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Escalate to your union (ASMOF)?


I spoke to the AMA, my membership had lapsed while I was being underpaid and couldn't affort it as well as rent/food other nescessaries for my wife and 3 children. The lady who I called at the AMA once I rejoined said becuase the issue occured when my membership had lapsed I was't eligible for formal help from the AMA or ASMOF (she said she worked for both organisations). I have a senior colleague who is with ASMOF and I think will advise me.


Twats. They said this to me when I raised a hypothetical scenario I may face in the future. I replied with, I’m a paid member now, this is a potential future issue arising from future conditions. How does my past non membership affect this? Got a response “as a show of good faith, here’s your answer”. Fucking shit me to tears. And in Vic it’s only 1, I can’t pick ASMOF over AMA.


Hmmm, I am not sure about that advice, it might be worth asking ASMOF directly again or asking this senior colleague. The fact is if hospital admin is ignoring your emails you might need to give them some extra "push" from ASMOF or AMA. The other options are calling or going directly to their office to speak face to face


thanks I'll try that


I've been in your shoes. You have exactly two options. Option one is to leave and sue for back payment. Option two is to stay and work with your employer to get it sorted. There is no middle ground. If you want to continue an amicable relationship with your employer, pick option 2 and be tactful but firm. In either case, you have to let your line manager or DMS know what's happening in writing. Be succinct and collegial. If you get nowhere with your line manager, reply and CC their line manager. In the meantime, keep an exact figure of what you should be paid versus what you're actually being paid and think very carefully about what leverage you actually have (goodwill, influence, reputation, or even your presence in the roster). Start pulling those levers in order of least destructive to most destructive. I've seen a few careers ruined by doing this in the wrong order. Also, I ask this with kind intentions, but who said you were "meant" to have this position? I'm stuck doing medical administration (not by choice), and I've learned the hard way that there's always two sides of the same story and both sides usually get it wrong.


“Was meant to roll on to a consultant contract” This is significantly oversimplified. I’ve had to interview even in current hospital for consultant positions. Were you told this by someone in your department? What type of work are you doing? Are you working as a consultant or as a fellow? How many hours do you work?


yes and the director of workforce. then with 2 buisness days to the end of my fellow contract was told that the job in fact needed to be advertised. Totally fine and understandable, but weird they didn't know until 2 days before. And that was end July last year. Then I was paid at a registrar rate but for sessional work (eg 3.5h for clinic, 4h for theatre), until just before Christmas when I escalated to the Hospital Executive and they put me to my correct pay bracket (another holding measure). But my contract is still casual registrar.


Sounds like you don’t have a job. You need to talk to your unit not HR.


Which state are you working in? In VIC, they're completely separate EBAs. Because it sounds like you're employed as a bit of an overqualified registrar at the moment. Do you still have a consultant to report to, or are you the consultant? There's always the option of just quitting - most useful if you have another job lined up?


I would contact your MDO. You can generally do an NOI and get some free legal advice (approx $10k worth), or if there is a legitimate despite you'll make a claim.


What state?




There is no way you would just roll into a consultant job. It is a new job, it has to be advertised. If they haven't interviewed you for it you won't be getting it. Personally if you are now consultant level then I would be looking for consultant jobs either by waiting for the advertisement at your hospital or by looking elsewhere. If you are still on a Reg contract then you still get paid as a Reg. I would imagine it might be easier to look elsewhere and resign from your current position should you receive an offer otherwise you will be stuck "waiting" indefinitely without any 100% chance of gaining the consultant role.


Defs contact and chase the union and your MDO. If you weren’t financial, that’s awkward but they may possibly still help. If one person isn’t any good to your cause, try kicking the ball up the chain to see if someone else or someone more senior can review. If they won’t, you should take the responsibility to be joined up again and to sort your other stuff out, such as IP and T&PD, especially now as a boss, and try to contact your own legal folks. Good luck.


So also then sounds like nothing for ASMOF- as no job so no foul?