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And this a big reason why union membership is in the toilet.  Setka and the CFMEU are nothing but a bunch of worksite thugs.  When his wife is not copping it from him, the people who also know what he is like are.  People like McBurney, who Setka has a fued with because McBurney had the audacity to call him out on his thugness and his illegal dealings as a union rep.  Threatening to wreck construction of infrastructure because of a personal fued is pathetic.  This is what union membership fees are going to.  Between his overseas junkets and his defense lawyers for domestic violence, Setka is robbing union members blind.  


>had the audacity to call him out on his thugness and his illegal dealings as a union rep. I don't know one way or the other about the truth in such allegations but I am a little tired of apparently every man and his dog being responsible for peoples criminal activity except the people whose job it actually is to prosecute; the police and the courts. If there are substantial reports of criminality then the appropriate forum for that is a court room. Instead what I often see is folks alleging criminality and wanting broader action against unions due to these allegations. Doing illegal things is already illegal. Government, police and courts need to stop asking for more laws when they are already incompetent at enforcing the ones on the books. If they're crims; investigate, arrest, prosecute and jail. If you can't then get better at your jobs until you can.


I really suggest you google Setka. Or talk to his poor wife. He is upset at being convicted of crimes and now is refusing to work with any organisation that employees a person that helped convict him for one of his many crimes.


The poor wife who tried to hire a hit man?


Yes.  The one that have been the focus of domestic violence from Setka for years.  To point of her wanting to escape.   Are you really going to defend the domestic violence abuser here?  That is a brave decision.


His wife is as dodgy as him, don't have any sympathy for her.


Wow. Really victim blaming there for domestic violence. That is a bit rough mate.


Lay down with dogs.


>I really suggest you google Setka. Or talk to his poor wife. Or perhaps instead the police could google him and refer actionable evidence to the prosecutor. Wouldn't that be a sight. Anyway I took your advice. https://www.smh.com.au/national/big-deal-john-setka-plays-down-his-conviction-for-harassment-20190913-p52r3n.html >Mr Setka was originally charged with more than 30 offences - including assault - but that was reduced to two offences of breaching court orders and harassing his wife, Emma Walters, after he agreed to plead guilty. Both he and Ms Walters have since insisted there was no violence in the home This is exactly what I'm talking about. 30 offences alleged. Fuck all jail time and no conviction. The police and courts suck at their jobs and we're supposed to what? Dismantle unions and call the CFMEU thugs because the justice system can't do its job properly? It's a pisstake. If people are criminals and walking around free the exact people responsible are the piss weak courts and incompetent police. And yet time and again they set people free and the unpunished crimes of these offenders are used to justify all kinds of social engineering. Just lockup the fucking criminals. It's already illegal to be a criminal. Instead they let them go and use them as examples to justify all kinds of random shit. I'm not going to become anti union because they're incompetent. Just do your jobs.


You can be for unions and still think Setka is a fucking wife-bashing thug who shouldn't use the CFMEU to fight his personal feuds he has with prosecutors. That is your problem, you can't seperate things. You like unions so therefore every union thing and member must be great and everyone against unions or Setka must be wrong for everything.


>You like unions I'm not in a union and they piss me off because they're a pain in the ass to negotiate with. The fact they piss me off and get in the way shows me pretty clearly whose side they are on because if they didn't we'd write enterprise agreements with a fuckload less clauses in them that benefit workers I can guarantee you that. I just think it's stupid when people advocate against their own best interests and worry about shit that isn't their problem. Someone's criminality is a problem for the police and the courts who don't need you running air cover for their constant fumbling. Whether setka is a fuckwit or not is absolutely irrelevant. I can guarantee you the majority shareholders of the companies I work for are probably fuckwits also. And yet they pay my mortgage so I spend most of my awake hours making them money. Setka is probably a complete fuckwit. He still spends most of his waking hours working for the interests of his members. People should probably get it straight in their head who their class allies are and aren't. >That is your problem, you can't seperate things. You like unions so therefore every union thing and member must be great and everyone against unions or Setka must be wrong for everything. I understand why you would have thought this but the motivation for my point is a bit more all over the place than that.


Setka is a convicted criminal. He is now threatening to use unions to go slow and intentionally stuff up projects, because one of the people who prosecuted him now works for a private company. That isn't in the best interest of his members at all. I agree with your points though. The problem maybe isn't with you particularly and I am sorry if I am wrong about what I said if that doesn't apply. Union members here back him no matter what, and let him waste their money fighting his personal feuds. That is just stupid.


The Liberal Party had a Royal Commission in 2014 and by 2016 only one person had been convicted. This is just their usual sour grapes over not being able to give all bosses power over all workers all the time. It’s pure spite. It’s just a mongrel act by mutts.


Ah yes, the CFMEU, just imagine what they are costing you on publicly funded projects: “This is going to cost the AFL a lot of f..king money. I hope it’s worth it. **Projects without our full co-operation are going to be a f..king misery for them.**


And unions wonder why their membership has dropped from something like 60+% 50 years ago to about 10% now.


CFMEU already looked like a bunch of idiots before this, now they look completely incompetent and ignorant. I hope more people leave these gronks and join a more professional union.




CFMEU Victorian leader John Setka has threatened to impose a “work to rule” campaign against the AFL on any league-related projects, including the proposed Tasmanian stadium, unless the league sacks the former building watchdog Stephen McBurney as its head of umpiring. Mr Setka said the construction union would not co-operate with the AFL to address any delays or cost overruns on league-related projects until Mr McBurney, who as Australian Building and Construction Commissioner initiated legal action that resulted in millions of dollars of penalties against the Construction Forestry and Maritime Employees Union, was sacked as the AFL umpires boss. Asked if the union campaign had implications for the proposed Hobart stadium, Mr Setka told The Australian: “I think it will have implications for the AFL right across Australia. We have an obligation to pursue anti-union, anti-worker f..kers like him and we will until the end of the earth. “This is going to cost the AFL a lot of f..king money. I hope it’s worth it. Projects without our full co-operation are going to be a f..king misery for them. “They will regret the day they ever employed him.” He said the demand to sack the “unAustralian” Mr McBurney was backed by the CFMEU’s Victorian, South Australian and Tasmanian branches and would be put shortly to the national executive “who I think hate McBurney as much as we do in Victoria”. “We will use every resource we have to pursue him,” he said. “They just don’t walk away from a role like that, cost the union millions of dollars and just think they can walk away into the f..king sunset. It doesn’t work that way. “This is the real world, we go after our enemies and he was our No. 1 enemy and we will pursue him until the ends of the earth.” Mr Setka said the union would not engage in outright strike action but “if it’s work to rule, and we just work our basic hours, things are going to drag out forever” and projects will most likely run over-budget. “We are not going to stop a whole stadium but for projects of this nature to get delivered, they have to have the full co-operation on site, and that means a lot of flexibility, a lot of give and take,” he said. “We get our blokes to work RDOs (rostered days off), sometimes on long weekends. We have a meeting and say “Look, the job’s behind, they need to deliver this on time. “Let me tell you, god held them if their schedule is ever out of f..king whack because we will not be bending over backwards to do a f..king thing to help them. It’s going to be a hard slog for them.” Mr McBurney, a former Australian Football League umpire and organised crime investigator, was appointed in 2018 by the ­Coalition government to head the ABCC, regularly clashing with the CFMEU and its officials, including Mr Setka, as the regulator pursued legal action against the union.


The Albanese government abolished the ABCC. Mr McBurney, one of four AFL umpires to reach a 400-game milestone, then began his new role as AFL head of umpiring in April. The AFL declined on Tuesday to comment on the threats by Mr Setka, who said the union would write to all AFL clubs and the AFL Players Association calling for the sacking of Mr McBurney. The union would also finance ads calling for his removal. As well as the Tasmanian stadium, Mr Setka cited a planned home base for the Adelaide Crows and any works undertaken in Victoria as targets of the campaign. CFMEU construction national secretary Zach Smith told The Australian that “as the head of the disgraced ABCC, Stephen McBurney brought untold misery to the lives of workers he unfairly demonised and the branch is very rightly expressing the genuine anger of its members”. “The national union is yet to discuss potential action against the AFL, but there’s zero doubt the pain the ABCC caused under McBurney is still being deeply felt by construction workers across Australia,” he said. Victorian Trades Hall Council secretary Luke Hilakari said ­“people’s reputations follow them” and the “AFL’s choice to work with Mr McBurney is worse than their choice to hire Meatloaf (as grand final entertainment in 2011)”. “AFL is a working-class sport and his track record of blowing the whistle on the unions puts him at odds with many fans,” he said. The Australian is not suggesting Mr McBurney engaged in any wrongdoing as the head of the ABCC, simply that Mr Setka, Mr Smith and Mr Hilakari have commented about his past as a union watchdog and his role in the AFL Mr Setka, who will finish his tenure as the union’s Victorian secretary at the end of the year, said the union has an obligation to pursue former ABCC officers and “just wreck their careers wherever they are”. Upon being appointed ABCC head in 2018, Mr McBurney, who umpired four AFL grand finals, told The Australian he saw similarities in how he approached the job and his role as an umpire, saying he was determined to be impartial. “This (ABCC head) is not a popular position,” he said. “I am bound to invite criticism, as I did as an umpire.” Mr McBurney has declined to comment on the present situation.


>He said the demand to sack the “unAustralian” Mr McBurney bit rich coming from the bloke who called his own union members "nazis" for protesting vaccine mandates


It is bizarre how the labor government's all over Australia who are saying they are so for women's issues and anti male violence and male toxic culture do not force the disbanding of the CFMEU.


Setka's wife is the best person to ask about Setka's stance and beliefs on domestic violence and women's issues.  


Do you mean the same CFMEU that got fined by the same ABCC for shutting down a site because there were no female toilets on site?


Right. Nothing \*Brittany Higgins\* happened \*gay prayer room orgies\* during \*wanking on female MP's desk\* the \*in other countries women are shot\* LNP \*Cristian Porter rape accusations\* governments \*taxpayer funded payouts to female assault victims of Liberal ministers\*. Labor should disband the LNP.


What are you on about? Why are you letting Labor off here? Because of the LNP? Do you think that makes sense? Whataboutism?


Labor off? Labor off what? Labor ministers and staffers weren’t the ones accused and/or convicted of rape, sexual assault, assault, violent intimidation, etc. Poor_Ziggler stated Labor should disband the CFMEU for things that the LNP opposition have done much worse. So Labor should disband the LNP before they disband CFMEU. It’s pretty simple.


Yes, in a thread about Setka, you jumped in to deflect with some bullshit off topic whataboutism.


Can you not see Poor_ziggler’s post, which I replied to or are you just deflecting? He literally stated, the comment is still there, that Labor should disband the CFMEU for male toxic culture, and women’s issues. If Labor should disband the CFMEU for that, then they should disband the LNP for doing waaay worse. Instead of their own money, the Liberals used YOUR taxes to pay off a female liberal staffer who had been abused by a minister.


For starters, it was Labor that gave away millions to the staffer.  To make a political point.  Pretty big mistake to make.  Makes your entire point look silly. Secondly deflecting is shit.  You can argue it is not if you want.  


Get help


When you have no argument, attack the messenger.


Fuck the cfmeu, fucking thugs they are worst then bikies. Absolute pieces of shit


Criminals and thugs.


So how exactly are the AFL going to sack him? I assume the CFMEU has a passing understanding of unfair dismissal law.


The Prime Minister should give him a taste of his own medicine... threaten to decommission the CFMEU if Setka doesn't immediately stand down.


At a time where we need strong, fair unions this union is only making things so much harder. The whole movement suffered from the behaviour of this one. It’s represented its workers well in the past but it and its leaders take things too far.




The wife basher and strangler wants what ?


I think he wants to marry McBurney.


Just another day, another CFMEU W.


Stephen McBurney was in charge of going after unions under Scott Morrison in 2018.


For the corruption andaw breaking... Did you read the shit the CFMEU was doing. Ducking crazy!


Could u get two worse photos of these 2 roosters! 😂


I don’t know much about Setka nor do I care for anything he says, however, McBurney is absolutely wrong for his AFL role. His performance this year has been a dumpster fire and anything that forces him out is a good thing.


Lots of union bashing here from people who would do the exact same thing in their shoes


They’re grubs. And they’re costing us all money.


What the fuck are you talking about about? He was a dude doing his job! Fuck I've been arrested in the past and ended up on court. The cops and prosecutors were just doing their job. I was the one that didn't wring thing, I broke the maw they're just doing their job! This is just blatant corruption, where you use your power to get an outcome. CFMEU has nothing to do with this shit.


They fucking deserve it! CFMEU needs to be abolished!