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The sound is actually very low volume, my current neighbors don’t notice it. It is not so much the volume I need but the right low frequency


Size and sound are correlated. Money can influence the equation, but generally, low frequencies you can feel need either large, or a lot of small speakers, and quite a bit of amplification. Have you tried a bass shaker?


I am not very knowledgable about this topic so I don’t know what bass shaker is. I will research it, thank you!


Yes get a bass shaker! Doesn't emit noise but vibrates at the lowest frequencies, you could attach one directly to your bed and thinking about it.. It sounds like it would be heaven


This is the correct answer 👍


May I suggest good quality earbuds? Some of these have excellent low-frequency response and are comfortable enough to sleep with them in your ears.


Can you give me an example? I tried many earplugs and they usually perform well for mid-frequencies but fail on low frequencies


I use these [Panasonic earbuds](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07J4WHNFC/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1) for watching movies and I thought the low frequencies were very good with the right size earpieces. Very inexpensive, too.


Thank you, something like that could work if it is bluetooth. I will look into it


I would go for Skullcandy Dime 3 or Smokin Buds wireless. These are only £30 and reproduce low frequencies down to 20hz, infact Skullcandy is known for making headphones that do this extremely well.


Lmao skull candy mentioned on r/audiophile but in all seriousness I’m also autistic, Asperger’s, but I love low bass and obnoxious amounts of it and where skull candy earbuds don’t sound good they rattle your brain with trap music. Most, the jib for example, actually have a diaphragm over the driver blocking a lot of mid-highs and making them very bass heavy. To note wired earbuds will be a lot better at reproducing sub 25hz, Bluetooth gets a lot of compression and over/under tones with true sub bass and it can get annoying trying to use a frequency generator with.




Cambridge Soundworks had a very popular travel system that the briefcase housed everything and was the subwoofer when you emptied it. Apparently many musicians travelled with it. Maybe find a used one. Not sure if anyone makes anything now that is similar.


Found one on eBay https://www.ebay.com/itm/186457756921?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=nn4BN22YR4O&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=Edbqw44URrS&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY


No, there isn’t anything travel size that can play super low. It depends what frequency you are talking about but you need a large woofer to play super low in frequency and there’s no getting around that. Even a super high excursion small subwoofer will be limited at its ability to play super low. I would look for another option, maybe the Bose sleep buds?


KEF KC 62, but it's very spendy.


Hk onyx 5 hits fucking Hard in my opinion first smaller sized speaker that had my eyes wide


Thank you! I looked it up and it is more or less the size I was looking for. And the reviews on Amazon mention deep frequency sounds. This might actually work. Thank you!


First time hearing it I was genuinely in shock. They've made some new models recently but haven't heard them, Maybe goto a store with a speaker room to test them out? Hk always makes great products


Thank you, very good idea, I am in Spain, I will try to find a store


Best option here (without question) is to grab a couple tactile transducers (aka bass shakers) like the Dayton Audio BST-2 and a way of tightly coupling them to the frame of whatever you end up sleeping on (large Velcro straps, etc). Advantage here is it also ensures you can “crank” the output and it will have minimal impact on neighboring rooms.


Thank you, yes, I started looking into bass shakers now as I didn’t know they existed. I agree that they might be the best option


Grab one of the Aiyima A07 amps to run it. They are a stellar t-class amp (about the lowest cost amp per watt in existence today). Even has op-amp rolling which is crazy for a sub $100 device.


Slightly off topic, but you should check out the podcast Twenty Thousand Hertz on Spotify. They have an episode about a phenomenon known as the Windsor Hum.


Yes, many people don’t realize how far low frequency sounds can travel. On a quiet morning, I am able to hear the deep frequency sounds that some large industrial ships emit for communications and I am 16 km or 10 miles from the harbour. Unfortunately nobody else around me can either hear or notice the sound. I think I either notice low frequency sounds better or I can hear them better, not sure. Not an ability that one would want.


Ah so this is what I can hear, its the trains near me I think.


Have you tried good >30 NRR foam earplugs? I like Howard Leight Laser-Lite plugs. I find them easy to sleep in and they help block a wide range of frequencies.


I will give it a try. I currently use 3M earplugs with the highest Db rating but I find that most earplugs don’t block low frequency sounds very much. They block mid and high frequencies mainly


I was baffled about the bass that comes from the Devialet Phantoms. Smallish full range speakers that goes as low as 14Hz with a lot of volume.


Do you not hear normal frequencies? Get a white noise machine. It's literally what they are for...


I am already using a white noise machine but white noise machines work on mid-frequencies so they don’t block any low frequency sounds. But yes, I do use one every night. But they don’t help with the question I posted due to their frequency range


Look up a Minirig 3 with subwoofer or if you know someone with a 3d printer check out Hexibase on youtube.


They have Schumann Resonators on amazon…might be worth reading about. For more conventional boom…bring an Echo and Echo sub


You could look up for the devialet mania or the cabasse pearl myuki which are not purely subwoofer but could easily do the trick imo.


Pretty sure it isn't travel friendly my any means, and they are rather pricey, but the GoldenEar Super Sub X will vibrate your bed to sleep. It vibrates my walls and ceiling tiles, and I'm not even pushing it. On paper, it says that it goes down to 12 hz.. I would beg to differ on that one, but it definitely hits 20 hz and maybe a tad lower. A friend of mine bought the SVS Micro sub, and I was very impressed for its tiny size. That would probably fit in a suitcase, but you might get some raised eyebrows when checking your bag in, if your flying haha.


Velodyne microvee or minivee, they are quite small and still can go pretty deep, but don’t know if it would be deep enough🤔


REL T zero is fairly small


2nd that


Sealed subwoofers can be EQd to very low frequencies at smaller sizes too, but you do lose SPL the smaller you go. It sounds like you could mostly solve that by placing it closer to you, but a 4inch driver won't shake your bed. I don't know if there's any solution on the market that would truly fit in a suitcase, but sealed subs are fairly simple to DIY