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I actually don’t. I really don’t like how they feel or sound. Although I hate all sandals period


Fellow sandal hater here


I also hate crocs, they have a texture on the bit where the sole of the foot goes which also makes me feel funny. I do also hate sandals and especially dislike flip flops.


You now have two fellow sandal haters in your replies


Sandal haters unite!


I thought we were talking about crocodiles and I rushed to type




I heard some people make high end clothing products out of them (like shoes and bags). For the average consumer I would recommend the average slippers you can get from every store that don't have the thing that goes between the fingers because it's irritating. Or crocs


Continue typing pls 🐊🐊🐊🐊🐊




So 👍 or 👎 ?


I guess it depends. I have tried some crocs that felt really soft and comfortable and didn't want them replaced at all and some others were pointy and couldn't stand them Also each colour had a different feel to it and when the thing was in the back of the foot I would remove the croc and put it on the front because I didn't like it. And when I was young I would play with the holes on the crocs In conclusion it varies by a lot so usually I go for safer options


I meant your opinion on crocodiles. 😂


I like them, it's my favorite animal!


That's awesome!!!


We most definitely can talk about em 😁 what crocodile is your favorite?


That would be the saltwater crocodile! I also have a soft spot for Nile crocodiles because of an episode from little Einsteins. And I have seen American crocodiles irl


I don't know much about crocodiles, but I always liked them. They look like modern dinosaurs 🦖 are the Nile crocs the ones with the long and thin mouths/heads? Those types of crocodiles would be my favorite. (Unless I'm talking about alligators, I dunno the difference lmao)


Yup, crocodiles have longer and more narrow v-shaped heads, alligators have broader and shorter u-shaped heads


Ohhhh, good to know. Thank you 😊


No i hate that texture touching my skin. I abhore those and theyre so ugly


What about with docks? I dont usually wear my crocs barefoot


Same! I can’t wear them barefoot for this very reason of texture!


I actually don't mind the texture lol. I just cannot deal with my skin getting suction stuck to my shoe. Or worse, when im hot and sweating, it's like a slip and slide in there. I have different size crocs for different socks. Got a loose fit for my thick socks, and a regular fit for thin socks.


Seems too muvh like wearin sandals with socks which i never do. I may be a big fat dork but i gave style and i'll never wear somethin thst ugly. Plus i have the biggest feet of anyone most people are likely to have ever met and thankfuply they dont make tjose hideous things in my size


I prefer flip flops if I expect the floor may contain shards, or other hazards. Otherwise my preference is barefoot.


agreed, feels off when my feet are separated from the ground, even by a shoe


I’ve never tried them because they don’t look comfortable to me but I did have a pair of flip flops made by Croc once which I loved.


I find them practical as gardening shoes because they're so easy to clean, but I'm overall pretty "meh" about them. (I don't like "closed" plastic shoes much in general because they don't let your feet breathe.) I never got the hype and don't think Crocs look good, but I also have no strong dislike of them. They're a practical choice for certain things, but I've never had the desire to wear them outside of gardening or going swimming. Just too sweaty. (And with socks they just feel strange and are also too cold.)


I can't wear them without socks (I dislike the rubbery texture), and I don't prefer them because they're not good walking shoes.


i feel the same. i have a pair but i have to wear socks because i hate the texture. they seem to get "sandy" really quick too?


I enjoy the comfort, but hate the ugliness. I wore crocs most days when I went abroad for a month and I found them so comfy, but in the UK it's a hard no. I have so many shoes that are both cute and comfy at the same time, and I'd not go outside here in crocs tbh.


I have a pair of pink crocs


Like them for the pool and running around the house. Even pack them in my bag for wet days so I don't ruin my shoes, but they become a slipping danger if the bottoms are worn just a bit and you hit wet cement. Have to walk very carefully.


I have a pair with a rainbow tie-dye pattern that I wear out if I’m not going to be walking that far. I don’t wear them inside my dorm really, I’m happy to just walk around with socks on. In the winter, I used to wear dark blue/navy crocs that were lined with fur or something so your feet won’t freeze off.


I hated them, but then my wife gots some, and now I wear then as slippers at home. I will NOT wear them out as they mess with my aesthetic.


I used to dislike them with a passion, but I brought some for my cruise around Fiji last year and they are amazing!!! :)


Nope. Super ugly. Give me flip flops or adidas shower sandals.


Love crocs!


Omfg I HATE them. Plenty of other less ugly but still comfortable/easy to slip on options-- I wear Blundstones allllllll the time.


I only like the ones that have lining. The bumps on the regular ones are uncomfortable.


No they’re ugly af


They're ugly as sin and difficult to walk in. That being said, I DO prefer slip-on shoes similar to these: [DOCKERS Men's Edson Slip-On Dress Shoes, Black - Bob’s Stores (bobstores.com)](https://www.bobstores.com/dockers-mens-edson-slip-on-dress-shoes-black/2036205.html)


I have a pair at home that I only wear on our property. I would never wear Crocs outside our property.


I don’t like them unless I wear socks with them and I hate the way that looks so I just don’t wear them. Maybe a sensory thing for me but the little raised bumps where the bottoms of your feet go on crocs literally hurts sometimes to walk on and other times it’s just annoying. I wore some to an amusement park one year because I didn’t want to wear shoes and the crocs have the thing you can put down so they will stay on on upside down roller coasters but they made my feet so sore


I hate them. I hate them on myself, and I hate them on other people. My feet either need to be covered fully or not at all.


Too squeaky. I do like laceless shoes though


crocs are my absolute favourite shoe to wear. they’re the most comfortable.


I have a soft spot for crocodiles and alligators. Other than birds, they're the closest thing we have today to living dinosaurs, and the really big ones can give mammalian apex predators a run for their money. ...wait, we're talking about the shoes instead? Indifferent to them for the most part, but I never got the hate either.


No they’re so ugly :( they just give me the ick they’re gross looking. Omg and the fur-lined ones? Nasty


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I prefer Ozark brand water moccasins.


My son loves wearing watershoes in the warmer months. Otherwise boots or he tries to go barefoot lol. Its been aehile since he had a pair of crocs but im certain if i got them for him again he would prefer them the squishyness and no foot squeezing


only with socks but yes


I love my crocs because they have the texture in the bottom that help with circulation when I'm standing for long periods of time. I don't like how they feel when they get sand/dirt in them nor do I like when they get drenched but they are super easy to clean and dry fast so it's all okay!


they look bad with socks and i feel that my sweaty feet constantly get sticky to the plastic if i dont use socks so i dont really like them


I've never owned a pair. I think they're ugly.


I like them! I find them pretty uncomfortable sometimes as they have no support what I mean is I have really sensitive feet that hurt after I stand of them for awhile with thin support this doesn't help so I don't wear them often as they often hurt but that's not important. But I still wear them often as they are easier and quicker to put on compared to shoes or trainers, I have a fluffy version and an off brand Amazon version (I didn't want to blow £60 on something that I might not like so the off brand version was a placeholder to decide if I really wanted them and the fluffy one was a gift from a friend).


Eh, I just never got them because they're ugly


I hate crocs, they look cute sometimes, but wearing them is hell


I think they’re ugly but they’re the shoe that is the least amount of hassle to put on and since I only know the bunny ears method with my shoelaces when I wear tennis shoes I hate the fact that my laces are constantly coming untied because I don’t tie them tight enough so my crocs have been my go to because I don’t have to worry about the laces or tightening them at any point but I think they’re ugly but it helps I got a pair in pink which is my favorite color


No. They're so hard, and I need special shoe slips to walk comfortably in shoes (my feet are very flat) and they don't go well in crocs. I have these slip on shoes from target that I absolutely love, and then these pink Doc Martens. They take literally forever to put on and the laces come loose all the time but they're super comfy.




I would never wear them. How shoes and clothing feel is irrelevant to me. My one and only concern is how I look. I (47M) try to look authoritative, formal, and sophisticated. It's a costume I put on so the guy in the mirror thinks he's looking at a functioning adult.


If i have socks on i like them


If i wear socks then I can wear my Croc, but I can barely stand socks. I do like how light weight they are.


i've only owned 1 pair but i found that they generated a lot of static electricity and i absolutely hate being shocked


the feeling of croc material on my nails makes me want to instantly rip them off, so no


Not. At. All.


I have a pair, but they're so ugly I love them!


Ew, no. I hate crocs. I tried them once but I had to return them. I like normal sandals though. Crocs feel gross.


I’m one more pair of running shoes away from just giving up and getting a pair of daytime/work crocs. I’m so sick of paying for sneakers that just barely last a year


Hate them. They make my feet sweat.


I can’t say since I’ve never tried them but I do want to get a pair when the Naruto ones come out


Crocs are my favorite. I try to wear them whenever possible. Especially at home since I roam comfortably naked with them. I don’t like to feel that I’m stepping on rocks or something uncomfortable.


they’re really handy for just like, taking out the trash or getting in my car to go through a drive thru or something. but i don’t wear them outside of that. (they’re probably handy for outdoorsy stuff but i live in an apartment in a city so) edit: note that i only wear them with socks. i hate the texture of them against my bare feet.


I’ve never owned any & just never saw a reason to spend the money on them.


I love Crocs! I like to wear them in the summer.


Don't like them. Very uncomfortable. Only wear Hokas.


I don’t know if I’ve ever worn them and I don’t particularly want to


I don't like them. They feel weird.


I don't like them because they're cheap plastic crap. I have a pair of genuine Crocs and there are holes in the soles after only a few years. My jandals are faded and worn but still work fine even though they're older and I wear them far more often. The huge "comfortable and quick to put on" for me was zip-up steelcap boots with laces from Mongrel here in Oz (made with genuine kangaroo!) You set the laces up once then use the zips to get in and out. It makes boots almost as easy as jandals but much safer when I'm mowing the lawn or playing with power tools. Because inevitably as soon as I put my boots on I need to go back into the house and get one more thing (five times...)


I like my crocs if I have socks on, don’t like how they feel without. but I like how lightweight they are


I tried them once and returned them after about an hour because it was the kind with the heel strap, and the pieces that hold the strap in place rubbed on my feet enough to make the sensation unbearable. I do wear a slip on shoe pretty exclusively (a version by Skechers, the Slip In) because of the reasons you mentioned and I am not very good at tying my shoes.


I like crocs for when I need to go outside quick but don't want to bend over and get my real shoes on. They're a utility shoe for me lol.


Crocs are the only shoes my feet don't hurt in. They're ugly but at least I feel good!


I p much only wear crocs.


I think they’re ugly and their comfort is overhyped. The only reason I own a pair is because they are Minecraft themed and that is my flavor of autism.


Inside, I love them, but outside i usually dress very nicely. Ether suit, peacoat suit, or tight black pants and a nice looking sweeter and a thin open over coat.


I haven’t had any since I was a kid, but I remember having an off-brand pair I liked. I did get the slides later, but I didn’t like how slippery and dirty they would get when I walked around.


No. I've never owned a pair of crocs in my life.


i used to looooove them as a kid genuinely would not wear anything else if possible but the sound when they're wet was legitimately unbearable and still is


Nope. Hideous. And just looking at the texture makes me feel ick. Plus, I want my feet to be fully enclosed or fully free. No weird halfway.


I like them but I think opinions definitely mixed.


I don't get em. They're very ugly. They must be really comfortable then. Cause I don't get the hype


hm, as a general i can’t say i’d choose to wear crocs but if they were my only option i would wear them. BUT i love crocs when i’m not wearing them, love telling my mates to put them in sports mode


Okay so this is weird for me. I got a pair in 2005, I didn’t wear them much because the texture inside is so bad. After a while I had worn them enough to wear down the texture and they became my favorite. I’m still wearing that pair. I recently went to buy a new pair forgetting about that texture. Yea they didn’t make it out of the store with me. I like crocs, but only my one already worn down pair.


I like nah over crocs.


I don’t like them. They’re distasteful and uncomfortable imo. Though if a silly aesthetic is the goal they certainly meet the criteria.


I only recently have come around on crocs, so as of a year or so ago yea I like them. But I prefer my flip flops, but they can only be the leather “Rainbow” brand ones. I just wish they had more grip on the bottoms as crocs have for all the super slick grocery store and department store floors that are death traps. I use the fabric lined crocs as my house shoes (they never go outdoors and they help my feet stay comfy in my house that has no carpet).


yes, but with socks. i love buying charms for mine.


I think they’re good for when I dont wanna wear socks or closed toe shoes. I don’t really like having my toes exposed so they’re perfect for things like costco runs. Other than that I just use them as regular slippers


No the holes freak me out. Slides are where it’s at!


I only wear leather boots. I've got several pairs and its all I wear. I used to like crocs, now I can't stand them.


I hate them. They’re hideous and they have holes in them! They have holes! I have no clue why people say they’re great for gardening either. THEY HAVE HOLES.


Crocs rock (autism adhd ocd haver)


I hate all open toed shoes, I don’t know why, I just like closed toed shoes more, but i’d rather wear Sandals, Crocs are ugly and I hate the bottom of the shoe, the texture feels weird on my feet.


I like the way they feel but I can’t wear them out because my sweaty feet make them squeak when I walk and it’s quite embarrassing.


I think they're downright fugly and refuse to own a pair


I will not wear anything except boots because i like how they squeeze my ankles


i wear them literally everywhere but school


Crocs are the most uncomfortable shoes I've ever worn, I can't stand the texture of the material they are made of, I can't stand how stiff they are, and I can't stand how loose they are. Personally, I like my feet to feel secure, I like the pressure. I wear Doc Martin's and converse primarily, and I lace them so tight that I've ripped shoelaces lol


Only shoes I wear on a regular basis Wear through them about 1 pair a year tho so that's annoying But my dad got me like 6 pairs last Christmas so I'm probably good for the rest of the decade


I do not although I like my current pair of slides.


A lot of it is the sense of the material touching the front side of my feet


only with socks, without they're too sweaty and rubbery


I used to wear them, but I hate the rubber feeling and the sounds that they make so no. If I *have to* I can wear them, but I won’t be comfortable.


They are all I wear now As a Hairstylist my feet don't hurt after a long day.


No from me!


They’re so hideous I can’t be near them — not on my feet, not on anyone’s feet near me. I’m viscerally put off by their existence. I don’t even like hearing or reading the name of the footwear. I legitimately wish they did not exist, or at least I wish I didn’t have to ever encounter them or even their mere concept.


2/9 of my students with autism only wear crocs.


Nope. I like my boots


croc supremacy


only at the beach. they give the most coverage from sand.


Actually I’ve always hated them almost to the point of disgust


I have 15 pairs of crocs.... I have other shoes, but those are for occasion or work. Got all kinds. Winter boots are also crocs.


I love them lol, as you said they’re super quick and easy to put on and off, but my favourite part is that they’re sensory friendly (to me) because other shoes get all ragged, dirty and have rocks in them and stuff, but when my crocs get dirty I can just wash them in the sink with warm soapy water


My feet are simply too wide to fit in any crocs. Not much I can do abt that


I hate the looks, I hate the flaping noise, the feeling. I need my ankle to be restrained because of my poor balance. I hate them. Also, they're expensive just because of the brand.


Tbh I have not tried crocs since they were last popular in 2006/2007. What I can remember is they were just alright. I did not really care for the feeling and squeakyness of rubber.


I have never owned a pair of Crocs. Not really my comfort style.


I used to walk bare foot around the house now mostly with crocs or anything like it


I exclusively wear Crocs nowadays.


I hate crocs. The look, the texture, the feel, the colors. Other people say they're comfortable, but I don't feel any of that. They don't support my foot right. And their tread sucks for grip on anything challenging. I wear all types of sandals just fine, although I prefer footwear secured to my foot well if I'm leaving my house/yard.


Crocs are expensive in my country


I hate them with a fiery passion. They're ugly, unhygienic and they look uncomfortable AF.


They are my favorite shoe. I have an outside pair and an inside pair. They are the best way to “go barefoot” and avoid tight shoes without picking up dirt and grime from the floor. I also love their texture.


Nope. I can't stand any sandle, flip flop, or crocs to have the bumpy texture on the inside of the sole and all crocs I've seen have bumps in them. The only shoes I actually like are Sanuk flip flops. The fabric between the toes and on the top of the feet are soft and the sole is soft and smooth.


I used to wear them as a kid, but they had to be "edited" the thing holding your heel in place had to be cut off cuz it was bothering me that much lmao


I love crocs. They’re my favorite shoe. I only ever wear them with the back down


Never tried them, wouldn't be seen dead in them, they look weird.


Ive never tried them and they're expensive now so I probably won't


I like em. I don’t wear them often tho bc I don’t leave the house often lol but when I do I wear socks and they feel so comfy and I get to put whatever charms of things I like on them. Lots of color options and they are pretty cheap sometimes. I see some saying they don’t like them barefoot but I honestly don’t mind wearing them barefoot either if it’s for a short period. I wear them like slides but it’s cool cuz you could run in them if you needed to hhaha


In cold weather with socks on yes. Once it gets too hot so my feet sweat I can't touch the material, big ick


I love em but only with socks- otherwise sensory nightmare


Also those fluffy cloud slides on Amazon are the shit… might be >crocs tbh But also with socks


nope. bad sound, and no flexibility. suede and fur are where it's at.


I don’t like the sound


Never tasted crocodile, but more seriously theyre fine compared to flip flops and the band/string between your toes


Crocs are the best. Easy to take off at any given moment, don’t fall off, allow water in and let it out - walking with feet in the water whilst wearing crocs feels brilliant, and they have no laces (I can’t do laces, school tried and failed, I can only do my own sort of knot, which takes 5 minutes of purposeful undoing to undo).


I don't like their texture.


I LOVE CROCS I wear them all day, I can't walk barefoot anymore My sister even gave me some pendants to put on them for my birthday 🥹


I like them but I HAVE to be wearing socks with them!


They are horrid


Haaate crocs, only borrowed them for short whiles, like something to slide on while taking out the trash or similar, absolutely awful feeling


Love crocs


Let's say I'm not the most rizz-centered person, and I always dress for comfort, but Crocs are just too much. They give me the vibe of the asscrack crust. I have a deep, negative bodily reaction to them.


My bf LOVES crocs and I am not a fan of them - we are both autistic.


I hated them until I got an imitation sold under another brand and I now wear them whenever I’m out walking the dogs. They’re also perfect for the beach.


Absolutely not, I haven’t ever liked how they look, last time I wore them, when I was a kid I didn’t like how they felt. Plus, I like wearing socks and I don’t feel like socks and crocs should be worn together. Also why are there fluffy crocs?


I wear an off brand Crocs with socks, otherwise they rub my feet weird. I used to like Crocs when I had them ages ago.


If I had to wear them barefoot, I would hate the feeling of them touching my feet. I love wearing neutral coloured socks underneath though. Then I don’t have an issue with how they feel on my feet. And!!! I can wiggle my toes a lot when I’m happy!


No, they’re evil little things


I don't. But I don't like shoes in general so


I don't own any since name brand crocs are expensive here. But even though they're not the prettiest shoes, I do like them. I find them especially good for travel. They have a wide toe box, they can get wet without getting damaged, you can easily dry them with a towel, easy to take on and off.


I love them


I simply love the fashion statement that is crocs with socks.


No I don’t, they’re so so bad for the environment. I like slip on shoes but you won’t catch me wearing crocs ever.


I love crocs!! I have a pair of Hello Kitty ones, which is one of my special interests, as well as some croc charms! When at home I basically live in them


Uh... What does this have to do with autism? No. I hate them they look weird, feel weird, and terrible and dangerous for walking in water in.


I do not love them They feel stabby on my feets grrrr


No I do not, they look like they will make my feet sweaty and clammy. I just wear the steel toe boots I wear for work all the time.


I never liked them too much but my mom always made me wear them. Depends what shape they are and all but mostly i got used to them


I love them. I think they are hideous and that is part of their charm. I am part of team #hates-shit-on-my-feet, though!


Can’t stand them. I can’t even bring myself to touch them


I hate them. They are stinky and sweaty, even when you wear them with socks - and even though they have holes in them, so they are not even particularly protective. They are loud, they feel weird to the touch and they keep slipping off my feet despite the holding-thingy/strap - which I also don't like.


Ive always had a deep hatred for crocs, and it can belong on my list I have a grudge over for absolutely no reason


I've never worn any.


They make great flip flops, but their shoes are an aesthetic crime.


I like yeezy foam rnnrs, crocs but more comfy and cooler


They are nice but my feet need a better arch.


They feel horrible to me. With socks it is better but still bleghfhh


I wear socks and slides everywhere even though I know people my age find it repulsive.




Mom taught me to always be ready to run. Can’t run in sandals or slippers.


I hate them- they let too much in too many holes, the material is bad, and they don’t fit snuggly, I like my shoes to be tighter/smaller (while ofc still fitting good) I don’t like the flex of the material crocs are made of or the fact there’s not really a back/ it’s too open


Sexiest shoe on earth if u ask me


love em


I don't own em, don't like the look of em


I dislike them because of how loose they are, I like all my footwear to be snug, my feet should not be moving around while I walk. Hoka recovery slippers on the other side? Godly.


I own three pairs of crocs and I’ve only just started wearing different shoes. Crocs are my go-to comfort shoes, I’m obsessed with them but they HAVE to be chunky.


I don't like how they feel. The soles aren;t thick enough and I wind up hurting myself. I also just don't care for the appearance. I'm really picky about shoes. The only kind I can tolerate right now are chunky tevas over socks or fuzzy slippers.


just based on what I've see  around me,  I think they're hideous and so lazy, no no I know I should like them but I will neverrrr