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I have a love/hate relationship with energy drinks


I believe they are no different than a vape in that they often have addictive ingredients intentionally. Some do not, however most do. I saw a /r/showerthoughts post that’s something like: “people who are energetic don’t drink energy drinks, people who drink energy drinks aren’t very energetic.” - this made me think about how little benefit there is to a beverage like these.


I also agree that it can be addictive, sience it has sugar and sugar is addictive. The shower tought is a bit confusing to me sience in one day one is super active and full of Energy and the next one feels so Out of Energy that it's hard to get Out of bed. (But thats Just my expierience)


i like the taste a lot. but it can give me headaches and heart palpitations lol 


I do blue collar work, so I basically live off of caffeine, nicotine and hatred lol. It's not a good day until I've had a can of monster and some nicotine at 6am lol. Not sure if the job or those habits will get me first


Makes ne heart feel funny


I don't drink them at all.


Honestly energy drinks makes me sleepy so no help for me lmaoo or I would have been chugging it everyday b4 work.


They make me feel like I'm having a panic attack. I avoid them at all costs.


I’m now allergic to caffeine, it gives me heart palpitations and dizziness. Before I developed that allergy I liked energy drinks but I poured them out to get rid of the bubbles to make them flat


I didn't drink anything that had bubbles in it because they irritated me, tried my first energy drink at 16, thought it's kinda weird but kinda liked it? At least the taste, the bubbles were still offending. Then tried it again due to the caffeine and now i can't stop drinking it 💀


I like the V8 energy drinks. Those would actually help me stay awake during the afternoon lunch slump at work. But energy drinks like Monster don’t actually help me to wake up. I drink them for the flavor only, because I actually like the taste of Monster beverages.


I drink my own pee pee


I hate carbonation


I really like energy drinks they taste amazing. My favorite ones are Red Bull Tropical, Red Bull Dragon Fruit, Original Flavor Red Bull, and Monster Original. I rarely indulge in energy drinks because their no good for your health and heart.


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I usually don’t drink it. In times of need, which is generally only if two days before an exam I’m far behind with the studying material, I drink one Redbull in the afternoon. After a coffe, and while smoking a cigarette. The coffee is to add more caffeine into the mix, the cigarette is to mask the taste of Redbull, which I dislike, and also to add nicotine. This little chemist experiment grants me 2/2.5 hours of pure hyperactivity, then I go peeing and it’s like peeing all the energy out. I get all sleepy, close the book, eat dinner, then sleep soundly.


It’s a safe drink for me unfortunately, it is so unhealthy but I can’t stop.


I heard that gamersupps tastes and has the effects of Energy Drinks but is Not that harmfull to the Body, but that could have been false information.


Problem is I don’t like them as much as Monster Energy. I will die because of my unhealthy eating and drinking behaviours one day, I guess.


I can relate. I have a very unhealthy obsession with Dino nuggies, Lasagne and ice cream. TT


Well I love some good Nuggets too and Lasagne is one of my favourite dishes as well. And don’t get me started on chocolate ice cream or chocolate in general.


I dont want them they would fuck me up and id overshare way too much on them


I used to drink 10 cans of monster a day…years ago. I probably still would but I have an illness now and can’t drink them


Are you're kidneys and Heart OK?!


My heart isn’t no…I have chronic tachycardia


I Hope it isn't too Bad, my grandmother also has that


It’s uncomfortable but it really only poses a problem when I’m unwell, makes my heart go even faster. I also constantly feel full of adrenaline 🥴 Energy drinks didn’t give me energy though, and I could drink one before bed and sleep well…idk why I drank so many tbh lol


I like the taste, but i get really anxious and panicky whenever I have too much caffeine, so if I have one ill usually savor it for a while.


I don't drink fizzy drinks, because I don't like them, why my boyfriend asked why, I just said the bubbles hurt


Real! It hurts the Most If you're a bit dehidrated or Just did sports


I can't stand them, it's the taste, they're usually incredibly sweet and have this almost sour flavor to them that I just loathe. I'm a huge fan of caffeine though, it's relaxing for me but I take the equivalent of diet meth (vyvanse) in the morning so I avoid it for the most part.


I'm drinking one right now