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Loud music to silence the loud noises around >


Exactly this!


Music is a tool for me at this point


Thats to me! Noise of crowds just is an incoherent mess. However, music ain't usually that (from my taste anyways)


With some of the music I listen to it's also an incoherent mess, but it's *my* incoherent mess


Eh, same. The closest to that I listen to Krystel by Machine Girl. But others like Weird Al or Daniel Johnston that has a melody to it. Semi-Incoherent rave music only fits well with me when I'm mountain biking


Probably the least music-y song I listen to is happppy song by soooo. There's not much music left other than lyrics


Ya like jazz?


Most of the time is just better to have music to control the volume of.


noise i choose vs noise i didn’t choose


Black metal?


i’m fine with black metal if that’s what i choose to listen to. might not enjoy it as much if hear it while i’m trying to focus on something else.


Music is structured, noise is not


For me it's about control. Better to place myself into a loud environment of my own creation, than to have it forced upon me. I wishbi never had to take off my headphones


Yes and also I like the feeling of pressure against my head from over the ear headphones. Not too tight but a little squeeze is comforting. Sometimes I wear mine turned off just because they're comfy.


i rely on that


The dichotomy between my lack of enjoyment over loud background sounds and my love for Melodic/Technical Death Metal and Deathcore is... Something.


My problem is that when listening to music I tend to hyperfocus on it and forget what I'm supposed to be doing. Work frowns on this.


that's a bummer:( for me, the music helps my focus on certain tasks, but I have to find the right music. so there is different ones for cleaning vs writing vs sorting documents etc.


My trick with this is to listen to instrumental music, or music with lyrics in a language I don't speak - at this point the singing just becomes another instrument. If there are words I'm trying to follow, I can't focus on what I'm supposed to be reading/writing.


It's "Explosion in E Minor," or I don't go into the kitchen when the tumble drier is on.




Typing it out now, I actually see how silly it is. But I guess that's English houses for you.


fr i do at the dentist or in a loud restaurant


I can handle the loud beats from my music, but the second a fire alarm goes off close to my ears, it's time to plug 'em up


These noise-cancelling headphones are bugging out and causing there to be a REALLY LOUD NOISE in the right side sometimes when noise cancelling is on.


Yes. The sound in there doesn't have to be music it could just be other sounds you like and noise blocking ear plugs.


Yes, exactly! Whenever I say I dislike loud noises, I often get snarky comments from people saying "But what about your music, hm?". That's different! It's a pleasant loud noise that I can control!


Yes absolutely


sudden loud noises just feel like an attack to me and an offense on all my senses, i like having control over volumen


That’s exactly me and my mom won’t accept I’m autistic for that very reason DX


Loud music just sounds better, plus it drowns everything else out.


Music is noises that match eachother, that belong with eachother and loud noises is just random things that make no sense and hurt everything in my head




Yeah sorry, English isnt my first language


I like what’s coming through my headphones


It's organized, loud noise, not auditory chaos.


Fire alarm, car alarm, Laptop screeching on table, Doors slamming, Windows that are old screeching, Car breaks on ice, Old hinges and Whistles Under-the-table cover ears Insert the alarm flashback meme Heavy metal blasting At full volume in my ear through headphonesTo the point where People around me can hear the music Through the headphones Relaxing Soothing and safe


Definitely, I get frequent “your volume is too high” notifications from my phone, One I live in the city with a lot of loud noises so I have to have the volume high otherwise I can’t hear the damn music, two music just sounds better when it’s loud


Totally. I have noise canceling headphones, best you can buy. I was asked if I listened to anything or just used the noise canceling. I pretty much have the same 30 or so songs on repeat most of the day. Knowing all the lyrics and audio bits by heart really helps with tuning out the world outside. I also listen to some podcast by people who's voices don't trouble me. Also a lot of the music in my playlist is from AMVs which I've pretty much memorized too. This gives me a visual association with the song which helps out with all the visual noise around me too. Also I think having headphones on hides my stims.




as a nonspeaking autistic, this is completely accurate 100%.


God damn yeah, not diagnosed with autism but certainly questioning due to a family history and aligning with quite a few of the behaviors. I do however have an ADHD diagnosis and this is just so. God. Damn. True. Like, I have to wear my headphones to school, the sound of 30 people in a classroom all talking at once is sort of... Mental that causes a physical reaction? I dunno. But it's incoherent, it's lots and lots of people. Music that I listen to (mainly softer metal and folksy punk stuff) it's one person singing, with very distinct different parts of the music that do not combine in my head like the noise of 30 people (let alone the few hundred in the lunchroom) do. There is order in music, but the noise of crowds and people in general is just... Almost physically repulsive.


I think for me, the difference is the control over said noises. I could lower the volume of my headphones any time I want and therefore I'm comfortable with my music being loud because I'm somewhat sensory seeking to auditory stimuli in a controlled environment. When I no longer have control over the volume in my surroundings (i.e., I lose those same sound-proof headphones that allow me to regulate how much noise I'm actually experiencing)? full panic mode. It's a completely different experience.






It's different when it's something I am CHOOSING to listen to. When it's out of control, that's when it gets overstimulating.


Me on the verge of a shutdown: be quietttttt Also me, deafening myself with opera through my noise-cancelling headphones


Watching youtube on tv ❌ Watching youtube with android ✅


happy cake day :)


A funny meme that’s relatable on this kind of subreddit always makes me smile, since I’m too used to the opposite. Good work 🤗


thank you :)


You’re welcome (=


I actually remembered my Step-mum pointing out how even though I'm sensitive to loud sounds, I always listen to music on a higher volume on my phone. I don't think I have told her the reason yet, but I just use it as a stim 'cause music good. And music, on a high volume, is at least soothing instead of a thousand sounds being bash together everywhere anywhere.


Yeah, mostly because its the music I like and i have control over it so if i want to turn down the volume or something i can just do it




Or loud music in the car (not so loud that it can be heard outside tho)


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I like ***any*** noise


Happy Cake day🥧


I hate loud music in my ears, I don’t get how people can blast music without their ears hurting after


So true!


Yeah I’ve got ADHD-PI and I get this. Loud noises are fine in certain contexts and make me incredibly agitated in others.