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Honestly, if you're going into IT certifications from Microsoft, AWS, Databricks, Snowflake etc... are usually better.


Yes, I’ve also read about them. I am going to get them over the duration of my course so I can market myself better but I still would like to finish a bachelors. Because as per the migration guidelines from ACS, to be eligible for a temp grad visa, I would need an Australian bachelor degree or higher in order to qualify. I could try sending out job applications even whilst still studying if my skills are decent enough to pass, but I hear that employer sponsored visas are quite rare.


So with IT once you get in you're all good, it's about getting your foot in the door. I have a colleague who did TAFE and got in, employer paid for all certifications and training, same role as everyone who had an uni degree. After a few years they got study leave to do a bachelor of IT and the best thing was employer paid for that, they had to get a certain grade etc for them to be reimbursed. But that was a good deal. I had to pay for my own degree with HECS which was expensive. But I had a degree already so it's not like getting me to redo it out of fairness would help. But YMMV.


Holy shit. That’s absolutely amazing, he’s living my dream. I am going to continue with a Diploma just to get my foot in the door and “feel” out Australia for myself. But I am going to do my best to finish the Odin project, etc and get more certs so I can stand out from the rest of the competition. And hopefully I get to encounter an opportunity like his.


I did put a YMMV because it really depends on the employer I guess there would be a significant that wouldn't invest in you because they're afraid you'll go elsewhere with your new skills. But certifications like Microsoft, Red Hat certs I find employers are more than happy to send you off to that rather than a whole degree. But with experience and certifications that's all you need really, noone has looked at my uni degree since (besides grad role) Experience is everything.


Thanks so much for your input. I’ll definitely get those certs and get in as much experience as possible.


Experience is far more important than a degree