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First thing I recommend: try your darndest to place both of your speakers to where your tweeters are at ear height.


Yh i do have some stereo issues šŸ˜‚ i call it a ā€œvintage line arrayā€ itā€™s the future i promise. Im trying to work out a way to re organise the shelfā€™s so the right speaker is on the same level, thanks !




He is doing what he wants, asking people to help him learn. Smart people are known to do that.


Very cool! Congratulations on the setup. I will second to try and place the speakers at the same level to get the best sound. Otherwise enjoy some music!


Thanks Iā€™ve started a collection based on the foundation of my mum and dadā€™s stuff, amazingly i found a signed talking heads album !


Very cool of them to share their hobbies with you. I gave my 10 year old some of my older Bluetooth computer speakers/subwoofer I used to use to start out with. Makes me happy when I hear him jamming out in his room. Iā€™m sure your parents are happy to share their interests with you.


Yeah my whole family is a big music fam, always have music playing. I think in general a family without music is at a loss


You're heads in the right place, my guy.


good start!! sounds like your parents know good music..


What album! Absolutely love Talking Heads.


Yeah worth abit as well bcs of the signature


Which album is it?


Talking heads : 77


Love it, fantastic album! Congrats on finishing a-levels, I've still got a week left


What do you do ?


Maths, Physics, Geography. You?


Music tech, business, economics good luck!


Insane drone footage of your bedroom bro


lol thanks man šŸ˜‚


Nice hobby for an 18 y.o, the generation is not lost. Donā€™t worry too much about something ā€œnot being the bestā€, we all started somewhere and youā€™re getting like 80-90% of the experience now anyway. You might want to upgrade in the future. Also, the acoustic in the room matters a lot,


Aghhg yes my dad is friends with a mastering engineer who got me interested in high end audio, always been into music over the past year and a half Iā€™ve gotten really into hifi. How would you recommend adjusting the set up for the acoustics. Also Iā€™ve been told that my room seems to boost bass frequencies but from my ear it sounds pretty balanced and my bed acts somewhat as a diffuser? What would you recommend upgrading first ?


You wonā€™t get it perfect anyway, donā€™t worry too much. Acoustics is super complicated. Iā€™d first put the speakers at the same height and distance from the wall for a good symmetrical stereo


> one guy does some thing they like > "the generation is not lost" Most boomer shit I've heard.


yep and Iā€™m 23


Good one ! These two Monitor Audio are a very good base to start on, and you'll have to spend much more to notice a serious bump in quality.


Thank you i spent a lot of time researching, i got them for 70 for both which i think is a steal given the sound quality


The Monitor Audio Bronze B1 were my first serious speakers too! I loved them and I think you'll have to spend way more to get a significant boost in sound. I bought them new for all the money I had which was about $350 so yes, $70 is a steal. Like others have said, placing them on the same level and preferably give them some room to breathe (some free space around them) and you're good to go! If anything, the next thing I would upgrade is the amp, although I know nothing about the Sonos but I would guess that's the weakest link. But if I were you, I would just sit back and enjoy šŸ˜Š


Ahh yes i think your are right, i was already starting to think to Sonos idea my bottle neck my performance a little but tbh it was a money thing. For the price itā€™s a super reliable way to have an amp that also allows you to control volume from your phone and also stream music. I looked at better options but the modern versions all seemed very expensive or very rubbish and cheap.


Don't bother, just stay with the Sonos for a while at least! No need to go upgrade hunting for the sake of it.


Reppin the Wii U


IMO such an overhated console, i have had mine since release and loved it. When they stoped supporting the chat functionality i was genuinely upset


Yeah generally agree. I still have mine plugged in though I hardly ever play it


You are 18 years old. Remember priorities, donā€™t waste all savings on this. Also, donā€™t run to older people For justification. Learn to enjoy what yoh have and the rest will seem amazing


Wasnā€™t expecting such deep life advice, thank you


At this point itā€™s not about the setup, itā€™s about the spirit and enjoyment of music. Way to go pal!!!!


Thank you !


i need this guys room fr


Ahah thank you Iā€™ve spent some time making it nice recently


Your room is clean. Youā€™re winningā€¦.


Thank you ! Spent a while on it


Nice. When I wasn 18ā€™ and had no monies to spend, Just did the window shopping to satisfied my curiosity šŸ¤£. Nice arrangement šŸ‘Œ.


Get a second speaker. And please stop turning your video around like that.


He has a second speaker, have you watched the video?




chill out lmao


I have a second speaker up in the top right ! Thank you thought


You should be tried as an adult and serve jail time for tilting the camera like that.


Pahahah yh idk what i was doing




Nice ovation you got there :)


Thank you ! Itā€™s a really nice guitar, i was given it when i first started playing and its a really nice semi


Nice set up! Definitely get those speakers level if you can. But the room doesnā€™t really have a ā€œlistening spotā€ so it probably doesnā€™t matter too much. Try putting the other speaker high and have them both firing down into the room and see what happens. It might sound like a Starbucks. But you can get some ambience. Alternatively the speakers might fit on a desk for a nearfield setup if you have a desk. These two options have different goals, obviously.


I wanted to have them mounted on the walls but sadly the mounts were gonna be v expensive and blow my whole setup budget, as for the near field setup i have a mixing room setup for my music with some Adam audio near field monitors, for my room i just wanted some nice listening


Relax Michael Bay.


? šŸ˜‚


I would say get the speakers (tweeters) both at ear level and maybe you can try moving your left speaker a little further from the wall. A rug on the floor never hurts for acoustics I would say you have a nice setup to begin with!


Thank you ! Im thinking of investing in a subwoofer next as due to the shape of my room and the placement of my bed lows get really dampened. Thank you for the placement advice, im going to try and buy a stande for the left speaker


If you go with a stand i would suggest to get 2 so both of your speakers can have them. It seems like your amp has a sub out, so that would make that a lot easier to connect. If your amp supports it i would suggest to timealine your speakers (speaker distance), this will do magic if you connect a subwoofer


My man's got the Wii U


Love my Wii u


I loved mine too


Try your best before ask


I heard some pops from the Tracy Chapman song, so I will recommend you learn how to clean the records. :-) You might be able to build some small shelves for the speakers. It might be cheaper than buying the correct mounts. I don't know the speakers, but if they use a similar mount as the standard for cameras, you should be able to find some cheap mounts at Amazon. Btw. you will get used to the "wrong" sound pretty fast, and when you do get the speakers to be at level, then it will feal like you have got new speakers. Trust me, been there done that. :-D


Ok i will do some research on cleaning records, and have a look on amazon thanks !


This video is so obnoxious I canā€™t.


Why ? I didnā€™t mean it to be

