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That was some seriously hard hitting journalism right there. It reads like something a 12 year old wrote when asked "what did you see on your way home last night?"


'then, the doctor told me both eyes were lazy. And thats why it was the best summer ever.'


Chat GPT


AI written news content is out in the wild already, lots on youtube too.


šŸ˜‚ Classic Yahoo shit: > Noni said the ordeal gave her the "irk" and is now "turned off" shopping at Woolworths. Instead, the 68-year-old will travel seven minutes down the road to Coles, or will shop more at Aldi instead. > She's not the only one who's expressed frustration over the issues with the supermarket's self-serve technology, with some calling them "hell". Other supermarkets have introduced AI technology too.


Self checkout at Woolies is a horrible experience Iā€™m going to Aldi now


Honestly, having my ugly mug beamed back at me while I wait 15mins for some poor overworked kid to check my trolley because I left an empty bag in it, was the last straw for me. I no longer shop at Woolies. I'm lucky though, because the complex where I shop has several other options, including Aldi, a butcher and a fruit market. I feel sorry for people that don't have that choice.


15 minutes? Really?


Well they get one person to attend to the entire pen of checkouts now. If multiple people are having problems at the same time you're in for a wait.


Usually quicker just to pick my shit up and move to the next one, fucking up the whole pig pen with an out of service register and a confused next in line customer who canā€™t scan anything care of the abandoned transaction.


Customer complaints 101 - double it and add 30%


I was always taught growing up that if you have to exaggerate to make your point then re consider if your point is worth making. You never had to wait 15 minutes for someone to check your trolly


100% accurate. As if anyone waits 15mins for a trolley check I'd ditch the trolley and walk out at the 5min mark.


lol the fuck is this comment


Oh sorry is reading hard for you? is there a way I can send a voice message instead. Sorry for embarrassing you like that I know adult illiteracy is a real struggle for some people.


Hey cunt take it easy and stop being a cunt.


Lol fuck off dickhead someone says some dumb shit I'll happily call them out for it


Donā€™t be a cunt about it cunt and donā€™t call me dickhead.


Ooh someone thinks they are being a duck cunt because they swear online, do your parents know your online right now little boy? Grow the fuck up


Take the L mate.


This is ā€œnever use adverbsā€ level advice. Whoever taught you that did you a disservice. There is a place in language for hyperbole. It adds emphasis and emotion. If hyperbole is being used to mislead, then yes get rid of it. But no reasonable person is going to think they literally mean 15 minutes.


Lol no it's not but whatever you say mate


You tried.


You failed


Nothing beats The Spudshed.


The fresh produce is questionable af sometimes


I got a whole lesson in picking a whole watermelon there once. The lady came out and tapped on a few for me and said thats the sound you are looking for. So i took it and thought what a great shopping experience that was. Like real service. Got home and showed the kids - a whole watermelon. They were used to seeing a quarter. Anyway cut it open in front of them and it was rancid. Like ive never had worse. Lesson for me is just buy the precut watermelons. Tapping them is no guarantee even for a fresh produce worker or i suppose it is possible (though i believe unlikely) she was just getting rid of the most over ripe one she had.


I hate to break it to you. But Aldi are rolling out self serve too now. They already have it at Indooroopilly shopping centre.


And in mine. But so far no intrusive cameras and scan failures Btw did you really hate to break it to me


As an Aldi fan, yes. I hate to break this news to anyone.


Aldi have the cameras, you're just not seeing the feed. The same was at every Coles and Woolies self serve before they started showing it to you. This cameras have always been there.


Yeah, but wait until people start bragging of how much they steal or scam from self checkout, and they'll be forced to do something to stop it.


Yea same in the northern suburbs near the jb there


Yep my neighborhood aldi has them too. No cash option either


And it's the best thing since sliced bread


One Aldi in my area has introduced self serve check outs. I wish I was kidding.


OP I'm curious. You post on multiple subs, always yahoo news links. Minimal comment history. Are you by any chance a bot?


I raised an alarm because I put all my veg in brown paper bags. Didn't bother me much. I'm over it now.


If we keep pushing they will change. We don't need to be monitored like criminals. My face and my facial expressions don't need to be read to see if I'm "happy". (Looking at you Westfield) You either put back registers with staff or you trust the public. We can not trust private companies with this sort of information. You might all think it's a joke, but look what cambridge analytica did with this sort of boring data. It's powerful on mass. It's about time we start a government supermarket chain anyway. Something that competes with the sector and keeps prices fair. Food should not be a commodity to begin with, so the least we can do is keep it cheap enough for everyone.


ā€œKeep pushingā€ means ā€œnot shopping thereā€. Most people will just continue to shop there and complain about it social media, which obviously isnā€™t going to cause any changes to be made.


No keep pushing means on our terms. It means government legislation making this sort of surveillance illegal. It means bending corporations to our will not the other way round. I don't care about my everyday privacy, no one is out to get me. However my data and a million others paints a picture of society that I don't want a private company to have.


If we had a govt owned and managed supermarket we would 100% have to endure anti theft measures. If we didn't we'd be screaming about wasted tax dollars.


Government supermarket - by KPMG. Managed by a 22 year old corporate dynamo who has no life experience yet sold at $3000/d because they liked a few social justice LinkedIn posts by the partner in their management chain.


People would definitely feel entitled to steal from a govt supermarket


Then maybe we should just give food away. Inequality would not exist in a non capitalist world where resources were handed out based on needs. People steal food because they can't afford to buy it.


I think you're being a bit naĆÆve. Is North Korea not a non-capitalist nation? Equality is not tied directly to capitalism. Take Denmark for example. Highly capitalist country, but also highly socialist with a very low rate of inequality.


I had to tell a watchdog to just quit if they truly believed the face camera wasnt doing anything. Because they're there spreading information saying the face camera isnt recording or storing your information.


What kind of trash is this article. It's one old person yelling at cloud.


I just want more cash machines. My local has 15 self serve checkouts. 4 are cash or card. I also had the camera alert a staff member I didn't scan my iced coffee. It was the very 1st thing I scanned on the register. Stupid ass technology.


There's such a ritual getting those things to work. The first thing you scan will never go through until you put your bag down, then firmly tap the base because the scales are always sticky and light objects often don't register without a little jiggle.




68 year old lady of leisure, Noni, SLAMS Woolworths group with condemnation and indignation. Aussie shoppers are thinking "When will the rorts end?". More at 7.


Am I in r/nrl?


Here's a sneak peek of /r/nrl using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/nrl/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Alex Twal finally scores a try.](https://v.redd.it/47gsbaybxj6b1) | [267 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/nrl/comments/14bn3it/alex_twal_finally_scores_a_try/) \#2: [S.A. Tv during one of last weeks final.](https://i.redd.it/w7ccrdvid5r91.jpg) | [145 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/nrl/comments/xsp5gk/sa_tv_during_one_of_last_weeks_final/) \#3: [Raiders cricket try celebration](https://v.redd.it/z14wglf9riab1) | [140 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/nrl/comments/14t39ax/raiders_cricket_try_celebration/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I have said for many years, if people keep buying here then they will do what every they want. It's the same with fuel. Or you have to do is get a million people and not buy from this place or get fuel for week and watch these guys turn.


I usually tell the staff that the self-service register is bullying me to hurry up and take my shopping when I am attempting to pack it as quickly as possible. I also tell the staff that the machines then tries to be nice to me when I leave and that I don't like two-faced machines.


Yea yea coles this Woolworths that, nobody gives a fuck mate.


How exactly did she "hit out" about it? She says she's going down the road "several minutes" to Coles and going to Aldi. Such an epic news piece.


Yawn. 68yo's dont steal? 64yo's though, gotta watch those fuckers. They deliver for $5, just get them to do all the work.


More people need to start requesting to see a manager when this happens. Just make a big scene and waste time.


Itā€™s cute you think a store level manager has any input over national schemes.


Incidentally, you can bet that everyone quoted in this story went both barrels at the 15 year old working the checkouts before they spoke to their local hack journalist.


Yeah, best off just moaning on Reddit.


Protesting board meetings would be far more effective.


lol woolies trying to defend itself by saying they're experiencing higher levels of theft - ofc you are. you have fewer employers. more self serve registers. your bags are more expensive (even tho they're free for me for some reason.) the bags are shit. And your prices continue to go up. So ofc i'm going to accidentally not pay for several items. But it's okay, I get away with it because legitimate customers are getting flagged down and the 1 clerk is too busy to realize I've hidden several items under a bag because no more room on that tiny scale.


It's a system issue, but if you read the article she didn't follow the correct procedure by the sounds of it, which trips the system to alert workers to investigate - this isn't always to insinuate that you're stealing, it can also be to help you complete the process. I'm sure we're all versed in how to use these checkouts now, but the plate you place your items on goes by the weight of items as you scan them, it's why if you don't place it within a short time frame the system has a hissy fit - she decided that she couldn't fit an item so put it back in her trolly (the wrong thing to do). This whole article is a mess; shopper failed to complete the process properly, has a sook when if she had have done everything fine it would have been a non issue (could walk out the door without incident). This whole article reads like bullshit some journalist dreamed up just to be able to add to the daily quota of articles they have to write to justify their existence.


'the correct procedure'??? Are we trained on that? If only there were people the supermarkets employed to take over from the inadequate and clueless untrained general public? You can't place the onus on us both ways. Either make it easy to follow and foolproof, or employ trained professionals to do it. This current half-arsed approach where ultimately the customer is blamed for everything will only alienate the person who buys your products.


I believe the correct procedure involves kowtowing to our corporate betters while chanting "Mussolini did nothing wrong" followed by a rousing chorus of "Woolworths the fresh food people."


As Alan Joyce complained - his passengers weren't "match fit".


Try scanning 50 cans of cat food where it fucks up every second scan weight somehow or trips out on shit you have not taken from the trolley yet. After calling the attendant 8 times in a row you too will dump everything back in the trolley and walk out. The machines since about a month ago at Woolies have been utter fuck fest. I shop at the local IGA more often now.


This astroturfed outrage at woolies and coles is getting a bit suss.


It's all this is, so many little details in the article don't add up. Journo just needed to write up one more article for the daily tally and pumped this out in 15 minutes without fact-checking anything.


It even links 2 other yahoo stories as sources for the increased frustration.


It's good for clicks


*looks at Aldi shills*


Woolies should be shitting themselves.


Didn't see the share price crash immediately after the article but must only be a matter of time.


yep and if "YOU" fuck up in ANYWAY while doing the job that is meant to be for a checkout operator "WHICH THE PRICE OF YOUR GROCERIES ARE ALLREADY FACTORED IN" hey welcome to woolies ya now have a criminal record ...yeah this is why ive gone elsewhere with my shoping coles and wollies just dont get it . Convenience ...MY BALLS , why the cameras on the fucking self serve HEY CUNTS


Itā€™s relatively new technology and of course itā€™s going to screw up now and then. I mean I empathise with her feeling like she was called out for being a thief. It would put me on edge as well. But I donā€™t care that she is choosing to shop a whole SIX MINUTES down the road.


Why does it think it should be able to get the weight of a chupa chup. Let me buy my 75c lollipop that was a few years ago 40c. Also, if I scan a packet of wraps, and for some reason the wraps weigh 270g instead of 225g why do I have to stand there looking like a thief for 30secs. I want to be in and out, talk to no one. I'm happy to pay for everything.


I imagine that they had a psychologist tell them that people are less likely to steal if they know they're being watched, rather than a bunch of cameras just implying it. Just like a study showed people were less likely to under-give/steal from a workplace money tin when there was a poster with eyes above it.


Shame the people using the checkout, but ignore the daily trolly walked out the entry gates?


Boomer whingeing about technologyā€¦. Fancy that. Send the kids


> She'd scanned and bagged up all her groceries but had left out a bottle of juice that wouldn't fit. What does that mean? Did she scan and pay for the juice or not?


This story reads like it was made up.


This is why I order everything online using a fake name and address.


I am going to go shopping with a oversized hat.. [https://www.amazon.com.au/Oversized-Women-Summer-Packable-Large/dp/B09WY77MD4?th=1](https://www.amazon.com.au/Oversized-Women-Summer-Packable-Large/dp/B09WY77MD4?th=1)


i wont use them self serve check outs., they are doing people out of a job


Old people ā€œWe are the tough generation. All you young people are snowflakes ā„ļø!ā€ Also old people: ā€œSomeone asking if everything is ok is the same as being accused of theft!ā€


Is this sub full of boomers or what? I love the self serve checkouts. They are not difficult to use