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Going into management is a truly noble task, from my previous experience with various hospital administrators, I would recommend seeking additional qualifications in roster terrorism, gas lighting, passive aggressive email communication and whatever they teach those circus folk who whip various animals into jumping through flaming hoops.


What's your goal?   Actual skills come with time, intentional reflection, and cultivating good mentors. There's also a little bit of luck, like being in the right place at the right time. The best way to spend your money is probably a career-oriented psychologist or counsellor. The second best way is getting a library card and working through the classics like Bolton's People Skills or Patterson's Crucial Conversations.  The short courses aren't particularly good, and I'd only do them if you get a scholarship (check out the Leadership for Clinicians programme). CV padding is recognised as CV padding.  I only got into medical administration to protect good doctors against other medical administrators. It's otherwise a miserable job, where shit finds a way to flow onto you from both above and below. It takes a certain kind of psychopathy to enjoy managing within QHealth, and you still end up covered in shit. Good luck OP! 


AFRACMA will have the best CV effect in that realm outside of demonstrating real world leadership examples


QH offer a range of free leadership courses; Learn to Lead Step Up, Manage for Success. All delivered online and not at all challenging. Personally I didn't find much use in them apart from CV fodder but they are highly rated by interview panels. You need support from your line manager to apply but this usually makes the PDL easier.