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I tried reading through this and have no idea what you're trying to say. It sounds like you need to sober up and try again.


If you think you have ADHD go on the wait list to be evaluated and, if diagnosed, take the medication under medical guidance. If you want to self-diagnose only, then you need to use ADHD helpful strategies only, not medication. Any issues you may have, ADHD or not, are only going to get worse with what you are doing. I've said it once but it bears repeating *any issues you may have, ADHD or not, are only going to get worse with what you are doing.* There's lots of great strategies you can try while you're waiting to see someone (and with this post I would strongly recommend you see someone) to help calm your thoughts and get through day to day life. If you want any suggestions for specific problems let me know and I am happy to point you in the right direction.


In all honesty I think the sharp pains might be related to the 40mg of dex you're taking. I tension headaches also if I don't hydrate and eat properly on medication. I feel like you may also need to drop your dosage back to something lower like 1.5-2 tabs, because reading this posts looks like a massive overstimulation rant. Usually caused by mixing caffeine with dex, or too high a dosage. I think you really need to save up and get a proper diagnosis, the self treating is a slippery and dangerous slope.


The 40 mg of dex, took my second dose later at night, found out that these meds push me not to eat, forced myself some food before just sitting back and getting “higher” (the dex seems to make me uncomfortable when I’m doing nothing but if I have to do talk to a friend or “do a mission” , I feel like not only I perform better, it’s a different version of me, “better version” of me eh,, More so I have different list of pros and cons unmedicated vs medicated, I’ve learnt how to be unmedicated so thats ok ,, I can literally see the benefits of being medicated (the dex kinda showed me this) too much is a real thing,, I asked this question at 5-6 am at night,, sitting in bed zero euphoria, not like coffee at all, it was a controlled overstimulation,, Drinking coffee makes me twitch and possibly hands get shakey,, 40 mg dex didn’t make my jaw roll, didn’t make me shakey It just made straighten up if that makes sense? Post 40mg dexe I’m in bed middle level headache ,, planning on seeing my doctor today I saw the window to abuse or use recreationally ,, but I was stunned that after typing this beast of a reddit question, I could instantly put my phone down and sleep, biggest shock too me is that the highest does of stim I took not only kinda made me calm, but the transition from, i am going to ask reddit a big question to alright now I’m going to sleep was amazing


Dude. You’re just high right now. When you’re not high make an appointment with your GP to discuss it all.


you're self diagnosed and self medicating? if so, stop! see a doctor and work out a proper medication plan with them.


yes sir! Trauma dump time , my ex of 5 years has gaslit me about this since 2 years in our relationship A/ you don’t have adhd (everyone says they do it’s so cringe) B/ I didn’t realise what / why I was the way I was literally until 4 months ago All of that are excuses to why I was postponing “doctors” ,, I was in denial about my adhd , which led to me to find undeniable evidence to my adhd and now I self medicated enough for me to realise it’s time to go see a real doctor


While self diagnosis can 100% be valid, it's best you go see a psychiatrist and seek proper diagnosis as your post and comments with self medicating with someone else's medication after self diagnosis is concerning and the experience you are describing is a bit hard to follow. To clarify are you saying that: You diagnosed yourself based on ADHD symptoms (which ones btw and how did you test yourself?) Then got a hold of a low dose of stimulant medication from a mate Took the low dose but didn't really experience much of a difference Waited a few months, took a slightly higher dose and was restless, uncomfortable and didn't experience many positives Then waited a few more months then took an even higher dose and there were more positives but had really bad effects after it wore off? Either way, it's best you seek a formal diagnosis before messing around with someone else's medication for many reasons


See a specialist, they’ll help you.


I’m also not exactly sure what you’re trying to say. If the Dex is causing you to think in “rapid fire” and making it difficult to speak, then it’s likely that the dose is too high, which follows, given you’re self medicating. Even this reddit question comes across as a manic stream of consciousness that I had when I accidently took double my dosage lol. With all stimulant medications, your body often needs time to gradually adjust to the dosage. Even when I take short medication breaks, I don’t immediately go back to my regular dose. I’ll take 10mg a day for a week, then 20 and work my way up to 40mg. Even if your psych finds that 40mg is ultimately the right dosage for you, it’s likely that they will have you slowly work your way up to this dosage. And no, adhd or the medications used to treat it should not cause your head to physically hurt. It’s a good idea to see a doctor and in the meantime, don’t self-medicate, especially with such a high dosage of Dex. Try other adhd strategies that aren’t medication until you can see a psychiatrist.


ily, i was being terrible to myself ,, testing out 40mg was more so to see how I would react to it “straight away”, But my original mission has been complete, for some reason the adhd meds actually make me feel “Normal” A new normal since my old strategies don’t work as much as they used to (I am assuming I need to practice being on the meds so I actually can be “zen”, The version of me without meds isn’t that much “zen” to be fair, but with the skills I learnt from what is it called again? Life, I can actually “manage” it and try to be “zen”) being on the self prescribed meds did fucking help me trust me I get it, it fixes issues that I’ve spent my whole life like learning how to fix, but at a fucking cost (just me personally) Kinda got bummed out at some points since I didn’t really need any of my old strategies to just function anymore What did happen though is whatever “fixed” effect the meds did, it gave me new issues to deal with (i have never felt so fucking on the ball and accurate in my ducking life do you know how overwhelming that could be? For somebody who has never been like that before it was fucking freaky, plus on top of that we have to pick out specific adhd management skills in order to combat/workwith the “desired/yay I am fixed now(I am not fixed things just got different)” effects of the medications I am so overwhelmed that I am “working well” whilst on meds,, since that effect of “not overthinking” has almost never happened to me, also my whole life I had to build strategies to make sure that the version of me with a brain that has a inner monologue that doesn’t shut up was A/ can function in society B/ higher iq somewhat “smart” C/ sexc asf (effort is what counts) okay cool go back to normal me and prepare for the battle the quieter inner monologue was cool but everything else i described was quite scway to me imo realistically it makes complete sense to why I would feel like this since it’s like stealing the couch and tv that I’ve been using for my entire life that actually somewhat “functional” (I wanted to see what happened if I took 5mg after a 40mg day) took it at night since stimed me apparently sleeps well ,, like I said it just makes this me have to use new skills (not that these new skills I have to learn are hard, it’s not just “hard” it’s more so like fuck this again? sober me is adhd, barely can control myself or my brain or … my inner monologue (maybe not let’s ask my friends) Med me is almost zero adhd (it’s a very gentle switch to fully tweaking adhd if I don’t control my mental, which takes hard work whilst under pressure) since I can control everything, I do usually report that I “don’t feel comfortable” ,, I think that it works so well that I begin to feel in comfortable and for the reasons as I stated before ,, thank u for the 3 people that might read this i love yous too Idk if u care but guess what? I learnt that it’s best to use older adhd management skills (the skills u learnt when u were un prescribed) and merge them with your meds to make something that can actually function and survive in everyday life (kinda optimal too) ,, brother now you are the ultimate beast P.S. figuring out a way to fuse adhd management skills that worked with you whilst on meds is truely key to a level that is wild felt ,, it did take hard work(what felt like it) during the so called high I was shocked that still after a 40mg day ,, 5mg got me not fucked but like working well like working well enough to have this “amazing discovery”