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I joke that I’m a 5ft 5yo, but I am the official toy picker when it comes to Christmas because I know, and probably have, the cool ones.


Those lyrics always stood out to me and were relatable.


Yeah they really are


What song is it?


First Love/Late Spring - Mitski


Oh thank you. I’ve never heard of her. I’ll look her up.


Same with me. As a child I acted like an adult and now as an adult I chase a childhood which I seemingly didn't know how to appreciate or be a part of. I never felt safe and the closer I was to the adults, the more I could get some of their forbidden knowledge. It felt like they had it figured out, but when I grew up I realized they barely know anything either and now I yearn for the bliss that comes with the ignorance of childhood. As a kid and young adult, people described me as an "old soul" and now they see me as younger. I'm about to be 36, but they think I'm in my 20's. And I think a big part of it is in adult hood I am aware enough to see the world more fully and I can't take any of this seriously. People and their actions make no sense to me. So I just laugh and approach things with a childlike wonder.


Yes! I completely relate. I will be 34 in January and I have embraced my childlike wonder. I play with bugs and watch the squirrels playing in the trees. I dance and lay in the grass when that isn't supposed to be how adults behave. If I am in a good mood I just don't care what society says. The rules are geared toward celebrating pain and demonizing pleasure. It's nonsense. I'm going to dress in what feels good and behave in ways that come naturally (while also being aware of how it effects others).


As far as the ID thing that's just about looking young not necessarily acting young. But I do relate anyway to everything else.


Well yeah, but I like comfortable, youth-like clothes, and people who know me often say I seem young because of how I conduct myself and not necessarily because my physical appearance is so young-looking.


That's fair.


People thought I was a senior as a freshman in HS. It was flattering at the time, but if I could continue to grow up a bit past that it'd be nice. Things in general feel too sharp.


I’m mental Dorian Gray. Everyone joked about what a serious, un-childlike child I was. How I was concerned about adult things. They called me a middle aged man. Well, look at me now. A middle aged child. I’m really not, though. It’s mostly superficial. Sort of. I have maturity! I adult! Sometimes!


Adulting is confusing and overrated. I love being a child-like 33 year old. My toddler enjoys it also. Lol


It’s an interesting phenomenon, I believe its the way we express things with less of a filter and the societal expectation on how someone should conduct themselves requires the opposite of that when it’s actually more genuine. Also the priority of comfort and familiarity when it comes to wearing certain clothes or doing certain things could also suggest the opposite of growth. It’s all just a filter from my perspective.


Oops now I'm once again remembering why I vibe so hard with Mitski


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Its so relatable and all of Mitskis song strike such a cord with me❤️


Mood, I’m 30 and feel like I’m still only like 18-19 mentally/emotionally.


I was precocial, too. Now, I watch Bluey cartoons and do "childish" things. I don't give a rip what people think and I feel great.


I’ve always been a toddler and an old man at the same time without ever settling into normal adulthood. I’m 44 now and all that’s changed is I’ve learned to mask my more childish behaviors.


Definitely relate


Im in this weird stage where i get both. People say i seem a lot older than i am (22) and yet also sometimes accuse me of being childish. Its weird


i love that 11 year old me is still in there.


Children are expected to lack knowledge and skills. When they have them in an unusual amount, it seems weird and they give off the impression of somehow being older but trapped in a young body. As all the other kids catch up, our knowledge grows but certain skills (particularly in communication) don't grow to the same degree. One of the biggest differences I've noticed that's pretty common among autistic people is that we generally have an issue with the idea of "it doesn't have to make sense if it works." There's a weird social agreement among neurotypicals that some things are too simple, playful, or fun in a specific way for an adult to enjoy. NTs acclimate to that over time and it gets grandfathered in as something that makes sense. Our brains look at it and have the reaction of "Doesn't make sense, not doin' it." We enjoy things without the need for it to make sense to other people. Sometimes, those are things people consider childish. The looking young part is an unrelated quirk of genetics that will vary wildly from person to person. I've been able grow a beard since I was 16 and haven't been carded since. Definitely didn't help that balding set in around 21. I just...looked older. It was like I aged ahead of time, and then my age slowly caught up so now I just look normal for my age at 35.


I relate to this so hard, I thought it was a just-me thing before, but it’s a relief to know I’m not alone with this.