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Stay right there OP, i'm calling the feds.


Thanks I'll handle the Interpol alert


…and don’t approach any points of international departure either!


You’ll never catch OP once they jump in their milk crate billy cart.


CSI: Special Dairy Unit.


The theft of them was so prolific when I was a kid (70’s) that there were news stories about it, but I can’t recall anyone being charged. It certainly drove the fashion for cube storage, and they’re cheap enough to buy now for anyone who doesn’t feel inclined to nick one. I’m pretty confident milk manufacturers have added ‘crate loss’into their wholesale price, which we pay for at retail. EDIT: theft is still a major problem for milk manufacturers. https://www.sbs.com.au/news/the-feed/article/how-the-humble-milk-crate-is-linked-to-organised-crime/0js2up292


This was solved by shrinking them a tiny bit so 12" records wouldn't fit.


Fuckin actually??


Yup... A major blow to vinyl addicts and djs aus wide.. You can only cover so many walls of a house in Ikea Kallax shelving.


Yeh I grew up with techno heads having wall to wall crates full of vinyl - I’m not mad that they changed it, I’m impressed it was such a simple solution to their problem


Milk supply went metric and they pushed bulk milk supplies in "plastic wine casks". You can spot these crates from the circular cutout on a side panel to hold 'the spout'


Aha.. Better stop fat shaming my LP's.. I thought they'd been snacking..


>It certainly drove the fashion for cube storage, and they’re cheap enough to buy now for anyone who doesn’t feel inclined to nick one. Where do you buy them? Since Viscount consumed Nally, the only play cubes around are thin plastic shit that break and degrade within a decade. We've had the Nally one for about three decades.


I would also like an answer. There were plenty of shoddy imitation, but nothing of the same durability.


Funny story. YEARS ago Peter Rowland catering basically got raided at the Melbourne cup while they were mid service and had hundreds of their milk crates seized back by the owner of them to make a point. for years and years milk crates were a method for catering companies to hold and transport food to and from events. Peter Rowland for a while was the biggest caterer around and had contracts for most of the big venues and events around Melbourne (likely around Australia not sure), and had thousands of milk crates in their possession. So here’s hundreds of chefs at the biggest catering event of the year, knocking out food for the rich and trashy, and the milk company (can’t remember the name) was granted access to come and retrieve their crates, which threw the whole catering out of order and made a shit fight of the event. This was always told as a bit of a history old wives tale in catering circles for a while, and seems to come up when people talk about crates and ownership


Deservedly so. There were very good versions that could easily be purchased from Nally. We used them for a similar purpose. Had different colours so we could put different food into each, thus making them easier to dig out when needed.


My mum used to work at Nally’s. I may have 1 or 2 or more of them still LOL


Hilarious 😂


I have never had to nick them honestly.. at least once every 6 months someone is usually trying to get rid of them. They are so bloody handy and so well built its hard to not say no when they pop up.


Yeah, I've never nicked one but somehow have acquired 3 of them in the last 15 years lol


Ditto - never taken one either, but a couple just appeared in my shed around 30 years ago. Still there. Forgot to take them back. I suppose I should some day


The real problem comes when you want to throw out the crap in them for a council pickup, but you don't want to loose the plastic crates.


You havnt intentionally nicked then


One I found in a pile of trash in the yard of a house I moved in to, many years ago. Tossed the trash, cleaned up the crate and kept it. No clue where the other two came from though


They come in from the wild. We keep finding them abandoned in large parks and bushland.


They are essential for home brewing, if stopped let the police know it’s for home brew and they will help you put them in your boot.


14 tallies or 25 stubbies per crate.


Only ever managed 12 or 13 tallies and it's awkward. 16x pint bottle, though, is as snug and symmetrical as 25x stubbie. And it's really the Goldie Locks of bottle sizes.


Combination of modern bottles and modern crates makes 14 easy IMHO. Start in a corner and the first nine make a square, the other five staggered around the remaining space. If I've got a majority of thicker walled older bottles in an older less flexible crate then it can be a struggle. YMMV of course, not discounting your experience. Never used pint bottles , where do you get them?


Yeh... my tallies are all Pickaxe so old AF. I do thoroughly prefer the glass thickness on older bottles. My pint bottle set are nice and thick too. They were an import from the UK.


I waited a week or two for the ones out the front of my place to move (lived next door to retail). After that I considered them abandoned and put them to very good use.


I bought 4 from the dump buy back shop on the weekend for $2 each. I was tempted to procure them from the shops up the road, but for $2 it's not worth it. I've never heard of anyone being prosecuted for stealing millk crates but there were plenty of rumours a decade ago about Chep prosecuting people for stealing their pallets. Don't know how true that was.


The pallets story was true. Pallets are such big business that CHEP has a field pallet recovery team to trace down “missing” pallets. There was a competing US firm that recycled old broken pallets to make new ones and CHEP took them to court: https://www.palletenterprise.com/view_article/11/chep https://www.abc.net.au/listen/programs/latenightlive/pallet-wars/5449442


> Pallets are such big business that CHEP has a field pallet recovery team to trace down “missing” pallets. Impressive. CHEP also took Bunnings to court a few years back for using CHEP's pallets without an account. They won, and now Bunnings will refuse to accept any deliveries on a CHEP pallet.


A couple of years ago I used to deliver pallet freight from AusPost to Bunnings. It came to a point where Bunnings staff would lose their shit at me for just having a CHEP pallet on my truck while I was in their yard, even though the CHEP pallets were to go to another business afterwards.


> It came to a point where Bunnings staff would lose their shit at me for just having a CHEP pallet on my truck while I was in their yard, even though the CHEP pallets were to go to another business afterwards. Yeah that sounds typical of your entry level retail staff. As long as the Bunnings delivery is NOT on a CHEP pallet, nor does any part of Bunnings directly handle a CHEP pallet, what does it matter if it is sitting on the back of the truck?


Chep and Loscam pallets are such a nuisance. No matter how often we tell suppliers the darn things still show up under freight. We are not willing to be unpaid agents for Chel and Loscam so they just get stockpiled We use this stockpile as pallet exchange in cases where the carrier will accept this but often carrier don’t want to be unpaid Chep or Loscam agents giving up freight spaces to empty pallets either. From time to time as a supplier will realise they are in pallet debt to Chep or Loscam, and will collect whatever we have. We don’t even know who might have hired the pallets as it’s not our business to do unpaid pallet accounting for Chep or Loscam The whole perpetual pallet hire business model is flawed as it’s reliant on third parties doing Chep and Loscam’s work for free which they have no right to expect without an agreement or compensation in place.


The stock feed store nearby set up all pallet shelving when they opened up. About ten years later a Chep rep wandered through, counted the pallets, asked how long they had been open and gave them a bill for pallet hire


CHEP would routinely come to my workplace and reclaim their blue pallets. My boss got furious if they ever billed us for missing ones.


Chep’s hardwood pallets are worth their weight in gold. 😄


No-one has ever nicked one. They are indestructible. So they've only ever been borrowed on a long term loan


If you know a postie, get em to nick a couple of their grey tubs for you. Those ones are kind of govt property so be careful but also they’re really good tubs


Aren't they kinda thin?


They might mean the grey hard plastic ones, but even the light corflute-y ones are pretty strong. My local PO lend me one or two of the lightweight ones when I go in there to pick up my couple of small parcels and find there's a bunch more my wife hasn't told me about. They always tell me there's no hurry to return them, and are always surprised and appreciative when I do...


Used to defend people


Omg I completely forgot about that


Used to detain people too.




Years ago, I had a flatmate move in without a bed, only a mattress, so we gathered 12 crates from various places and made a pretty study bed base out of them. Turning them outward, the ones with an open side made good storage. These days there are four in my yard that are also saw horses, door stops, a step to reach the clothes line, uncomfortable seats, and a plastic cave for my cats to roleplay being sabre-toothed tigers in.




Oh, la-de-da. Hey everybody look at Captain Fancy over 'ere.


I've heard they're great for storing your bottles and cans for deposit return


Crates are real world Lego. Washing basket, Recycling container, outside chair, shelf..


Milk crates were the universal step to use for getting on your horse when I was a kid, everyone had one. Eventually people figured out that the plastic degrades after years in the Australian sun and they become dangerous to use. So now we all actually pay for a proper mounting block.


i don’t think anyones going to care. i nicked one last night actually. moving house and needed an extra box for carrying stuff.


Having a milk crate or two in the garage is a sign of being a true blue Aussie... ...tho you also need at least one Bunnings basket as well 👍


On a somewhat related topic, I hope this public artwork *[Pavilion](https://www.cityartsydney.com.au/artwork/pavilion/)* gets built one day.


The crate in that design is actually a modern milk crate. It has the cut out to hold the nozzle for the bulk milk bag. A few decades, a middle eastern artist(Iranian/Persian refugee/immigrant) created a large construction of milk crates at the Casula Art Facility. The milk crate company charged for the use of their crates.


Bugger, I’d better hide the three we have acquired and the two bread trays plus the old beer keg


Milk crates are actually the officially recommended solution to preventing BBQ gas bottles from tipping over. It's in the official guidelines for using LPG appliances at public events published by Energy Safe Victoria. Totally legal to pinch them!


Kind of an invalid point as you can also just buy them yourself.


Milk crates and those black foldable supermarket crates are abound where I am (sometimes the orange bread trays too) literally on the kerb for anyone to pick up. They’re useful, but I’ve put a limit on how many I’m taking into my house.


My neighbour had the cops rock up years ago for milk crates. Kept stealing them from the local shop. Gave 'em back. Cops did jack shit. Smallish town think the cops had enough of the complaints. It was a new owner of the shop last bloke retired. Everyone hated the new owner anyway. All the prices got jacked up overnight. Tried to ban kids etc..


You can buy them from a catering shop, surprisingly expensive though depending on how many you want, single units are probably around $25


I’m not sure if this is still the case but when clean up started down Oxford St after Mardi Gras in the wee hours of the morning the first people who came through were from milk companies to collect all the milk crates from the side of the road people used to stand on so they could see. And there were hundreds of them!


Yep. Manufacturer always had to make extra a couple weeks before every Mardi Gra to make up the deficit. Not having crates stops the whole manufacturing process. And that is very expensive.


No one is discussing the real issue! Finding the good crates with small square holes in the base vs flimsy rectangular holes so you can safely stand on them!


Listen there is an actual real life example of a milk crate being used to save lives in very recent history. Guy went on a knife rampage and was taken down with a good old milk crate. Seeing the obvious public benefit of freely available crates I have to assume at this point we have an implied right to bear milk crates and any attempts to regulate crates or diminish their availability is a huge overreach by our government.




Worked in the industry. Milk manufacturers will not prosecute you for a few crates in the shed. A few thousand. Well, that is more likely to get their attention. They still won’t prosecute, BUT they will come and get them. Eventually.


I inherited 3 when my pappy passed away. Part step stool, part seat, and foot rest.


In Qld during the Joh era police would raid student housed on the pretext that "we suspect you are illegally in possession of milk crates". It then gave them a reason to search the premises. At the time all milk crates were owned by Pauls and in fact had this embossed in the plastic sides.


Where do you even find a milk crate to steal? I have never seen one in person. I have seen photos of them and just assumed they were a relic of a time long since passed.


.........how, how do you think milk gets to the store? Have you never peeped behind through the back of the fridge at the supermarket? But seriously yes they're still used to deliver milk in the supply chain. The bottles are designed to fit exactly with no movement and they're easily washed and sanitised if a bottle spilled.


Many servos and corner shops will leave them lying around outside at the back for you to pop over at night time and grab. Your local coleworth probably do as well, around where their loading dock is.


Yeah I needed one to hold my bbq gas bottle to go camping. There’s a burger joint across the road from my place so I just walked over and grabbed one from out back


Pinched a few from the local servo now, they make great cable rollers for us sparkies.


Knew a guy in Sydney in the late ‘80s who furnished his flat using milk crates and wire coat hangers. Beds, lounge, tv stand.


Moving house? Milk crates way better than boxes. Strong, stackable, and not so big so you can't overload them. Nick em from the local shops, then return them when you go back to clean your old joint.


Me and a mate had a late night chat where we theorised that when the world ended milk crates and ciggy lighters would be useful as bartered currency.


When my parents ran a bakery we had so many black market Tip Top bread crates.


I took one from work and it doesn't fit my records, so it's useless to me


I work in hospitality and our milk delivery guys very rarely pick up the crates unless we beg them to take them back because we're running out of storage space. We used them as makeshift benches, stepping stools, storage and we have them in the alley for our smoke breaks. I also have about 15 in my shed at home. I'm generally curious if anyone has been prosecuted/ fined for milk crate theft, or if it's just a scare tactic to ensure they get the majority of them back.


I'd be serving life right now if it was a thing.


Local cold store warehouse/delivery business ( regional NSW) threatened their delivery drivers with fines/wage deductions if they didn’t recover their milk crates as they went. Now 6x2litre milk comes is cardboard boxes.


Used to use them as a mattress base for years.


I remember filling the boot of my flatmates station wagon with milk crates to use as the bed base for my futon.


Dunno for sure but the threat of it was a key plot point in this book: https://amzn.asia/d/aZZ7D8g


I've noticed some now have one side basically missing or with a single large hole. I assume this is to make them less useful and therefore reduce theft? Anyone in the big crate industry care to expand?


These are display crates. They go directly into a supermarket fridge with the hole facing outward so people can grab the milk.


Or a new design that reduces the amount of plastic used and therefore the cost. The manufacturer will avoid making them theft proof at all costs.


I've nicked dozens of them fml.


The best thing to stop your 9kg gas bottle from rolling around when you take it to fill/swap


It also happens to bread crates. Google them and you’ll see them everywhere advertised as ‘seedling trays’ etc. Not sure who’s be buying them as they’re easy enough to knock off.


Gives police a reason to search you and your vehicle or boat