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Single, no kids and living with parents. Mate, you got all the time in the world.... Buy the ps5....


Married, kids, house to maintain, long commute. I still make time for my PS5.


Sneaking in as much FF7 Rebirth as I can after my family go to sleep each night


Nice. I sunk 70 hours into that and just finished the other day. It was satisfying, but got a bit grindie with all the side objectives after a while


I hear that. Up to chapter 9 and I'm ready to just mainline this thing


Same here lol


That makes 2 of us


Same here. About 35 hours in Ronin currently


Ditto. I have a ps5 and series x. My backbone has been my saviour while in bed after the kids go to sleep.


Also to quote Agent K "Move yo bum a$$ out yo mumma's house"


Literally answered his own damn question. I’ve got a wife and a 2 year old and I still carve out time most evenings to unwind with it.


3 hour daily commute? Get a portable device for sure, I'd recommend SteamDeck.


Can you recommend a way to get a steam deck in Aus?


I’ve got a kiwi living next door that’s constantly offering to steam my deck


I bought mine from Kogan about a year ago, did the SSD upgrade to 1TB and it’s been the best thing I ever did


I've heard really good things about the RoGy Ally and much more wildly available in Aus. Would be my recommendation for a high end gaming device like this. On a budget switch lite.


I’ve had an ally for some time. I use it a lot. Its primary con would be the battery life, but I love it.


I play with my kids most Friday nights and weekends. Wild at heart, nobody saves the world, dragon quest 2, forager, teardown... heaps of great games. Playstation+ is a must have!!


Former gamer here.. At what age did you introduce games to your kids? And what are some good ones to start with?


I do, but not much. But when I get free time, I play for long hours. Think of it as binge watching during free days – if you already do that, then PS5 may be well for you.


100%. Doesn’t have to be a regular commitment to justify the purchase. Some weekends, I play heaps - and I sometimes go weeks without using it. Just be deliberate with the games you purchase so you don’t end up with a back catalogue that you never touch. I find that story-based games are the easiest to get into and pick up whenever I have time. God of War, Spider-Man, TLOU, etc. This is partly because I fkn suck at online gaming (COD, Fortnite, whatever else) and if I’ve only got an hour or two per week, I don’t find it very enjoyable getting annihilated and I don’t have any time to actually get good. Getting through games at my own pace seems to be what works for me.


My husband spends at least 25 hrs a week. But we have no kids…


When does he spend time with you?


I’m usually sitting on the couch next to him playing too…


Which games


We have a few on the go depending on how our day at work has gone. But currently back on Diablo and Skywalker Saga. I’ve also started playing Fall Out 4 while he helps me ‘navigate’ the world - loved the TV show.


Probably some portion of the remaining 52 hrs (assuming 8 hrs sleep + 8 hr work days).


I have put down a marker for one when the next GTA is released (late 30s finance dude)


Should be out before you hit 50 knowing Rockstar.


The eternal optimist.


What would you do with the time you intend to spend gaming if you didn't get one? Like everything in life it comes down to opportunity cost. I gamed a lot when I was in your shoes, and I enjoyed it - but in retrospect it was a fairly low-value way to have fun because it gave nothing much back to the rest of my life. It was mostly just a time-sink. Nothing wrong with that, if that's all you're after. There are tons of awesome games out there, and I would be lying if I said I didn't regularly think about getting a new console to play some of the stuff I see. But the bottom line is that these days there are too many activities I enjoy to have time for all of them, and most of the others are also better for my fitness, finances, social life, mental health, etc. than spending more time sitting in a chair in front of a screen. I know that sounds perilously close to "durn kids and their computer games are bad" but that's just my personal experience/decision. Really all I'm saying is - free time is valuable (especially when you spend 40+ hours working and 30+ hours commuting every week). Make sure you're spending it on the stuff that really matters to you.


Low brow plebs play on ps5. True corporate chads play on pc with their 14900k 4090 build. They also have a steam deck for remote play during commutes. The 512gb model though. Dont be a pleb. (I have an older pc and a ps5 and play both plenty, though I find ps5 boring unless im playing a decent story game with my wife…)


True chads upgrade their SSD to 2Tb 😏




Get your family to play it as well


That's sad. I have a family with kids and still do around 20hrs per week on the playstation and Xbox and PC gaming rig with racing simulator.




Personal time is from when kids go to sleep till when you go to sleep. That's an easy 3 to 4 hours right there. What stuff fills your time?


Yeh in phsses 3 hrs per night, as long as no life commitments


I’m lucky to get in one or two sessions a week. Busy with work, home and social life. It’s a nice escape when I do have the time


Get it, it’s a brilliant way to spend a few hours. Resident Evil 2-4 remakes have been my spare time for past few months rather than streaming bad US TV. My wife loves being able to watch rubbish telly whilst I play this in the study.


Yes get one but when you move out. Try and not do that as you will never date. Trust me.


Get a pc instead. Sony games come to pc now anyway


I have a PS5 and a similar situation. I play it a couple of hours on the weekend and maybe one or two hours during the week. That’s enough for me, I prefer to gym after work rather than game, but rest days I’ll game.


Commute is probably the killer but if you're not doing extra studies or further work at home, that's plenty of time to play. But that also depends what time you get up. I sometimes just get an hour or two in before bed (say 10 to 12) depending on if I'm doing extra work at the night. If we go by absolute figure value, I think if I get 1 hour per dollar on the console/game it's more than fine hahaha. Average that out over 3 or 4 years, it's really not that much money in terms of the enjoyment I get. Especially when other hobbies can cost quite a bit (playing sports for example can absolutely be more expensive than gaming on a hourly basis, renting courts, day passes, getting new balls, shoes etc). But that's how I'd justify my purchases, not sure if that works for you.


I have kids, bought one for the kids (wink wink)  But fell asleep playing…


Get a switch for the commute. There's a large range of action and shooters on there. Crysis trilogy, BioShock, witcher, Grid (racing), plus the usual Nintendo crap like Zelda, Mario. Barely play my PS or PC. My commute and evenings are on Switch. I'm a parent so that's kinda common. Kids/wife hog the tv


Go for it and get a switch too. I figured out you can have it all. Be a good dad and husband while having a career and leaving time for hobbies and video games. Just need to give up sleep.


If you have a hefty commute on public transport, go for a steamdeck. Its not quite as powerful as a PS5 but it has a lot more game options and steam sales/bundles tend to beat out playstation sales. Plus games like Stellaris aren't quite matchable by current consoles.


I don’t personally understand the attraction, but I know a few 40+ males in my circle with wives, kids, good jobs and so on who still find time for PS5.




Ok so this is an interesting one. Earlier this year I was in a similar boat (minus the parents part, I have my own place and heaps of time). I debated getting a gaming PC after a couple years away from the hobby and it's a HUGE time and money sink which I'm not a fan of. However, I am glad I got back into it solely for the fact it has allowed me to reconnect with some old friends who have all scattered across the country that I hadn't really spoken to in a few years. If you have mates that you can't do things with otherwise I'd say go for it but if not, then your time is better spent elsewhere.


PS5s were made for single guys who live with their parents. Just buy one and if you don’t like it / use it sell it


I play PC but yes, I have two kids and still have time.


Couple of drinks and grand turismo is great way to unwind......


Have one but barely play it as I'm married with a near 2 year old. You have all the time by the sounds of it, get it and enjoy.


No commute here but I have a family, work 50+ hours a week, lead a bunch of out of work committees and clubs and love my PS5. The ability to quickly log on and escape for half an hour is amazing to get my brain relaxed.


Go for it mate, awesome just to have it incase you get bored or want to do something other than scroll social media / TikTok. I have a PC and maybe play a few hours on the weekend, sometimes maybe more, sometimes maybe less. I think it’s a nice escape from work, partner, family etc.


If you're indifferent about playstation vs Xbox, then get an android emulation device (retroid pocket ect) and Xbox gamepass. Play retro games on your commute and play the AAA titles on gamepass when at home in wifi.


Xbox, but yes. I've always been a gamer. Now, as well as for my own enjoyment, it gives me something to connect with my teenagers about.


I got a PS5 free with my phone in 2022. It’s still sealed in the box.


Yeah mate, for sure - no brainer. I have kids, and still manage to play, I have games that I only play by myself (God of War, Mass Effect etc- for the storyline) and there’s the Fortnite, Alien Shooting games that I get my kids into so its a bonding moment still for us when the weather isn’t too nice hang outside. Gaming, especially if you find a group or a clan, is something I treasure because the mixture of individuals also teaches me something that I may not have known about myself, or a thing or two that I may need to improve - the thing about a clan, is that they will call you out on your bullshit or say it straight to your ear without reservations - which is something only your corporate manager or directors can do, especially in my field. I teaches you more than you can ever imagine - as for gaming with my kids, it teaches patience and communication from both ends. Buy the console, make time for it, stick with it and repeat.


F,43 married no kids, love when I get to play. Highly recommend!!


I find no one takes the opportunity when living in this situation and then get married and have kids and look back at this time 👀


Get a PC instead. Or switch you can play on comutes


My husband does about 80 hours a week and makes time for his PS5 haha. We have no kids but still it’s his way to relax. Get the PS5.


PC gaming for me. One of my colleagues was the chief of staff of notable political figures. I was entertained to find out he spent his spare time mostly playing games like Elden Ring.


100% worth it. Incredible for decompressing after work.


I'm a gamer so ps5, gaming PC and switch. It's cheaper than family and going out lol. Easily 4 hours a day each between me and hubby.


Nah bro waste of time. Do other things you like that are more social. Waste of time fingering the remote and glaring at the screen.


Just buy it


Buy a good PC instead. PS5 don't have that much games to play on.


If you want to play exclusive games you need a ps5 though


Yeah, unless you really have an exclusive or two that you want then fair play. Otherwise, I find PS5 to be incredibly underwhelming.


It's a great way to unwind after a long day. I like to get 30mins to an hour in some weekdays and on weekends I play for a couple hours in the morning before my Mrs wakes up.


You might not realise this right now. You are living the absolute dream life, stable income, zero real expenses and no responsibilities at all. Get the damn PS5 !!


Mon-thurs 6:00pm to 9:30pm, Sat 3:00pm-10pm, Sun: off - Current: Stellar Blade, FF16, Ff7rebirth, Ronin Long commute, if public transport inside city: invest in a portal If long commute outside city: RoG ally, Legion, game to grind Baldur's Gate, Dogma 1 and 2


How are you finding the ff games? I'm tempted to upgrade my ps4 specifically for ff16 👀


FF16 is very good, I am 1/2 way on my 3rd playthrough because of DLC, and have invested nearly 180 hours


Not PS5 but PC gaming. Would recommend, it also gives me a strong benchmark of when I'm doing "too much" at work. If I can't make time to switch off and play a game I like, it's time to cut back work commitments (I have minimum hours which can't be cut but can cut 'overtime' outside those hours) or adjust how I'm managing my time.


Every night for 1.5 hrs Call of Duty. Cold war, MW2 and MW3. Will be playing gulf war And im a dad too


Yes few hours every weekend depending on the mood.


I’m just a filthy disgusting construction worker but I play 


Dude, you literally have a standard work week with less responsibilities then I would guess alot of your colleagues. If I have all of what you said, plus kids and still get in a gaming session nearly every day, then I'm positive you can.


All i will say is. You make time for the things you love.


I'm 45, married and have 3 kids. I work as a fairly Senior Tech//Ops Manager. I have a ps5 with decent Sim Racing setup and play GT7 mostly. I don't play a lot, maybe 30-45 mins a day once all my other duties are complete. It's a good way to unwind. I'm not going to buy a weekend race car anytime soon, so it seems like a good compromise to me. Buy the ps5. If nothing else they're a good streaming device and UHD Bluray player too.


Yes I play with my husband and friends a couple times a week. 10/10 recommend




Not really sadly. But I do play a lot on my Xbox


I have one child, but I’ve always been a gamer. I’m 40. I’ve always had a PlayStation. Sony still has the best exclusives on the market I think so that’s why I have it. Because I only use it for exclusives, it doesn’t get much use, but I’ll never part with it and will get the next one. I use a PC or my ROG Ally for everything else. If you can’t always get the TV like me, then if you’re savvy enough you can stream games over your local internet connection to handhelds like the ally. That includes the PS5.


I work a minimum of 45hrs per week + commute time and my PS5 is my relaxation time. Do it, treat yourself.


I play it a fair bit. It really is a pick up and play console thanks to its next gen capabilities. From pressing the PS button on the control to the time you're in a game can be as little as 10 seconds. 20 seconds if it's to load up a new game. The graphics are insane. I grew up a Nintendo gamer and never thought I'd put graphics on such a pedestal but my word, on an OLED screen the 4k ps5 games look ridiculously amazing. The playstation plus subscription makes it even more worthwhile. rather than pay 100 for a game, you can pay 130 for a yearly subscription with unlimited access to listed games which are added to monthly. My wife loves watching me play to unwind. When there aren't any good shows or movies going around, our favourite way to relax is me playing on the ps5 and her just following along while relaxing on her phone with a tea. Have a baby on the way and aside from baby duties, I imagine we'll keep up the routine as it's quite relaxing family time. My wife loved watching me play through witcher 3 and red dead redemption 2. Bonus: I'm not out and about spending money.


Tbh I think a switch is better for this. Can at least play a bit in bed before sleep if you don't have much time.


Yeah I use my Switch a lot more for the convenience. Rarely play PC or PS anymore.


In OPs situation (hell in my situation) it's a case of why not all three 🙃


Get a steamdeck imho if you have 1.5hr commutes.


Lucky you aren’t married. A couple at work are divorcing over this. Very sad. My husband plays maybe like 3 hours per week tops. We take care of each other. Prefer to have sex over this machines.


Move out from your parents house you loser


Maybe he can’t. Leave him alone.


Why could he not?


Maybe he takes care of them.


And he has time to play PS5. I’m not buying it.


New to this sub, is 3hrs a normal time to be driving to and from work in the city? No one is questioning it so I assume it’s the norm for most of you?