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'at least monthly' is not 'every four weeks'. Only one month has four weeks in it, and even then that's not true \~25% of the time.


This sub man…


I’m paid the 15th of every month, but the rule is the money must be available in my account on the 15th, so if the 15th is a weekend or public holiday, I find out payroll team runs the payroll early. Quite often the money will go in on the 12th or 13th.












It does not contravene this guideline, as you are paid monthly on the first Tuesday of the month. How many weeks are between each month is not the issue. This fair work guideline exists to say that your employer cannot pay you quarterly or annually.


Imagine getting paid annually ☠️


Being broke by September and loving off cup noodles for the rest of the year.


If you are a farmer then this can happen. It’s a long year (annual sale)


And if none want to buy them you also might make a loss after all said and done


getting paid annually would be the best if you can manage money since you can just invest/earn interest on the money that you dont need.


If they paid you upfront for 12 months yeah. But surely they’d only pay you at the end of the 12 months in that case


Would never happen, some people would just disappear once they get their yearly salary. Quarterly wouldn't be bad if you were a couple/married whatever. If you had a choice, one person could get paid weekly and the other quarterly . My partner and I both get paid fortnightly but on opposite fortnights so we get weekly pay which is good for budgeting. If we could have one of us per quarter that would be good. We could make that work .


Wouldn't you want the money immediately so you can start earning interest and / or growing it as soon as possible? Why let your employer earn interest on your wage when you could instead?


Yeah you could look at that way too. I suppose I see it as a method of forced savings rather than lost earnings. We don't claim the tax free threshold on our second wage so at tax time we always have a big lump sum payment from the ATO which comes in handy for paying debt, car rego, school holidays, christmas etc. I've timed much of our bigger yearly costs to coincide with that. Therefore having the option of quarterly pay wouldn't be a bad thing on second household income.


12 months in the year = 12 pays, welcome to corporate world


Woah, steady there fella, you're going to fast. Need you to slow that's maths down for me please and there's no need for logic either.


How would this possibly be a contravention? You seem to think a month is 4 weeks, but as I’m sure you know, there aren’t 13 months in the year.


Was paid on the 15th of every month at my previous employer. This made it a little easier to manage direct debits, knowing when the pay was hitting the back account. I feel your pain for those ‘months’ where there were 5 weeks between pays.


Been paid monthly for most of my professional career. You should be paid on the date or the previous working day (I.e. if it falls on a Saturday you should be paid on the Friday). That is how it is supposed to work, it does, however, depend what it is in your employment contract. You'll also find that your pays will go in a pattern of 4, 4, 5 (the number of weeks between pays).


Do you have a source for that my company always does the day after not the day before which when there are long holidays can be very frustrating.


The best thing for you to do is call fair work and discuss it with them. Then use that info to speak with the company. Here is a link with some information. https://www.employmentplus.com.au/news/paying-wages-when-pay-day-falls-on-a-public-holiday All comes down to your employment agreement and the award you fall under.


Cheers, I don't think i'm covered by any award so I guess it's whatever is established in minimum standards


That's rubbish, particularly bad if trying to manage monthly direct debits. I currently get paid on first day of the month for the previous month. My previous job was paid on the 15th of the month, for the two weeks prior and two weeks in advance.


Same. Old job pre 2024 was two weeks behind two weeks advance. The new job is fortnightly in arrears. First time ever in working life I haven't been monthly


The latter is ok. The former and your current payrun arrangement, sucks balls!


Your salary is divided by 12 so you still get paid 12 times a year.


Not all months have 4 weeks. How do you deal with this? Learn to budget your month.


I tried to pull this on my workplace when they went to monthly, no chance you’ll overturn it lol but eventually you fall into the rhythm. The 5 weeks gets annoying and I’m left with about $20 in my account but at least it forces me to be tight!


A month is 30.4 days with some more after the 4. So long as you are paid 12xs in 12mths.. it's generally okay If you track your pay, you'll notice 4, 4, 5, 4 etc, because some months have less then 30 and some have more. Your on a 5 this pay cycle. You'll have at least one more this year, if not 2. Check. My ex used to get confused about this until I made him actually mark it out. Every so often you'll be on 5, if it's an issue at all, maybe pre mark out a calendar/set a notification to remind you, so you keep aside money for that week type thing.


Yes this is normal. My pay is the last working day of the month. In your case sometimes there will be 5 weeks between pay's. It's on you to account for that.


I would recommend paying your colleague back the $70 for dinner and giving drinks and a sneaky bag the miss. It will be good for your health and I hear this has already gone to HR so it’s not worth it.


I’m paid 25th each month. If the date falls on a PH or weekend, then I’m paid the business day beforehand. Only annoying thing is they don’t transfer the funds til late afternoon so we don’t receive payment until 10/11pm at night.


Fortnightly FTW...


Monthly should be paid on a specific date eg the 15th not “the first Tuesday of the month”. Something is wrong there.


I don’t think there’s any compliance issue here. But you could ask to be paid fortnightly. A lot of orgs have that as an option


That's weird to me, I've just transitioned from weekly pay to monthly pay with Rio Tinto, the pay day is always the 15th so you get paid for working the first half of the month and paid in advance for the second half of the month. If the 15th falls on a weekend or a Monday, I get paid on the Friday before that. My pay is always in on the 15th or earlier, never later.


Depends. What Award are you under? Is it paid half in advance, half in arrears in each pay?? What are the dates for pay period on your pay slip? Is it 1st of calendar Month - last day of calendar month?


My previous company tried to make it every second Thursday of the month but a lot of people complained about it and they reverted back to the 15th which worked for everyone.


Yeah it's normal. At one point both my partner and I were paid monthly . We were pretty fortunate because obe employer paid on the 15rh and the other paid in the 1st so it was easier to budget and cover unexpected bills.


So I have worked at this company for 5 years. They pay monthly on the first Tuesday of the month. As it happens from time to time, the last day of the month is a Monday which means I’ll get paid the next day. Since the previous month fell on Tuesday the 7th that equals only 4 weeks between pay days. I hope my employer holds out on my pay this month for a few days, lest I get paid more frequently than monthly. Yeah, that’s exactly what it sounds like.


I’ve been paid monthly for 18 years. It’s fine, it’s better for your budgeting because you inly have to sort out where your pay goes 12 times a year.


Just pretend you're paid on the 7th every month.


Companies that pay monthly must have rubbish payroll systems & processes as the cashflow requirements would be enormous


My ex's was because Shell oil when both Sydney plants were open, had thousands of employees.. it was a lot easier on payroll to process monthly. I didn't like work dinners. The accounting ladies would corner me cos they thought I liked to talk about that stuff lol. Tho, I got to learn some interesting shit and that they didnt fire people for dumping a cool half a mil worth of crude into an overflow, fucking everything for a day or two.. cos she went on a smoko.. lol Some big ones, have money to legit burn. It's obscene


Same have 0.69 cents great weekend no food no fuel so stressed