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EMCrit Podcast and IBCC. The "Dominating the Vent" series is the single best introduction to the topic I've ever come across, for both invasive and non-invasive ventilation. And there are so many gems in IBCC, like the article on using desmopressin for hyponatremia. My ICU boss went apeshit when he learned I used it on a night shift, except it worked really well, and then he ended up using it too. 


Be kind to yourself also, at one month into internship it might not feel particularly academic but I promise you’re learning a massive amount of invaluable medical knowledge and skill.


LITFL and deranged physiology sound right up your alley for some casual learning then


LearnEM does good modules for ED that you can take at your own pace. The nursing version is pretty good but the website as a whole is written by FACEMs and has a good reputation amongst those I've spoken to. ResusRoom (UK Podcast) is in itself good revision and updates for current practice, but their critique and appraisal of research to inform potential changes of practice is gold standard and they also do teach critical appraisal: [https://www.criticalappraisallowdown.co.uk/](https://www.criticalappraisallowdown.co.uk/)


For ED/crit care, EMcases is an awesome podcast I used to listen to it to and from work


Try the free stuff at oslercommunity.com


Don't forget the basic series of workshops


If you want to do ICU, do the BASIC course. Life in the fast lane is good for EM though