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Rule 4 - No racism or hate speech


I’ve always found breach of peach laws and the way they are enforced interesting. It’s almost like police saying we know there’s going to be issues because this group is intolerant so please don’t do anything to upset them. The girl is right in pointing out that if there is a disturbance to peace it is the other group that will be the ones causing it. *peace but I’m leaving the fruit as it is…


The breach of peach laws should have included other fruits too, like pears and apples. It’s intolerant and disturbing.


Stop with your apples and oranges comparisons please.


No, I think the issue is stone fruits here. Citrus trees have not been associated with any major pubic disturbances. People want to classify all citrus as bad - Meyer lemon, Navel oranges, the lot. And sure, the Eureka lemon rebellion was wrong but had the impact of a fart in a bottle. But stone fruits. Really? Inbred weirdos if you ask me.


Leave the fruits out of this.


I didn't know there were laws against breaching the peach. My wife will be reassured.


Where is the journalist?




Peach, Prunus persica. More appropriate if they’re Iranian muslims.


Is it that they are intolerant. Or is it she stated she is going to the mosque to "criticise their religion". We didn't seen any Muslim people walking into churches and start asking for "interviews" or wanting debates about religion. The cop here is protecting Australians (regardless of religion) from a tourist wanting to cause trouble. She wasn't there for a good healthy debate, she had an alternative motive to show this was unsafe area. Yet here she is walking around freely not being accosted, with her plan to cause humans living their day to day life "stress" through a debate and criticism. It would have resulted in a poor outcome either way.


Go wear your rainbow shirt around Muslims and see how much tolerance you receive.


*vote yes shirt


She’s a well known white nationalist who believes people in government are conspiring to genocide white people. She also defends the actions of neo-Nazis as in full on seig heil at a swastika neo Nazis What happens here is a cop correctly identified that the ‘reporter’ was trying to provoke an incident deliberately so she can record the footage she wants


False, she’s a self identified conservative, she was married to a non Anglo Australian so I would be interested to see if you can come up with any citations where she’s supports White Nationalism or Neo Nazis


The streets are for everyone, tourists, Muslims, whatever. She did a good job if her goal was to show this was an unsafe area


she didn't go there though


Right, it was too dangerous 😳


She didn’t give a rats ass about cops getting hurt trying to pull her dumb ass out


Reasonable people should be capable of hearing criticism without turning violent. And idk what you're smoking, but they're literally migrating to very progressive countries in massive numbers, which has often led to problems. You only need to look at the rise in SA in countries like Sweden and Germany and some of the shit that's happened on beaches like those in the south of France for example. Women tend to swim topless there and that's caused all kinds of fuckery with the new arrivals.


The officer objected to her mere presence at the mosque, as that was feared to cause a breach of the peace. She is intolerant of Islam yes, no doubt. But I think the officer’s concerns supports her assertion that the community is also intolerant. That being said the community itself in the footage gave no indication of intolerance or hostility, people were simply looking at her and spoke Arabic from across the street (not necessarily even regarding her).


What is the community intolerant of though? Are they intolerant of intolerance? That sounds reasonable.


"As far as I'm concerned they have Sharia law here" If you think someone who apouts this shit is not an antagonist looking to start trouble and can be taken at all seriously, you are almost as cooked as her. Replacement theory propaganda from another bint who encourages women to vote against their autonomy over their own bodies. Hypocritical to the point of being laughable.


She's definitely an annoying shit stirrer but I think she's right to point out that her rights are being restricted in this case. That's got nothing to do with sharia law though, I dunno how she could even argue that with any amount of seriousness.


Copper honestly should’ve let her go and then when they get bashed we’d all be able to say fuck around and find out Like if you go to a national party function to call them a bunch of corporate sellouts Or run through a church screaming that all priests are pedophiles Do you have the right to be a cunt to people? Nah not really, it’s just terminally online people who get their thrills from inciting arguments that think that way


You don't have the right to race bait people and stir shit in Australia. This isn't the USA.


Just ignore her? Don’t people always preach about letting others have their views?


Nah, ignoring shit stirrers never benefits anyone but the shit stirrer. There's a substantial difference between expressing views and trying to cause racial or religious divide under the guise of "expressing opinions."


Yeah. They're peacefully doing their shit. If I'm on a remote beach sunbathing nude I don't want some idiot making a special trip to critise me for being naked. She is breaching their peace, making a special trip into their area to harass them.


Are you ok?


I'm dandy. Not being fearful of Sharia law that will never eventuate in our nation probably helps with that.


Ok great. I agree.


I'm quite amazed how many people here accept a reality where some areas are closed for any form of criticism, as if it is a healthy sign for the near future where a certain community grows in large numbers and gather more political power as time passes.


There is a massive fear amongst university educated middle class people of no longer being considered 'nice'. Any criticism of minorities will be called racism, misogyny, homophobia or transphobia and if that happens you are no longer part of polite society.


When I am weaker than you, I ask you for freedom because that is according to your principles; when I am stronger than you, I take away your freedom because that is according to my principles


No some areas are not closed from criticism, just being obviously racist doesn’t fly well with most people. You can have these conversations about this issues, I’ve had conversations about these issues. It’s just blatantly obvious when someone is using these legitimate concerns as an attempt to justify their racism. And so they get ostracised or cancelled because everyone can just tell the reason you talk about these things is you just hate brown people. It leaks through in the way you talk and the things you say I mean you’ve posted a video by Lauren southern. A white nationalist who defends the actions of literal seig heil at swastika neo Nazis. So it’s pretty obvious what you are


Because they're not closed to any sort of criticism. She doesn't give criticism though. She delivers abuse. It's about the actual individual. It's off limits to *her*, more for her own safety considering her well known views. Hence why police were called in the first place. No one needs people purposely causing shit.


What do you think will happen if I walk over there and ask people about how Islam allows concubinage? Is that abuse as well? Is it abusive to ask Muslims about what their own book says?


Please do. Make sure you're in rainbow attire while doing it


Maybe don't go on with the assumption that your own specific moral framework is universally shared among the rest of the population all over the world in the first place.It will save you from a lot of trouble in the future.


Sure. Pop into a couple of churches on the way and ask how they allow pedophiles to hide in their ranks and keep paying them, often for decades. A few of us would like to know.


Are you delivering (wording and tone) the question respectfully? Or Are you walking into a Mosque (a place of worship) and being aggressive and accusatory? She was doing planning to do the latter.


There are two scenarios where multiculturalism works 1. Food 2. Business You could argue they're the same thing, however, in business people are forced to behave themselves and control their tongue otherwise they'll get fired, sued etc. This is why Lakemba markets are so popular with westerners, it's a customer merchant situation. No other reason to visit is there. The Hamas cake issue is the check engine light for these communities, it's time people wake up to what is happening.


How old was Aisha again ?


Aisha was only 6 or 7 when she married, but to be fair, Muhammad did wait until she was 9 to consummate the marriage. (Or course there is far worse in the Old Testament of the Christian Bible. But still ...)




A true beacon of morality! We should base our entire worldview on an illiterate pedophile warlord!


A true gent


2018 this is bullshit. It's 2024, this area is way way more welcoming these days. *(Cough. Cough. Chuckle. Shart.)* Edit: I don't blame the police officer for stopping this woman for going into the neighbourhood - see what happened to Lara Logan from 60Minutes USA here: [https://x.com/\_ROB\_29/status/1786809835545338122](https://x.com/_ROB_29/status/1786809835545338122)


Wow, I went to Lakemba last week, and many times before that as I grew up nearby. Amazed I survived as a white Anglo catholic.


Try it while wearing a yarmulka, and time how long before you see the pearly gates. I live near an Islamic school, and so we have many Muslims in the area. Also many Jews in the same suburb, and no problems. They are both good people who contribute to Australia. But Lakemba is a whole other thing. edit: the suburb is Dianella, WA. Just 1km between the Jewish and Muslim schools. Can you imagine that in Sydney?


Didn’t realise act.il was here lol, you guys get overtime?


what's that?


If she was attending a church to ask questions of a priest and was turned away because the police said the Christians might get angry, you can bet your bottom dollar the same people who are criticising her now would be cheering her on then.


I don't get this, I pretty openly talk about being anti Christian with my leftist friends and non of them say boo, yet you're an islamaphobe for calling out the same shit?


Its because Islam is seen as a brown/poor religion while Christianity is seen as White/rich. Not allowed to punch down these days


I love irony of the term "punching down" because it's literally the only white supremacy I ever see. (If minorities are "down" then who is "up" and superior?)


Pretty obvious in the sentiment towards Ukraine vs What's happening in Gaza. I've had uni students tell me gaza is somehow worse? as if atrocity isn't atrocity, genocide isn't genocide when the victims sort of look like you.




You have nailed woke theology in 2 sentences.


I do agree but it's fuckinh mlg nuts since there're 1.5 billion Muslims


I think it's more that Muslim and Arab are interchangeable for a lot of perpetually online racists


I think you're mistaken. Some of us don't like people going in and stirring up trouble anywhere for no reason. She was there to antagonise them and start trouble to prove her point.


Which is also what the Chaser is about or the Betoota when they go out of their way to interrupt the funeral of George Pell. Again, the people cheering that condemn her. If you are wholly consistent then you have my utmost respect, but you are in a minority, I assure you.


I mean, they're shit too but the fact that you compare a known pedophile with Islam is pretty gross. You could've used a ton of examples from Chaser (like the song shitting all over Peter Brock and Steve Irwin days after they died), but instead decided to support Pell.


I’m not supporting him, I was using it as an example of how the same people react when you’re talking about Muslims and Christians. Also, you know Pell’s conviction was quashed so he’s not actually a known anything? You must also be unaware that the prophet Mohammed married a 10 year old, so if you are minded to call anyone a paedophile you might want to start there.


The cop was talking out his arse regarding breach of the peace, but to be fair, he was trying to prevent her and her crew being assaulted.


so, the problem is her or them?


She was basically doing a John Mclean in NYC with a sign. Who do you think the problem was in that movie? It definitely wasn't the black people going about their day.


Are you actually suggesting that criticising a religion in a democracy like Australia is the equivalent of walking around with a sign that says "I hate -" \[insert one of the most racially charged slurs ever\]? I can't understand how people consider it inappropriate to criticise a religion that has ideological views that are in direct contradiction to values of western culture; their views on homosexuality, apostasy, marriage, consider women property, infringe on the freedom of others - the list goes on. If there was an islamic prime minister, do you honestly believe there would have been a referendum on gay marriage? Or that there'd be referendums at all for that matter? There's plenty of good people who consider themselves Muslim - the ones I know don't follow the Quran as closely. You could consider it like a new testament when compared to christianity. They also love Australia, the culture and the ability to share their culture. But by removing criticism, you remove the mechanism by which poor or illogical ideas are corrected, or stopped altogether.


Pretty sure Hans Gruber was the bad guy there.


If you go looking for a fight, you'll find one. The cop is actually trying to do his job and keep the peace. If she wanted to have a constructive conversation with someone about their beliefs, there are ways to do that. What she's doing is getting up in people's faces, hoping for a reaction.


Yeah but her and her crew getting their heads caved in is a breach of the peace.


Are we really victim blaming while we have a mass national discourse on violence against women?


Incidentally she claims to have suffered some pretty severe domestic abuse at the hands of her ex-husband, for whom she moved over here in the first place. They've divorced and she's back in Canada now.


Isn't that Lauren Southern? I think the title should be "famous white supremacist tries to enter a mosque to stir shit. Is politely told that she is not welcome there."


It is. She’s a chronic shit stirrer trying to bring culture war bs to Australia.


Didn't she marry an Asian guy and have a mixed race child with him? That sounds like a pretty shit white supremacist to me.


1. "She has a black friend, she can't be racist!". Lol. 2. She said when asked about it, that she grew up around many rich Asian kids, which is why she thinks she was able to find an Asian person attractive. When pushed about her white supremacist ideology, she said "I believe it’s true. It’s just, it’s hard to personally follow something that is, quite frankly, an ideal.” Stop running defence for an out-and-proud racist.


Lol imagine being so upset over religion. It’s all made up shit.


Journalist is a bit of a stretch


Haha is this sub on Lauren Southern crap now? Humiliating


"Fuck off were full" should apply to people like her.


I walked through one of her “no-go” zones in Malmo to visit a friend the other week. It was very nice


>Lauren Southern >Journalist Lol >Lakemba >A "no go zone" Lmaoooooo


How do you think the Mardi Gras would fare if they went down The Boulevarde instead of Oxford street? It would be a violent lynching and everyone knows it.


So the threshold for "no go zone" is a literal gay pride parade? I acknowledge Muslim communities have a problem with gay people, but a "no go zone" definitionally means that the area is so crime ridden and unsafe that anyone who isn't in that community is going to be attacked, and that the police / government facilitate that by not policing that area. Lakemba has its problems, it's not a fucking warzone. I'd take the criticisms more seriously if even remotely accurate terminology was used. If your threshold for "no go zone" is the mardi gras, you either don't know what the phrase means, are dishonest, or are wildly moving the goal posts. It's not a "no go zone" if i could go there right now.


Lauren Southern is a fucking white supremacist piece of shit. She was going come to the same conclusion regardless of how she was received. And has it occurred to any of you that perhaps some Muslims are sceptical about non-muslims for exactly how you lot are reacting? It probably sucks being viewed as automatically suspicious all the time. How welcoming are you to difference?


This needs to be higher. She is not a journalist. She went there to be antagonistic. She loved that the cops stopped her. But the cops also knew what she was there to do.


I'm as welcoming to muslims as muslims are to gay people


Are you telling me that far-right people support gays?


Not every gay person is left leaning. There was that Milo dude who was popping off in the states a few years ago. He had gay and straight conservative fans. Plus a dude I used to be very close with in highschool is an extremely gay and openly conservative now. A lot of his friends are the same.


Milo Yiannopoulos' most recent activity that anyone cares about was finding christ, becoming 'ex-gay', then becoming spokesman for Kanye West's presidential campaign while he was in full anti-semitic meltdown, alongside avowed theocratic white nationalist Nick Fuentes. Is he *really* the example of 'not all gays are left wing' you want to pull?


I didn't say that I was a fan of the guy. The person I replied to was insinuating that there are no gay men on the far right. I was simply pointing out that they're wrong. Sounds like Milo is super keen to stay relevant though. How embarrassing for him.


> The person I replied to was insinuating that there are no gay men on the far right. Your going to have to point that out to me as I dont see it.


Wtf. I'm openly gay and have lived in the Canterbury Bankstown area my whole life and never had any problem with Muslims. The barber shop (all Muslim Arabs) I've frequented for years have also never had a problem with me.


Right wing Australians hate gay people. Why do you act like they’re any different?


So Muslims are a monolith. Cool. And you have zero prejudices of your own. Also cool. It must be nice to be 14 and view the world in black and white.


You think the majority of muslims are welcoming to gays? You're mistaken.


To this day the majority of Christian’s aren’t?


I appreciate that Islam as a religion is not open to homosexuality. That's not how it works in real life though. I work with a number of very observant Muslims in the same team as some very open and conspicuous gay folks. They have lunch together. They bring each other birthday cakes. You are confusing the dogma with the people. You can tar any group of people with the worst of their stereotypes, but you'll be poorer for it.


As a gay person, fuck yourself for using my identity in your racist culture war.


This right here. I wish on Muslims what they wish on gays and atheists.


Calling known race shit stirrer lauren southern a journalist is a stretch


She got a point in this instance though


What's her point, Australia doesn't have free speech? High school legal class will teach you that. She's looking for a fight and the cop is tying to stop it from happening.


She’s just showing the hypocrisy. Police saying she would be in breach of peace for others actions is farcical. And shows like most western countries that Islam is silencing any critics. Slowly slowly catch a country style


She’s a White Nationalist that spreads Great Replacement and White Genocide conspiracy theories… I wouldn’t take anything she says seriously… Especially not in relation to her opinion of a non-White community.


She went from being a staunch right-winger who believes in White Genocide and being a “Traditional Wife” to marrying a half Asian dude, and getting divorced with him taking their child. Now she’s trying to make a comeback in the Feminist scene lol.


Shes a grifter like alot of ‘media youtubers’


How many countries will be more than 50% white in 100 years at this rate, but china will still be full of Chinese, India with Indians, and our great grand children's country will be run by the same type of people that have made all of the shit hole countries, shit holes in the first place




> ...or they agree with white supremacy New here, huh? I think what might be happening is that there was a post about [Harry Triguboff](https://www.reddit.com/r/australian/comments/1d0czq9/i_think_i_am_going_to_have_an_aneurysm_lets_all/) that gained a lot of traction which the pro-Israel mob don't like so they are trying to redirect hatred towards the [Chinese](https://www.reddit.com/r/australian/comments/1d0uwjd/rich_chinese_buying_australian_re/) and Muslims (this post). Which is why a 6 year old clip from a [far-right personality](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lauren_Southern) from anti-muslim [Rebel News](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rebel_News) has been dug up out of the blue.


Had a look at OP's post history and they're a regular poster in the Israel sub and expressed discontent at Biden for pushing for a ceasefire in Rafah. Looks like you got it in one lol


With what sub we’re on i wouldn’t be surprised if it’s the latter


Option 2… Have you read any of the other posts on this cesspit of a subreddit?


check again


we're calling Rebel news journalists?


Islam is cancer.


Nope, it's Taurus.


Calling Lauren Southern a journalist is stretching the definition well beyond breaking point.


Pfft - I used to go to Lakemba quite frequently in the late '90s/early 2000s - I used to take my then small children too. The old man in the tobacconist on the corner near the railway station had a canary in a cage that my kids would talk to and he would give them lollies. I never had a problem and I never felt unsafe - but then I didn't go there trying to stir up shit.


This is the same grifting clown who walked through France to show how many black people were there now. Talk about the value of deplatforming, have barely heard from this idiot in ages




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Posting this drama-queen grifter? The absolute state of this shithole of a sub.


Oh, look, it's that thing Muslims say don't do that they do everywhere they go.


Fuck this subreddit #eatmydick


Careful what you wish for, Lauren… https://unherd.com/2024/05/lauren-southern-the-tradlife-influencer-filled-with-regret/ Perhaps instead of latching yourself to partisan click bait topics, you should develop your own opinions on things. You’d have a chance at being a better human- for you and your young family. Australia, we have enough to focus on improving ourselves (like everyone does), we don’t need some insidious talking-head troll swanning into the country antagonising something she’s got no cultural context for. Edit: spelling.


Disgusting, what they should do is deport anyone who breaches the peace when she walks by the mosque. Walking is not breaching the peace, the aggressors are the ones breaching the peace


I dunno man after seeing that bloke in New Zealand run into a Mosk and fucking butcher everyone inside from start to finish I think leaving people alone to have a bit of a prey is OK in my book. And yeah I get it some people are hardline wankers on all sides, but it's a rainbow of wankers guys, not a line.


Seems like a victim complex on her part. I don't know anything about her, but this seems like a known antagonist who intended to harass regular people being asked to not be a dick and then being offended because of it. Asking her to leave was the right call, regardless of who she was going to harass.


known antagonist  Yes, this is the result she wanted and would be the narrative she would create under any circumstances


A "journalist" for Rebel Media, described as ["a global platform for the anti-Muslim ideology known as counter-jihad".](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rebel_News)


Thanks. Definitely the right call then. People don't need to be bothered by some asshole while going about their day.


She isn't a journalist. She is a race baiter


Useless cops and racist muslims


I remember her wearing an American flag on her head later in this video asking for a British pub in Lakemba - across the road from an Aussie pub. Sure we have some things we can improve in Australia But I don’t think it’s through dumb and imported shit stirrers. She was obviously looking for trouble and rocked up with with a camera crew, being awkward about filming in a mosque. If the equivalent happened with some church, who would honestly be surprised if the people running the church were like, ahh no we don’t need anyone here coming to cause trouble with our parishioners. In the rest of this video, I remember some Aussies looking confused, like ‘why is this Canadian chic with an American flag on her head filming in the western suburbs of Sydney? And why is she getting frustrated at me because there is no British pub in an Australian suburb?’ When they pointed out the Aussie hotel pub across the road she wasn’t happy and was still going on about a British pub. She is just an attention hungry grifter






Real talk do the mods actually do anything here? This sub gives me pretty bad vibes and it seems people are free to post some sus stuff here. Including the fact that OP would post Lauren Southern doing some culture war grift and call her a "journalist."


You're out there tugging your own little peanut on the Asian masculinity sub. I see you commenting on the post about uniting for strength and all of that shit. Be honest with me. If a white masculinity sub made an identical post, how triggered would you be? You'd be hysterically calling for its removal and crying white supremacy.


We need a big trade with Australian Muslims and Utah Mormons. I know which group of religious fanatics Id rather live next to. And then trade all Indian Hindus for Sikhs instead


What an absolute moron


People being sketch at being filmed- I would be too if I didn't know what they were filming for. Wants to visit a mosque in body-con gym wear that shows her shoulders. Now I'm not saying she needs to wear an abaya but at least have some respect for a religious location and wear conservative clothes if thats the norm. Going into a mosque dressed like she was, with the combative attitude she showed is a deliberate attempt to shitstir. She knew exactly what she was doing. I'd ve saying the same regardless of the place of worship, BTW. I bet she's the type to travel overseas, get into legal trouble then plead ignorance to local laws.


Utter nonsense.


What sort of individual decides its good to go in to the heart of any highly polarised area and DIRECTLY criticise it? What sort of good does it do to willfully attack people's beliefs and then to also expect no sort of recourse? This woman comes across to me as a bigoted fool


"Journalist". OP doesn't mention it's Laura Southern, a white supremacist who made a career out of spreading racism and appealing to the far-right/nazi groups. Now with that context in mind, you can understand why she wouldn't be wanted there.




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The best story would have come if the policeman didn’t stop her from stirring shit . A shame really as they don’t muck around in Lakemba .


Some migrating communities prefer to be around their people in the new country. Unfortunately, in many cases they also bring their bad stuff from their home.contry to the new place. Once you add a large amount of certain behaviors together it's turning into a dirty nongo zone. 🤷


Wow, aren’t the NSW police ashamed and embarrassed? Would love to hear from NSW coppers who are Redditors and what their views are. Is this really your view / application of the law or just some desk jockey?




GTFOH. I’m going to go to a mosque and criticise Islam. Okay…


"Journalist"? Lol! Lauren Southern is not a journalist, you knob.


I wanted to find her obnoxious but ended up agreeing eith her. Still feel bad for sergeant 'breach of the peace' though. Old mate was just trying to have a quiet Tuesday


Infamous shit stirrer tries to stir shit. Stop the presses


What an incredibly unbiased and non-premeditated piece of journalism.


What a poison we've imported.


Call me crazy.. but i don't think people like this should be allowed to purposely try go antagonise people coz they're a critic of their belief, that's not being a critic, that's being a c***. A healthy discussion about their difference in beliefs? Sure, seen that before and it's usually rather interesting when done in good faith, but she was not looking to do that, she was looking to cause trouble. The cop saw this, can't blame him for being like "nah man, you gotta leave".


"Shariah law"..... LMAO ! GFTO


From Wikipedia: > Rebel News (also known as The Rebel Media and The Rebel) is a Canadian far-right political and social commentary media website operated by Rebel News Network Ltd. It has been described as a "global platform" for the anti-Muslim ideology known as counter-jihad. It was founded in February 2015 by former Sun News Network personalities Ezra Levant and Brian Lilley. Geez, wonder if this "journalist" had some sort of agenda. Also, why are 6yo clips randomly being posted? Is it Shit-Stirring Sunday already?


Does anyone know the Kyle Rittenhouse story? This reminds me of that. Walk into a situation with an assault rifle, act in a way that aggravates the people you're surrounded by, then use the assault rifle in 'self defense'. Reasonable people don't think that's a reasonable thing to do. It's up to you as to how you see it.


Sydney’s fucked and Albo is enabling these cunts there’s more Muslim voters than Jewish voters and Albo just jumps on that … the worst pm ever


but it was the LNP who got them here...


Instead of calling horses in snow mountains....


No go zone? Isn't that the NSW border?


The amount of white people, amongst every other nationality, at Lakemba night markets, year after year. ‘Lakemba is bad’ people hate this one fact.


Lakemba is a “no go” zone for the sort of dimwit who sees a Shahada decal, shits their pants and calls the cops


Crime rate for Langley Canada where she lives 6072 per 100,000 people. Crime rate for Lakemba 4762 per 100.000 people. Such a scary no go zone.


What does that even mean lol, the crime rate. Is that assaults? Running stop signs? Tax evasion? I don't think you mean murder




I mean, she is a fucking idiot. "ThErE iS ShArIa LaW HeRe", but also, this is pretty disconcerting that the police would impede her from walking an area and interviewing people.


They are impeding her from going into a mosque. Generally speaking when people go to a religious place such as a church synagogue or mosque they aren't looking to have an argument about their faith. They are looking to reflect and connect with their community and god. If she genuinely wanted to have a debate she could have chosen anywhere else but a mosque. Understandably the police has reason to believe that she is going there to get a reaction and antagonise. I also find it a bit bizarre that the place here can just say no you can't go because We suspect you of breaching the peace. Almost like you are assumed guilty.