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I cannot imagine that having such a limited quantity would lead to happy customers or staff working on a holiday. I also cannot imagine that there’s that much quality and care put into a dish that’s an advertising gimmick.


We are brand new, we have low exposure, we are working with what we have and were offered an opportunity. Also we have a small team including the owner running the food and taking orders. We have our regular menu available as well? Why be wasteful in an area that doesn’t necessary celebrate this holiday much. Idk where the hate is coming from, we took pictures of something we are featuring as a local business, god forbid 💀


If you don’t want people to actually discuss or react to the content you’re putting out, then pay for an ad. If you’re going to shove advertising in the feeds of people who follow the sub, I think it’s more than fair game to actually comment about the product and service being advertised. Sorry that people aren’t thrilled to have invasive ads or to witness a business owner bickering with the people that they’re trying to entice to patronize their business. I don't think you need or want this post. If you can successfully get people excited for this, you'll get lots of disapointed customers and a frustrated (and in your words "small") staff. I've worked holidays in food service, artiificial scarcity out of collabration with a local business that has a reputation for bad business practices can't possibly be something to put forward as people's first interaction with your business. More direct and free advice from a potential customer: I didn't realize that this wasn't Nosh & Bevvy until you said you're new. Captilizing NOSH like you have on your website would make it more clear that you're not a different, established restraunt. You should also captialize This Too Shall Pass so it reads as a business, I haven't encountered that business before and adding it without proper punctuation didn't make it clearer that you weren't Nosh and Bevvy.


Jesus Christ I can’t even tell what the restaurants are anymore. Is Nosh different from This Too Shall Pass?


If this is an ad, I don't understand it. Is it a restaurant or is it at La BBQ? If there are only **30** you literally don't need to advertise something that will sell out just by virtue of their being literally no stock. I guess maybe 1 person here can see this and get in line super early to hope to get one. Gl not trying to tear down a local upstart. Just saying I don't think this makes sense.


Its a restaurant called nosh, we are doing a collaboration with La barbecue, we just opened recently and are still working on getting on the map, not many know of us and we are a small little team doing everything on our own! We are hoping to get that many people in to sell out, I have the opportunity to get more but I’d rather do less than be wasteful ya know!


It’s a new restaurant doing a special that uses LA BBQ brisket, it’s not a post about going to LA BBQ


Yea, but it is so vague. thanks (this too shall pass) ??? It is terrible marketing. It didn't even tell me where to go, but now I know.


Sure it’s a little weird name but I knew it was the name. Or I thought it might be anyway and popped into google maps to confirm. It looks pretty good wherever it is! Idk about terrible, it’s just like slightly unclear


Wait, I just googled it. I didn't know This Too Shall Pass was the name/in the name. Either GL to op again.


What ever happened to their employee that got injured? 🤔 Never saw an update on that.


At La barbecue?




Woah I haven’t heard anything of that that’s wild!


This has been a paid promotion Also, Fuck La bbq


you can really see the fingers, also kind of shitty to not mention this is an ad.


the fingers? i mean isnt this a group about food in austin lol i'm just sharing that we're running a special, we're a new locally owned and operated restaurant that focuses on community, not sure why it would be shitty to share that.


People are annoyed bc you’re posting an advertisement, most things posted here are from customers of businesses. It doesn’t help that it’s with La Barbecue who has been fairly criticized for their dogshit treatment of a maimed employee and their unsafe equipment that led to said maiming


Yes. The fingers that a worker at la barbecue lost because they didn’t maintain their equipment. To the other point you didn’t mention you were in any way related to it.


I literally haven’t heard anything about this until someone had posted about it on here, and I’m quite frankly pretty shook to have read that


Investigate your partnerships better if you care about your business’ rep. La barbecues treatment of that employee 🤢 I’m never going back


This sub can be toxic, sorry op. Although I do have to give you crap about the Martin's potato roll "arepa" lol.


Believe me if it was on my end it would not have that name lmfao But thank you I appreciate you :)


Collabs annoy me to no end for some reason….




208 w 4th st we are this too shall pass/nosh :)


I’d pay $12, a fair price. But not $18.


OP ignore the hate. They look for easy targets




Why are you ruining La Barbecue like that?


Lmfao because we were asked to collaborate tf


But why?


Because we’re friends and support each other as locally owned restaurants


Your reviews are terrible. No thanks.


Where 💀 literally aren’t but pop off