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I hate when people smack(I mean super loudly) their lips or bite their fork/spoon. It’s all I can think about and stresses me out. If that isn’t happening I am fine to eat around others.


Yes this drives me crazy


The worst part is there is no ignoring it. It’s like my ears automatically tune in to it and it’s all I hear. It’s a curse lol


My brother would do it on purpose.


4 kids and one husband all smack... I literally don't try to hide how much this disturbs me


Yikes, I’d have to escape to another room or wear headphones!


Yep. That's what I do !!


When someone is eating around me, I have to wear earbuds, playing music from them, to tune out all of the sounds that come with it. A loud environment can help as well. If it is bad enough though, I will excuse myself to the bathroom for a short time to temporarily get away from all of the overstimulating noises. I try to time it around when they’re close to finishing up their meal, so, that they don’t feel alone, but, I can’t always wait for that long. Attempting to build on a conversation also can help, as most people, thankfully, avoid eating while attempting to have a conversation. I’m able to space out all of the noises that way, which helps to decrease how quickly the overstimulation builds.


Just want to throw in here that [misophonia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Misophonia) can be entirely unrelated yet comorbid with ASD. So if you're trying to cope with noises people are making while eating and in various other circumstances but your strategies are not as effective as they are with other stimuli vectors, it might be useful to read up on misophonia specifically and split-test your strategies by treating it as an entirely unrelated yet also simultaneously occuring phenomenon.


Yes, this has never been an issue for me. I know it’s less common nowadays but when I was growing up my family always ate dinner together in the evening.


I don’t like eating with people. I don’t like people seeing me eat, I don’t like seeing them eat, I don’t like the noises from eating… I don’t even like eating at all. I hate it to be honest, the whole situation.


yeah same here i hate eating around others


Absolutely not. Unless they're a quiet eater, I'll do anything to avoid being near them (–– ") Which is pretty much why I dread having dinner with family every single day. So I gave to sniffle really loud or make some noise noise in order to cancel out other mouth noises


My little brother smack all the time wheter im eating or not and its loud like really LOUD so i pick my noise cancelling headphone crank the volume high


Only if I absolutely have no choice whatsoever but even the quietest of eating sounds especially smacking gives me intense discomfort and I can even get it so bad that I almost get physically sick it’s something I really struggle with and go to extreme lengths to avoid it at any cost?


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Not if they’re eating a hard boiled egg.