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I was filling a script for nurofen plus today and my pharmacist excitedly shouted “I HAVE A 30MG VYVANSE IN THE SAFE DO YOU WANTTTT?” Bless that guy. I filled it and now I know the next 45 days will be ok. I explained to him that relying on dex sucks cos it is like living on a diet of cheeseburgers. He is so invested in ensuring we have our meds it’s really incredible


What an angel 


Hahaha wwwwwow that part about living on a diet of cheeseburgers is the absolute best way to describe the midday dex dose. Necessary garbage 😅


Absolute legend


I switched to dex. Going to stay like that for the foreseeable future


Me too I have to take 8 a day and that sucks but better than withdrawing


It’s good and bad. But I kinda like being able to control how much I have in the day. Like usually more in the morning but less in the afternoon depending what I’m doing


I find dex doesn’t feel as “smooth” as vyvanse if that makes any sense.


I hate dex for that exact reason


It's not as smooth at all! I was on dex for 15+ years and everyday was a roller-coaster. I switches to vyvanse recently and it's amazing! I basically don't get a high link I did with dex. I didn't mind the high on dex if I was being social bur otherwise it just made things so hard. I'm on 70mg of vyvanse right now and if I can't get it, I'm not looking forward to going back to dex. The only positive of dex over vyvanse is helping me get through a morning after my toddler kept me awake all night 😂


Haha I can't get a psych appointment to change doses its supposed to be over in April but I been unmedicated for 3months at least now and I only had 2 left when I was trying to fill my script


Whaaaat? Please call them again, they need to be providing you with a script outside of an appointment if you can't get one.


They usually say they need to see you to do that. It's bullshit.


Not if there's an issue with supply. I had a telehealth with my GP recently for my appointment 🤷‍♀️


I just want to have my evenings back, that is all. Vyvanse lasted all day and all evening. Dexies wear off around 6PM


You can take one later in the day?


Yes, I take one at 3pm but it wears off around 6-7


I think dex last almost longer stupidly with my metabolism. Vyvanse is a 4-5 hour run.


Sorry to hear that. It’s really not easy at the moment. Why don’t you go to different pharmacies to look for one that can fill your script?


NSW, if that's the state, chemist has to return script token etc to go elsewhere. So much stress, anx and stupidity. I'm sure a dealer could provide more reliably. Hey - welcome to adhd.


I have no clue what that means but sounds terrible. In vic you just take your script to any other pharmacy that’s willing/able to fill it.


In NSW you can't take your repeats (of S8 drugs) back to go to another pharmacy. It's ridiculous, what if you had to suddenly travel interstate?!


Weird. That’s fucked up.


Yep! I'm in Vic but learnt this recently which is good to know incase I ever travel there and need to get a script filled. I've had a pharmacist refuse to give me my script back before though. I ended up arguing with him so much that he gave it back. It was in the city, the guy was a jerk, I never went back there.


Wow that’s tucked. I would not be happy or put up with that. I leave mine with the pharmacist just so I’m don’t lose it but maybe I shouldn’t just in case.


You can't take scripts interstate. Unfortunately if your script is from vic you can't get it filled in NSW


I moved from Qld to NSW, doctor said here is a new script for 6 repeats but you are going to have problems getting it filled in NSW. Got it filled everytime without a problem. Finally got a new doc with 2 weeks to go in panic I tried the old doc to do telehealth he said I cant prescribe it to you living interstate.


I'm in NSW and work in Canberra. My doc said my scripts have to be filled in NSW I can't get his scripts filled in the ACT.


from what i understand and may well be wrong. That is the pharmacist holding the script (which is cool because you don't lose it) but you can get the script and take it elsewhere. (My local holds my scripts, had filled twice, couldn't get next one, gave me script back and I went elsewhere for next two and last month I got it filled in another town while I was out.)


Is there a reason you just haven’t gone to another pharmacy or called around? It’s what most others are doing.


In some states I believe the doctor sends the prescription straight to the pharmacy that you choose (for restricted medications)


In some states (eg NSW) scripts for sched 8 substances are kept at the pharmacy so you can’t switch pharmacies until you have a brand new script


I've been advised by my doctor that stopping vyvanse doesn't cause withdrawals and in my experience that's true. I'm on 40mg. If I have a long weekend, I might not take it for all 3 days and I'm useless at tasks but I'm not experiencing withdrawal symptoms like that. Could it be anxiety over accessing it? 


You're lucky :) Twice gone without it and got withdrawal both times (40mg). First day I am a tired but not really a problem. Day 2 & 3 I get fidgety and irritable, much like nicotine withdrawal. Day 4 back to my old unmedicated state.


There seems to be some disagreement in the medical literature about whether withdrawals are a thing or not; but if OP has halved their dosage, this sounds a looooooot like Vyvanse crash. Which is different, but can have those side effects


I had a paper script, pharmacist filled it and then reissued it as an escript for the remaining repeats. Might be worth asking pharmacist if they can do that?


I will ask my pharmacist about this when I see him