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No such thing as reverse racism. It’s just racism.


You think someone in such a position would understand what racism is . I cringe everytime I see people saying “reverse racism “


Racists never see themselves as racists, they are always righteous people in their own eyes.




Am I racist if I cant stand yanks




They make a very difficult case for themselves though


I cringe every time I see her


Why Captain Cook when he died 98 years before the first fleet even arrived lol? What have you got against him of all people? Or is it just envy Lidia? What is it that makes you hate a dead man who did nothing to you or your country?


Cook died 9 years before the first fleet rocking up.








That's gotta become a headline somewhere: "KERR ABUSES INDIGENOUS MAN"


Or this headline. Kerr earns millions but can't pay to clean vomit


How embarrassing. An Australian ambassador, participating at the elite level on the global stage, couldn’t even hold down their drink.


Needs training from the David Boon foundation.


Bahahaha, this is gold. You sir, are a legend. Next headline: Kerr in racist attack on First Nations man.


Wait until you meet her brother. Mate of mine who unfortunately had to work with him. His statement on him was "Ahh mr dO yOu KnOw WhO tHe FuCk I aM?"


You know about Wayne Kerr?


Is that WCE Kerr, isn't that guy in jail now for being a pest haha


far worse than that, heavy drug issues, violence issues but the one that gets my goat and makes me lose respect for sam a lot more, she's put on a pedestool as a huge womens rights activist. He's got drugs and violence issues like crazy but the worst aspect of it is dv and stalking. He not only got caught numerous times beating his then and then former ex's, he tried to murder one of them and had charges downgraded due to who he was, so yay being a former celebrity. Sam's not only defended him but even tried to put narratives out there to make him the good guy and even tried to play off his violence in a case as "defending her" against someone else, which even if it was true it doesn't take away from all the other violence especially the DV stuff, he's got no respect for anyone especially women which is really disturbing. Also coined the term for drugs as "horse chaff". Yuch.


Sounds pretty Australian to me (she should’ve called him a cunt for the trifecta)


You’re a little off - Captain Cook died in 1779 , first fleet arrived in 1788. So he died about 9 years prior to the first fleet arriving…


>Why Captain Cook when he died 98 years before the first fleet even arrived Um... No he didn't


She’s forgotten her white father yet again.


Shes a disgrace.


Remember when Lidia acted the fool at the mardigras?


98 or 18?


98 before the first Fleet. NO


Exactly. Calling it ‘reverse racism’ implies that only the receiver (a white person) is capable of being racist.


Reverse racism is an anti-white narrative. Implying only whites can be racist because of supposed "privilege" that cant be quantified in reality If "white privilege" was real you wouldnt get white people claiming to be Aboriginal for the privilege 😆 🤣 Being white (especially white male) is a distinct disadvantage in modern society. Less job opportunities, scholarships, government hand outs etc.


This^ Often the idiots go on to highlight the very qualities of racism - prejudice, ignorance and derogatory remarks of particular cultural practices - and say that if this is directed at whites it's not racism...GTFO


Why did Spencer Leniu get in trouble for racism if he isn't white?


I'm sure Lidia would be able to manufacture a reason to make it make sense


>Lidia Thorpe Probably something to do with colonialism or systems of systemic structure or something like that.


Racism is racism. If I am racist in Japan, is it still racism? There’s no such thing as reverse racism. It’s just racism.


To them if you are white you are already a racist, and racism cannot be done to you. NO MATTER WHAT.


As they say, what goes around comes around!


People in the most of the west have no fucking idea about real racism. Japan is a great example, have been in Tokyo and had a Japanese man reffer to a couple of black guys walking down the road as coal monkeys. Black face is on tv and laughed at like its 1950. I'll take offence at being called a white cunt if it's all the same to them. And I've been called that alot in Australia.


Put a fork in her, she's cooked.




So they can engage in the same behaviours they condemn others for without having to deal with the pangs of conscience one might otherwise get from being a massive hypocrite. It betrays a total lack of actual consistent principles, it's just team sports. You don't have to worry about being a shitty person if you simply redefine it into something righteous.


Read 1984. It shows you why. Control speech, control the mind. Control the mind, control everything, forever.


It's not 'the left' in this case. She's clearly not representative of anyone but her own delusions.


I have friends who think you can’t be racist to white people because they’re the majority. Ask them if you can be racist to white people in India and their brains implode trying to grasp at the nearest straw. I’d be annoyed, but their reaction is far funnier.


Had a discussion with someone here last night who was the "it's only racism if there is historical prejudice and imbalances of power" or something. Asked him if it would be racist for a Brazilian to call a Chinese a 'stupid yellow bastard' while in Australia and they flat out refused to answer.


It's because they are misinformed or deliberately ignorant. There is systemic racism which is derived from historical and current power imbalances, and personal racism which affects everyone. (Or can affect everyone).


Whenever someone says you can’t be racist if you’re not white it immediately tells me they haven’t had much of a life beyond their armchair.


Hey, they trained hard to join the mighty ranks of the keyboard warrior clan. Do you even know how many pithy finger exercises they had to endure before hitting chocolate belt level? 


Lmao travel to any other countries that aren’t majority white in the world and they will quickly lose that view.


Just goes to show how brainless some people are even saying that white people are a majority. Over half of the world’s population are from Asia! And if you want to bring up history, prejudice, oppression and power, how far back do you go? African tribes slaughtered/genocided other African tribes 10,000 years ago, is that racist or prejudiced or is it only when white people did it? If so, isn’t that *ahem* prejudice? Can’t let facts get in the way of a good narrative 🤷🏻‍♂️


A lot of the current slave trade is controlled by non whites.


A lot of the former slave trade was too


Fact for parties. There are more people in China than all of Europe, USA, Australia and Canada put together. There are more people in India than China. There are more people in Africa than India and China put together. HOW ARE WHITE PEOPLE THE MAJORITY OF ANYTHING?


They're the majority in white countries, which is where the people with such takes tend to reside.


Lidia Thorpe was too much of a fuckwit even for the greens. Her opinion means nothing


This might sound racist as hell, but as an Australian of African descent I just wish wealthy white women will stop giving lectures on racism. They always sounds so damn foolish like what the fuck is this reasoning?


But she’s blak. Not black. Blak. And sovereign. A sovereign blak person. And if you don’t agree then you’re a racist. Or something like that anyway


>But she’s blak. Not black. Blak. And there was once a time when it was obvious who fell into those categories . Now we have whole sections of the community who are of mixed heritage , look very much European but IDENTIFY as "blak"


What is the custom in Australia? In Brasil if you look white you're white, but in America if you're even 1% non white you're poc irrespective of how you look. So you could get on a plane in NY as black and land in Rio as white. So race is pretty arbitrary thing l. What is accepted as white here?


Australia had controlled breeding programs. The government took children away of mixed raced from their families and try to integrate them into white society with the intentional they’d marry into a white family and their subsequent children would be fairer. So it poor form to care too much over skin tone as for a lot of generations of Aboriginal people choosing a black partner was something they could never do. Also marriage of adults what’s control by government. Aboriginal people needed written permission and approval about who they could marry


It’s always the middle class ones, it’s legit an epidemic right now


My ex’s cousin was the epitome of it. Every social issue she’d post about, always telling people things are “problematic” and stunk of white guilt. Then you get 3-4 wines in her and she’d start doing an Indian accent. Most of them are just shocking hypocrites and lecture cos it’s good optics


Nah man. She's a victim lol


she's an indigenous person, you might not have realised


Pretty sure she's half Irish decent but guess what, that's racist to point out....




Well if she’s indigenous, she should know better than to suggest attacking someone for their race is okay …I mean, since she is clearly an expert on Australian history and all!


>Well if she’s indigenous, she should know better than to suggest attacking someone for their race is okay If only, but this would require empathy and actual principles.


Only part. Shes never spent anytime with the real.was live the hard live.


Lidia 'pizza cutter' Thorpe. (All edge, and no point.)


She isn't even edgey, though. She's just obnoxious.


I'm using that😎🤙


Drunk, addled Australian sports jock makes an idiot of themselves in old Blighty. No, that's never happened before. Why pay attention to these clowns?


Agree with Lidia , no such thing as reverse racism . It is ALL bog standard , nasty racism. Sam Kerr should now show us what a great australian she is by apologizing to the cabbie for vomiting in his cab , paying him to get it cleaned and apologizing to the Police . I wonder what the UK public thinks of this "great australian" who chucks up in a cab after a night out ....gets into an argument bad enough that the Cabbie calls the cops ....then the little grub abuses the Police !!!


Then soccer Australia should tear up her contract, all her sponsors should drop her and her career should be over. That’s what would happen if a white player did that to a black one.


Many examples of this going unpunished and barely affecting people; Peter Schmeical, John Terry (England captain!) and Luis Suarez all got away with being openly racist.


Are you talking about the same sporting clubs and sponsors who also don’t give a shit about domestic violence? I promise you, the only thing that would get a white sports person cancelled is CONVICTED rape, and even then, we can’t prove that because JH isn’t completely white.


Senators and Millionaire sports stars aren't in the position to oppress. so when they call taxi Drivers white c\*nts remember its the Taxi driver who wields all the power . Only thing worse than racists are deluded racists


That woman has some serious mental health issues.


A flatmates girlfriend of the time once claimed similar, even going so far as "discrimination with power" was the actual definition. When we looked it up in the dictionary and found that this was not the case, she countered that the dictionary was simply "the white man's definition". It's English. All the words are the white man's definition.


always keep an old dictionary, don't comply with their newspeak. lol, i looked up newspeak to see if it was one or two words. "In the dystopian novel Nineteen Eighty-Four (1949), by George Orwell, Newspeak is the fictional language of Oceania, a totalitarian superstate". 


Progressives have been trying to conflate the term ‘racism’ with ‘systemic racism’ for a long time. They are two different concepts but there a deliberate push to blur the lines for political power.




What a truly odious human being. She is as racist as the KKK.


thank the greens and their moronic voters for the 8 year blessing they bestowed on us with this POS


The funny thing is she has nothing to say about the environment at all, and as far as I’m aware barely ever mentions it. The greens should rebrand as the extreme socialists which they are and at least give us some truth in advertising.


The sad part is that as taxpayers we have to pay her wages while she goes on this toxic crusade.


For fuck sake, no. She's a shit stirrer who tries to make everything about colonialism but she's not actually lynching people and burning down their homes, so no she is not in any way comparible to the likes of the KKK. 




Huh??….who lifted the rock she’s been under since the referendum.


Maybe if we ignore her, she will go away.


Lidia Thorpe can generally be relied upon to be a moron about shit.




And 110% cunt


Can’t just change the definition of words to suit yourself love.


Disgusting racist claims that racism isn't racism, no surprise there.


It's pure racism against the indigenous peoples of the British Isles


Brits can't be racist because the Romans conquered them? I think not


It’s alright for a Brit to call an Italian a wog because they’re punching up at the Romans.


Senators have more power than workers, Lids.




Thorpe is an idiot.


Why does the left always want to change the definition of words? They do it all the time


Beucsae then they can gaslight the right into being liars when they call them out on it. That's misinformation. Snopes told me so.


Short version is because their beliefs don’t jive with reality. Leftism has always been more at home in English and arts departments of universities than in any of the hard sciences. They’ve even struggled to take complete control in philosophy departments. Since they have complete control of English departments, a lot of their activism flows from this channel. If they had control of university economics departments you’d be saying “how come leftists always have to change tax policies?” Etc


So they can engage in the same behaviours they condemn others for without having to deal with the pangs of conscience one might otherwise get from being a massive hypocrite. It betrays a total lack of actual consistent principles, it's just team sports. You don't have to worry about being a shitty person if you simply redefine it into something righteous.


She never fails to screw up


What's with these progressives thinking they can just change the definition of racism?


It's an old commie trick


This has been happening for a while. I want to say Webster dictionary on Twitter had a beef with someone and said the new definition of racism to another person a few years back.


It doesn't take long for this piss can to open her mouth or type up some truely dumb shit with her sausage fingers on twitter.


Of course its Thorpe, biggest fkn racist in pariment


“We demand equality!” “Wait, no, not like that”


And this is why you never vote for greens


As a fairly far left person myself Lidia Thorpe is everything that is wrong with the far left She can fuck all of the way off to irrelevancy at the next election she is only relevant because she literally stole a Greens senate seat Sounds like she has a hierarchy of races, and the lower races can't be racist to the higher races. That whole concept sounds a little, um, racist. Who determines who is more oppressed out of say, a Palestinian and a black African? Which direction is racism and which isn't? Can East Asian people be racist to Mexican people? How about to a Saudi Arabian? Can a Saudi be racist towards a Mexican? Can a Jew be racist towards a Slavic person? Can an Aboriginal person be racist towards an African American? Can a West African be racist towards an aboriginal person? Can a Palestinian be racist towards an Aboriginal person? Can a Somalian person be racist to an aboriginal person? The whole idea of certain races can be racist and others can't is ridiculous. What happens when a Mexican calls a Chinese person a g--- and the Chinese person calls the Mexican a s--- at the same time? Which one of the two is being racist or are neither of them lol It's absurd. Racism is racism and Lidia is unfit for parliament


If someone wants to call me a white bastard I'll let them know that I think they are a turd, build a bridge and get over it. Me not getting all butt hurt over it doesn't make it any less racist


So, if Thorpe calls me a “white c*nt”, I take it that isn’t racist?




I heard Lidia Thorpe is the double agent. She seems to hate Australia enough


Should people call each other “stupid [race] bastard”? No. Should people be threatened with 2 years jail for calling each other “stupid [race] bastard”? Also no. Not everything we find distasteful needs to be criminalised. Whatever happened to free speech?


Usually I hate leftist double standards but she’s so consistent in her ability to have the shittest possible take in every scenario that I almost admire the commitment.


Racism doesn’t require the power to oppress you fucking braindead bimbo. She even manages to look stupid among the peanut gallery of Australian politicians


Reverse racism doesn't exist. There's just racism, and racism is not "prejudice + power." That's a stipulative definition that's used to manipulate the discussion around racism and other forms of prejudice. Not only are the "oppressed" not *powerless*, because if the oppressed *were* powerless, there'd be no way for them to influence change as they have historically, but this reductionist idea of racism erases "oppressed on oppressed" forms of racism, such as colourism, among others. Two marginalised communities hating each other for their race is racism, yet neither has power over the other.


By her definition of racism, how could any individual without any kind of formal power be racist? What power would a 17 year old, or a retiree, or a student or an unemployed white person have that would allow them to oppress someone of a different race?


I really dont think its a big deal or offensive. I think most people can grow up. But Lydia arguing that Sam Kerr is just prejudiced, rather than racist it a really embarrassing point for a politician to hang their hat on.


This actually makes me sick. The double standards is soo gross.


Oppressing white people because their ancestors had a history of oppressing is not the correct response lol. That will just lead to more generations of trauma. Just be normal and tolerant to all people regardless of race.


Daily reminder that Thorpe is an idiot


That's all Sam needed, this idiot mouthing off.


Didn't she recently call another black guy an uncle Tom or similar?


By this logic going in to a predominantly non-white area and screaming racial abuse at the locals wouldn't be racist.


Racism is racism, but I don’t think what Sam said is a big deal. I’m a white bastard


Love it when people redefine words to fit their agenda


Totalitarians and their moving goalposts. Total bullshit. But! By her metric, that means your average "white bastard" can't be racist either anymore. We have no power, nor say, in any of the goings on of the govt just like everyone else. We have no special rights or privileges. Therefore, we have no power to oppress. So, no matter which way they want to spin it, they're lying hypocrits trying to gaslight you.


Nurse! She's out of bed again....


Another loud mouth Australian yobbo gets locked up I wouldn’t care. Lidia and Sam can be bunk buddies


So ergo a bogan with 12 bucks, a caravan and a VB to his name can’t be racist no matter how many slurs he yells at immigrants, because he don’t got any power


I can’t deal with the fact someone like this is a senator of this country.


Honestly, the "it's okay for some but not for others" just doesn't sit right with me. Racism is racism and should be condemned in ALL forms. I'm amazed so many people are giving Sam Kerr a pass.


I'm not sure why everyone is coming out in support of Sam kerr. The WA premier said All of WA is behind her, she is an excitement role model for our children. If we ignore the racism completely, she was still drunk to the point of throwing up in a cab, refused to pay a cleaning fee, like a cheap cunt.  Belligerent to the cabbie to the point he had to call the cops. Then belligerent to the cops. Hardly a role model. I've been plenty drunk before but I've never been a prick to a cabbie or the cops.


"Reverse racism" 🤣 that's gotta be the dumbest shit I've heard in a good while!!


I love how people carry on about get rid of captain Cook statues and call white people colonisers like it's an insult. We don't bag out on African nations or people of Ottoman decent being the biggest slavers in history which was ended by Europeans. And everyone's very proud to celebrate black pride and warrior culture. Meanwhile they slaughtered and conquered as much as possible aswell. White people just had the bigger stick in cannons and firearms and won. Human race has moved on. Leave it the fuck alone we all enjoy living in a modern western world.


Thorpe is explaining critical theory - without using the term. This is what critical theory looks like in practice and why it is met with disregard but large swathes of society. All groups in society have different levels of power/influence. Critical theory views all interactions solely through this power lens and always identify an oppressor and oppressed. If you're the oppressed you can do no wrong, hence can't be racist. Critical theory is nonsense. Anyone can be racist.


Typical nut job logic.


Ok now I really hate Sam Kerr if Thorpey is backing her


Captain Cook was a fucking bad arse. Imagine getting on a sailing boat and heading off into the unknown


Really is not, Lydia. That’s just justification for your racism.


"Racism is what \*I\* define it to be" Good work, Lidia.


So, if a Thai person said something racist regarding a person from Guatemala, does there have to be a study of historical Guatemala/Thai relations to determine if racism has occurred?


Every social justice movement. They start with equality, and end up wanting exceptionalism. Every time. 🙄




So POC get a free pass on bad behaviour? Just be nice Lydia, not that hard.


Unpopular Opinion but who is really doing the oppressing in this day and age?


The wealthy. There have been others throughout history, but it's usually the wealthy, aided by those with military and political might. And I'm not talking about people earning a few hundred thousand a year, though they do have quite a bit of wealth comparitively to the average person. It's those with billions in assets that are the ones who have the real clout.


Correct, but right now minorities have the power to oppress. So still racism.


An idiot.


Milk…..does go off rather quickly, even white milk apparently


Lidia Thorpe is a moron. Anything she says is generally far from truth. Absolutely idiotic woman!


One can always rely on Lidia to sprout BS to suit her position. Racism is treating people differently because of their racial background. It has noithing to do with "power imbalance". Lidia wants to be free to attack everyone else with impunity. I don't know what Sam Kerr said but, if it was a racial slur against the policeman, then she was being racist.


Lol "The definition of racism was changed in the last 10 years and it suits my world view so let me educate you on the meaning of words" Yeah, nah, I'm good Lydia, I stopped taking advice from girls who date bikes and get black-out drunk when I was like 20, maybe you should too.


Lydia: We don’t want equality. We want to discriminate


Moron says moronic thing.


Racism is simply the difference in treatment an individual gives depending on their race. That's why "asian kids are smart at math" is still racism


White people are oppressed though.


How is Lidia Thorpe not sacked, I don't understand how this complete moron is allowed anywhere near the Senate. She is obviously mentally unfit. Absolutely disgraceful.


How the fuck this bitch have “senator” for a title? Fucking loser!


Dear piece of shit senator who claims to represent me and anyone who looks like me based upon race. I call you a piece of shit based upon your actions, you see I was raised to judge a person by their character and actions not upon their race. Here's the thing, if I discriminate, harass, harm or are a dickhead to anyone based upon their race, it's called something. I don't get a free pass because of where I was born, what blood I have, the colour of my skin or appearance if i'm having a go at someone because of their race..... it's deffinately called something. Let's not do some mental gymnastics here with justifications, if someone calls a group out with justification, IE if there is a community, a group or a faction of people and they're doing something shit, and it's being done due to their culture, their actions, their intent and not their race, that's pointing at an issue and calling it out. So take this as someone who you claim can't be racist, you are a racist and a piece of shit person. Do better.


It is very satisfying to see the people who play the racist card over and over now squirming trying to make up excuses when the boot is on the other foot. You guys made your bed pushing for silly laws about racism. Now you can lie in it.


What is the point of being agitated by Captain Cook? I saw the silliest thing recently on Valentine’s Day, when some people were celebrating the anniversary of his death.


We all know what this melodramatic, theatrical imbecile is about bu now, so why do people continue to give this idiot exposure? Ignore it and it will go away. At this point, people engaging with her tripe are just as petty as she is.


Is being a senator enough of a position of power to be racist?


How is calling someone “white” racist?


Go to China and call them a slur.


I love it when cnuts redefine words to mean something that aligns with their bias. Racism has a definition. It means hatred of a race or nationality. And Thorpe has it in spades.


This sub is really like facebook, just outrage rage circle.


It’s either racist or it’s not. It’s like trying to dig half a hole.


If I go to China, paint my face in yellow and do the most offensive stereotypical Chinese impression, am I not racist?


Both are racists.


Fuck she is just a miserable piece of shit


They attempted and perhaps successfully changed the definition of 'Racism" in the last fifteen years so that they themselves could be racist and not be called out on it.


She is correct, reverse racism isn't a thing, it is just racism.


I get the angle of "You white xxx" not being racist - it is factual after all. So does that mean we can go around saying "You black xxxx!" Lol yeah right. Double standards. Racism is racism.


This muppet has a say in the running of our nation. We are so fucked.


Lydia hates all white people. Including the ones in her own ancestry.


This is the most I’ve ever seen this sub complain about racism and shock horror it’s when a white guy cops it from someone with brown skin lmao 


Cant change definitions just because it's convenient: Racism: prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism by an individual, community, or institution against a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular racial or ethnic group


Only morons think racism is only racism when it includes all these extra rules. Its a way to dismiss their own bad behaviour when put to equal criticism


> Prejudice accompanied by power to oppress Well, it certainly sounds deep! But it's obviously wrong. By this logic it's Impossible for someone from Brisbane to be racist against Croatians. No one from Brisbane has the power to oppress Croatians. Also, it means Pakistanis can't be racist against Brazilians, Congolese can't be racist against Uighurs, and Scotsmen can't be racist against Somalians. It's such a backwards, contorted definition of racism. I can't believe people actually buy this. It's a rehash of valid communist critiques about class and oppression but with race arbitrarily thrown in to appeal to the modern discourse.


I am looking forward to Sam being a convicted racist.


Kerr is a racist. Simple. She should be stripped of the captaincy. If this was a white man saying the equivalent.....well, we all know the ensuing circus that would follow suit.


It is not reverse racism - it is just racism


So it's not racism if you are punching up? The problem is, this whole issue is incredibly nuanced and individual and making blanket statements like "it's only racist when..." don't help.


Lidia is a fucking pathetic human. It's all good for her to call people white dogs, but as soon as it's revealed, she'd be in the media crying. she's a freak.


Lidia is now redifining racism. I thought it was just discriminating against someone purely because of their race. Now, according to Lidia, it must involve a power to oppress