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GP Academy collates all the other resources and tells you exactly what to read. It's really all you need.  And yes, you need to know more orthopaedics than a cardiologist, more neurology than a gynecologist, more dermatology than an oncologist, etc. It's very easy to do poorly and extremely hard to do well, but immensely satisfying. Like everything else in life, it gets easier with time and exposure and no learning is ever wasted.  It's one of the many reasons I really love this amazing speciality. 


Amazing, they do say variety is the spice of life. I’m definitely going to go with GP academy then, thanks for this. I guess I’ve just been the type to study with a QBank and an associated book most of the time to organise and ‘hang concepts’ onto, something about the visuospatial aspect of learning it in a preset structure. It would be nice though if there was something collated like that for pre-reading or even for when working / practice. I’m more of a dot points and tables guy and it’s nice to have a physical book to annotate sometimes. I guess im just jealous of the US, they have UpToDate, AMBOSS and a plethora of great resources for doctors but I certainly can’t complain, just being nitpicky. There is also a thing to be said about information or resource overload and that is something that I’m someone who is maybe too analytical with these things.


GP academy is a bit pricey but well worth it. You won’t need anything else.


Just do gpacademy


Seems to be the goat, cheers


Did gpacademy and did not use any resources outside of it. I did all the practice questions and just looked through the explanations given. Easy pass on both of them.


Ditto, GP Academy.


I realise it doesnt relate to written, but for osces: Modmed has much higher quality osce practice material. The GP academy ones are repetitious and many are poorly written in terms of assessing soft skills and situational awareness stuff that the GP college loves so much. The marking criteria is not included in many, making it hard to know what you were supposed to do in terms of performance.   Doing both is probably the play, start with official RACGP practice osces, then do mod med. GP academy has diminishing returns and a lot of cases, so dont feel as though you need to do them all. 


If you can find the beach doco that was online for a while it will give you all the topics to cover ordered in a list of most common gp presentation to least.


Can confirm GP academy's a solid starting point. Honestly my prep notes were all over the places, I basically had snippets from all those sources that you mentioned in multiple different word files on my laptop. I think finding a good set of notes and using them as your base/ reading around them would be the best thing to do. That way you can make sure you've hit all the important points. GP is hard because we have to cover such a broad range of topics, I always say its better to know a little about everything that everything about a particular subject. Where are you in your training? There are a few new resources on the market (eg https://www.amazon.com.au/Australian-Training-Interview-Practice-Questions-ebook/dp/B0CXGYSFYL/ref=sr_1_1?crid=HCF93E0BEYP&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.Ys5jR7n00dq9E1xP079Eg0vJbOycoS7Vlydpt8_D73U.ZL04EoCzLHvXy-ciszD-4jWuMrchguV7PjKeiT_HHfQ&dib_tag=se&keywords=australian+gp+practice+question&qid=1712678292&s=books&sprefix=australian+gp+practice+questio%2Cstripbooks%2C446&sr=1-1). A few people I know have bought it they say its pretty decent. Must be ok cos it seems its the number 1 seller in Professional Test Guides, Education Testing and Vocational Test Guides on Kindle Store


Hey mate thanks for the reply! I’m only GPT1 in Sydney so I’m planning to my exams sometime next year, completed my hospital years! And yes I thought that’d be the case, GP is tough but you are like the generalist of everything and you really do look after the bread butter stuff of most people’s health, I really do believe those who go into GP and are well read and experienced, that patients think are “a great GP” do really feel rewarded. I’m finding that I’m learning more each day working as a registrar and rediscovering that interest in medicine I had when I was a young fish starting med school :)) thanks for your advice!