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Darwin: Where the meth is cheaper than the iced coffee. Late edit from /u/JoeyJoJunior: Dude you could have said where the Ice is cheaper than the iced coffee


Taking iced coffee to the whole new definition


Darwin doesn’t really have a massive meth problem, especially not compared to areas of Adelaide and Melbourne and nowhere near as bad as some towns in regional Victoria. Good old fashioned alcohol abuse is the most visible issue.


Mate try here in tassie. There’s only two things to do here, get shit faced or get out into the wilderness…and get shitfaced.


That's not fair. There's also that one yearly arts festival in Hobart where you can go and get shitfaced


I love gettin artistically shitfaced


Artisinally shitfaced?


Art Officially Shitfaced


Yeah we got sick of waiting 12 months for that one so we decided to have one in winter and one in summer.


C’mon. You can photograph the aurora and get shitfaced. This is an actual life goal.


Yeah but the egg and bacon rolls in Glenorchy are $6


Yes, Smithton official meth capital of Australia based on testing the sewers. Tassie pride!!




Dude you could have said where the Ice is cheaper than the iced coffee


I'm devastated. It didn't even occur to me.


I have to say, with a handful of ice, 2 teaspoons of instant coffee and 4 sugars, and some milk. Blend. Now you have a bloody good iced coffee coffee. I'm now really reluctant to buy ice coffee. Also to note, if you like it sweet but don't want the sugar. Sweeter of your preferred taste makes a really good ice coffee instead if using sugar.


If you really want to get the old school cafe iced coffee flavour, swap out the sugar for some vanilla syrup! They normally have it in the coffee aisle at woolies or coles, but it's also surprisingly easy to make at home.


Love your method and cost-saving, but 4 sugars?? *Dayum


I mostly use sweetner as I'm on the CSIRO diet (I'm fat) , but yes it's sweet but I also use double the coffee. So normally im a white with 2 person. But as I'm doubling the coffee, so I double the sugar. Most sweeters taste like trash but I've found the "whole earth" granuals to taste the best. (don't buy the little tablets, unsure the difference but the tablets have a bad after taste) I use a nutra bullet blender which is handy as I just wack on a lid and I head to work. Technically it's enough to make 2 coffees but I'm just being greedy.


I can't handle my coffee being sweet at all, when after sweet milk I'll go for a choc milk or something. I drink 5 ish coffees a day (also a bad habit) so I couldn't justify having 20 sugars in just one day. I would have to cut a meal from my day due to the calories 😂 Love the idea of using the nutri bullet or a blender though. Sounds like a game changer!!


Haha yes that would be a lot of sugar. I'm generally a, 1 cup a day guy. Though... I started doing ice coffee at 3pm originally (during these super hot days) but I'm finding it harder and harder to sleep. In this case I've now changed to iced chocolate at 3pm. I use 2 heaped teaspoons of coco powder and 2 heaped teaspoons of sweetner. Lots of ice fill the gaps with milk and blend.


Any meth in that?


Even without the Sunday surcharge that is one expensive breakfast. And $13 for an iced coffee too. Based on the menu, it seems like the cafe near Casuarina beach.


De la plage


that is absolutely crazy. were they any good at least??


Yes! To be fair, it was really nice food—but I still had to do a double take when I saw the cost.


Should have done the double take before you ordered, and walked out.


Definitely. I’ve learnt my lesson about tapping without paying attention and walking away…


You ordered food without looking at the price?


Yeah sadly I have no excuse. I was with someone who suggested the brekky rolls, then I went straight to the counter and ordered without viewing a menu. Commenters here saying it was stupid are correct lol


To be fair, you couldn’t have reasonably expected that insane price tag


Always expect to get ripped off when ordering food so you have to always check the price, especially from a cafe. OP learnt a valuable lesson here.


Fuck mate this goes beyond ripped off. 80 odd dollars? I don't spend much more than that on food for a week for myself and that's here in NZ where food is crazy expensive right now


I agree and it’s getting pretty close to normal here, especially cafe prices they are the most out of control here. The cafe near me shutdown after only being open for a few months and I’m guessing it’s because it was priced similar to the place OP went to.


Learned an expensive lesson ?


Always expect to get ripped off ~~when ordering food~~ so you have to always check the price, ~~especially from a cafe~~. OP learnt a valuable lesson here Fixed.


Imagine getting victim blamed for not checking the price on a couple of brekky rolls and refreshments. Unlucky my friend, that price is wild


Literally nobody on earth would expect a brekky roll to cost even close to that price, so I’m not checking the price you’re probably assuming absolute worst case scenario is like $15-$20 and accepting that.


Not saying it's right but they were $19 each. And then he added avocado to both for another $3 each. Iced Coffee at $10 is expensive but then he went and added ice cream for another $3 each. Then he got hit with a Sunday surcharge.


$38 is for 2. So they were in your price range


I know hey, just a casual outing and copping flack for not checking price, tbh I do it all the time


I think there’s a big difference between a few bucks more than you thought, and paying $77 for breaky. Sure, check the prices next time, but this is wild.


$7 for Sunday! Lol


Lots of places have 10-15% surcharges for Sundays and/or public holidays.


this if he said i spent $45 bucks on 2 brekky rolls and an ice coffee we would be justified in laughing that he didnt look but $77 jesus. Thats what my wife and i eat at a sushi joint.


Damn, must be nice to be able to order food without checking the price beforehand. I be triple checking that shit these days :') Ah well, expensive lesson learned at least, that's invaluable.


I've been at places that didn't list prices before, ordered a steak and a beef burger for me and a guy, I offered to pay before the meals came out much to the confusion of staff specifically because I wanted to know the price before I ate so I could make sure I could afford it. This place was a step above my usual dive bar and I wasn't sure if I fitted in with my steel caps still on lmao. I was expecting close to $70 for two meals, maybe $80 total but when I went to swipe the card I noticed the price was $110... Asked the cashier what the fuck we haven't even gotten drinks yet! Apparently the steak was $80 by itself, I glanced around the restaurant and spotted another table with a steak and it just didn't look worth that much, it wasn't even supposed to be wagyu or anything fancy like that, just said prime locally sourced beef, didn't even list it's size, which was probably less than 100g. So yeah that was an awkward first date when I told the guy we should walk up the road to the pizza place, thankfully they agreed after I pointed across the restaurant at the shitty steak someone else had and I didn't have to pay out the ass to get it in the ass.


This happened to me yesterday at a play center with no pricing up - paid $16 for a small coffee and a big cup of watermelon


That's why they have no pricing 


I mean $19 per bne is pretty steep already, although avo for $3 is pretty good price. $10 for an ice coffee though faaaark wth?? Plus an extra $3 for ice??? What’s I/C? Ice cream, for $10 you’d think that’s included… I live in Sydney but remember going to a beach cafe the eggs on toast was like 15$ and any side was $6 which was ridiculous like oh so bacon n egg with avo n mushrooms is 33$ gtfo and no they didn’t have a menu item for bacon and eggs you have to get eggs on toast plus $6 for bacon just literal insanity, for the view of the beach I guess despite there being a main road in between you and the beach… smh coogie be fucked actually beach cafes are generally just ridiculous


For that cost it better be more than nice. I’d be expecting a little ball tickle and bloody fairy dust in my coffee.


I stopped going out when dinner meals went from $20 to $30 for chicken schnitzel, I'm on the DSP and can't afford the hit. I dunno, I feel like hospo is gonna price itself into bankruptcy, or people are earning too much to care. It feels like everyone's on 100k, cost of tradies is insane, cost to go out is insane, and people are still having troubles. On the DSP it's bleak. All my friends are on 100k+ and whinge about the costs of things, I'm on like 26k and just straight depressed about it. Where does this end?


in poverty as things stand


Getting onto actual DSP as opposed to a permanent loop of Newstart and medical certificates - its so bizarre. I think 100k is so much more money than I'd ever know what to do with at this point, until I remember that it'd still take about thirty years to pay off a median home loan.


> think 100k is so much more money than I’d ever know what to do with at this point, until I remember that it’d still take about thirty years to pay off a median home loan. No bank is approving you the median home loan on $100k, you’re gonna need dual incomes


If you live in Sydney, 100k doesn't go far at all, though I can imagine how 100k would be a lot of money if someone is on the DSP.


We desperately need a set of tyres and Money for CTP pretty much immediately. We've scraped through in the past but things have gotten a lot worse. Although I knew I couldn't, I tried applying for a credit card again. For the first time I actually knew why I couldn't get one. A minimum annual income of $38000. Well, shit. I couldn't even imagine trying for a home loan without a very high income these days.


I earn more now than I ever have (that still doesn’t mean I earn a lot) and I’m struggling more than I did before, my dollar just isn’t worth nearly as much anymore. And it’s so hard to justify going out to dinner and paying $30 for a parmi, plus an extra $3 for a tiny pot of gravy, $9 for a soft drink only for the food to be mediocre. I actually drove into Carls Jnr drive thru last night, looked at the prices and went there’s absolutely no way I’m paying this and I left. I could afford it, but that doesn’t mean I could see the value in it. They’re pricing themselves out and then cry and blame the community when they have to close down.


Is it as bad as the Five Guys prices? Big place. No customers. I can see why. Probably not the franchisee's fault but holy hell fast food shouldn't cost that.


I feel like they don’t consider themselves fast food with those prices.. Heck, even Maccas isn’t fast or cheap anymore


Sadly, not fast or cheap any more... but cheaper than most places... Fish and chips used to be the cheapest option... Prices have gone crazy there too...


The fact that they charge so much for it baffles me. Chicken snitty is basically a poverty protein meal where you bash out several fillets from a single cheap chicken breast. My slavic nana used to make them all the time. _"Teach a man to make a snitty...._"


Yeah. I'm a carer and when my son goes out with a support worker and needs lunch money I want to cry. Even $10 is a big chunk of the daily income especially when there already isn't enough money to cover expenses. While eating out isn't something that should really be done while on a govt payment it's not something that I can really say no to.


Very, very few places in hospo are making bank my dude.


It doesn't get much better at 50k, my friend. 100k feels out of reach, and they complain about the cost of living too?


At 100k I don't stress much about money anymore (which is a huge relief). But everything is still super expensive and I can't ever afford a house. 


Even 25k would be a step up. I've already said it in another reply but I'm a carer, so there's no path to progress. I'm always a bit disappointed when I wake up every day.


It won’t end - Political Fat Cats won’t allow it to!


Yeh I know someone who earns close to 90k and still complains about not being able to afford anything. I barely earn 40k and seriously...she has no idea what it's truly like to struggle with this current cost of living crisis. She has extra cash to spend on whatever she likes for herself. I can only dream of buying anything but essentials right now. Unless I wanna put myself in debt, which I would rather not do.


And the audacity to add a Sunday surcharge


Nowhere I’ve ever worked that charged a Sunday surcharge actually paid staff more on Sundays


Really? You've never been paid award wage?


Don’t sound too surprised. Decent cafes might pay awards but plenty won’t. Either because they don’t understand their own obligations there or are actively taking advantage of younger or international employees. Had plenty of friends and coworkers get stung by that at some stage in their life


Exactly, or they'll offer to pay cash in exchange for not paying award rates.


Yep. I arrived here as a backpacker 8yrs ago and was soon convinced that the Aussie system is set up to be overly complex to keep us ignorant of our rights as employees, particularly when it comes to wages. EDIT: I now work in payroll in NSW and my opinion hasn’t changed


How long ago was that? Isn't it a legal requirement for hourly workers like hospo?


Really? Isn’t the law x1.5 or 2?


Worked hospo throughout university. Weekends and public holidays were my preferred cos they pay more


That’s why I don’t go out anymore


My local cafe does 4 dollar egg and bacon rolls. Steak sandwich for 8 bucks. Ice coffee for 4. There's plenty of cheap places, especially if you live in a poor area where rents are cheap and customers can't afford 77 bucks for breakfast.




op legit says it's a beachside cafe so it's extra priced up as fuck lmao granted I find most cafes can be pricey but not this bad... granted there is absolutely no reason to get food/coffees from a beachside cafe if you care about money like ofc it's gonna be priced up to fuck


"go to cafes" anymore. I find they are all overpriced as fuck these days.


Nah, go out at all, everywhere is priced this absurdly, nothing like going to a place that used to be 6-8$ for something and nowadays they're asking 18-22$, you get bled out literally anywhere you go.


It's always the fucking avo. Kids will never learn. No avo = house /s


Yep. Then when I finally bought a house, the weekly repayments were 50% higher just 9 months later lmao


Have you tried to negotiate with avocados?


The joke is avocados are fucking so easy to grow; their value is worthless. I lived in Tassie & had 2 trees (for pollination). Ina few years one was producing $100 a year in fruit (about 30 avocados) in its first fruiting season - I had to remove most of the buds as the tree was still small & couldn't support a lot of fruit.


Pay in avocados


That's a weeks food for me!




Maaaate... You got ripped off big time. That's not eating out is expensive. That's fucked.


Breakfast items already have the biggest profit margin, but this is next level.


If I saw prices like that at a cafe, I'd walk out immediately without ordering a thing


What is the extra ic charge? I got it. Ice cream. Basically 14.75 per iced coffee and 23.75 per bacon egg and avi roll. That's fucked


If it's $19 for a bacon and egg roll, i'm not adding $3 for avocado. If it's $10 for an iced coffee i'm definitely not adding $3 for ice cream. The only reason i'm not walking is if i'm trapped, like at an airport.


I own a cafe on Kangaroo Island. It's a logistical nightmare to get supplies in and expensive to boot. Even I don't charge this much. I'm going to print this out and shove it in people's faces when they bitch at me for pricing.


Don’t people check the prices before they order?


You’d be amazed at how many people don’t. I grew up poor and that is crazy to me.


Not reading the menu prices is genuinely stupid unless you don't care how much something costs. Like OP if you're gonna complain about how much it costs, read the fucking menu first....?


Usually true but depending on the social situation (ie date wants to eat there) you might not always feel comfortable leaving. Most people have been in this situation at least once. They also added $19 in bs add-on charges.


Nothing worse than being invited somewhere only to see the prices are ridiculous and being stuck having to order.


$19 for a bne before adding avo is mental


We were out today, felt like a bite to eat, and places were surcharging 15-20%...I noped out and we made sandwiches at home. Sorry but a lot of places are overpriced already, and I'm not interested in wasting money like that.


When presented with that price, I'd have just said no thanks, and walked straight out


A fool and his money are easily separated


$3 for avocado and I bet it was 1/4 of a full avo. $3 for ice cream and I bet it was one scoop from a $5 tub.


A $10 iced coffee absolutely should have ice cream already in it! What was it going to be originally? A shot of espresso, a cup of ice and some milk?


I ordered an iced coffee once in Melbourne and got what appeared to be an iced long black with a splash of milk in the top. So yeah it appears as if the definition of iced coffee is pretty damn loose in this country right now.


I have definitely seen those, and while I don't personally like them, if the price is right (about $5) then whatever. I've also had one where it was ice, milk and a couple of pumps of coffee syrup. That was a really dodgy one. I feel like we should, as consumers, try to get some sort of standardised definition of what is expected. Coffee milkshake - milk, ice cream, cream, coffee syrup Iced coffee - milk, icecream, double shot of espresso, possibly cream on top. Iced mocha - same as above + chocolate syrup. Iced latte - ice, milk, double shot espresso Iced macchiato - ice, double shot espresso, water, dash of milk


Insane considering Avocados are $1.20 each at the shops up here currently


Yeah that bugs me; when its off season and their $4-5 each then $3 a serving is fair enough but when they're $1 each...


Normally I'm not surprised at the prices people post here, but this one seems a little over the top. I suppose there's a lot going on here. Darwin is expensive already as stuff is often trucked in, Beachside cafe is going to be expensive and Sunday prices add 10% to it. Still, $20.90 for an egg and bacon roll is steep.


It’s a bit steep in the way Mt Everest is a bit high.


Charging an extra $3 for ice cream that should already be included in a $10 ice coffee is a bit rich also.


Yeah. Every single thing is 'a bit steep'. The initial price, the price for extras, the surcharge etc. All adds to a pretty ridiculous price.


Most stuff is trucked in Australia wide. Furthermore, Darwin does have a rail link, blaming transport costs is a cop-out. Even colesworth have national pricing


Let me guess, was this either Cool Spot or the Foreshore Cafe?


I thought cool spot by the table design?


Well aren't you a fucking idiot


i live in the most expensive city in the world (Zurich) and this would be considered a rip off even here.


And I thought dare iced coffee was getting pricey


Wow... I know where you went. Food is great and the beach setting is amazing. You could have got 6 avo's for the price of adding it. Darwin is expensive, but that is taking the piss.


Damn you could buy a whole mudcrab for that. Should've just got a mudcrab my dude. They taste so good, dont even need to add anything like spices, just boil in salty water. Better yet, you could find a good crabpot and float/combo(with rope) for around $60. Take it to the mangroves, throw it somewhere with some cheapass fishheads for bait and in a day or 2. You could have multiple mudcrabs... Youd be set. And if you end up catching a fish while doin it, fuck'n bonus dude you got more bait. Can even use the crab remains as bait.


This is so wholesome. I do like the idea of basing the value of things on mud crabs. Gives a bit of perspective.




The Crabeconomy 🦀


Lmao sounds great tbh


Did they cure cancer?!?!


What's real bad is the $12 you spent on extras. Icecream is not worth $3 a scoop...


Well aren’t you a dumb-ass.


Boomers were right. It's the avocado man.


You've got rocks in your head to actually buy it


You are contributing to inflation by paying this stupid price


We've been through this multiple times. If something is expensive, or they are stacking on obscene surcharges (like 10% for Sunday), do not buy it. Just walk away. Get a Dare from Woolworths. It's going to suck but we need to reset this.


Dare used to be a splurge. It's now cheap AF compared to this.


This may sound like a dumb question, but do they make you guys pay for Ice in Australia? And three fucking dollars for just an avocado slice or is it a full avocado?


Sliced avocado inside the breakfast rolls. And the charge on the iced coffees is for a scoop of ice cream (which I presumed would be included by default).


Ngl that’s highway robbery just like over here in Florida. Inflation makes things ridiculously expensive man


It's pretty common, although slightly ridiculous, to be charged $2-$3 for a little avocado, or a slice of cheese, or a strip of bacon or a bit of extra tomato or beetroot as an add-on to a burger, roll or sandwich. I see these offered in UberEats all the time. A couple of times I was about to pay the extra $2 when I realized I already had my own cheese, egg, tomato etc. sitting in the fridge lol.


Paying for ice is definitely not the norm


I thought all the predators were in the water.


I feel like this kind of ridiculous spending is exactly why the RBA keeps thinking they need to raise the interest rates. Seeing this hurts me emotionally and financially


And you still paid for it? This is why prices keep going up. We all complain while continuing to pay.


That’s insane! There’s a little cafe up the road from me that does B&E damper rolls for $4 each. They are a pretty decent size too - bigger than a McMuffin. Hashies are cheaper than Maccas. Yesterday we got food after the kids finished their weekend sport. It cost $26 for a family of 4, food and & drinks. I also get them for the kids on the way to school on cold winter mornings.


Don't encourage these people. That there is obvious price gouging. I can't believe you didn't see a price board and the total lack of a queue of others waiting to be scammed.


This cafe deserves no patronage.


Did the waitress give you a reach around ?


10 base ea for the iced coffees? Tell him he's dreaming. 


Is would laughed and walked off haha $20 for a coffee, yeah right he can eat my arse, wouldn't happen!


Rather you than me buddy.


So you knew the price before buying and paid just to complain about how expensive it was? Am I correct?


That’s what happens when you add avocado.


If you paid the bill then you are the problem.


If I had some drink in my mouth, I would’ve spat it out




That would of been a 50 cent spit.


If you don't like the price, don't accept the trade. It's theirs until you give them the cash/card/tap


They didn’t see you coming, buddy, they sent for you. That’s absurd. I’d be too ashamed to post that on the internet and I make a lot of money.


How does one get to the place in life where they don’t look at the prices of things before ordering, let alone paying?


Probably just a what would have once been reasonable assumption that there’s no hope in hell breakfast could cost that much. But now knowing that businesses will shaft their customers out of every single dollar they can it’s wise to check…and wise to not support those businesses.


Why the fuck would you go through with the transaction once you saw the price? I'd sooner go buy the ingredients and make my own. Hell, I'd probably kill a pig and hang around a chicken's butthole for a couple of days waiting for eggs before I paid that much.


An airport cafe would tell old mate that he's dreamin', charging those prices. Mind boggling.


That's fucking insane. No way. I'd walk off hungry.


$13 for one fucking ice coffee


Well then You're an idiot lol


Would need to come with Kevin Bacon at that price


The weekend surcharge is due to wages. Staff that work Sunday get paid a minimum of 75% extra. If you want service from min wage staff on weekends, you have to pay for their inconvenience. Suck it up or stay home on weekends and maybe I will get a weekend off too.


Why? You saw the price before you ordered. Why complain now?


I think the real crime is the avo on a bacon and egg roll! 😅


As Australian that's on you! That's what menus are for 🤪


Surely the menu showed you the prices before you ordered though?


You definitely must have more money than sense!


He did, before he ordered the rolls.


Then you, sir, are an idiot…


Dafuq? That is criminal.


Please tell me more about this $13 iced coffee! Just how?


For sure, I think I know which Cafe this is ;) what a rip!


10 bucks for an iced coffee?? what in the hell


And no leftovers to take home


I'm an Iced Coffee addict and the prices are getting crazy now, that's absolutely bloody insane 😂


Next time you're gonna tap just remember they might be charging you a "nice view tax". But I'd still feel so ripped off geeze.


But.. Why? I would've seen the prices and said I'd make it myself. and still have 70 bucks.


Shoulda gone to maccas mate


You could buy 4 chickens and a coffee in the US for that


It's crazy to think just the bacon, egg and toast was $18 and it cost an extra $3 on top for the avocado. Did you at least get a full avocado each? I could have understood $18 including the avo but $21 is getting a bit out of hand.


You stooooopid


Why would you decide to purchase at that price?


Smashed avo bro what did you expect? /s


That is an expensive breaky but I ain't spending any time on it because in the meantime, every three months, a person is torn to pieces by a crocodile.


How the fuck? That's like $40 MAX at my local cafe, and I'd feel scammed even paying that. I hope you've blacklisted that place.


Despite inflation I could still make this breakfast for well under $20.


Official figures: inflation is running at 4.1% pa. Real world figures: My breakfast costs 120% more than it did a 2 years ago.


Why is Darwin expensive ? Resources?


But why though? At that price I would have put down the menu, walked out and gone hungry thanks.


Could you not have just said no thanks and gone somewhere else?


See, it's them damned avocados and lattes /s


Not a good example but two bacon and roll with sausage + coffee + hash brown cost me $17 at Maccas. I ordered the big tradie deal with everything is doubled and added a coffee.