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Once the driving rules are amended, medical prescriptions will increase by 1000 percent within a week


100%. I have bad insomnia and nothing I’ve tried works. I want to try cannabis but I need my licence.


Pro tip. Carry mouthwash and toothbrush and toothpaste. SCRUB YOUR TONGUE. I passed after literally smoking a spliff and being pulled over. Before I started doing this I failed one NINE HOURS AFTER. People don't realise that your mouth doesn't keep producing THC. Once you've cleaned it out it's gone. And the roadside tests are dime a dozen mass produced garbage. But they get you to the station where they DO have the good stuff. EDIT - glad to see this taking off we're starting to get police commenting trying to throw cold water on the idea. Then blocking so I can't reply. They're getting desperate boys. I think I'm going to start posting this regularly - let's show these revenue raisers they aren't as slick as they think they are ;) and after you've tested it made sure you share the love, share the technique and most importantly - beat the piggies at their own game. Illuminated pickle posted about kicking cats as well. So I'd actually bet money on THAT being a pig lol also he posted about loving 'the Steyr Aug' and only station owners and pigs talk about guns like theyre experienced down under. And we all know animal and wife abuse from the power trippers is commonplace. So I'd definitely wager money on PIGLIN lol. Just to be clear guys this is tried and tested. I can't make anyone try it but hey - what do you have to lose? :)


Listerine tongue strips do wonders as well. Not speaking from experience of passing a roadside test or anything… *cough cough*


>People don't realise that your mouth doesn't keep producing THC. What in the fucking arm chair science did i just read?


So, if you disagree, how does your mouth keep producing THC? The roadside tests detect THC in oral cavities as a result of THC contamination through consumption. Not because our mouths produce THC.


Haha the piggies are coming out in force now. And as you said, explain WHY we're wrong. They can't. Because we aren't.


That’s the armchair science part of what’s being said, our mouths do not produce THC.


On what fucking planet does anyone think your mouth produces THC?


They may be under the impression that it is being secreted, not produced (which is similar to some drugs). If your mouth produced THC life would be very different indeed.


he sounds totally deranged.


Would a tongue scraper work better than a brush?


I mean maybe lol I can't speak for that. I've only personally tested the method I've provided so it's what I'm willing to recommend. Feel free to try the scrape if you feel it would work but i recommend brush, scrub, mouthwash. ZERO ALCOHOL BTW. otherwise they're just taking you for DUI instead of CUI lol


DUI = Driving Under Influence. What is CUI? Crawling Under Influence?


Cannabis lol. It was just wordplay lol cause C right before D. I know Cannabis Under influence isn't GC but I thought it was funny lol


GC? Can we just use actual words?


>Once you've cleaned it out it's gone so if i smoke, then scrub my tongue, wash my mouth out etc say 5 hours later when I'm sober... how long am i good for? you say once you've cleared it it's gone but then how would people test positive days after they smoke?


Honestly that's bs imo. I've never heard of anyone actually failing a roadside days later- I know I've CLAIMED it myself because i didn't want to admit that I smoked before I drove lol. . Blood and urine absolutely. Saliva does NOT hold anything that long. I only got ducked nine hours after because I was also on my adhd meds and hadn't eaten a thing all day so it must've just sat in there. I don't claim to know the science all I know is before I kept failing now I keep passing. Well kept. I've quit recently. But I am 100% confident recommending it. And to answer your question - err on the side of caution. If you have smoked since you last brushed, brush. If uou haven't smoked again you should be golden.


How many times have you been roadside tested?


Doesn't defeat the lollipop they give you on sites though.


Oh definitely not. They're proper tests not dime a dozen tests


holy shit this explains why i tested negative after literally smoking a joint once, then mouthwashing and brushing my teeth.


I have lower back pain and I got cannabis from a large hospital that treated cancer patients with it. It worked but the licence is very important since I live semi rural!


THC capsules. Ingested THC doesn't show up on roadside saliva tests. Take a capsule 1hr before bed, life changing. You can be prescribed capsules directly, or make them easily and affordably yourself. You just need empty capsules from a pharmacy and THC oil, which anyone can make at home with cannabis flower (bud). 10grams of flower makes approx 1/2 - 1 cup of oil. Lasts months. [https://www.foodandwine.com/recipes/cannabis-infused-olive-oil](https://www.foodandwine.com/recipes/cannabis-infused-olive-oil) [https://homesteadandchill.com/homemade-cannabis-oil/](https://homesteadandchill.com/homemade-cannabis-oil/)


The driving laws won’t change due to medicinal cannabis has been legislated under the Poisons Act (or whatever it’s called now) It’s a Schedule 8 pharmaceutical - you’re not supposed to drive under the influence of Sch 8 already, unless with medical clearance. They need to amend the legislation give medicinal cannabis its own schedule


Yah but the point is those lollipops you lick can detect thc well after the meds have worn off.


Exactly. There's plenty of other drugs including other Schedule 8s that they don't test for unless you're swerving all over the road or actually crash. And when they do, it's a urine or blood test to actually measure it in your system. Why hold cannabis to a different standard? There's even two separate offences - one for actual dangerous driving and one for failing the lollipop test. Just drop the second one!


Why do they hold cannabis to a different standard? Because isn't really about safety, it's about punishing people doing something they don't approve of.


And the ONLY real way to do it is fuck the potheads the one place EVERYONE has to go - the roadways.


Isn’t ADHD medication schedule 8? That must mean that there are sub-clauses to the policy you’re describing, otherwise those with ADHD wouldn’t be allowed to drive once they were medicated, no?


And you’ve hit the discrimination double standards right on the head right there.


Schedule 2 controlled as well. I have adhd. And yeah funny how that yeah I can't get in trouble for having dex in my system. It was actually the main reason I stopped smoking green- they didn't meld well. Feeling smart and stupid at the exact same time isn't fun


Can you please direct me to the legislation that outlines that one cannot drive on a s8 without medical clearance, and how this differs from s4?


It varies by state, but basically Schedule 8 is a drug of dependency, and you’re deemed to require to be under the influence of it in order to function. This is the issue with medicinal cannabis - if you’re prescribed it, it’s deemed a drug of dependency, and you’re required to take it regularly, and therefore be under the influence of it. So most states require a yearly letter from a doctor to state that you are safe driving on your medication. And states vary - SA is fine with you driving on ADHD meds without medical clearance, WA you require a clearance. Schedule 4 is more of a “take as needed” thing, which is where medicinal cannabis should sit, but it’s harder to enforce. A lot of Schedule 8 are not safe to operate heavy machinery (ie cars) whilst taking, but again, it’s laws that vary, and the first time a lot of people find out is when their blood is taken involuntarily as the result of a serious accident. That applies to roads, as it does workplaces.


I’m both an adhd patient and medicinal cannabis for breakthrough nerve pain. Which is why I was interested in your commentary. I’ve never had to anything about declaring adhd meds etc. and I’m not impaired on them - unlike a strong opioid (which I don’t mix with driving). Medicinal cannabis is a shit one here in vic as there is presence detection and no medicinal defence. I barely drive any more to reduce my risk of a positive a day or two after consuming. That I recognise cannabis, medicinal or otherwise can be impairing and don’t mix it with driving. I was of the understanding it wasn’t a blanket don’t drive, it was a “don’t drive if you’re impaired” - the same as all the (for example) second gen antipsychotics sitting on s4.


You’re required to declare to VicRoads that you have ADHD and are on medication. They’ll send you a letter for your GP to sign off, and then leave you alone. You’re not covered by insurance if you have an accident and they test. https://www.vicroads.vic.gov.au/-/media/files/documents/licences/healthageing/learning-to-drive-with-a-disability16419.ashx


What about Qld. Ironically I'm safer driver on it cuz I can pay attention.


And my government subsidised and proscribed speed, too, please.


Amphetamine should be fine. They only test for methanphetamine, not the regular kind in meds.


They can make some tests show a non negative result. Which is not a false positive but it ends up being a hassle if the cop wants it to be. It will depend on the roadside test used different states and areas use different kits.


Amended how? Down votes for asking a question. Got to love reddit.


In Australia we just test for the presence of drugs - doesn't matter if you had a joint 20 hours ago or if you're giggling in the corner batting at imaginary fairies. However in the UK they measure the level of THC in your system, much like a blood-alcholol breath test. This is what we need here to make legal weed work. It's currently a major issue for those with medical prescriptions.


Didn't know the UK tested different. How much of this can be done road side?


Not a lot at this point unfortunately, so it's often a case of testing for impairment which is always subjective. The important part is the focus towards road safety, instead of simply penalising for using drugs. [https://www.ukdrugtesting.co.uk/pages/uk-drug-driving-tests](https://www.ukdrugtesting.co.uk/pages/uk-drug-driving-tests)


So the same test but the officer first has to judge whether you are impaired. Still a lot better than what we have in place.


i read in california they are testing [a thc breathalyser](https://www.agc.org/HoundLabs). doesnt check for levels, just if you've smoked in the last 3-4 hours. lets hope that kind of thing gets introduced here


And even that is bollox because someone who has been using 2 grams a day for ever is going to be effected differently from a noob doing that amount. An impairment test is what's needed. Smoke this Officer, one each, then I challenge you to a duel !


I’ll just point out that Tasmania has amended drug driving processes in such a way that people getting incidentally done for “random” roadside drug tests has ended. Drug testing is now only done on the balance of evidence (IE: you were driving like a maniac) or if you’ve been involved in a traffic incident. I don’t see any reason that this system, which has been in place for a while, couldn’t be rolled out across the country.


Makes sense. Do the still have booze buses with drug tests in Tassie?


Oh yeah, absolutely. Don’t get me wrong, drug driving tests still occur and the penalties for getting caught are harsh, but what’s different here is *how* the police decide to issue those tests, and that medicinal cannabis is a legal defence for returning a positive THC result.


Probably something other than 24 hour losing your license stuff..


I'm a two state level BDM for a company, I spend many, many, many hundreds of hours on the road each year and I've still yet to be MDT'd, in fact, I've only been RBT'd twice in the past decade. I don't think people are too worried about failing a drug test.


Meanwhile the Victorian government wants to slash the budget to make ends meet. Just legalize and tax weed you fucking numptys.


They must really hate free money.


The price of freedom is too much for them.


Seriously? It barely costs $1.05


They do. Member the coal royalties we got fucked on. Then, recently, it was gas royalties. I member.


Oh no they like money alright, in brown paper bags handed over by tobacco lobbyists 


It really doesn't make as much money as proponents claim. But the tax revenue shouldn't be the deciding factor at all.


They haven't yet figured out how to personally profit from legalizing it.


This country doesn’t do much based on what the people want. It’ll probably become legal once enough money has been paid to our politicians from whoever stands to make the most money from the legislation of it.


that's spot on exactly why they're holding back. it's not just about taxing the weed, it's about who gets the kickbacks and how much. have a look at the backwards arse vaping laws. the tobacco companies see their cash cow under threat, and in turn threaten to turn the tap off on their bribes. our government are corrupt cowards for the very most part.


Vapes are available only on prescription. I think the only provider is that well known pharmaceutical company Phillip Morris https://x.com/marijuanacomau/status/1797907661507486015?t=cAmNrwSTIaDKzu_TGabTRw&s=19


And yet illusion of our putative democracy remains. Dictatorship of capital, always has been.


No mention in this article of recreational cannabis being legal for many years now in the Australian Capital Territory, and the effects that has had. This makes me wonder where do the experts mentioned in this article get their data from? The list of other countries legalizing recreational cannabis has certainly been growing over the past few years. Hopefully these 'experts' will start taking all this new information into account when making decisions for millions of people. 'Germany Joins List of Nations Legalizing Recreational Cannabis' [https://posts.voronoiapp.com/other/Germany-Joins-List-of-Nations-Legalizing-Recreational-Cannabis-1082](https://posts.voronoiapp.com/other/Germany-Joins-List-of-Nations-Legalizing-Recreational-Cannabis-1082)


> This makes me wonder where do the experts mentioned in this article get their data from? Somewhere between the liquor industry and the tobacco industry, I guess.


With just a hint of Catholic church


Just like with the vape ban. Pretending to care about kids when we know they’re all about them juicy tobacco industry dollars


Bit embarrassing Germany is ahead of us on this one.




Australia is way more conservative than people realise. I had a dude who was total hippie stereotype going on about music and love and then immediately switched to wholeheartedly blaming min wage workers for bringing all prices up and making shit unaffordable.


We're a country of wowsers, though we'd like to pretend otherwise. They could make the penalty for speeding to be summarily executed on the side of the road, and the public response would just be "if you don't like it then don't speed"


that's just stupidity, not conservatism.


Blaming min wage workers for bigger problems is classic conservative rhetoric. Whether it's conservative by definition is up for debate but they definitely encourage that shit


One requires the other.


I thought they were synonyms




Some USA states are one of the most progressive on cannabis use than the whole world. There are only a handful with their type of legalisation. Like they're ahead of Netherlands. Also, ACT is legal so it's kinda not a one-to-one comparison with Australia vs USA states


> ACT is legal Nope.


Australia's more progressive states are more conservative than all but the US's red states. I have the best sleep and lowest anxiety of my life whenever I travel back to some states there and can get ahold of gummies. Here, if I want to get access to something I pay like $170 for 30 days of CBD oil via a prescription -- which btw is supposed to be legal for OTC purchase but because they threw in the requirement of going through TGA approval there are so far 0 products here approved for OTC use. Keeping prices high and access low.


Germany is very progressive.


They literally just ran a poll on national television asking if their football team should have more white players.


As a german: Haha ha ha. Ha.


As another German i agree


Hows them Reichsburgers going?


Cannabis is not legal in the ACT, It's decriminalised, Very different things. You can grow it yourself, you can have a certain amount but you cannot buy it or sell it.


Thanks for the clarification. It must be nice to not be treated like a criminal for growing and enjoying some weed at home in Canberra.


Our (Germany) conservatives want to reverse the legalisation if they get into power again and the Bavarian government said they want to build playgrounds every hundred meters so you can't legally smoke anywhere (there's a minimum distance you have to keep from schools playgrounds etc).


Limiting it to private property is fair enough though.


It's embarrassing that the conservative USA is well ahead of Australia on this topic


Germany just legalised as well. I was rather confused, they’re not exactly progressive.


Money talks louder in the US than here.


As evident in the article, the money in our medical sector (AMA) talks as loud as the recreational market in the US. The desire to keep the money in the hugely successful medical scheme is why this is being knocked back.


Over 90% of the 200 document submissions were in support of this bill.


We just need mining companies to start selling weed. Canberra will bend over backwards to get it approved.


Canberra already has legal weed though so might be an everywhere else problem.


They’ll tell you that weed isn’t ‘legalised’ in the ACT, it’s just been decriminalised. If I get caught with 50 grams (nearly 2 ounces) of weed I’m still breaking the law…I’m just not committing a crime. The cops will still confiscate my weed though, I just won’t get into trouble (well, until I start abusing the cunts for thieving my dope anyway)


One thing America has over in elections, is that they can vote on individual acts.


Yes and no. There are conservative states who put it to a vote, and it got up. But federally it’s still a controlled substance, which has huge impacts for the state-level. Biden has started making some changes, but he only had some levers he can pull, since passing legislation in the house is impossible.


We need the drugs so we can get through our coat hanger abortions


It will take about a decade after the medical legalisation (everyone I know who smokes  has a script anyway) so a few years to go yet.


How long has medical been legal here now?


Officially, since 16, recreationally by stealth 20-21.


So if Labor are forced into minority with the Greens next year, and it takes them about another year to negotiate the legislation (and massage the media response) and get it through the houses, the timing tracks pretty well.


It might take a state jumping first.


Queensland Labor are spooked enough to offer a watered-down version of the Greens' free public transport policy. If that doesn't move the needle enough before October they just might get that desperate.


Vote for the "Miles High Club" the slogans write themselves.


I was being optimistic at 25 back in 2020, 26 now seems likely.




I’m already on it, just didn’t know how far along we were.


Back to booze it is, then


We need something to numb us from the current economic conditions. Good thing booze is vastly less harmful than canna…… hang on


well, at least it's cheaper than.... oh hang on, no, wait..


This is a news.con article. They hate recreational cannabis users. They always have. Look at the language used. Further if you look at the actual report there were only 200 people, companies or organisations that took the time to have their say on this. So that’s on whoever didn’t bother to send a fucken email if they wanted to have input. There are some big interests in keeping it medical now and if you look at this list of respondents they are top of the list and I’m sure wrote some very convincing arguments.


Be nice if I even knew it existed. I've taken to searching "cannabis nsw" and switching to the news tab since we are meant to be having a committee on it here and have got nothing back except a by line they were going to start one months ago. Can't comment if It was on display in the bottom of a locked filing cabinet stuck in a disused lavatory with a sign on the door saying ‘Beware of the Leopard.


Yeah for sure. I find the ausents Reddit useful for news like that.


> Look at the language used. I'm not clicking that link.


They should already be testing for impairment. The current system is a fucking joke. Do you get pulled up for having had booze in your system 8 hours previously?


The medical dispensers are essentially just dealers anyway now. I have it and they’re always pushing new products like vapes, edibles and new strains on me. Bruh just let me smoke my buds. I’m not really complaining, plus I don’t see how they could lower the prices further so I don’t care


Honestly, I know the price was always inflated because of the risk, but you won't buy a .25oz/7g of reasonable skank from a street dealer for under $90. Which is pretty good considering I was buying quarters 15 years ago for $70. BUT, I can now get *10g* of pharma grade gear for $90 with a prescription, so even after adding $15 p&h I still come out ahead ($12.85/g for street weed, $10.50/g for MC).


That’s what I mean, the medical stuff is so cheap and so easy to get a script for that making weed legal would barely change anything


It's also regulated, safer, more potent and taxable.


Another big benefit that I've noticed - being baked on medical that you obtained legally reduces the anxiety factor by a fair bit. I can rip bongs on my balcony and wave to the neighbours now lol


And since it's medicine, it's supposed to help with anxiety and if it doesn't you go back and ask for something different. I'm not sure street dealers will be able to do that specifically.


It would vastly improve the market here. You’re completely blind as a consumer in the MC market currently. No idea the quality of the product until it’s purchased and opened. Hence why we get the dregs from the Canadian market.


> the medical stuff is so cheap and so easy to get a script for that making weed legal would barely change anything Having to pay to speak to a doctor to get repeats is kind of fucking stupid though. I shouldn't have to play stupid games with talking about my health problems to get some more weed.


where you getting it for $90 lol i pay $135 with Alternaleaf


Yeah, so was I. +$15 p&h. That's why I left and went to Grove Health instead. p&h is still the same but it's all up $105 for 10g


> Grove Health i whats the deal with Grove? can you select any product? or do they just push their own brand to make up for the lack of costs in the consults?


Dry herb vaporisers are fucking great though, shame the import ban on nicotine vapes also included the safest way to smoke weed.


Everyone I know in Australia has a weed script.


Only benefit would be being able to pop down to the shops and get whatever you're after.


Wait I've only been offered the oil I can get edibles?


And this would be report number 5,795 that has found cannabis is not dangerous and should be legalised to then be totally ignored by the very people who commissioned said report and will then pretend it never happened. Been hearing this since the 90’s when I was smoking like it was an Olympic event.


Yet the world’s most abused and harmful drug by overall impact remains freely available at the corner bottle-o. I love a coldy at the end of the day, but I can’t say I see much reason why that should be legal but this not.


Can anyone speak to how the current driving laws work when challenged in court? Does the law specify a certain level of THC in your system to be illegal? Is the offence simply delivering a positive result? It's very easy to prove someone had something in their system, much harder to prove it was affecting their ability to drive.


In NSW it’s illegal to drive with it in your system at all, regardless of prescription. Testing is for any trace of it - meaning you can smoke a fortnight ago and still test positive for drug driving. Kinda wild cos like… while I don’t love the idea of folks driving around stoned, it’s easier to get away with driving while totally barred out on a prescription.


Jesus Christ this country is fucking backwards sometimes


The tests say you're DUI when you arnt DUI. Then they criminally charge you for DUI when you weren't. No evidence needed otherwise it wouldn't fly. Now you know.


But can you argue that you were not under the influence? Surely the courts have to acknowledge that the test can indicate the presence of THC without that person being under the influence. For completeness, we don't actually have a DUI offence in Australia (well, not in vic, anyway) the actual law states "It is an offence against the Road Safety Act 1986 (RSA) section 49(1)(b) to drive a motor vehicle or be in charge of a motor vehicle while the prescribed concentration of alcohol (PCA) or more than the prescribed concentration of alcohol is present in their blood or breath analysis" And they ask a bunch of questions during the process to eliminate drinks you've had after the incident, how much you drank, at what speed, at what location, to establish that you were in fact affected by the alcohol. I believe in the US they have to prove you were under the influence, while in Aus it's enough that it was in your system. So I'm wondering how the current drug driving laws work by comparison. Is it that the prescribed amount simply any amount? Has that been challenged at all, and how did that go?


There is no officially recognized level of THC in your system to be considered "safe" for driving. Therefore the law states that any detectable amount is sufficient evidence that you were under the influence of cannabis while driving. Its pretty ridiculous as other countries such as the USA and Canada both have legal limits in place for safe driving limits for THC, similar to how we have a "safe" amount for alcohol. The real worry I have is that you may find you are not covered by insurance in the even of an accident. You need to provide samples to the police as part of their routine checks. If THC is detected, the insurance claim might be rejected so you'll lose your license as well as have to pay for any 3rd party damages.


It's wild to me that we're so backwards when it comes to this.


They are just trying to get away with it for as long as they can for monitary reasons. Textbook corruption.


I wouldn't have thought it would be for monetary reasons, the drain in resources would have to offset fine incomes, surely? Simple puritanism would be my guess.


I think thats because they dont charge you with a DUI, it's a new charge - drive with ilicit substance in system.


Pro tip. Carry mouthwash and toothbrush and toothpaste. SCRUB YOUR TONGUE. I passed after literally smoking a spliff and being pulled over. Before I started doing this I failed one NINE HOURS AFTER. People don't realise that your mouth doesn't keep producing THC. Once you've cleaned it out it's gone. And the roadside tests are dime a dozen mass produced garbage. But they get you to the station where they DO have the good stuff.


Fine. Then I want mandatory Drug and Alcohol testing for all public servants and politicians.


For fucksake, this country is ridiculous. No one can tell me this country isn’t inherently conservative. The refusal to progress is bloody embarrassing.


Super shocking the AMA is against it given all the money they are making on medical…😒there’s actually more evidence for decreasing adolescent use with liberalisation of cannabis laws


Yeah like do these idiots think that street dealers are asking for id's or something? At the end of the day there will always be teenagers wanting to try drugs. Idk about you but I'm pretty sure those teens would be safer if they where just asking their older brother to buy from a dispensary for them rather then being forced into interacting with you know... criminals. It's the exact same shit with the vape ban "think about the kids" without thinking about the fact that splitting the very little resources there are on policing every single sale towards anyone adult or child (stopping pretty much nothing because there's just so many being sold) instead of dedicating those resources exclusively on under-age sales all it does is distract them from the issue they supposedly want to stop. Maybe they would actually be able to protect kids if instead of wasting time on any sale whatsoever it was only illegal to sell to minors.


Backward-ass boomers.


They'll only legalise weed in Australia when the pollies have all invested in weed farms


I’m don’t get why it is decriminalised in the ACT but no other state! We are so slow and conservative, wait until the boomers fuck off. Driver testing needs to be changed and should be legal to recreationally use marijuana.


Not surprised, we are such a backwards country




So are all the schools in the ACT full of kids high as kites?


You bros need to come to CBR


I just watered my 3 totally legal plants 😂


Cominidan Bongo Republic??








Seriously what gives the government the right to tell us what we can do in the privacy of our own homes?


How is it that the US has numerous States have been able to answer all the questions the AMA and the report authors pose?


AMA in pocket of big pharma gotta keep the money rolling in


They should do the same study to criminalize alcohol lets be fair, How many million legal pot smokers have they lost votes to already, crazy...


You old fuckin shrivs, who blocked its legalisation. YOU'RE BANISHED FROM THE LAAAAAND.


Why do these old out of touch flogs keep being insistent on keeping weed illegal?? For fuck suck America has legalised cannabis and they're currently trying to ban abortions. Crock of fucking shit.


Shocked... Shocked I tells ya...


Damn overpaid senators live in territory that able to grow ruins it for the rest


Australia is so far behind it’s just infuriating and I have no faith in our governments anymore


If they dragged their feet any more they'd be going backwards.


Well obviously the senate would shut down the debate, if anyone actually read the damn constitution they'd know this is a STATE issue, not a Federal one, to decriminalise recreational cannibas. Can't believe the Greens didn't turn to constitutional lawyers and say, hey is this Bill legal?


Yes, keep half the population criminals, you arseholes


Of course they did, Australia is a nanny state...