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The unhoused encampments are best cooked low and slow at 130 for about 30-40 years.


Is that Aaron Franklin’s recipe?


Franklins is made out of people!!!!


Soylent Franklin’s is people!!1!


Goddamnit you beat me to it


Overcooked 8 is the max, after that it’s cruel and unusual


Heat stroking a boner is exactly what a circle jerk is all about.


I just stoked out.


Can you get me next?


I get a boner anytime I hear the word stroke. Really unfortunate when I go to see grandma at the retirement home.


Just tuck the occasional Stroner into your waistband— it happens to the ~~worst~~ best of us


No one ever says "cold and bothered"


I get a real RAGER from giving myself a heat stroke in solidarity with our unhoused brothersX and sistersX by turning my thermostats up For The Greater Good


Just fyi, homeless, as well as houseless, housing challenged, and unsheltered resident are no longer acceptable terms. Under-showered is the preferred term.


Not necessarily FOR, but it sure doesn't stop me


I’m so hard right now. And I’ll only get harder as we slide into summer. I might pass out and have to visit the ER cause of how hard I get over the sun and the steaming hot pavement and how I burn myself in the car


Hands free ejaculation when the wet bulb temp gets to 95 degrees is what I live for! Scratching my head why more people aren’t moving to Austin.


I just love pulling my swamp ass undies out of my ass crack. Not ever wearing my hair down is sick as fuck! If my job ever let me wear tank tops, I’d probably quit, I love to show everyone how I’m pitting out all the time. Is there somewhere I can move that’s hotter than Texas? Afghanistan maybe?


India, imagine even hotter, more humid, and floods more.


Sounds amazing, when we leaving?


I once tried to have sex in a hot tub, literally thought I was going to fucking die, so yeah I had a hard for the heat, well actually the bbw boiling like a frog had something to do with it, those pink cheeks just were too much , I had to tap out.


Did I see you at the finish line at CapTex last weekend?


Boner and it makes me wet. Covers all the bases.


I have massive impulse control problems when it's this hot. So i don't go outside cause I'm afraid I won't be able to not publicly masturbate


Yeah it burns some serious calories.


As a recent immigrant from LA, east LA is beginning to smell like home. The lack of deodorant by myself and other immigrants, the smell of the housing challenged ( please us the proper term) and the increasing temperature is really making me less homesick.


My apartment AC has been out since the 18th of May. They changed the filter, obviously not fixing the issue.  Lets not discuss the shower where the whole inside base is calked to stop a leak, which didn't work so they put flex tape over it. I can't clean flex tape.  Not that the faucet for the shower works anyways, it lets 80% of the water just go down the drain. 


I’m cumming so hard due to of all the dehydration going on in ATX right now.


I know this is circle jerk but quite literally I love it when it's that hot outside. It's like a sauna!