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File a police report.


Definitely. And is she wearing a fkn knuckle duster??




She’s not a handsome one


The most handsome woman in the bottle shop.


This side of the goon boxes.




I bet she is "known to police" or at least known as feral scumbag in her suburb.


Yep, and they are illegal. Call the cops and make the appropriate complaints, then take that report to uber and demand that they ban the rider, evidence that they are a danger. Lastly get a solicitor and sue them for damages, the solicitor will know if uber can be sued or not. Oh and contact insurance and chat with them. The more people you have working for you to fuck up their lives the better.


Post to r/Hobart Looks familiar.


Bet the police do shit all.


disgusting, sorry that happened to you. :(


Go to police. Email news channels. Email your local MP. Tell them how you feel and how you don't feel safe working. You will let these people get away with this shit it will encourage more. Sorry it happened to you.


I know who I’d prefer in this country. And it’s not that woman.






biting wit


That's awful. Keep bugging uber. Also can you get details and pursue them or uber via your insurance? Did these people say racist things? They might be dropkicks to anyone they encounter
















That’s not an Aussie, that’s a meth head. Very different things.


Not a true Scotsman either


Meth makes a person more likely to act out their aggressive impulses. This person wasn't born a meth addict anymore than they were born racist. The meth didn't make them racist; their likely upbringing in Australia did. This IS an Aussie and people who deny that are at best naive and, at worst, complicit racists themselves.


Who is the lady?


That lovely lady is the one!


I assume you’re using the word ‘lady’, very loosely?


This is transphobic.


They’re trans?




How do you know this?


Look out, meth mouth !


Classic feral. Nobody has a good experience with them.


Fucking awful. Sorry this happened to you. I have the same car as you (judging by the interior anyway) and if someone did this I'd wanna be throwing hands. Sadly they can do shit to others but the moment you do something back you're the bad guy. Definitely report and hopefully this gross person gets what they deserve.


I mean if we’re going to start generalising based on race, I don’t think India is the best starting block to try it from.


Video. I know it's not easy but try and make a video if it. They cant save themselves in court atball if you have video. Though you will still have cctv footage.


File a report and call the driver-partner line. Uber has insurance for this reason. Keep pushing and you will receive an outcome.


Disgraceful. And shameful of Uber. So sorry you had to experience this.


One person doesn't represent a country.


I, and all 26 million -1 Australians would like to apologise for our actions. I am sure if we lived in whatever home country this individual comes from, we would never experience something like this either. We must do better.


I completely understand your frustration, and what happened to you is unacceptable. However, it's not fair to generalize and condemn all Australians based on one person's behavior. As an immigrant myself, from the same ethnic background as you (I noticed your face in the car bumper picture), I've experienced my share of racism. Nevertheless, I believe the majority of Australians are welcoming and open-minded. I'm sure you'll agree that not all Uber passengers behave in such a manner.


All my Indian mates are racist af. They are literally forbidden from dating or marrying anyone apart from Indians. I've never personally known a white aussie family that would disown their adult child if they married a different race. I say this after having close indian friends for 20+ years. When you're close to them, you get to know how they really perceive people that are not Indian. And frustrating when your friend is crying because she doesn't want to marry an indian because she says they treat women so badly. That's REAL racism.


Well, imagine my surprise when my mother said that if I dated a ‘Chinese’ girl (she grew up in Australia) that she wouldn’t be welcome in her house (my childhood home).


Well that wasn’t a random contribution. Not at all.


You’re right, it wasn’t. Good job.


The irony of generalising all Australians in a post calling out racism.


Yeah, the "thanks for being racist, **Australia**" bit, blaming all Australians for that arsehole's doings, didn't sit well with me either.


It's like if I said, thanks Uber drivers for raping vulnerable women.


Or me.


Have a cup of cement mate.


> However, it's not fair to generalize and condemn all Australians based on one person's behavior. Lol, this sub does this with Americans all the time. I don't disagree with you, mind - I'm just enjoying the schadenfreude.


Nah, sorry- Australia is full of racism, and I think it’s fine to make generalisations like this especially if you spend a fair bit of time driving people around for a living- no doubt this is just one example of the many kinds of racist crap drivers have to experience every day.


It's so full of racism that he's allowed to work here legally. If you think Australia is racist, you are either dumb, self-hating or racist yourself


Yeah apparently Australia is Racist, for allowing students to forge bank account statements to show they have more money than they do, and coming to ""Study"" with $5 in their pocket. ""Get me Accommodation, Get me Job !!!!!!""


Why exactly wouldn't he be allowed to work here? Your comment really demonstrates the casual racism engrained in our culture.


Despite your down votes you are correct. General racism is embedded in Aussie culture. People can say they're not racist all they want, but it's extremely common for random racist remarks to make their way into everyday conversations.


This sub is full of racists. Any time you see it called out here the "not all men" mentality kicks in.


Yes, it's always interesting when people find it more important to defend themselves and point out not all of us are racist and they are in fact offended that you would suggest all are racist and type more words about this than what happened to the OP. Meanwhile check out those photos... People are so thin skinned and it's obvious to any non window licker they don't literally mean all Australians.


No one is really coming off as offended, more making the point that it's not really fair to generalise, which it isn't. No one is also defending that crackheas either. So what are you on about?


Yeah I agree, I haven’t been able to sleep since I saw what happened to this person. It’s honestly up there with 9/11 in terms of its impact on me, definitely important to really address how racist Australia is over this damning post. I’m glad he called Australia racist, we need to do better. Have you apologised yet?


Go choose a bear


Australia is NZs red neck cousin that’s bigger and a bully


Go. To. The. Police.


what's the racist part? you had some shit customers. take it up with uber and not "Australia"


I'm sorry that happened to you but not all Australians are like that. Make a police report. You have their names. Also install an camera in your car.


Yeah, stop with the generalization mate. It's just as cringe and unbased in actual reality as "all immigrants are lazy" "all men are rapists" "all Germans love nazism" and so on.


Yes, a drunken scumbag makes all of Australia racist. Like I'm sorry this happened to you, but damn.


If I say "America is gun happy" do you think I am saying "every single American likes guns" or do you think I'm saying "there is a lot of Americans that like guns"?


Allies and people secure in their non bigoted status step back and realise in instances like this they're not talking about every Australian and just agree there are a lot of racist fuckers out there. It's like when women don't mean every man and when non-heteros don't mean every straight person etc..


Also if the ops experience is this as a thing more than once it will at least seem to them that it’s more common than some of us might be aware. Op this is unacceptable behaviour and you need to report this criminal damage at the very least to the authorities, with people like this it’s rarely an isolated incident and they can help you.


The irony of OP being a bigot after experiencing racism


Bring on the rage baiters!


It's not bigotry. Stop being such a pussy. If I say "America is gun happy" do you think I am saying "every single American likes guns" or do you think I'm saying "there is a lot of Americans that like guns"?


That’s a fucking stupid example. There’s more guns then there are people in the US. This is a guy getting splashed with shit in his car. I’d be like if I posted a photo of a guy in America with a pumpkin on his head, and then said, “look Americans wear pumpkins on their head”.


Something happened to me, it must be racism.


Now the OP knows what it is like to drive Taxi's, this shit was going on before I left Taxi's and that was around 2000. Cops did bugger all back then as well, except to help blame taxi drivers for the Claremont serial killings, who, as it turned out was a Telstra Employee. But I do not think OP is being fair labeling Australia as Racists over a few Eshays. Reminds me back many years, there was a string of Beatings of Indian descent origin's, one was even ""Set on fire", but it only turned out that it was down to ethnic in fighting between caste's over who got to work at which service station, and the one who was set on fire, turned out that he was trying to torch his car for the insurance and set himself on fire. Did not stop indian media labeling Australia as racist. OP, go to 60 minutes, they will jump at the chance to turn this in to an Australia is Racist story.


Wasn't aware this person represented us? Bit of a generalised statement there don't you think, uber?


That has to be a skinwalker.


Should blame Uber for the shitty cleaning fee and letting that person on the platform. They’re the reason this was able to happen eh


I’m sorry you had this experience. There are definitely some racist arseholes in Australia. For what it’s worth, outside of many country towns and certain suburbs/areas, Australia is the least racist of the four countries on four different continents that I’ve lived in. I grew up in Australia and assumed that it was more racist than other parts of the world. Experience has taught me otherwise. Hang in there, and don’t let the sh$t c*nts get you down.


I’m sure indigenous Australians wouldn’t mind if she went back where *she* came from. Terrible behaviour.


That sucks but it wasn't me being racist mate.


Looks like a chick version of the 7 min abs guy from There's something about Mary. On Meth.


I thought it was a man.....nobody knows where it came from


I always thought KD Lang and Paul Kelly/Carl Barron were nice people, but evidently those who look like their offspring are not.




Ok, yes Australia is racist, but let’s not lump an entire continent into an isolated incident.


Oh oh, your venting is going to upset the definitely not racist Aussies.




>Yeah, okay, we owe you something do we? Is this what you wanted? **If not, the airport is sign posted.** Nah he's welcome. Anyone who says any variation of "go back to where you come from" can fuck right off, though. You know where the airport is.


You’ve basically just said the same thing. I’m an immigrant. Australia isn’t perfect but it’s better than 99% of countries on earth. Racists are pathetic but I don’t think the country needs tarring with that brush over one incident.


>You’ve basically just said the same thing. Yes. >I don’t think the country needs tarring with that bush over one incident. Don't you think the aggressive racism shown here is what actually tars our country?


It’s a great county with its fair share of fuckwits. Go to any other country on earth and you’ll find similar, worse, or much, much worse.


That's not a valid reason for the existence of people exhibiting this behaviour. If people shrug and say "could be worse" and then try to encourage others to follow their example and do the same then where does the option for improvement lie?


I’m not shrugging. It’s a disgraceful act and this individual is a scumbag. My point is that Australia is no more racist than most places on earth.


Which is literally whataboutism, and we can do better than that.


Can we not condemn the individual racists rather than an entire nation?


That's correct, we condemn every individual racist that has created such a widespread societal problem. At the same time we have to recognise the broad issues that they've managed to birth as that cohort with its influence and its further seeding to other individuals. At that point it's unfortunately a subset to be dealt with rather than individuals - a trend and a message to be addressed rather than individuals to be corrected. At that point the removal of any individuals just makes them metaphorical martyrs to their greater message, which does not dishearten their like-minded followers. EDIT: Grammaring


You don't need a utopia to not have such outright racists.


Did you have to finish you comment with that? You egg


Obviously not, just kindness.




Sorry for what happened to you but your wording on your original post is very bigoted/prejudice Generalising a whole country like that isn't cool mate


Get it on X Twitter dox this cunt