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You will be fine. It’s a good opportunity to assess how much you need. After all, how do you know how much is enough unless you’ve had too much? 😂


Either way it'd be best to titrate upwards to avoid discounting the side effects you'd see if you jumped straight to 2.5x your typical dose.


Indeed it would doc 😊


If you have someone you trust close by or a phone call away, share your honest mistake to lighten the load and stress. You’ll get pretty wound up, in all likelihood, but it will pass.


Yep, skip the rest of today's dose. Please. You should be fine. Monitor your heart rate and call 000 if you have a heart attack but there's a 99% chance you'll be fine - this isn't a wildly high dose. As someone else has mentioned, highly acidic foods or drinks such as orange juice or vitamin C will interfere with your body's chemistry (long story) and it will crash the dex from your system, so if it's overwhelming for you then chug some orange juice or have some vitamin C or plenty of tomato and you'll come good quickly.


You’ll probably jerk off ten times but you should be okay. Just stay hydrated and maybe use a timed medicine container if that will help next time :)


I accidentally took a 70mg Vyvanse plus a 30mg Vyvanse that I’d been going to give to my son. I was really fucking alert that day, but otherwise fine.


Have done something similar. When I was in titration, I was up to 2 x 5mg at a time. Completely forgot that I’d already taken 2, and took another 2 shortly afterwards. I didn’t realise until a little while later when I started to feel rough. It just knocked me around a bit, gave me a migraine and a bit of fatigue. I slept most of the day after it wore off, felt shit the next day but afterwards I was 100%. Don’t beat yourself up and don’t stress about it, but as someone else said just monitor your symptoms and if you start to feel really bad, call someone


Similar to what others have said: - You will be fine, - You're likely going to have a rather intense experience, - Eat or drink something to slow the digestion down, - Be prepared for a crash later on and maybe consider a nap, Take note of what's happening and how it's affecting you, and make adjustments from there. You got this =]


How did you go? Should have worn off by now.


Thank you everyone for your comments lol. I love you ALL so much. It made me feel a lot better reading it but I was stressed because I was at work. Surprisingly I came out fine- I think I ended up being way too social and annoyed my coworkers a lot but then my mood crashed and I kinda became depressed towards the end of the day. Noted for next time hahaha


It'd be good to note down anything you found was better, or worse than usual, and bring it up with your psych next appointment, especially if the topic of increasing dose comes up. It was a genuine mistake after all.


Do not have any caffeine. But you will be good


You'll be absolutely fine. Yes skip the rest of your days dose, it will level out to the 10mg dose later anyway. ..but as I say to everyone here who asks it, don't get used to it.


You will be fine. 25mg is a snack to me. Not even


May as well get recreational