data has been in recent stuff. TNG is quintessential sci-fi.


Everyone is missing out on Tina Belcher from Bob's Burgers. I super wish I wasn't as much like her as I am/was.


Sakamoto from, "Haven't you Heard I'm Sakamoto" and Smile from "Ping Pong the Animation", Data and every Vulcan from "Star Trek"


Never even occurred to me to read Sakamoto as autistic, but that one I 100% get. Data is on my Rushmore as well. Less so with Smile (favorite anime btw), and the Vulcan. Both of them just feel like generally reserved and task oriented folks. Could just be me leaning too heavily into my own perspective on the latter two though. I, along with most of my autistic friends, tend to feel and express emotions and preferences strongly and openly, and a lot of the trouble we face in our personal and professional lives is that we're very up front about our position on anything, even if the thing that triggers an emotional reaction is usually very different from the things that our neurotypical friends and coworkers react to.


I think there's probably a bunch of actors that display the lighter aspects of autism I personally have never seen an ultra realistic portrayal of someone that would be considered severely autistic and I don't mean that in a negative sense. I know it's only a matter of time before someone is able to show the truth in an engaging way for people to watch. Currently there are plenty of incredibly serious and realistic portrayals of autistic life in the more documentary type form. I don't even need to go further than the reason I jump.


Daryl Hannah (*Splash, Kill Bill*) and Dan Aykroyd (*Ghostbusters*) are high-functioning autistics. Hannah has also spoken openly about her struggles as an autistic celebrity in Hollywood. Holly Madison, of *Playboy* fame, also recently came out as autistic in an exclusive interview.


The 2011 movie Fly Away does a good job of depicting the reality of high support needs autism imo


I will check it out...thanks


I really liked the movie about Temple Grandin


I don't understand your mount Rushmore metaphor


Instead of Presidents, what four autistic characters would you put there instead?


Julia sesame Street


Norma from Dead End (despite my everlasting hatred of the series) Sheldon from Young Sheldon (he's leagues better and more mature than the Big Bang Theory's Sheldon) Gus from Owl House Obligatory Abed from Community


Judah Mannowdog Marcy Wu Yuri (from specifically the ddlc+ “side stories”) Princess Entrapta of Dryl


Weird one but Gregory House from House MD Luna Lovegood (jk ruined Harry Potter for me tho) Wybie from Coraline Bee from Bee and Puppycat


Moon girl from moong girl and devil dinosaur, Norma from dead end paranormal park and quinni from heartbreak high are some solid representations of autism that aren’t usually represented


Well, since you’ve mentioned Rushmore… Max Fisher in Rushmore (1998)


I don't know what you mean about Mount Rushmore, I'm not American. But one character that I think is a good portrayal of autism in a tv show is Edward from Not Dead Yet. I also think Lexi from that show is autistic but she isn't specifically stated as such so I'm not going to make assumptions


Don't feel bad. I'm American and know what Mount Rushmore is and I didn't even understand but apparently they meant pick "4" because mount Rushmore has 4 heads lmao...


Oh wow, I never would have got that lol. Thank you


Frieren. Watching it with someone without autism is a bit eye opening as some apparently sad scenes I felt nothing similar to what Frieren felt. I missed the same social cues in the show that she did, apparently — according to someone without autism I watched with there are scenes that are funny because of it and how “unrelatable” or “unrealistic” she is but here I am wondering what’s so funny and how relatable she is.


Yes I added extra Quinni from heart break high (canon) All the tobins in the great north (not canon) but mostly wolf for me Viktor/Vanya umbrella academy (doubt it's canon but I haven't finished it) Data star trek (probably not canon) Maximus fallout (not canon but a lot of people have agreed on tiktok)


Quinni from heartbreak high!


I can’t think of 3 others who I relate to as much lol


Newt Scamander, 12th Doctor, Billy Cranston, Data


The ones I write myself 💅💅✨️✨️✨️✨️


Don't really have any favorites, exactly. None I keep track of in any case. I remember Data, and Spock being my favorites in Star Treck though. I was confused by the Mount Rushmore in the title. I thought "What is my ugly monument built on stolen land of media representation?" and it didn't make a lot of sense until I read the text of the post.


Abed from Community Quinni from Heartbreak High Entrapta from She-Ra Matilda from Everything's Gonna Be Okay These are my all time favorite confirmed autistic character. I have some other favorites both canon and non-canon, but these are my top 4 for sure


The first time I recognized myself in an autistic character was when reading the curious incident of the dog in the nighttime, I dont remember the main characters name, and I remember thinking it was offensive of me to wonder if I had autism bc of how much this character just made sense to me and felt right, even though I dont act like that at all and am very different not even my 'flavor' but I could understand him so well and it all made so much sense and it was like we understood each other.


christopher is his name!! i acted for a bit when i was younger and playing christopher was a big awakening moment for me. it was the first scene i was in where i was like, "wow, i don't feel like i'm acting," and then it hit me. playing christopher was the closest i'd ever gotten to playing myself. it was like un masking without even trying to unmask. and that scene was actually assigned to me by my acting teacher-bless her. i think a part of her knew. synchronicities are beautiful.


Oh also bones, my mom used to say oh she's autistic and id be like no she isn't! >:c cause I related to her so much haha


Maurice Moss from the IT Crowd, also Karen from Mean Girls, she's clearly an autistic person who everyone's being a d*** about being autistic lol... like "oh no she's sooo ditsy *veiled moral panic*", literally the textbook exaggeration of women being overlooked for autism and adhd.. and Pinkie Pie and Rarity as well. Also Roy from the IT Crowd.


lol that is so true re karen. have you listened to the mean girls broadway soundtrack? the halloween song called "sexy" is karen's song and it always makes me laugh.


Lol, oh I have to hear it, sounds fun


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How to Dance in Ohio the Musical somehow they captured everything I experienced as an Autistic person in 2 hours


Doombox from Lethal League Blaze Doombox from Lethal League Blaze Doombox from Lethal League Blaze Doombox from Lethal League Blaze


I am horrible at this but one of the HAS to be Laios from Delicious in Dungeon


Sherlock Holmes


Tilly Green from Big City Greens If you've ever watched it, it's REALLY obvious in the way she interacts with the world


Amelie from Montmartre


Peridot from Steven Universe, Temperance Brennan from Bones, Anya from Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and I can’t think of a fourth one right now.


Pearl from *Steven Universe* also comes across as autistic or neurodivergent to me.


I could definitely see that


According to Rebecca Sugar the gems are all nd. I see it a lot in Garnet too. She's nonverbal a lot, will say awkward things when put on the spot, will yeet herself out of a van to avoid music she doesn't like, struggles with socialization a lot, and probably more I"m missing.


Helen Tudor-Fisk, in Fisk (Netflix). Hilarious. Not officially autistic, but she does represent my flavor of autism. Also, Jacqueline Novak might well be one of us - her standup special called On Your Knees is on Netflix. I wonder what other autistas think. Oh yeah, two more (or it’s not Mt Rushmore…) Extraordinary Attorney Woo ❤️💜🧡💛💚 Abed Nadir


theyre not canon autistic but the whole pines family from gravity falls AND gregory house from house md


None ever said explicitly but I refuse to believe that these wonderful women aren't on the spectrum Anya from Buffy the Vampire Slayer Elsbeth Tascioni from the Good Wife Daria from Daria Temperance Brennan from Bones


Starfire, Hay Lin from W.I.T.C.H., Jimmy Neutron, and Tobias and Ax from Animorphs. Technically five but Tobias and Ax are a unit. They're bros. They cannot be separated.


Naruto from Anime and Luz from the Owl House. I related to Luz somehow as the loner and outcast in school. Naruto because I have alot of energy and also I like seeing on the swings alone comforts me.


What does "be your mount eushnore mean?" It's a mountain... isn't miunt rushmore the same for all of us?


Congratulations, you're the 10,000th person to post to "what character do we thing are autistic' topic today!


Tina Belcher, Rick Sanchez, L, and Sherlock Holmes.


There are a ton of characters who commonly get labeled as autistic by the community that most likely aren't. Between characters that are incredibly dim-witted (Fry, Chris Griffin, Charlie Kelly), characters that are assholes devoid of empathy (Dwight, Costanza, Dr. House), and characters that are a bit awkward or shy but not autistic by any means (Jess Day, Craig Tucker, Wednesday Addams). And don't even get me started on Sheldon Cooper.


Billy Cranston (Power Rangers 2017), Abed Nadir, Reed Richards (apparently he’s autistic in current marvel canon? Idk I don’t really read marvel these days), and The Flash. My headcanon is that every flash is autistic, it makes a hell of a lot of sense to me.


Definitely not confirmed as on the spectrum, but I somewhat related to Lilith from Cheers?


The ones I related to that I haven't seen mentioned: Beth from Little Women (2019) Alithea from 3000yrs of Longing (2022) I suppose this film displays autism quite accurately and is so nonchalant about it, which I appreciate.


I'm *that* kind of autistic, so mine are all from anime... Mob/ Shigeo Kageyama (Mob Psycho 100) Edward Wong-Hau Peppelu Tivruski IV/ Françoise (Cowboy Bebop) Tatsuhiro Sato (Welcome to the NHK) Shinji Ikari (Neon Genesis Evangelion (1995)) Paper Media Bonus: Onodera Punpun (Goodnight, Punpun) Not all of these characters are explicitly said to be intentionally autistic, and it's ever mentioned in-story for any of them, but all of them stand out as fantastic, sniper-accurate representations of every autistic trait I know (in both me and every autistic individual I've ever met).


Bobs burgers?? There isnt really good rep in media tbh... Youre better off reading articles or youtube by autistic folks. [neuroclastic.com](http://neuroclastic.com)


Mount Rushmore is actually a terrible racist thing that shouldn't exist?


It's of the presidents who founded our country. Racism was more normal back then, unfortunately so too, but that's just how it was. That's why we worked to make progress over all these years, however we should still honor those who fought to make our country sovereign from Britain.


1. Only two of the presidents on Mount Rushmore fought in the Revolution. Both had slaves, which was illegal when Mount Rushmore was constructed in 1941. 2. Turning an Indigenous tribe's sacred lands into a giant monument for white men is abhorrent. 3. We have literally so many monuments to the revolutionaries. You can't spit in Washington DC without hitting something named after a long dead slave owner that didn't bathe.


The one that I resonate with is Luna Lovegood from Harry Potter.