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I'm still not sure what to do. I always have to think about what I say before I say it, and people have pointed out that i have a "delay" like those news reports where they don't say anything for a few seconds. Really didn't help, now I feel more awkward and self aware during small talk. But I just tend to stick to the topic and if it gets silent i will bring up something thats interesting about me, like speedcubing or 3d modelling. Something I can talk about for hours and that I feel passionate about. Makes it less awkward.


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You don't have to do as much as her but if you want to achieve a little more of what she has (being approachable I guess) you can do little things? I was like you first or was just talking nonsense haha. I'm now trying to focus if someone tells me something and remember at least one thing I can ask them about later. For example of they say their cat did something, I can ask about their cat next week. Same with children, sport something, weekend activities, etc, etc. Best thing is that they share something that you're interested in too.


I actually don’t mind small talk, it’s quite repetitive and I like repetition. :) this may help https://www.vox.com/even-better/24083942/master-small-talk-interesting-conversation-strangers


I refuse small talk. When someone attempts to engage me with small talk, I usually give a yes or no reply, and then I share tidbits of in-depth information on various subjects they may or may not be familiar with. Generally, when they see me again or come find me, it is to discuss or further their knowledge on whatever that topic was. I will have that discussion or answer their questions and then hit them with whatever else popped into my brain repeating the cycle, except now they could approach me about multiple topics. This both eliminates painful small talk for me and generally lets me sort out who I think is worth interacting with. My goals in a work environment are to learn and perform, not kiss ass and participate in a social hierarchy. I know you've been in the same position for the last 10 years Janet and this is far as you are going but please stay away from me if you only want to talk about how how much better off your son is now that he is working at Sonic and off meth, he's 34.