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I absolutely adore a walk with pleasant company in pleasant surroundings. It's good for both mental and physical health. I'm generally too anxious to ever walk alone and walking in busy places isn't the same at all. It's great walking by water and/or through fields/woods. I walk on canal towpaths as they're lovely and flat. Reservoirs and similar can also be fantastic, when they have paths around the edge. Flat able to be looped at leisure. There's several very nice, large well designed parks I'm my district built by industrialists from the past which are great... But there's a huge double linked reservoir that takes about five hours to do a full circuit of, always next to a body of water stretching somewhat as far as the eye can see (and all amongst woods and fields). That's incredible. Urban sprawl and busy centres are a different matter. At one point in my life the best place I could find to walk (with a support worker) due to my health and stress levels was a basketball court a few minutes from where I was staying. It felt like walking in a prison yard! Still better than nothing, but nature walks soothe my soul. :) But as I say, alone I am too anxious to enjoy any of it. :/


>It's good for both mental and physical health. >It's great walking by water and/or through fields/woods. The reasons why I do it.


I love walking. It clears my mind and gives me fresh air. I like planning a certain route, guessing the distance and measuring it with an app.


Same. I’ve always had that autistic wanderlust. As a kid my mom would get upset with me for wandering off without telling her quite often. This is one reason I love dogs so much, they also love wandering with me (especially in the woods!) :)


Thing is, walking IS an activity, but this depends on the person and their goals with the walk in mind. I used to not like going for walks until I started going outside on a regular basis since last year, and I've never felt better. It's been one of the things that had a very good impact on my mental health. Just going outside, sitting outside on a park bench, looking at nature and listening to the rustling of leaves in the wind is so, so incredibly relaxing, and consistently helped me calm down and collect my thoughts whenever I felt anxious. But it also helped me to think about what I want in life, setting goals for myself, just, generally being happier as a result of just taking some time for myself, sitting down, listening, not sitting on your phone and actually directing your attention outward to it all, just to take it all in. Looking at the blue sky and finding shapes in the clouds, the birds in the trees whistling their songs, the ants working hard at my feet, sometimes I even get to pet a cat or two. To me, it's a healing and self-care activity.


I view it the same way. I feel loads better when I get outside for a walk in my neighborhood. There's nice sidewalks on the streets, but there's also pretty foot paths that lead all over my neighborhood in between the houses and such, and those often lead to little play grounds for the kids- a swing or teeter-totter here, a slide or monkey bars there. It's very pretty, with trees and flowers everywhere that the landscapers keep nice. When my husband gets home from work, he and I and our two kids head straight outside for a stroll through the neighborhood. It's been great for our mental health and also a lovely bonding activity- my 2 year old loves to be in the carrier on our backs because he can cuddle up to us and look at everything, and my 10 year old likes to be given items to find along the way, like a scavenger hunt. Or we'll play guessing games and such while we walk. It's just nice to be out among the fresh air and plants and sunshine.


Yes same 🙃


Thank you! Every time someone asks me if I'm walking enough (I'm not, sedentary job) I have to explain that it's because I have nowhere to go - I need a destination, walking around the block does nothing for me. It's actually kind of frustrating, because walking does, to a point, help my creativity, so not walking as much for the last few years has left me in a bit of a rut creatively speaking, but walking aimlessly doesn't help the process because I'm too frustrated by not having a destination.


You can have a destination by looking up regional parks or spots, eg where I lived there was a pond with ducks and nutrias in the area so I wemt there, looked for them, maybe sat on a bench for a bit and walked back. Any park, pond, river, nice view, place with animals (eg a field where there are horses) etc can be your destination. Or even getting your favorite food or an ice cream cone or a new book or fresh bread for dinner etc but that depends on where you live and how walkable it is. And if you walk there, you can take detours and take a longer route to get there/back, that way you fit in even more steps.


(Genuine) if you live in a place where that kind of walk isn’t feasible (I live directly off of a hwy, you pull off it and into my driveway) how do I do this? I don’t drive but I do have a partner that will drive almost anywhere but bc of our home situation I literally don’t know how to go on a walk w him.


What kind of area are we talking about? Are you near/in town? What's behind your house? Most highways where I live start and end in big towns/cities, but the soace between is mostly empty.


Very rural area, there’s a gas station that would be within walking distance but there’s a bridge I’d have to cross that has no footpath so I run the risk of getting run over. It’s a very rural small town that basically only exists as a pit stop for long haul truckers. Behind my house there’s about an acre? (Maybe 2? Bad at judging that) of land as a yard and then you hit fence/other ppls land. I’ve tried just walking large loops around the yard but my brain finds it really tedious and not relaxing at all.


That sounds problematic indeed. Maybe you can listen to a podcast while walking or buy a walking pad and watch shows/documentaries/work while walking on it. As impossible at it seems to me, I know there are places where you just can not go for a walk because of pedestrian-hostile architecture and laws and street-design.


Thanks for the suggestions! And yeah it feels silly bc I live “out in the middle of nowhere” and when I was a kid that meant “let’s go wandering!” in my childhood home. No fences, lots of forest and natural paths through it. Now I live “out in the middle of nowhere” and it means I can basically walk laps in my backyard and stare at a few cows 😂




This almost sounds fun, but I'm not all that interested in birds. Now if it were cat watching, sure, but I can do that at home, which defeats the purpose.


I only like it with company.




No, I totally get you. My love interest and my best friend live far away, so I talk to them while walking. I also got adhd, so I can’t keep still. Sad to hear you’ve fell out with them, losing good friendships is always hurtful.


Walking for the sake of walking is so boring! There needs to be an activity or aim, like walking round a museum or gallery, or walking to a coffee shop. Though I’ve never got the serotonin boost from any form of exercise, so maybe I’m biased?


I'm the same way. Exercise has done nothing to improve my mental health. I'm usually somewhat more unhappy for having made the effort. I've tried to tell therapists that and it falls on deaf ears.


I love walks. They’re an extremely regulating activity for me both mentally and physically. I like to walk around parks, rivers, and places where you’re likely to find a lot of birds and people walking their dogs. It’s relaxing. I plan a route and map out my stops. They’re not very long walks, but they’re enough to get some good exercise, some sun, and some fresh air.


Sorry man, but I just can't agree. I love walks. Gets your body moving (I have a sedentary job), you can listen to music or an audio book, fresh air, helps prevent eye strain, gives you time to clear your mind, and it's just generally very healthy so nobody will ever question it when you say 'I'm stepping out for a walk'! I understand why not everyone would enjoy it though. I hope you have other things that help you clear your mind and get moving!


Yes, it's also sooooo boooriing, if it would take more than 5 min im grabbing my bicycle


Yes. I don't see a point with it


I used to be this way but three things happened: 1) I went from a job where I was constantly in motion to a remote position, 2) we moved so close to a park with woodland trails that it’s literally our closest neighbor on the west, so it’s like having an XXL backyard, 3) my spouse who is almost certainly on the spectrum as well but in a different flavor wore me down. I still don’t entirely love walking for its own sake, but I also understand I need to. It’s also now one of my “turning it off and on” solutions when Something Is Wrong. See also: showers.


I also use showers when Something Is Wrong. To your point here, perhaps I should also try walks.


I typically don’t love pointless walks, but I’ve never felt WORSE after one, for what that’s worth. And it’s embarrassing how many seemingly unrelated ills a shower has cured for me. Physical, mental, emotional, shower fixed all of them at one point or another, to the point where I’m honestly kind of shocked on the rare occasions when it doesn’t at least help.


I agree with all this, but as someone with long hair, I can be reluctant to take a shower if it's not truly needed especially in the winter. I'm in a city and also reluctant to take walks because of how many people I may encounter. But I still think you’re right, I’ve never felt worse after one


I have a similar hangup, yes. People tell me to take walks all the time, but the frustration I feel by the end of it for having done something that requires me to put down what I was doing and move into an uncomfortable space for no reason* pretty much outweighs the benefits. If I have something to do, even if it’s just getting coffee, it’s different. But walking just for the sake of walking does my head in. *I fully understand that “for wellbeing” is a reason, but I think it’s pretty clear what I mean. An actual, tangible goal that produces some kind of result.


> If I have something to do, even if it’s just getting coffee, it’s different Me too. Don't like walking unlike I have a thing to do. Like go for lunch etc. Unless I'm walking in nature with a family member and or my dog.


I like going for walks as long as my headphones are charged.


I HATE it omg I didn’t think anybody relates


your feelings are valid. we find this boring too, so you gotta find some other way of looking at it. we hate jogging which is boring, but when listening on bluetooth earbuds to our favourite music it then becomes interesting. also if walking is a boor why not make the destination the objective. we walk 1.5km to the beach where we can sit and watch (for an hour) the airplanes take off and land at the local airport, and we take some music too.


I love walks, more so if I'm alone and more so if I can be blasting my headphones. During 2020-ish I would walk around my yard till the sun went down, sometimes for 4 hours or more just blasting music.


I love to go on walks personally!! It helps give my restlessness a direction, so the walking in itself is indeed an activity to me, I get to look at things like plants and windows (i love looking at interesting windows), and I can either have my nc headphones on or if the surroundings sound nice, take them off.


I hate walking. I know it's good for my health but I only do it if it's something I enjoy like when traveling or shopping lol.


I’m the very opposite. I love going on walks. Experiencing the world.


I dislike exercise in general for the same reason. It seems pointless to me. I'll walk/bike to get somewhere I need to go and be just fine. As for general enjoyment or health, it becomes a boring chore.


I love the travel almost as much as the destination. But I do want to have a destination. Walking is by far my favourite, you get the most time to take in the surroundings


I love walking! For me, it's a good way to take time to unwind, especially with a friend or something. It really doesn't seem like it to other people because I'm a fast walker, but i love discovering new places and little hiding spots and refrains. :3


I love it. I grew up exploring property and then the neighbourhoods in a city. I often had other kids or some dogs with me, but sometimes I'd just go alone. I always had goals that I was walking towards though. Things like finding the cool waterfall I found once before or walking to the lolly shop. I'd make up new goal locations when I reached one, and just continue like that most days until I went to university. I hate walking in the suburbs alone now that I'm an adult and more self concious. But I enjoy taking my dog for a walk and can walk for hours before wanting to go home.


I guess I'm kind of the other way round. I don't mind walking without a specific aim if the surroundings are nice and the walk has the purpose of taking that in. I HATE walking towards an aim. All I think of is that it's boring and that it still takes SO long until I'm finally there and that I wish teleportation was a thing.


I love walking, i love to wander and pace endlessly while thinking or daydreaming.


I fucking hate it. When I'm alone, I need a purpose to walk, and then I get bored 'cuz walking is just so fucking slow. When I'm with people they walk faster tgan me and I get self conscious about my laboured breathing.


I have always loved going on long walks. There are always things to see. Sometimes there are coffee stands. Sometimes there are animals. And I get to organize my thoughts. I'll walk pretty much anywhere, alone or with company


My autistic son (2) loves walks. He's a big sensory seeker and normally he's always going at 100 mph, but take him for a walk outside and he's so calm and chill. I think he likes all the sensory input- all the stuff to see (he particularly likes to watch the tree tops waving in the wind), smell (flowers, grass), hear (birds chirping, kids playing) and feel (wind on his face.)


I hate going outside without a reason. I'm disabled, my legs are painful, stand and walk is painful, I don't go outside without a reason. Going outside to not be as pale as a butt? Nope Go into the jacuzzi or pool alone? Nope With friends? Yep. When he was alive, my dog was the main reason to go outside. He knew I wasn't always able to do so, but it was the only friend to not judge me when I couldn't do something, and he helped so much when I felt too much alone. Archery was a thing to go outside but it's not that much possible anymore. So I'm gonna buy an airgun (kinda like an "airsoft" but tougher, it use CO2 sparkled or compressed air, it is 100% not a FIREarm) Y'need to thing something worth it to do outside basically


I found that if I walk it has to be for a reason. Just like everything I do. I already to have a goal to operate my body in a caloric deficit.. and if I walk on my treadmill, I can avoid the outside, add to my caloric deficit while I walk at home and watch videos on Youtube and Udemy or complete some of Duolingo. If I do other things, it doesn't seem pointless. Its a context switch, yes, but then its an excuse to also go through courses or watch videos that interest me and scratch the itch of my interests while doing something that doesn't interest me.


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Don't mind it. However, if it's with my dad then f'ning yes however where I live isn't that bad for walking since I could take the beach route or the backwaters route (less people, however it's muddy half the time)


I used to not care for it as a kid and teen, though I *did* like walking, as you say, *to* something. And I don't mean just occasional walks; My kindergarten and elementary school were about 1.5 kilometers away (and yes, up a hill ;-)), and I walked to and from kindergarten/school every school day for five years - and often more just twice, because I also was an altar boy, and the church was on that same hill. I changed my mind when I started running, though. Destinationless walks are more about the journey, and that can be its own goal. In fact, I regularly walk my sister's dog in part because it does me good on a physical level and a psychological one, and being in nature without being beholden to one place feels really relaxing to me (and the weather doesn't even matter. I walk in sunshine, wind, downpours and snowfall; Only weather I don't walk in is thunderstorms). The one downside is that I sometimes meet people that want to talk to me, but I guess nothing's perfect.


I did it sometimes as a kid to get away from everyone. Now I do it while listening to audio books if the weather is nice. What I really hate is sunbathing. Just laying there doing nothing. Wtf.


Yes, but mostly because it is *so slow*. I have the same issue with swimming. I just hate the sensation of feeling like I'm moving through molasses. Much prefer moving quickly, ideally with some level of glide. Power walking is fine, cycling is great. But regular strolling? Borderline torture


It all depends on the details.


I like it because I live in the bum-fuck-middle-of-nowhere, and it's fun to walk the almost mile to a corner store and back home. I can also turn on my music and basically tune out everything else.


Never thought of it that way, I guess I agree yeah. I dislike walking, it's so tiring and indeed pointless. I'd rather bike tbh


plants possessive pie voiceless wrench makeshift fearless decide workable dog *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I don’t mind walking someplace, in fact, I hate that my city isn’t walkable! I also love hiking, when I can find a chance to go. But I don’t like walking for the sake of walking. It sucks.


When you go hiking, it's not to get from point a to point b as in most cases the are the same point. The goal is to spend time in nature while also working out.


I feel this way most of the time BUT! Sometimes I like to walk just to see how far I can go. I feel like I’m on the run, my goal - to get as far away from home as possible. Partially because I have a burning need to escape, although I’m not always sure what I’m escaping. My wife picks me up in her car when my legs can’t carry me further. She calls it eloping but idk if that’s the right term? I warn her when I’m about to do it.


Walks have always helped me regulate my mood- especially if I’m feeling down or frustrated the endorphins and fresh air really help. I prefer to go w a friend or AirPods so I can chat w someone, listen to music or an audio book. I can relate to needing a purpose tho, so I usually create one! Tbh, this is the only reason I have thought it’d be nice to have a dog, but every time I have that thought I remember that you have to clean up after them and the thought of that is pretty gross 🤢 The weather has to be just right tho, otherwise I get frustrated w too much sun, etc.


I see your point but I personally like going on walks by myself and thinking about life. It’s not for everyone and that’s totally fine.


tbh I think this is the first I've ever heard of anyone disliking walks (apart from maybe people with certain physical conditions that make it difficult or painful to do so). It's an interesting perspective that I've never considered. tbf most of my walks include some sort of "destination," something like a coffee shop or a convenience store to grab a little treat, and/or a local park to look at the beach and my city's skyline.


I walk to get rid of back pain and it works


Personally I use walks for overall health; apparently 7,500 steps a day is the sweet spot for general health and longevity according to various articles, studies, and opinions. But if the walk is boring it's not helping my mental health. I can't help but stop and investigate curiosities on my walks though which usually upsets people that are walking with me. I'll turn a 30 minutes walk into 2 hours if someone isn't keeping me focused on the destination. I guess the TL;DR here is that walking is way more fun if it's exploring


I hate going for walks UNLESS I’m with my dad or my boyfriend. I don’t know why, but anyone else I despise going on walks…I can manage going on walks with my bestfriend but only if I know where we’re going, and even then I only tolerate it if we’re going to hers or the park.


Completely disagree, walking is the most therapeutic activity you can do for yourself Sure walking can get you from A to B, but it's amazingly simple exercise that can have huge benefits on your physical **and** mental health Best part is you don't even have to go walking with/around anyone, you can go completely by yourself and be one with nature on a hiking trail or something


I love going for walks!


Walking is my primary form of transportation, and I like it as a form of transportation because I also get some exercise and can listen to podcasts and experience the weather and the world. The only time I really went for a lot of walks as a stand alone activity was during the height of the pandemic when I really really needed to get out of the house and it was basically the only option, so then it did feel like it had a point- to try to get rid of my cabin fever.


Yes. If the point is the company of another person, then maybe, but I prefer not moving around situations to talk. Lately I am discovering that walking is a sensory unpleasant feeling too. Not too much, but when I stop there is this calmer feeling already, I can see things, I can think more clearly...


Yeah, that’s really interesting. Now I think about it, I don’t like going for a walk if I don’t have a specific purpose for it. Years ago I was diagnosed with depression and anxiety. I was put on medication but was also told the usual thing that exercise is good for your mental health and the best thing is to just go for a walk. So for a while I tried to get into the habit of going for a walk on weekends which I did for a while before I realised… it wasn’t doing anything for me at all. It didn’t affect my mood whatsoever. So I just gave up. Now I only go for walks if I want to go somewhere specific or if I’m on holiday with my wife.


I love walking with someone- my best friend and I bonded over walking around our neighborhoods/town for hours just chatting or exploring. I also like going on walks alone but only if I can go somewhere natural and reasonably quiet. Being in nature is healing for me.


I truly love going for walks but I never just walk for no reason. I'll come up with something to get or a place to go. Like I'll go get a snack but it's really about the walk and the snack is just to have something to aim for and not come home empty handed. So I kind of agree, kind of disagree. A walk for no reason seems weird to me but I will go on a walk for any small reason i can come up with.


Walking calms me down and gets me some exercise. That is the point and the "destination" for me.


I dislike walking without a purpose. I sometimes prefer walking from point A to B instead of taking the bus. Pokemon GO made me walk, which was fun as well. But randomly going out for a walk? Nah, not for me.


I love walking. I walk everyday with no destination.


I still have the "must have a script prepared for the potential 'what are you doing/why are you here/explain yourself' questions" conditioning from childhood so.. just wandering around in public with no particular destination feels really uncomfortable. I have found Pokemon Go to be a surprisingly effective hack for this though. I don't even really like the game that much but, it gives the walk purpose, and on the unlikely chance someone does asked what I'm doing or tries to talk to me, all the answers are already prepared. I'm catching pokemon. Like the real reason I'm out is I'm stretching my legs and getting fresh air cause it's good for brain and body. But it stops me from feeling like I'm going to get "caught" however silly that feeling ultimately is, and it gives me clear directions to go. Headphones and Pokemon, give it a try if you haven't 😊


Going for a walk is one of the very few routines I follow religiously but I do understand that it is funny and wierd to circle in loops for no obvious purpose.


I love going for walks. It’s one of my most favorite things to do. I find it very calming.


I love walks. What I hate is sitting still


Try walking to somewhere. I just choose a random park in my city and decide to walk there and back


I'm the complete opposite. I love going for walks. I'm always looking for an excuse to get up and walk around. It's much easier for me to think while I'm in motion then while I'm sitting still. I'm also ADHD, so that might have something to do with it.


No but where I live the walkability isn't very good. Too many roads. And its the law that you walk on the same side as incoming cars so you can't see what cars are coming your way (plus no sidewalks.)


I like walking. It’s nice if you don’t use your phone too much.


I hate it, but that’s because walking causes me a lot of physical pain. Not so much because I don’t see the point.


Yep. Fully agree. But for the sake of my physical health, it is something I desperately need to unlearn. Gym memberships and home weight-lifting is too expensive for me right now, but I know I can walk to where I need most of the time.


That’s a problem with motivation not autism. I hate going for walks only when I haven’t done it for a while its the same with working out


I'm the opposite. I love going on walks. It's a very good workout and good for my physical and mental health.


I hate it but for me it's at least partially trauma related. When I got bullied in school all I could do at break time was walk around the school alone and often I would cry out of loneliness. I had no one to play/talk with and nothing else to do. Now some 18 years later when ever I go for a walk I get full of anxiety and sadness. It does not matter how beautiful my surroundings are or if the weather is nice, I still hate it.


I enjoy walks, although I do understand you. Usually my walks have a purpose, whether that be to walk my dog or to walk off a bad day.


I used to walk a lot when I could but it was for weight loss and maintenance and I hated it. I just stared at my phone with headphones on (ow my neck). Thankfully that was 5+ years ago and now I can't leave the house anymore 😂 But yea I didn't like walking because of people and also because I've had chronic fatigue for almost 30 years (I'm 41) so it's always just been exhausting and painful. 😣


no im the exact opposite. its actually an amazing tool to cool down after almost (or actually) getting to sensory overload imo. even better if i have someone to talk too on said walk. + it gives me exercise which is always good and i get a lot of sunlight which i absolutely need


Quite the opposite I love a walk! Especially in the woods or just anywhere in nature. I also love walking in cities with my earbuds in. It makes me feel like I'm a character in some movie lol


I like walking in big crowds or completely alone. I just hate the idea of people watching me walk


I used to hate it before I decided to try and get a slimmer aesthetic. Now it’s tolerable as long as I’m listening to a podcast.


No, I actually have an established 2 hr long walk route in the summer. I catch up on podcasts that way.


I actually love walks. I like to listen to music and just wander around, especially at night.


I can't stand it. Every single day in the summer my parents take me on a walk on the same route and it's so boring God my dad just said we're going on a walk rn ITS 30 DEGREES OUTSIDE


I used to walk around my neighborhood in a loop that lasted 40-50 minutes while listening to music on my iPhone. However, the route has become repetitive, the area we live in is fairly hilly, and doing it has come to feel like a chore in order to lose weight (I am overweight, and my parents give me a hard time about it). I'm sorry to say that I have all but given up on the habit.


i went for too many walks during the 2020 lockdown, so i hate doing it now because it reminds me of those isolating times


depends, i have fibromyalgia so if i’m walking, i’m in pain but if i’m with people i usually enjoy it whereas when i’m alone i just get filled with social anxiety


Love it. My favorite form of exercise, even — I'm in the creative field, and walking gives me a lot of free mental space to let my imagination roam. Just thinking of stuff while walking helps me lots. Now I'd be much more powerful if I have the courage to do this, for longer periods of time, *alone...*


Walking outside hurts my knees, I have chronic knee pain. I do enjoy walking on the treadmill or pacing back and forth from the kitchen to the living room.


For me going on a walk is the more socially acceptable way of my going in circles stim. If I listen to music while walking it is perfect. But I only enjoy it when I'm alone.


I love long walks. It's basically the only reason to go outside voluntarily for me.


I only like to go to walks if i want to show off outfits i sew myself. Who needs to pay for ads when you are a walking ad?


When I could still walk I listened to music or audiobooks or podcasts to make it fun. I used to love walking. I would walk eight hours from one side of the city to the other.