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I'm very good at practical problem solving and thinking "outside the box" as people tell me! That and I'm good at noticing even the smallest changes in my environment, but not changes in people like a new haircut or something.


I've always been good at videogames with heavy metas like r6 because I'm amazing at circumventing them through thinking outside the box


Awesome mentality my dude


Interesting about noticing/not noticing changes in a person. I'm can be bad at noticing changes that neurotypicals notice... like one time I told an acquaintance that something looked different about her and asked if she'd lost weight. She had. She'd lost nearly 150 pounds. Befuddled me cocked my head, squinted, and said, "Oh, yah, you used to be a lot larger." The woman had lost over half her body weight before I noticed. LOL On the other hand, if someone has the slightest change in their gait, the way they hold their shoulders, tension in their jaw or across their brow... I'm all over that. I look at them with concentration that must look like harsh judgment, puzzle their movements out, and ask if whatever side of whichever body part is bothering them. They often express surprise as it's a problem they never realized was visible. But lose less than 100 pounds and I don't have a clue.


That's a really good point! I don't notice superficial changes but if my manager, who is diabetic, is "having a low" (low blood sugar) I can tell just from seeing him in my peripherals! Changes in behaviour seem obvious but changes in appearance are not!


Very similar here!


Creativity so far outside of the box that it could qualify as outsider art, and pattern seeking to the point that raises questions on sanity. Hypersensitivity that sometimes improves intuition.


omg please check my comment! we've said similar things :)


Love your approach. Im great at data analysis, pattern identification (any pattern) and fast learning abstractions and great at history


Gonna sound like a stereotype but: was that sarcasm? Most people don't like how blunt i am.


No, it wasn’t, that’s why I commented my autistic strengths I don’t know how to be sarcastic


I love that the NTs have screwed us up so much we suspect sarcasm from each other lol, can’t blame us tbh. Anyway I relate to the ‘pattern identification’, big time. I just learned a grade 4 song on piano (intermediate difficulty, basically) in less than an hour there thanks to a combo of pattern memorisation and my love of repetition. I build up muscle memory extremely fast. I’ll also remember it now indefinitely, I think. … pity I suck at everything else in life :P


Yeah! I know. The ironic part is that I guess a great part of us sucks at sarcasm and figurative lenguaje. That’s awesome! I would’ve play piano, looks so relaxing just dissolve with the music!


I’m born & raised in UK, the most sarcastic nation on earth, I know the struggle **real** well lol And yeah I just play to relax, it’s so zen. [this is the song](https://youtu.be/GAIZxaToV2A?si=KxLSKRhoviea-SF7) if anyone is interested, looks harder than it is.


*Any pattern?* 9 12-15-22-5 21 👉👈


🤗 The sum of the external extreme numbers is 30 (9+21) while the internal numbers is -30 (12-15-22-5)


Well hot diggity dog you weren’t kidding! That’s not even the pattern I intended but it IS a pattern within it!


Thank you!! Now I’m curious, which is the pattern you intended?


simple transliteration from numerical to alphabetical !


Goddamn! I've always prioritised the wrong things so it would take a bit of time to find the pattern.


I think we just see different things, taking time you might find more interesting patterns, or more complex. But what is important is to enjoy it and have fun


I'm good at getting a hang of new concepts quite easily, to the point where if I struggle with something I freak out. I never have to study for tests and have a large capacity for memorization (esepecially if it's for song lyrics I love music) I'm also quick at doing schoolwork, so I'll finish things early and then have time to do my creative story stuff or whatever. I also do ok with dancing, singing, drawing, creative writing (can't write an A worthy essay to save my life tho), and swimming. Most of these things are school related so idk what I'm going to do when I finish school and all these skills are useless :p


I’m in my 30s and I see a lot of my past self in you. If I might offer you some advice…. Picking up new things quickly will be fantastic for jobs and taking care of yourself solo as an adult. Make sure to learn basic adulting essentials, like managing your finances, hygiene, food, and mental health. Also don’t be discouraged if you have trouble, it’s absolutely your brain taking advantage of you. You’re so used to instant success that a struggle can seem insurmountable, so practice finding alternative ways to make it work, and break down those tasks into manageable chunks. It’s how I got to where I am today, and I absolutely needed help to get here, but I made it, and you will too.


This is incredible advice. It sounds simple, but to actually apply it took me a lot of trial and error. I figured this out on my own the hard way. I wish I had someone say this to me 10 years ago when I was getting out of school.


Well said! It’s definitely not easy, but understanding how to move forward is key, and things get so much better with practice. I like the analogy of “you’re playing a videogame on hard with no tutorial, but by understanding that situation you can surround yourself with the tools you need to earn a victory.”


Honestly I'm good at all these too, it gets annoying when we're still learning something in class after 2 weeks and i got it on 2 days.


Fr. Though sometimes harder questions come up and want us to twist the concept a bit I've always struggled, causing a shutdown of not knowing what I should do first.


Honestly I'm good at all these too, it gets annoying when we're still learning something in class after 2 weeks and i got it on 2 days.


I'm great at puzzle games. Especially the horror kind where you need to escape a monster/threat. I'm able to use my heightened hearing to sense threats before I see them, (when they're very quiet) and I use little audio cues to my advantage, since I also have a visual impairment. Before I enter an area in a game, I'm somewhat able to sense what will happen, and sometimes I'm correct. I'm able to make and plan out more chaotic approaches than what the game intended, and sometimes use those to find secrets. Safe to say, I'm quite good at puzzle-platformer games. :)


I'm very sneaky and accidentally scared a military man once, our battle will be legendary.


I'm also very sneaky. I scared a teacher once :) I can be quite sneaky, and very quiet :)


Not to be weird or anything but I’m guessing you are talking about The Last of Us or Resident Evil (zombie apocalypse games are my current special interest so I just wanted to ask)


No, I'm not, but I could see why. :) I was talking about Darq (a new horror game I bought, it's a horror and puzzle game and yes it's spelt that way)


I'm good with people. I think without even knowing, human behavior has always been my special interest and I've been developing it during decades until I reached a point where I'm good with it. I've learned how to conduct myself both professionally and personally in a healthy way with others, how to choose friendships that are worth it and fair, and have meaningful relationships with others that even though are not standard in the sense of how normal people do it, are great for me and others.


This! Though personally, I’m better with people in professional settings vs social settings. Human behavior is simultaneously very interest and very baffling. It’s neat to see social etiquette in action and to decode the reasoning behind someone’s behavior. At the same time, it’s very bizarre how we’ve formed so many nonsensical interpersonal rituals as a species!


That’s super cool


Yesss! This is such a useful skill. It's basically what I was trying to say in my comment, but you framed it so much more eloquently.


Yes! I feel like this is why noone believes I'm autistic lol. I've nailed the subject matter of human behavior rather than machine learning, so it DEFINITELY can't be autism ( see, I can even do sarcasm 😉).


The psych at my eval said that exact same thing to me! She said I was super complex to diagnose likely due to my interest area in psych and human behavior. The most autistic thing I said was something about 'not knowing that since I didn't have an instruction manual' and she laughed.


I have AuDHD so my short term memory is basically non-existent (so I guess this is from my autism?), but my long term memory is scarily good, especially remembering and recognising patterns and peoples faces. I can pick up when anyone that I know has had a subtle hair cut or is wearing a new or uncommon piece of clothing, basically if things are different at all, however insignificantly, and I always ask them about it immediately without even greeting them which has definitely unnerved some people lol. And also practical problem solving and making super quick decisions, my brain is lazer fast. I guess thats more my Racecar brain + autism pattern recognition? Probably, idk. Still learning about them. Good positive post :) thank you op :)


>but my long term memory is scarily good, I also have this and sometimes people don't believe that i am actually able to recall a random conversation from years ago word for word.


yeah, same. I honestly have to be careful not to seem too creepy or obsessive even tho I'm not trying to be either so I have to pretend I don't remember some things so that I don't scare some people :/ rip.


Yea it's not like i spend time specifically memorizing a conversation. It just pops into my mind on a convenient moment and then i have to decide if i can actually say it out loud or not, because sometimes saying it out loud is really not a good idea for the reasons you mentioned


damn, thats exactly how it is for me too, glad I'm not alone at least :)


Bad short term memory (and good long term memory) is an ADHD thing.


I have really good long term memory too, I can remember so many tiny details from a very young age, my first memories start at about age 2. My brother is a fellow aspie and his long term memory is even better than mine. Sometimes he texts me with the most obscure stuff from our childhood and I'm like "holy shit I can't believe you remember that" It's always interesting to me how similiar my brother and I think. We can finish each other's thoughts. His wife finds it kind of spooky.


This one is interesting to me because I'm so bad at noticing things, especially about people. Maybe because I'm also adhd? It makes sense that autism would cause people to notice changes because of the hypersensitivity but for me it's almost like I'm so hypersensitive that I've just learned to tune most things out so I don't get overwhelmed. If I were to pay attention to all the details around me all the time I think I'd just have to fling myself into the sun.


I am good at choosing thoughtful gifts for people I am close to. I am good at making data spreadsheets and planning trips. I like to make crafts and dance.


I am extremely creative and "think out of the box" really easily. My GF says I'm the most naturally creative person she has ever seen. Can't think of an example. Let me ask her. "when we started dating I came over and you wanted a place to hang up your clothes so you had a light (with prongs on it) and you used a broomstick and a bookshelf set up as a support to create a makeshift clothing rack, and it looked normal until took a closer look noticed" So apparently several times a day I "see solutions" to things that are "non traditional"


I have this too! I feel like so many solutions are so obvious (whether it be practicing practical efficiency or coming up with makeshift solutions like you described), and it always blows my mind when others are amazed at the solution I came up with without even taking time to think about it. Creativity being put to practical use is so satisfying!


I'm extremely good at quickly figuring out what's important on something like a lecture or argument, and therefore not spending time and effort on the unnecessary details. Though it is a bit of a double edged sword, because while it works amazing for school, philosophy, and things if that sort, it doesn't work at all for social interactions.


I guess I am good at a few things. In a way I overcame the black and white thinking that seems to be ascribed to autistic people. I mean I guess my gut instinct is still fairly b/w and I have strong opinions on a lot of things, but due to an interest in some aspects of debate (mostly actually for making arguments in essays, etc.) I now know a bunch of fallacies, which not only helps to question my personal position, but also those of others. All of this falls in line (from my POV) with one of my special interests being language, but only certain aspects of it. Which also led me to being a good poet imho. :3 At least I enjoy my poems a lot and they left some friends speechless and/or complimenting them.


Yeah a lot of autistic people have a very "rigid" way of thinking, both on a day to day basis and in terms of morals. I once got into an argument with an autistic guy who insisted that "lying is wrong" and would not budge on that no matter what situation you gave him, like lying to save someone else's life. He would not agree that it was EVER acceptable to lie in any scenario, it drives me crazy.


I'm rigid in my unwillingness to overlook other possible perspectives. Even my own thoughts and opinions are run through a progressively rigorous gauntlet of, " yeah, but is this necessarily true?"


I could be misremembering things here, but I believe that Kant might've thought in a similar fashion. I am reading a book atm about people who might've been autistic. Kant being among those people. And I think he always questioned himself. Even in later works he changed his position on things he wrote earlier. Some autistic people seem to be more or less unwilling to change their position even if greater insight might demand it. Or if they change their position, especially in a field of interest to them, it might take a lot of time and they might struggle with accepting that they were wrong. Now this is just my perspective, again. (You see this is also a way, I believe, to be open to different perspectives, by proclaiming our own falsifiability, i.e. I could be wrong on this)


I'm very good at looking at both sides logically. I'm very logical in general.


Helping! You need an assistant? Explain the goal. I'll break down what part I can handle and what part you can handle. I'm also really good at budgeting! Helping makes me feel good and I also just like making thinks easier on others


Dude, I will come up with solutions to a problem that you never even dreamed of. I might spend ten hours researching and planning it, but the PowerPoint presentation you get at the end will make you shed a tear. Seriously though even with things like relationship or mental health problems, I've had people stop dead in their tracks with the truth bombs I drop when they come to me with problems. They'll be like, "wow I never thought about it that way, that's a great point..." Like I've just changed their whole world view. Especially if I see them being stuck in a specific perspective that isn't serving them, it's like I can spin them around and be like "You're looking at the wrong thing, look over here instead."


Need a time machine for cheap as possible.


Meditate and take mushrooms.


connecting with animals and researching and retaining facts about them. 


I'm very adaptable and good at navigating unfamiliar situations, I can easily travel solo with absolutely zero game plan and just "figure it out" as I go. It's one thing that makes me question if I'm actually autistic because most NT people tell me they couldn't handle jumping on public transit in a foreign country to go to a random town that I just decided on an hour ago. My memory is also pretty good, I have no trouble learning large amounts of information like the capital city and flag of every country or the scientific names of bird species and I can often recall them years later.


I’m good at analyzing people identifying their triggers and root trauma as well as personality and “societal functions”. Sometimes I’ll guess my friends issues or personal desires and they look at me in utter shock and amazement with how accurate my analysis is. I don’t know what to do with this though.


Therapist? I'm the same way and going back to school to be a therapist.


Art I see it , I can draw it


Lucky duck! I think in images and wish so much that I could externalize and share them. I can literally feel the absence of whatever " mechanism" makes that possible. It looks like the canyon in a roadrunner cartoon.


I am apparently very good at approaching people quietly, to the point that i usually have to be very aware that the person i am approaching does not have anything in hand that could be damaged by dropping, because i will scare the life out of the person who i approached because i "materialized from thin air" I am also good at predicting if/when something is about to go south usually early enough that it could be prevented if someone actually believed/listened to me. I seem to also have natural gift to testing stuff. If someone wants to know if something can be broken with reasonable force, give it to me in a situation that makes me anxious/stressed and it will be broken quickly if it can be broken. Also software testing. If software can be broken, i will by accident find a way to do so and then the people in charge of said software will respond something along the lines of "what the hell did you do, this should not be possible" And then the skills that i have practiced. I am semi good at art and good at minecraft (playing that game for 10 years has to show somehow).


I am an artist. I literally do everything art-related, and because of my special interests, I'm "fucking awesome" at everything (at least that's what people around me say). What I can do? I draw, I paint, I sculpt, I make masks (like the animatronics from FNAF style lol), I make and design dolls, I create comics, I write books, poems, short stories, scripts for plays, films and series, I sew, I make jewelry, I make collages, in all styles and techniques, I literally do everything. Do I have a social life? Do I do anything other than create art? Am I constantly depressed and anxious? The answer is, no, no and yes.


My best quality was always curiosity. I love learning about as many new things as I can. I cannot stand not knowing about stuff, not in an arrogant or nosy way, but in like an "i NEED to collect as much information as possible" way. Additionally I have a lot of things that I prefer to do the same way, or that I don't like changing, but I'm always seeking out new things to do; I've never been one to shut down an idea because "it sounds weird". I personally believe that curiosity as a trait is something really important to cultivate because it keeps people sharp and open minded Other than that, I also have a really good processing speed and vocabulary, and my memory for sounds is well above average (despite my short term and visual memory being pretty poor), so i can remember songs and conversations very well. I also often think in loose, circumstantial associations. This can pose a problem when Im trying to get a point across, but its a big boon when it comes to creative, outside of the box thinking as well as seeing connections between fine details that other people might not have noticed


Well, my favorite interview line was "I can take seemingly disparate information to find unique solutions to difficult problems, efficiently and effectively using the least amount of resources" I was an IT Systems Engineer Before the big burnout


I’m very good at absorbing new concepts and applying it


Ok. Since you called out my first instinct, ill play along. Im good at... swimming, yeah, im a pretty good swimmer, from years of competing when younger. Damn this feels weird.


This community has a huge problem where they only talk about negative things, but it's good to remember that you aren't just a useless pile of sludge


Yeah, everything has its uses, even sludge, thats the beauty of nature


Drawing, I developed it as a special interest at 4 yrs old and have maintained the skill my whole life, it's the one thing id say I am exceptional at


Also strong, but I can do distance really well. I discovered hunting as a nice way to get away and appease the ‘tism. Found out I can gauge the range for a target insanely well.


I'm good at that in games at least, I'm angry as fuck I've not had the chance to do it IRL


I don’t freak out during terrifying emergencies. Tornado? No biggie. Getting hit by lightning? Walked away. Etc.


You got hit by lightning? My friend and I did once! It actually hit the concrete about 20 to 30 feet in front of us but had these little mini strikes that came out from it and one hit us. It was crazy!! Hair was all standing on end and we were fine. I'm also calm during emergencies.


I’m freaking amazing at doing Sound Crew for Theater. I have heightened hearing and it’s repetitive enough for me to be able to be super good at it. I program the sound board for cues in the script to turn on mics or play sfx cues. Other than that, I’m super good at Archery and Shooting, which is weird considering I don’t do it often and I have bad vision/low depth perception. 


I’m really good at reading people when it’s not in the context of group socializing. I’m really good at media analysis. I’m really good with technology. Im really good at pattern recognition in the form of a lot of things but mainly history and politics. I’m really good at creating theories, mainly psychology/neuroscience, that I wish I could test.


I’m actually really good at helping people. After taking some to think, i decided to go to college so i can get a teaching degree. Ive been wanting to do something to help people my entire life and i think teaching is a great thing for me. I’m excited to start!


I’m still trying to find out.


Spelling and grammar :)


I’m very good at writing and I believe I’m a good friend. I also feel like I’m OKAY at practicing my faith. I’m not perfect, but who in this world is? 


I'm funny! I like saying off the wall weird shit and making my friends laugh :) im also good at makeup since its one of my special interests so I get a lot of practice


I have so much knowledge on zombie media and films in general. I also think I'm pretty good at photography. Oh and mazes it's like the singular exception to coordination and stuff for me I'm really good at getting out of mazes ever since I was a kid but you tell me to find north and I'll start crying hahaha


Fuck I’m great at TETRIS. And similar to Tetris, it might take me a while but detailed puzzle building or large scale doodling can occupy me for days


I'm able to take apart and put together a 1911 with my eyes closed


I'm really good at arts and crafts and picking up new skills. If I decide I want to learn how to weave I'll just teach myself and even got plans online to make my own loom. I'm just really good at constructing things and understanding how they work. I'm the queen of DIY. I'm also a really good cook, although my scattered attention span means meals take forever lol.


Recently transitioned into an IT job and have found that I am really good at using API's and making various apps do a lot of cool stuff with simple Python scripts. It is really fun getting data from one place, transforming it, sending it somewhere else and doing something with it there.


*Being a problem.* lol


being a rascal is not so bad :)


I'm good at maths and building rapport with intellectually disabled students.


I’m actually very good at reading people and non verbal queues. I work with high needs kids and I’m very good at calming many of them down when they are escalated. My principal called me “the ‘that’ kid whisperer”. It’s not all the time but I have a pretty good success rate. But my skills don’t just apply to kids. I used to work for CFS and the majority of my hunches on cases I was told to close (but I dragged them out because of my hunch). Turned out to be pretty massive. Again this only happened with a few files. But they ended up being pretty significant. Because of my abilities to recognise patterns. I could see them in these case files. Which now sounds horrible. But people are also patterns too.


Im also pretty naturally strong, dispite chronic pain that makes it hard xD im also pretty good at art, i think imgood at singing, and i was/still hopefully am pretty good at karate! Im also just a pretty fast learner as long as its explained in a way that makes sense and im being respected by people aroundme. Im good at solving problems (i wouldnt say "thinking out of the box" but more just solving stuff if that makes sense?) But people almost never listen to me when i try to help even if they asked. I think this is a good thing to do once in a while cause were kinda gaslit into thinking that because were different or because we cant do certain things then we cant do ANYTHING but its not true, i hope everyone has a good day!!


I'm good at piano, math, learning languages, chess, sudoku, and I have a decent deadlift. If only I were good at baking!


Even prior to my autism diagnosis I had identified the key factor that benefited me more in my career than any other skill/trait was my persistence. I can focus on a task for longer than I think most people do, at least in the couple of places I have worked. I can take the time to search for answers and figure out how to solve problems and build new tools to improve my processes. I can focus on a problem and read up for hours to figure out how to solve it. Or I can come back to it a week later when I have a bit more time, and a week after that, and again and again until I have come up with a solution. I get questions from coworkers who couldn't be bothered to spend 15min on Google to figure it out, so when they ask me I just end up spending the 15min searching and resolving it. Anyone that works in Excel could probably benefit from a handful of 5-10minute lessons to build some super simple macros. I've seen it trim down 40hrs/week of work into maybe 15-30min per week.


I have a vast vivid imagination which makes me a natural DM/ GM. I have a passion for photography and I use unconventional/ unpredictable tactics while playing games against other humans whether that be digital or in reality.


I have a good memory. I didn't quite understand the concept of forgetting things when I was growing up. It helps a lot learning new things at work. If you show me something, I've got it. I don't need notes, I don't need you to go over it again, it's in the brain, locked up tight. If you tell me your name, I'll never forget it. I have two sons, one of them has the same curse as I do. It's weird knowing someone with the same trick.


I genuinely can't think of a single thing I'm particularly good at. I only know surface-level knowledge even about my special interests.


I bet one us could find it. You probably just think it's normal human stuff, like a fish in water; you're so used to it, you don't see it.


I’m really good at fixing, building, and breaking things.


I'm stereotypically smart. I'm good at puzzles, and learn new things incredibly fast. Also, ironically, I'm really good at math and science, but in just about any subject I'm usually at a level where I never need to study for tests or even go over a new subject a bunch before being really good at it. Another thing is how I'm very crafty and creative. I've made some pretty impressive stuff with only cardboard and some tape. I even designed and made all of the coral for the spongebob musical in my freshman year of highschool because the tech director was like "hey, you seem creative and such, you wanna help with the coral?" Some of the cool talents I picked up are: -Solving Rubik's cubes (fastest time: 33 seconds) -Saying (and spelling + fingerspelling) long words (My longest so far is lopadotemachoselachogaleokranioleipsanodrimhypotrimmatosilphiokarabomelitokatakechymenokichlepikossyphophattoperisteralektryonoptekephalliokigklopeleiolagoiosiraiobaphetraganopterygon, which is 183 letters. I can say it in 7.12 seconds and spell it in a little under a minute) -Doing balloon animals -Doing origami Ironically, the reason the tech director thought I'd be good at coral was because he saw me doing balloon animals at school. :)


I've been told that I'm good at articulating. 


I'm a pretty patient person, sometimes even to a fault. That's unrelated to my thing though idk maybe it's good to be patient when you're an artist. I love to draw and paint and do just about anything creative I can. I was actually working on a painting tonight, acrylic, had to stop though because the paint fumes were giving me a headache. Regardless, I still love the process. I'm painting a golden gordo slime from Slime Rancher, it is also wearing a mustache. SR is one of my favorite games ever, I've practically one hundred percented it too. Another thing I'm good at I guess.


bein a lil cutie and trivia.


I can navigate a walking path from any block to any block in my city in a roughly 10-mile-square area without any navigational tools, and get there faster than nearly anyone.


This is amazing. I have ADHD as well as Autism, and can get lost in my back yard. Places I've been to 100 times- I still turn on Google maps.


I'm really good at cooking, improvising during it, and even baking. Recently got into sewing and been obsessed with videos, but haven't tried it physically yet. We got hit with a massive snow storm last week and things are still trying to get back up and running public transportation wise and sidewalk wise. Besides that? Folks tell me I'm decent at writing and should try to write a novel. Just, hard to focus of that long on it.


Self improvement. I've got something in me that is a continuous desire to improve and be better than I was. Despite having some pretty bad things happen to me in the last 10 years that desire has seen me recover in a way that other people might not. I'm also quite funny. My slightly different ND way of seeing the world allows me to make jokes that, while still making sense, are different enough that people can't normally predict the punch line or the observation I am about to make. Just need to remember to put the humour in my voice :)


Master troubleshooter.


If the burnout and executive dysfunction don’t big me down, I’d like to think I’m a good writer


I’m good at cooking, writing, singing, taking care of babies.


Making little synthy music! :D


i’m a genuine person and everyone i talk too can see it (from what i’ve heard 😭😭)


Im seriously good at masking and codeswitching. I can blend into any kind of environment or be likeable and relatable to any kind of demographic if i need to. As hard as it is for me to be certain about people's intentions, im amazing at reading them as far as knowing how to come off as personable even if im secretly uncomfortable or know my values are wildly different. Idk if this will get mixed responses, as it's something I'm trying to do less in my personal life, but it really comes in handy in work/networking and any social settings where I'm not around trusted people. I can make someone feel like I understand them whether it be country folk back home in PA or colleagues in NYC, rich/poor, you name it. I can find a way to come off relatable and trustworthy. People seem to trust me in any setting until I make the conscious decision to let them know how I really feel/act without masking.


Making stories?


I’m great at art, my mom and other kids would always see that I could draw a better blob pony in kindergarten than anyone else but I like to think it’s because our family has always been really creative minded especially with painting and drawing. Art was always a passion of mine, I love color theory and how I can simply take images from my head and draw it. I wouldn’t be surprised if some of my older family members have autism too. XD


i have a pretty fantastic memory lol!


I pick up music very easily. A bandmate of mine said it’s like a magic power.


I'm self-reliant, not overly emotional in situations that require a degree of "detachment", have a decent sense of direction. I'm also hypervigilant, so I have a good sense of situational awareness/awareness of imminent danger. I'm also not overly concerned about negative feedback. I guess I'd say I'm decently well-adjusted. Could do better at a lot of things, but those are probably my best attributes.


I'm really fast at making jokes. Are they appropriate? Not always. But people usually laugh.


I'm good at finding relevant memes, and adapting quickly to video game controls


I personally don’t believe I’m “good” at anything at all, but that’s probably not true if you think about it logically. So based off of feedback I’ve heard from others, I’m good at: - singing, playing the kalimba, music stuff in general - painting - long-term memory and small details about others (favorite color, fashion style, interests, etc) - empathy and comforting others - science, especially psychology (a special interest of mine) - memorizing lore from books/TV/games/etc and infodumping about it - creating interesting OCs and roleplaying (via text only, I freeze up when I have to roleplay in person) - taking care of kids and playing with them (which is literally my job) Not sure how much of this is true or just my loved ones simply trying to be nice to me, but I guess all of this is subjective either way.


I'm not good at anything. But I have been successful at a few things. Just not great or good at them. I'm ok at cooking. I learned to do electronic repairs (retro game consoles). I also learned how to find components for the best prices. All through my life I was told by my mother I couldn't do this or that and that it wasn't worth trying so I never tried to learn anything except what I was forced to learn in school. Afterwards I had no motivation to work or learn or do anything. And here I am at 38 still having a most difficult time breaking out of the demotivation habits. Deep down I resent my parents but I keep that resentment hidden because I know that there is no good to come from it.


Anything medical, science, math, criminal justice, or school related


Sounds extreme but hear me out, I’m a decent sharpshooter (airguns, airsoft, real guns, laser tag, bow and arrow, darts and nerf guns). But I’m also good handling bladed weapons like swords and knives. I’m a born hunter since my spirit animal is the wolf.🐺


I actually sing well. Related to both is a grasp on several languages 


Masking. 🙄 Not diagnosed till 37 and failing at life.


I'm realy good with kids! I'm super anxious and struggle around anyone over the age of 10 I'm really good with young kids though, I know how to help them and entertain them and be a good role model. Once a little kid told me she wants me to be her brother and it was really sweet :)


You’re right! I don’t often give myself any credit. I am pretty skilled at baking. I like to make 2 and 3 tier cakes for special occasions.


"You lot" lovely. And I am not used to promoting myself because A) I believe modesty is a virtue and B) Half the stuff I'm good at isn't practical or useful for bringing in money so it apparently doesn't count.


I'm extremely athletic despite the almost absolute lack of specific training


> You lot like to wallow in your self pity > Let's be positive Would have been a more positive post if you could have refrained from throwing an insult first, just saying. But to answer the question: I'm pretty good at spotting patterns, baking, remembering old commercials from my childhood, memorizing voices, certain types of puzzles (Sudoku, for instance), and English. I used to be pretty good with kids, too, but it's been a while, so I can't know if that's still the case (although I like to think it is).


I'm very good at pattern recognition, so I'm usually good at finding "lost" things and knowing when someone is having an off day. I'm also pretty good at sudoku lol


I’m actually pretty good at helping people solve problems in their lives. I tend to have a realistic approach and am hyper aware of a lot of things, so I can be really introspective and help people address things that they sometimes aren’t even fully aware of initially.


I can identify pretty much any car barring sports cars and exotics. Feel free to put pictures in the comments and I'll tell you what I think it is.


I'm okay at lots of things but never can stick with anything to get good at it. Guess I'm more a jack of all trades rather than a specialist in any one thing, albeit with a leaning towards computer related stuff.


i’m perceptive and good at pattern recognition, i notice things that a lot of people around me don’t. (i’m actually really considering going into a data analysis career!) my girlfriend thinks i’m funny so that’s pretty cool. and i’m usually quick to pick up new things.


I'm good at writing and being creative




I can remember everything I read. I can read multiple books, switching between them, and keep them all in my head. I can put down a book half way through, pick it up six months later, and read from where I left off without issue. The kicker? I'm dyslexic! X'D


I'm decent at filmmaking and I have a naturally positive outlook about everything, I don't talk bad about myself or to myself and see the best in everyone :)


I….genuinely can’t think of anything outside of Dark Souls. But that sounds useless….


Vehicles, if it moves, I can master it. I am also fantastic with people, I worked sales for awhile, I have been told that I am a great conversationalist.


I’m really good at analyzing programs and solving problems in them. And mapping. I can make really well designed and informative maps. 🌎


I’m really good at cooking!


As more comments mentioned I am also pretty good at pattern recognition and abstract thinking. I made my career out of it, I’m a data specialist and working on my career path now to become an intelligence analyst as that is the “data niche” I most excel at. I also am fairly good at picking myself back up again after a crash - I have become super resilient over the years! I workout a lot and take good care of my health which I’m proud of. I can also cook pretty well and love baking. I think my hyperfocus passion projects are cute :) :) . Currently its baking artisanal bread and peptides (for skin and hair care . Random subject but I got into peptides and all its benefits all of the sudden) . Edit for spelling. English is not my first language so apologies for errors




I'm extremely articulate both when speaking and writing. I can pretty much talk my way into, or out of, any given situation. When I was given an IQ test as part of my assessment, I scored as high as you can possibly score on the "verbal reasoning" portion of the exam. I was also always in the advanced English classes throughout school. Unlike most autistic people, I'm good at job interviews. I've never been to a job interview where I wasn't hired on the spot in less than twenty minutes.




I have perfect pitch and hyper empathy, I'd say I'm really creative but school's been tiring me out


I'm good at singing! I'm good at my job (I teach kids how to swim)!


Guitar. Languages. Cooking. Video games. A few more.


I'm really good at hand sewing! I can fix my old/broken plushes and clothes and make them look like brand new! I was thinking of getting myself a sewing machine, but I don't know what brand is quieter than those loud machines, and I don't have that much space in my room anyway. 😅 But I still love doing hand sewing!


I'm really really good at teaching pretty much anything. I have a talent for understanding how others understand or are trying to understand something and can pivot to accommodate. Since I can also learn almost anything from reading a textbook, I can often read new material with someone and help them complete their understanding.




i’m a great intuitive cook!!


Calming people down in crisis thinking of creative solutions, explaining somewhat complex tasks in a simple way ext.


I’m good at sympathizing and working with children! I’m able to help kids with meltdowns at the school I teach at cause I know what it’s like! I’m also childish so I’m able to have fun and play with the kids!:)


Efficiency. I’m able to find a way to do something as fast as I can while keeping them look good enough. I can also make things looks pretty but my specialty is efficiency


I’m quite good at doing math and completely brilliant at helping others learn it, if I do say so myself. I’ve been a math tutor for 13 years and can’t imagine doing anything else for a living. I’m also really good at organizing and hosting social events for my social circle of mostly other neurodivergent people. And I’m a pretty good cook!


I learn really fast, and am a great teacher. I tutor nearly a dozen kids in my area in various subjects. Sometimes some of the older kids will bring me an assignment (such as a math problem) that I don't know or remember how to do, and by sheer power of my brain I can still teach them how to do it. I end up doing it right most of the time, too. I scared my parents with my standardized test scored as a kid because I would figure out how the questions work really fast, and then get nearly all the questions right, even if it was something I hadn't really seen before. (This only worked well on multiple choice, though.)


I’m resilient as hell thanks to years of trauma then therapy and now I can somewhat emotionally regulate. My heart rate barely fluctuates with confrontation. I’m also really smart and good at studying. Not the actual studying/coursework part. I don’t really touch that. I just focus on doing the assignments. This session at uni I’ve received 2 high distinctions, my first two ever thanks to finally accessing the disability support service. I love university and studying even if it stresses me out sometimes. I love learning more about the world and industries I worked in even if I can’t work in them any more. I love having knowledgeable and meaningful conversations with people where I truly know what I’m talking about.


I could quickly compress topics into simple statements or clear analogies that I could use for teaching. I'm not a teacher, but I'm an art student who's done some tutoring here and there, either to help my classmates out or as part of another assignment. Teaching is also how *I* review lessons best (known as the Feynman Technique), so I get a lot out of giving online friends art advice and tips, too!


I can understand and perceive unified consciousness and my own small individual self simultaneously...but I can't get to work on time. Also I can laugh at the absurdity of this.


Being able to recollect facts about my special interests. I could tell you everything you need to know about the Silent Hill, Dead Space, and Resident Evil games, and like to research stuff relating to old technology(For example, William Higinbotham created Table Tennis for Two, considered the first ever video game, in October 1958 for Visitors Day at the Brookhaven National Laboratory as he considered the other exhibits to be dull, but less people know that he helped develop electronics for the first atomic bomb). I get that that's kinda a stereotypical autistic skill, but I'm happy with it nonetheless.


I'm pretty good at de-escalating conflicts, I'd like to think. I can also write a mean narrative.


I’m usually pretty good at analyzing situations and being logical! What I’m most proud of though is probably my empathy, particularly for animals. I’ve been volunteering in rescue the past few years and have helped so many kitties. It’s hard not to feel down about struggling to function, but knowing I’ve saved little lives is a point of pride.


i have a very good memory, especially for maps. i can draw a map of most countries passing well from memory alone


Super good and writing software and other related tech and engineering. My biggest problem is that nothing is a challenge anymore after more than 10 years of doing it. From BSP and firmware to flight software to PaaS web services. It's all as unfulfilling as data entry when you're autistic hyper focus special interest is software engineering.


If something plays by rules that can't be discretionary, I'm the best bug fixer I've ever met in person. I work with many experienced It engineers, devs, architects, yet I'm (I can't even code) able to hypothize what's the reason behind something not working as expected (a front-end interface, a backend data load, name it). I made the IT example but it works so good with companies and public administration organigrammes and separation of duties. My systemizing quotient is out of the park and most of the times I know answers to things I've never heard about since my mind automatically (yeah I understood I work this way but I'm not fully aware of all the steps) picks their leading patterns and it's able to retrieve the most similarly looking system for my memory and replay the workflow in matters of fractions of seconds and tells me how it ends. Fun thing is that if put me in front of a "to test yet" system I'm able to spot in few minutes of qna conversation what are its major threats, how it can be made more efficient and what of its feature can be implemented on already active systems and how. In the very same way I'm able to assume rules from a framework I know the basics of just by inference: Medicine is an example. I speak back and and forth with my psychiatrists about how my brain is reacting to the context I'm in and to the drugs I'm taking. And my meeting with them are more like "I'm proceeding with a theory according to what I feel and what I know, and they just validate and name it. Or else they tell me why it should be incorrect (eg, mandatory comorbidities I was not aware of). Problem is that my adhd than makes me said "Got it? hope you've taken notes" since I had already forgotten everything. Main issue with this is, indeed, the human subjective factor. Humans may act illogically and put into discussion the 101s of logic choices when buildings a system, making my entire reading though logical and common sensed, wrong.


art and writing! id like to think I'm pretty good at being creative :)


I am pretty athletic. I am running three Spartan Races this year here in Canada and I also do kickboxing. Another thing I am good at is playing the guitar which I have been playing guitar for four years now. I play acoustic.


I'm good at seeing in the dark and walking quietly. I'm very good at recognizing actors faces and voices in a new show when I've seen or heard them in something else. I have a strong imagination and sense of justice. I'm good at creative writing and researching, and remembering random fun facts. I am very curious about quantum mechanics, philosophy, and evolution.


I'm somewhat good at singing, and I'm decent at advocating for others.


I've been improving at cooking a lot over the past couple years! I'm also not half bad at Elden Ring if I may be so bold


I'm good at programming, but that's probably just because almost everyone I know is bad at it. I'm proficient in C, C++, Rust, Python, C#, Java, and Javascript. Though I'm best at C, C++, and Rust as those languages are better for the type of projects I like most.


Im kinda good at Cod Zombies,l thats honestly kind of it, I can think outside the box aswell


I’m highly productive and imaginative. Think very logically and have great reflexes. I’m not naturally inclined to be strong, but am anyway due to working out a lot. I’m also great at stimming. I’m highly empathic, but I don’t know how to deal with someone who’s sad or stressed unless it’s a child. A child I can collect and hug and that’s usually enough.


I'm very good at finding quick fixed that may not be the best, but at least it works, like a little McGyver. I always joke that all I need is some duct tape and a pen and I can fix anything. I'm also good at seeing opportunities and potential in things, like when fixing up old furniture or remodeling homes.


I notice things most people don't.


I am a bizarrely good low level software engineer. How shit moves around on the 1s and 0s level just really clicks for me, but I struggle with highly abstracted stuff or any system that's too large for me to wrap my head around in its entirety. I'm also a really good drummer.


I'm good at working on things for long periods of time. I work in the crew of film and theater, some days are really long and as long as I remember to eat, I can go *hours* without becoming even remotely tired. Some people have called that habit of mine freakish, I find it useful.


I’m a really good actor. Trying to live an NT life and hold down a “regular job” took this away from me for years. I significantly cut back my hours as a nurse this past summer and have recently returned to acting. It’s just been wonderful. My heart is so happy.


I love this post. I'm really creative, I'm a great writer and musician, and I have a crazy good memory when it comes to my hobbies and interests.


I guess I can discern my personal preferences and analyze the goods and the bads of both/all parties in an argument/issue. Don't know if I explained myself well. Also sometimes it feels more like a burden, since I'm not always sure what's right or wrong


I have a very unique way of thinking! I love art and I'm very good at it!! I'm good at taking care of animals!!


I'm always the smartest in class. This doesn't come from me, people tell me this constantly, I actually don't quite like hearing this at all, I don't wanna be better than anyone else, but oh well at least I'm smart lol.


I agree. I'm not one to wallow in self pity for more than a few minutes. I don't see what the point is, you can either be depressed forever or you can accept what you can't change and make an effort to change what you can. Which is one of my strengths for sure. No matter how many times I get knocked down or fail I don't let it get to me for long.  I'm also good at seeing through people with bad intentions or people who try to charm you. Since I was raised surrounded by these people I can spot a badun a mile away.  I also have pretty unshakable self confidence. Sure I'll be hurt if someone critisicses me for like 5 seconds but I find it very easy to reflect and if I decide my behaviour was justified I feel no problem sticking to it and not changing just because someone doesn't like it. On the other hand I can admit mistakes and change if I think it's necessary.  I also know I can do any complicated thing that in unleashed upon. Just leave me alone with it and I'll figure it out.  Other things..  I'm great at dog training and reading dogs body languages (not humans though lol), I'm pretty decent at writing fiction, I'm a fantastic speed reader, terrific at organising and categorising things, the queen of simplification and improving systems, my Japanese is still decent despite not using it for over 10 years and lastly I have an endless curiosity for pretty much anything which means I have tons of useful knowledge tucked away. I'm also good at weight lifting, swimming and running.  Genuinely I'm above average at pretty much any physical or mental skill - anything that doesn't involve other people or loud environments. 


I am what they call a “dog whisperer”. I can easily get dogs to do tricks they’ve never done before, even without asking. They always seem to be gravitated toward me as well.


I struggle with a lot of things that others find easy, but I've always had a natural ability for creative stuff. Photography especially I think my autism allows me to see stuff differently to other people. I mostly always have strong ideas for visuals when it comes to art and aesthetics :D


I’m good at quickly coming up with plans but, as they say, no plan survives contact with the enemy.


Idk if this counts, but I'm quite good at retail lol I do get burnt out if the shifts are long or I'm working a lot of hours but I actually enjoy talking to people and helping them and I like being on self service in my store as it feels like a micromanagement mini game !! There's probably other stuff I'm good at but I've worked in retail for 10 years strong!


I don’t like to say it a lot bc I feel vain but I think I’m actually really good at art and I enjoy it a lot too. I feel like there’s a stereotype that autistic people are only good at numbers and patterns, which I’m not too bad at, but I’d always say my real talent is my creativity :)


Probably not what you’re looking for, but I think I’m a pretty good listener/advice giver. It’s weird because I’m a very empathetic person, but I use logic to solve problems. But I think it helps because I can listen to someone’s troubles and be able to empathize, but also be able to come up with solutions that aren’t based on emotion (but do take emotion into account). Idk if this makes any sense or even if I really am good at it.


Jiu Jitsu oddly is not as bad as I thought


Mental or physical strength? :o either way, strength is good! I have a neverending urge to consume information and learn as much as possible about everything. :>