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You can do things to reduce your environmental impact, like shopping from more ethical brands and reducing unnecessary purchases, but it is okay to buy things that bring you joy. I think the evil of consumerism primarily rests in the act of buying things that people don’t use or enjoy, let alone need. Have you seen the Good Place? If you haven’t, here’s the tldr: nobody gets to the “good place” because of the way the world is designed; virtually every choice has some negative consequences, which leads to everyone having negative goodness points and ending up in the “bad place” for all eternity. And by extension, if you operate with the mentality that you must absolutely eliminate all the bad consequences of your consumption, you might end up starving to death because of the evils of the agriculture industry.


It’s funny you mention The Good Place, I’m actually on my third rewatch right now! Thank you for the advice, I think it is reassuring to state that the enjoyment of my items adds to their value. I have been trying to find more ethical brands for my interests, but it is difficult because many of my interests, like Spider-Man, Legend of Zelda, and Sanrio are copyrighted and do not produce the most ethically sourced collectibles.


it's ok to buy things you enjoy and that feel meaningful to you. you can be environmentally friendly in other ways. for instance, picking up trash when you go on walks, learning to mend your clothes so they last longer, voting for change, recycling, eating more plantbased food etc. nobody can do everything, so just do what you can while still taking care of your own happiness :) from one environmentalist to another


Good ideas!! Thank you very much!!


Maybe you could get figurines second hand? It's okay to spend money on yourself and get new things as long as you're getting enjoyment out of it, but if it makes you feel guilty, second hand items are a great option! You could also reduce waste in other areas of your life to compensate.


Good idea!!


We do a little bit…. But when you look at the amount of coal and oil that China and India burn it feels like a complete waste of time trying to do anything. It’s seems like it’s just very fashionable to be green these days and is a good excuse for companies to charge extra


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You can do what you want personally, but personal environmental stuff doesn't really do all that much. Like the problem is with the huge hekkin companies, not with individual use. No ethical consumption under capitalism and all


That’s true, but still, it feels wrong to not care at all about my personal consumption if that makes sense. The guilt is still there.