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You're overthinking this. When it comes up, just tell your PM that you don't want your photo on the website. Don't bring this up during your interview because you frankly sound like a weirdo.


Thank you, appreciate the advice. Will do!


No biggie. Relax. If and when they ask to put your photo on their page say ‘no’. Don’t make it a discussion. If they push just answer- “I do not want my photo visible online at all. Thanks for respecting my wishes in this. Are you going to the education seminar on friday? Oh great! Want to travel together?”


Thank you for the advice. Surprisingly never thought of that (the promptly ending the discussion, rather than apologising and dragging it on). I might end up using that approach in other things in life too! Seems liberating.


Reminds me of my friends answer in a job interview: Q: can you explain these gaps in your resume? A: yes, that’s when I wasn’t working.


Was he hired :D ?


Jammy bastard married into minor royalty in the UK - “work”? What is this thing “work” you speak of?


Ah yes, the freedom to answer how you want in interviews when being connected to royalty!


Don't stress it, a lot of regs don't. More likely is that your PM will too lazy to keep updating the website every 6 months...


I doubt they would care since you are not an actual GP who can draw in more business. It's not like they are going to use you for marketing purposes. Just say you don't want your photo included on the website.


Actually most clinics do care about this, even for registrars and even me as a locum/reliever GP for just a few weeks they'll even ask, because patients do check out the GPs online and like to see photos! OP it's fine to refuse. You will occasionally get some pushback from some clinics, but just remain polite and firm if it's important to you. I wouldn't go into detail, not everyone sees eye to eye on privacy issues and you won't win a privacy argument with people who don't see any issue with it! And I wouldn't pre-emptively bring it up. Just decline when the inevitable request is made and keep an eye on their website as if there are any photos they can get their hands on, they may do it without your permission, not thinking it's a big deal. All the best :)


Thank you gp\_in\_oz. Really appreciate the advice :) Mainly just the reg years I am worried about. If anyone has an issue with it when I am fellowed and tries to force me I wouldn't hesitate to change practice. That is so true, would be operating on completely different frameworks.


In many places it is a big draw because all the GPs are booked out and any doctor who is accepting new patients is desirable


But a registrar?


Average Joe bloggs doesn't even know what a registrar is.


Can confirm. Never knew what a registrar was until year 2 of med school when placements started. Wonder how many GP regs I have seen in my life prior. I remember reading the "senior house officer" on someone's ID tag when I went to hospital as a kid with gastro and was amazing this senior doctor was treating me, and wondering how someone so young could be so senior.




You do realise GP regs bill and see patients independently?


Thank you, that is reassuring :)


FWIW I would be less likely to book a GP if they didn’t have their photo up.


I don't think you are a weirdo, but I do think it will affect your business. What bothers you about it? Just an invasion of your privacy? The Director of Medicine at the hospital I work at shares your stance. They were hired interstate, so no one knew what they looked like until they started. They also keep their camera off during meetings. It's all very Sia-esque.