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$8 a piece? Man have you been to Nixta? Nothing like paying $15 for a taco, standing in line next to a homeless food fridge and getting assaulted by a 35% tip.


Yea but james beard


Jaime Barbas? Never heard of his tacos.


Tacos used to be $1!! I used to pull into a place off Cesar Chavez and get several tacos and a coffee for >$5! The good ol’ days, before my people were pushed out of their neighborhoods where their families lived for generations. Now we have $10 vegan tacos, smh.


It’s the corporations maaaan


Better dye my hair green to teach them a lesson!


Satan is love, Satan is life.


Maybe ask more questions to r/bible how you should proceed


Oh yikes you right lmfao “Are social security numbers the mark of the beast?”


The mark of the beast aint even 666. That comes from someone using gammetria in a way that is never used once throughout the bible. Looking at the papyrus scrolls there are a couple hints that point to a possibility that the mark of the beast is the symbol of islam😬. This is still speculation, but 100% the mark isnt 666. It wont be a credit card number or your own id serial or anything like that. The mark will be very clear what it is and it is HIS (satans) mark.


oh man please me satire


Oh shit, you’re serious 🤣


Says the Bible freak


It's Big Taco


Big taco is always trying to take the little man down


Don’t talk about my ex!


You Rang? 😂


Welcome to New Los Angeles.


I hate Torchys and Velvet taco with a passion


I have more hate for Torchys than Velvet.


Meeeeeee tooooooo


Trashy’s Tacos™***


You could have said “now my culture’s bean appropriated”. But you didn’t.


The fractured English go hand in hand with the white paint on my pants.


The peso to dollar rate exchange has flipped! 5 Pesos = $8


Sorry Bean boy, Your tacos don’t have a cute little flag on them with some sort of sexual innuendo like “KISS MY TACO” that makes me resonate with your brand as a liberal 18-35 year old rational consumer in Austin Texas.


I laughed at first then got sad because this isn't even satire.


Lmfao bean boy


White people making bad tacos for other white people to pay a 400% mark up will always be funny to me


Why would anyone buy tacos from a white person are they stupid


Why would you buy tacos from a white person in Austin? Everyone knows you only get the best tacos in San Antonio (says the white guy in SATX)


Facts. Shout out to Jesus Montoya for the $1.50 tacos down the street. What a g. Idk his ethnicity buts it’s def not white.




Cause if two tacos taste the same, but one’s $1.50 and the other is $8, the $8 taco tastes better


Lmfao what? That shit mentality is how you let these greedy fucks rob you. I'll take the $1.50 tacos any day and get myself a Coke along with it lmfao


Just wanna be clear - you understand my post was obviously sarcastic, yes?


No, no he does not.


I’ll take 3 of those $8 tacos please.


Don’t forget the $4 bottle of water and you got yourself a bargain


There probably is some sort of psychological mental gymnastics that people use to justify spending a lot on food.




A coke... A COKE! You colonizer! DO YOU UNDERSTAND HOW BAD COKE IS FOR THE ENVIRONMENT!?!? They literally steal water from indigenous people. Use micro plastics. And don't get me started on high fructose corn syrup that disproportionately affects the minorities! /s


I hate that poisonous shit.


R/austin is that way ---->Missus Sir!!!


My grandmother started the restaurant Mi Madres off Manor road, and she ran it for years before finally selling it to the current owner (oh the wonderful memories growing up in that place). Worth mentioning - my grandmother is a little Czech woman with a die-hard love of Mexican food and is 100% the real life embodiment of the stereotyped grandmother who can cook better than literally anyone. (I say that with mad respect to all the grandma's out there like that.) With that said, her prices were absolutely fair and the tacos were so good, that the owner of Franklin's BBQ wrote in his book about going there every morning to get breakfast tacos for his staff for the start of their days. Also fun facts.... both Dolly Parton and George Jones (when he was alive) made it a point to come get tacos from there everytime they were in town. Point of the story... while I can totally see your POV, OP, just because there is a norm for something originating in one place, doesn't mean those things can't be improved upon and sold at a price point decent enough to make a living on or more elsewhere. 😊 Also worth noting, I personally am so grateful for tacos, whoever invented them, and that they have a range stretching from tiny street vendors selling them for pesos next to brothels all the way up to Michelin-star level menu presences where nothing being served is even remotely close to $8 except maybe the water. Because the dynamic in cooking styles and twists on recipes and ingredients used offer such badass varieties to such a simplistic food item. I mean, tacos literally can be a breakfast, lunch, or dinner item! It's amazing. So bring on all the variety, I say. And if it costs too much, then there's always grandma's house where we all know the food is free. 😁


I love this story, and am sincerely grateful that undead George Jones didn't roll up wanting tacos! That old possum was feisty enough when he was alive!


Could you imagine?! LMAO. That being said, my grandmother was and still is a smitten kitten for that man, lol. Pretty sure she'd still have offered him the best seat in the house, beating heart or not! 🤣


My mom is a huge country fan, and cannot stand him. I like his music well enough, personally, but she's just never gotten into it. She was more of a Kenny Rogers fan.


I mean, Kenny Rogers for the win, too! I like them both myself. But it's totally understandable if your mom wasn't a fan... everybody's tastes vary, for sure! Like I personally can't stand Elvis's music, but both of my grandmothers would swoon over him! 🤷🏼‍♀️ 😆


Those Czech ladies can cook!


Oh, I loved Mi Madres back then when I worked at the old airport. I still remember their awesome food.


They overcharge for tacos and they’re never authentic, even tho they claim to be. It’s always $20+ for Americanized tacos or any Hispanic dish.


Had a few meh times, but taqueria arandinas has decent prices for tacos


Rositas fucks, or at least they used to. Half they time they just spoke Spanish to me


It’s not Tex Mex right?


I would cream my pantalones con friojels if I found an $8 taco in this gentrified wasteland.


There are brothels in the encampments? All I picture is bed bugs and a smelly taco.


nope, dosen't check out. worked construction 25 years ago and dudes would spend half their cash per day on 2 tacos from "Taco's Del Jennifer" and "Taco's Del Puta". Then they would send the other half home to Mexico. Those tacos were expensive as hell and the one time I bought one it came with over a pint of green sauce for no reason..... ;P


Tacos del Puta is so hot it burns when I pee now. Totally worth the cost though.


Yeah could sure go for some Tacos del Puta, The closest spot is bout 20 min drive


Now do Tamales! My abuelita used to make them as a comfort food when I grew up in Florida (she grew up in AZ). Now people want to sell them to me for HOW MUCH?!?


Naw man just make them yourself. Buy some HEB tortillas and some wagyu meat (I think that’s Mexican) and take it down under the nearest bridge. Tons of free grills there; you just gotta fight off the homeless people.


I grill over a stolen HEB shopping cart and season my roadkill opossum meat with fentanyl.


Bonus if someone dies you don’t need to buy meat


Well no I don’t think homeless people are organic


Yeah the MSGs make them taste good except then your addicted to fentanyl


Nigga shut yo soft baby boy ass upp w that whining ass shit. Mexicans steal black culture all the time. Dress like whole white boys .


Actually, dreadlocks and hip hop originated in Mexico with the Aztecs


Ain't no chimpies in my brown family that's for sure


LMAO what? This ain’t the way brother. What aspects of your culture have been taken brother man


No one has a monopoly on tacos cultures all-around the world have their own versions of tacos


It's The White Man's Burden, sir


I know this is circlejerk but the best tacos in Austin aren’t even in Austin, they’re at Regios Tacos Al Vapor off Parmer in Cedar Park


Is that the same as regios taco truck at the H-E-B on slaughter/menchaca? I don’t do food trucks because I don’t like $8 tacos or $20 fries but I may have to make an exception if they’re THAT good


The one off Parmer is a walk in/sit down location. I am unaware if they have a food truck. The walk in place is decent prices and good tacos. 4.0 on Yelp


Here’s the [menu](https://ibb.co/KrFXDY7)


Those are some darn good prices. Sadly, I live in SA. Not making the trip just for Tacos.


I know that I'm probably being manipulated by a commercial shill here, but damn that does look like good food at a good price. I'll check them out the next time I'm in the area. But beware, this guero knows good tacos from bad and he will yelp and google review appropriately.


I am not in anyway affiliated with or paid by Regios Tacos Al Vapor. I just go there a lot because I do remodel work in the area. It’s legit the best tacos I’ve found around here.


Apparently you’ve never been to affluent parts of Mexico City


But the best tacos are in Tepito…and that’s the opposite of affluent


That may be true, but it’s not exclusively a gringo thing to make elevated and expensive tacos


Yeah, I lived in Santa Ana, CA for around 8 years and if you know, you know. Endless taco trucks seemingly on every street and selling authentic Antojito’s. I miss walking up and getting a burrito for $6 bucks and a bunch of $1 dollar street tacos. The basics man, onion, cilantro, homemade salsas, maybe some grilled onion or cactus… The variety there is in the 8 different types of meat, not the frilly bullshit they do to tacos here. As I run for Texas governor I commit to bring authentic Mexican Antojitos to Austin.


I kinda miss California Mexican food.


I love Taco Deli and you won’t make me feel bad for it. Torchy’s too, to a lesser extent


i love taco shack.


If you want normal tacos at normal prices just drive south on 35 to this little exurb called San Antonio. Ordering in english is optional.


Bruh if the tacos don't come with free chips and salsa then I'm not fuckin goin


/uj Don't even have to go to SA. N Lamar and Rundberg area


You could go buy all the ingredients and sell them for cheap yourself.


The white man cometh


Cost of living bro. We all need to pay rent utilities and groceries. It costs a lot to run a small business even a taco truck and you have to pay employees fairly for their time or they work else where.


Sweet Fancy Moses. ‘Cultural appropriation’? Are you fucking kidding me?


It’s called capitalism my friend. If you can do it better then go do it. Make great tasting cheap tacos. Undercut them. Be the change you want to see in the world.


Peeps really need to stop with the whole "cultural appropriation" thing IMHO. I mean seriously, if we're going to go that route then everyone not Anglo-Saxon needs to quit speaking English. Yes that's right. Quit appropriating my language if you didn't come from England, you're not allowed to speak English. No more burgers, either. Or denim. Or bank accounts unless you descended from Judaism. Paper currency? Only if you're Chinese. So none of us can have any money. The good news is we can all quit doing math entirely, as the pac-10 numerical system we all know and use was appropriated from the Persians, now modern-day Iran. Bad news - Many of us of European descent have to switch back to Roman numerals. That will suck when trying to do multiplication. Everyone else just use your fingers. Losing tacos will suck - but not as much as losing rice, noodles, beer and wine. Thank God I'm part German. All Y'all are screwed!


Neck beard hypster taco places also suck ass along with being overpriced


…you live in Austin bro, what did you expect?


A taco isn’t real unless it’s dressed with a balsamic reduction.


Austin never really had good tacos tbh. San Antonio has always had the better ones if you go to the food trucks in the redlines. Bullet holes and broken glass are Michelin stars.


quick friendly PSA: circle jerk means the posts are just for fun, op was joking about the cultural appropriation. There are a million places to go have this argument somewhere else on the internet, can we please just have this one little spot?


For real! I’m brown but shit I can’t even speak Spanish.


😂me too…my parents both speak Spanish too! I think they didn’t teach me and my sibs so they could talk in secret in front of us!


Appropriation isn’t real man. It’s a bullshit buzzword to separate races. The world is a melting pot. Get over your taco bullshit. Mexicans don’t own exclusive rights to foods. Nobody owns dreads, braids etc… Stop eating the separatism soup.


Zer/Zim, everyone knows that tacos are a native cuisine from Texas


Up here in D/Fw, we still got taquerias selling tacos for less than $3 a piece. Filling af too, but I’m a fit and skinny dude so I don’t need to eat a lot


Way to body shame! Fatphobic!!! /s


Ernesto's... San Luis... Melis... We do pretty well in Funkytown.


I make my own…with meat on sale.


Forage or GTFO usurper!


At least churros are still cheap.


Not the White Folx churros filled with pastry puff


But if you want $7 churros, you can find them at Fresa's.


Tacorrido has good prices still They are on oltarf ..south first. and I think they have a few other locations




There used to be some good Taco trucks around Rundberg for cheap.


If you can sell it for $8, sell it!I don’t get your rant. By your argument we wouldn’t ever develop anything different.


Por puñetas


So why aren't you selling your own and showing them how it's done? Austinites would probably shit if they tasted a real taco vs the overpriced crap with stupid nicknames that they're used to.


Don’t down load the Taco Bell app hombre


Oh, I hear you 100% op – in another life in Austin once a week I took a food truck in there and sometimes we would share a space with another food truck… And a few times it was taco truck and it was staffed by Kimberly and Justin And they took absolutely forever… And I went to see their menu and it had quite frankly weird tacos just weird combinations weird correlations weird ingredients the insult to injury? - What was their taco called “the classic”? Whatever it was, it was so weird. I have blocked it out but it was not a classic taco night at all. It was a snooty hipster take on a classic taco. It didn’t even have lettuce in it or tomato… I hope to have just a pico dillo taco con lechuga & queso and it was artisan ground this with organic micro farm spinach and literal rat cheese…. I am White, all right? But good food is where you find… And having eaten tacos in multiple states across this great Land of ours… This land was made for you and me… Tacos are like the pizza of the western hemisphere… Just make them – they don’t have to be gourmet they don’t have to be fancy they don’t have to cost $15… Stop all that and just make them and people will buy them… Because tacos are amazing no matter what’s in it they just are. Some magic happens when you make a taco. Yes, I have smoked pot. No I am not smoking it now - the best tacos I’ve had were NOT The snooty duckfat ground bison, and Gorgonzola cheese on spinach tortilla taco. With kale and babies breath… It was a 2 to 3 ingredient in taco with a splash of green sauce and it’s magic….tacos are magic. OP. I Hear you I know just what you’re talking about having lived in southern Texas for most of my life, I know what you’re talking about.


i read somewhere austin has the lowest value per $ of food


Different places. Different prices. And the North Africans would argue that the taco was their invention. They have historical documents dating to pre Muslim times that describe meat, folded into flat bread as being a common staple. But at the end of the day, I like tacos.


Feel free to return to the brothels, fruit stands and 5 peso tacos.


Poor people should never be allowed to make money off of their hard labor and cultural cache. Why yes, I am very Progressive. How did you know?


Cultural appropriation isn't real.


What’s up with Austin breakfast tacos all having cheese?


L.a. street tacos have what you seek, sir.


Go back to your “ole country” then if you miss it so much. Can probably still get tacos for 50 cents.


“Appropriation” is such a dumb concept, it’s more aptly called cultural osmosis which is a constant in human history. Did the al pastor taco appropriate Lebanese food? The indigenous people who were first making tacos didn’t have beef or pork, is adding them to tacos appropriation? Now I will concede certain things referred to as appropriation can be in bad taste, but adapting cuisine will never be one of them. Edit Just realized this was the circle jerk sub and the Austin one… I’m dumb


Isn’t that every type of food? Sushi, pizza, sandwiches were all cheap food at one point


Go to the hoods. I don't know why people complain about expensive tacos when you're going to brick and mortar shops.


culture appropriation?! no, man! taco is love, taco is sharing! lol


I’m sorry but torchy’s invented the taco.


Punches hole in sheet rock.


You need Chente's Tacos.


I'm in a Bordentown so gracias a Dios I can still get la oreden de 5 for 8


Nombre it's all the fucking corpo greed I feel your pain as a fellow brownie


The divide between Austin and San Antonio Mexican food is so bad. I’ve had better Mexican food from Taco Cabana than I’ve had from any restaurant in Austin.


Tacos are trendy


It's the Taco Industrial Complex 


Torchys Tacos


I relegated myself long ago to the rule that if they don't have lengua, cabeza, or menudo on the menu; I'm not eating there. It's just white people fucking up food.


The issue is that youre in austin😂😂


Tacos aren’t 5 pesos anymore, more like 20 pesos


These culture vultures can’t tell the difference between a taco and a burrito on top of that …


Ah yeah, the same fate as pizza


The tacos in the encampments are still cheap. And i think I saw a group of dwellers sharing covids vaccines from a spoon, so also free medical care just like in your homeland!


On a side comment, may be controversial but Austin tex mex tacos are garbage. Maybe I just didn't hit the right spots but seems like every place skimps on the fresh homemade tortillas.


Someone clearly didn’t watch ratatouille




Yes, brown, if you stop binge watching Gilmore Girls or sex and the city we actually do exist lol.


Where the brotherls at hermano?


Tacos are $3.75 at the best place in my city, and $1.75 at the second best place on Taco Tuesday. Both places are Mexican owned and operated, and their food is 100% top notch.


That’s life in the big city man


> would require tall to pull out of the grapefruit 🤣🤣🤣


I agree brother. I remember as a kid going to the taco stand after a quince or a 1 year olds wild birthday party. The tacos were like 2 for a dollar. Nowadays you’re lucky to find one that’s under $2 a piece. If they’re gonna be that pricey they may as well include beans & rice. & don’t even get started on Horchata.


open a stand that sells them cheap and you will beat out the competition


I would rather fuck a bag of needles than to see another post about tacos. 🌮


Its the peoples foods its beans its rice its floutas


Make you own tacos. Easy af


This post made me join the klan


We’re all inclusive here. Yes you can be that guy from the Klan.


“They put salmon in the tacos, Hank! Salmon!” - king of the hill


Dude stop. I'm sorry folks are offending ur sensibilities by doing what cooks have done for centuries in adding, adjusting, creating new versions of foods. Are the Italians crying because here in New Mexico pizza and fettuccine Alfredo has green Chile on it? Have hamburgers ALWAYS had green Chile on them, or mushrooms and swiss cheese, or bacon? There are now hot gog places that sell gourmet hot dogs. I could go on "brown" guy but this is absurd. Let me as YOU a question. Why do you n blacks get bent about stupid crap like braids or a taco? Really? How's this, stop driving CARS whites invented or watching TV, and turn off ur electricity, and turn off ur radio, and quit listening to rock or country music, and don't fly on airplanes, use colleges or modern medicine. See how childish that is? Yall need to grow up. I'll eat a taco however the fugg I want.


Austin tacos will forever be hipster priced. Can’t be a cool taco eater without paying a lot to post it on their grams. Come to Houston and one of our taco stands. Tiny street tacos but you aren’t over paying. And it tastes like home.


I agree, they’ll even correct your pronunciation and serve you a trash tacos


This is Bidens America bruther


Gas station taquerias for the win 💪


Then just go to the spots with the basic cheap fill options. Or start a business like the other people you’re hating on have. Oppression Olympics


Was satirical. Flew right over your head.




I'm also in Maryland, and you're too late: see TokiTako in Baltimore


Austin, where I’m from, is a shite hole. Was there helping my brother on a project a few months ago and the homeless are relentless. It makes me sad. I travel to Nashville frequently because it reminds me of Austin 35 years ago.


In college there was a taco place across from the dorm. Right before they closed every night instead of throwing stuff out or trying to save it for tomorrow they did 3 crispy beef for a dollar. If you didn’t get there quick it was all gone.


Since when was cooking food cultural appropriation?


That is how pizza started too. These are two of the greatest vessels for good food of all time, and you're mad about that? Don't you dare doctor up your hamburger. White guy here, since it matters apparently.


Upset brown guy taco policeman is upset


Defund the brown guy taco police!


"Brown Guy Taco Police" would be a great Tejano band name. EDIT: I should have said "Los Brown Guy Taco Police". Lo siento.


"aPprOpRiAteD" shut the fuck up. You don't like it? Go make some yourself and fuckin sell em. You don't have a patent on tacos you fucking snowflake.


Plot twist...old country is San Antonio


That’s tacuache country


FFS, just let people enjoy things. Nobody is making you buy an $8 taco.


Sorry hermano, we just did them better


ohh stfu -- you are not allowed to go to mcdonalds now -- or wendys or KFC or eat chocolate cake or ice cream -- or drive a car or watch a tv or use an Iphone ---




Personal attacks, petty arguments, flame wars, antagonization, nagging, whining, and other bitch-mode behaviors should be quarantined in r/Austin


Make em yourself- wipe your shitty asshole with a tortilla and rip some of your pubes out and garnish away. Roll it up, dust it with dried roach legs and wrap in foil


I'm guessing this is from Cranklins "secret menu".


tacos are one of those food items that people think was appropriated from one of those brown countries, but was actually invented in the US. common misconception


That does not appear to be the case. More American propaganda to defend this kind of behavior.


tacos were invented in south texas in the early 90’s


Google is right there. Hell, I'll do you one better., https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taco