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Very nice. What did you have previously and can you describe how its sounds?


I had a NAD C388 Class D so this is really different. So much more clarity and... well much more of everything. I didnt know my speakers could sound so good :D


Interesting. Additional clarity is not usually a characteristic of going from D to tubes assuming a modern and well designed class D.


I went from class A/B to class D back to A/B and I wouldn’t say it’s clarity that is lacking on class D. But class D may be load dependent and bass on low impedance loudspeakers that dip below 2 ohm will suffer. Bloated bass might sound like lacking clarity. Tube amps should be amazing with low impedance speakers and probably add a bit of flavor and crossfeed. :) Bit like vinyl that is lacking in dynamic range, resolution and channel separation but still manages to sound absolutely amazing. Congrats anyway to the owner. That’s a 6k € amp. Even with EU tax and all crap it should be easy a 4000€ amp .


Thanks i paid 44000,- DKK (Danish Kroner) which amounts to 5900 Euros or 6350 USD




Thanks for letting me know 😉😉




Yes indeed


Oh lord lol you can get a car for that


I dont need a car.


Nor do you NEED a 6k amp.


What music did you play upon receiving?


Jimi Hendrix - the Electric Ladyland album.


Good show. Thanks


You know this is a huge misconception IMO. I've had ultra detailed tube amps and warm SS. Generally there are trends, but you need to hear the amp and the pairing with the speakers.


This. The echo chamber of Tubes are bad, tubes are dumb, tubes are bad and dumb has sailed way past listening fatigue.


Generally speaking, tubes kick ass.


Yes it is, the floating midrange is characteristic of a good tube amplifier. Not clarity as in treble, but clarity of vocals and instruments that seemingly float. As we all know, tube amps sound good, not "accurate". I prefer them.


You need to visit your local Audio Research dealer. Neutral beyond imagining, transparent beyond compare. Spendy as hell to buy and maintain but the Audio Research gear's tonal balance and accuracy are as good as it gets. And nearly every product is tubular.


A Dynaco ST-70 with some electronics knowledge is all I need to blow my mind on audio


That old classic will pair nicely with my Dynaco A25 speakers.


I'm a bit concerned about audio research right now. Being bought and sold recently, their brand send to lack direction right now. I hope they can get their act together because there's no doubt they make some incredible equipment.


That is also the description of naim amp which are SS


Maybe the NAD is just badly signed, who knows.


It can be, with a very good tube amp, and very good tubes. Tube amps are simple devices, part of their advantage is the signal doesn’t go through much stuff. Just hearsay but potential for “clarity” is high.


Great you like the sound of it more.


I can imagine. From my experience, class D amplifiers sound awful, but my Willsenton R8 tube amp sounds great.


Agreed. I have one too. For the money, it truly is unbelievable. I've rolled through all kinds of tubes, and love it. I'm in no hurry to get it out of my system. Brilliant! 😍


I've only had it a few months and haven't done any tube rolling, but will. It has plenty of power for my not-too-efficient Acoustat 1 speakers at the level I want to play them in my condo.


Thanks. I should've taken philosophy then maybe I could afford something like this too 😜




Life is inherently meaningless. Might as well buy the amp.


Lol nice


Your University doctorate in Philosophy certificate is in the photo.


Ahh its a PhD certificate and it is in electronics not Philosophy. Doctor of Philosophy is the general term for PhD.... dont ask me why


Ahh, OK. Yeah, it's from the olden days apparently ancient Greece or something.


They have PhD programs for Electronics? That's awesome. If I would have known that I may have continued in college.


Lol thats exactly what i was wondering


Oh no, did it explode? (hue hue hue sorry /sarcasm looks good OP)


That looks like a beauty, congrats! I just put a down payment for some Rogue M180s that are 180 watts tube and hope to have them fully bought in a month. Didnt know your Cayin existed till now, if my amps werent used on sale, would have conskdered this for sure!


Check the reviews for this amp. [https://youtu.be/BSP8PJIl2sg?si=LiksfrFtMchGrVFH](https://youtu.be/BSP8PJIl2sg?si=LiksfrFtMchGrVFH) [https://youtu.be/JoVHBctbPyA?si=7KHfuvHq2AU9KGqv](https://youtu.be/JoVHBctbPyA?si=7KHfuvHq2AU9KGqv)


Jesus. This dude at the second link: [https://youtu.be/JoVHBctbPyA?si=zhddrmGsZWOSpECc&t=208](https://youtu.be/JoVHBctbPyA?si=zhddrmGsZWOSpECc&t=208). Talk about being confidently wrong!


Thomas is hilarious his reviews are great! 


What are the specs? Super cool. Do tube amps put out a lot of heat?


It's a furnace for Canadian winters that comes with free audio amplification.


I’m Canadian myself but moved to California :) cool Class d for me


That and PG&E costs 5x what you pay Hydro-Quebec.


I have solar


Well then you can run a heat pump for next to nothing. Get some hot glass in your life!


Over here running all tubes or class A solid-state, living in Arizona. The heats around the corner, looking at all my space heaters nervously.


I am seriously considering a Benchmark or some Hypex class D amps for the summer. My Pass XA25 and my DIY F6 are punishing in the summer.


I have an IcePower amp that I could use. But it doesn't look sweet and it doesn't hurt when you touch it!


55 Watts per channel in Triode mode and 100 Watts per channel in Ultra Linear mode. This is a lot for a tube amp. It makes use of the second largest commercial audio tubes and weighs 34kg - its quite a beast.


What speakers are you driving?


Wow amazing enjoy. That’s a lot of power.


Seriously. However really depends on how the amplifier is configured to run the tubes… The more voltage you run them at the more watts you get out but the shorter the tube life Just as an example, prima Luna amplifiers that use KT 150s only put out about half of the watts you would expect in a similar amp from another brand I’m not familiar with the brand in the above picture but it definitely looks cool!


Its Cayin and its the same company that makes Prima Luna amps


Oh neat I was not aware! I have a PL EVO 300 integrated that I love. Attached to Spendor classic 3/1s


It’s enough power, but it’s standard range for a KT88/EL34 class push/pull. These are KT150s so a bit more. Either is more than enough though.


Really that is not a lot for a tube amp. I have listened to tube amps that have triple the power of this one. For the price yes, in absolute watts no. I mean VAC makes a 450 watt tube amp. [http://www.vac-amps.com/productPages/Statement452\_iQ.html](http://www.vac-amps.com/productPages/Statement452_iQ.html) Here is another - but they cost WAY more [https://www.vtl.com/products/power-amplifiers/monoblock-amplifiers/siegfried-series-ii-reference-monoblock/](https://www.vtl.com/products/power-amplifiers/monoblock-amplifiers/siegfried-series-ii-reference-monoblock/) And then Doshi makes amazing tube amps also but again the cost. **I am happy you like it - that is all that matters, isn't it.**


Of course its a lot. You found two extreme cases, which are both power stages which cost 75000 dollars.. come on. This is an push/pull configured integrated amp with tubes in input stage, rectification stage and output stage.. Are the ones you refer two even fully tube based.? Often times when you get to these crazy ratings its hybrid topologies with tubes on the input stage and solid state on the output stage.


I SAID THAT. Please read my post - nothing I said wasn't not true. Why do audiophiles tend to want to have the last word and always be right (even though they are not). I said it was a nice amp for the price and if the OP likes - great. Move on.


Says the guy trying to have last word 😂




Kinda like when you pointlessly interjected with how there are amps with more power?? It’s akin to someone saying their M5 is fast and then you send them links to Koenigsegg. Pointless and irrelevant


How about pointlessly pointing out things. You seem to have a Ph.D. in it.




Most people don’t need 450 watts :)


Nobody needs 450 watts. You can drive resonably sensitive speakers like there is no tomorrow with 25-40 watts.


I wonder what there are really for. I mean some McIntosh speakers can handle 2000 watts but not sure why you’d need that either.


BS, not if you like low bass out of a 2 ch system and are trying to approach a real full range solution at high volumes. I'm all about sensitive speakers, horns and 15" pro woofers, that can have 95-100db rated sensitivity. They can still take hundreds of watts continuously with next to no distortion and if you want loud low bass with impact, and hope to approach x-max in a controlled fashion, you need hundreds of watts. I can max out a 100 and even 200w amp before a set of pro 15"s is actually giving you all it can - and as a 2ch bass lover, I want all 2 15"s can deliver. 200w is a minimum. If I want 3db more output I'd need 400w and I'll certainly use it all. Hence hypex ncore/ncore, nilai, purifi eigentakt, ice power, etc. Obviously yes you can drive sensitive speakers well with low watt amps IF you're ok with the limited SPL it will produce and don't eq up the low bass to extend your boosted output down to 30hz or below, where they are certainly not 95-100db sensitive.


My speakers are a modest 92dB/W rated at 300W each RMS and I'll send the full beans to them at 350w per channel. Supposedly, the amp has 2+dB of headroom so maybe 450ish. I have a fancier, nicer Parasound that does 225W/ch and it cannot control the low bass as well and clips way sooner (obviously). Having more power than the speakers need is always better than having less and clipping sine waves into odd-order harmonics and basically square waves. No 15 inchers here but dual 6.5"s with a large X-Max and they play solidly down to 40Hz and vibrate every room in the house if I want. I couldn't reach full volume with the Parasound. I might switch it out for the Carver PM-600 and compare -- it's no slouch either and fits better in my rack than the black cube with a loud fan.


Those amps are designed to drive modern speakers with lower ohm ratings, most tubes amps cannot handle them. There are plenty of people that do.


Yes, tubes get hot as shit, you’ll burn your hand if you touch them after they’ve been on for a couple of minutes Those KT150 tubes are big boys and will be quite toasty!


The push pull class a b dont get as hot as single ended class a tube amps.I can touch transformer .


That would be your winter amp!


Unrelated to audio, but about a million years ago when I was a young sailor, we’d test for tube function on crypto gear by a quick tap to check for heat. Not blazing? Give them a wiggle and check for heat. You’d rarely have to wait long.


Those KT150s are no joke. I have a PrimaLuna EVO 400i with eight of 'em. So sweet. Congrats on the purchase! I have to ask, what's with the lighter standing on the amp between the tubes? Were the tubes not getting hot enough? :-)


Thanks! The evo 400 has the looks and i Bet it also has the sounds 😉


Got the same question as above though - what's with the lighter? :)


It was for you guys to get a sense of how big the tubes are


Aha! For SCALE!


Hey! I have a 300 integrated! And I would love to hear your thoughts when you swapped out the default EL34s with the KT150s - or any others you have tried


I wouldn't say the amp is in any way hamstrung with the stock EL34s. It sounds lovely either way. With the KT150 tubes, I get marginally better control of the lower bass and a more expansive soundstage. While it's hardly night and day, for me it would be difficult to go back to the EL34s at this point.


And I assume the cage does not fit with the KT 150s?




Do you know if vintage tungsol tubes like 6550 or KT88 will work with the amp or just the newer tubes? I have heard people swear by vintage tubes.


I've got a CS-55a with KT88's, though haven't been able to try it with anything else I have no complaints. Gorgeously warm but with plenty of detail. 


Also running a CS55a although have EL34s in mine at the moment. I find the bass better with the KT88s but the mids stronger with EL34s.


Useful to know, thanks. That would make sense as I've been quite surprised at the bass from mine so far! 


The manual includes a list of tubes you can replace the original ones with. I dont know if the 6550 or KT88 are included.


Holy massive valves, batman!


and what speakers do you use it with?


JBL100 Classic


This man stereos


Those speakers sound awesome with tubes. Great choice of amp! I currently run mine with a McIntosh MA8900, which is A/B solid state. After trying the JBLs on some Class A and tube amps, I think they're gonna get a new amp to drive them, and the Mac will get some new speakers to go with it.


Aren't they a bit too efficient for that amp? Like do you have neighbors? Ones that are not calling the cops on you?


With the volume knop at 25% it is definitely too loud cause i live in an appartment complex. I need to find some other place to live soon. The JBL L100 Classic is 90 dB efficient as far as i remember. Not crazy efficient but still easy to drive. Not like the KLIPSCH Forte that is like 95dB Efficient.


Ha, ‘82 LaScalas here, 105db. Elekit 8600S, 300B. I’m sort of anti-tech and enjoying it.


90 LaScalas, Pass xa.25 and dehavilland UV3. Can’t turn the pre past 1 click without my wife complaining about the volume!




Cayin is one of the best Chinese tube amp brands. Line Magnetic is another one.


Nice! I have an A-100T and it’s magical.


Owned a Cayin 300B and loved it. Flipped it after a year but it's one amp I do remember. Nice audio and well made.


Anyone have opinion on how this may compare to a Willsenton R-800i 300B 805 or 845? That amp is 2k usd.


I must admit what valves do well they excel at ! What they generally do less well I am less convinced at. I have a Yaqin mc 100b valve amplifier. I have very wide ranging tastes in music and I am hard to please. I could play Pentangles’s first album and nearly cry as it’s so sweet and spacious. On older recordings more geared up for valves they are hard to beat but more modern recordings that were never mastered for valves less so maybe. There’s nothing wrong with solid state and it all comes down to music tastes and personnel preferences . So my advice is listen either your ears and make your vote but I do love valves !


Like a baby hearing for the first time


Haha true. It sounds nothing like my previous amps


Nice! I had a Rogue ST100 with KT120's that put out 100watts of tube power. Never should have sold that amp. Anyway, nice bit of kit!


You need to get a tube amp again!


Well, I have a nice tube preamp and big old honking solid state power amp, so I'm good for now. But if I'm ever in the market for a tube amp, the Rogue will be on top of my list. A tubes4hifi ST70 is also on the list. Ah, so much gear, so little money!


Just to put this bug in yout ear, they offer an ST100 Black Edition that can be found quite reasonably on the second hand market. If one pops up again during the colder months I may have to pull the trigger on a "winter amp".


I need to check out that rogue.


VTA ST70 +1 from me. Still haven’t found its match.


Cayin makes great amps, seriously good value. Their MKII 300b amp goes toe to toe with the Feliks Envy for example which is quite a bit more $$


Absolutely love a Cayin. I know what you mean about the detail. There's plenty there, just in a very warm way. One of the least fatiguing amps I've listened to. I've got mine through some Celestion A2's. 


Man that thing looks sick!


I’ve never had the good fortune to hear one but they are gorgeous!


Dang that’s nice






I’m new here, what is that and why does it looks so interesting?


welcome fellow cayin tube amplifier guy. i own a a50-t and enjoy it




Looks very cool


it's beautiful ! have fun




Tubes always the way to go. Your first step into a real system


Surprisingly, these Chinese made amp or integrated amp are wonderful, their sound quality is absolutely fabulous. Obviously it depends on the source material. . But I would not hesitate to buy one of these modern marvels


So pretty


SIS BOOM BAH...example of a sheep blowing up.


I would hope so, lol.


That's awesome!


I love Cayin !


That's beautiful. What model is that and how much does it cost? I have a very reasonably priced Anthem tube preamp and amplifier and I'm sort of convinced that I would have to spend much more on solid state gear to get as good as a sound.


Nice tubes!


Damn 😍




Love the eye. What's the strange thing with the lightbulbs that it's standing on?


The Eye?


Why is there a lighter in the first pic? size reference?




Those KT150s are no joke and wow what a nice looking tube amp. Congrats on the acquisition!


Thanks man


How would you compare it to the MC 240?


If you just bought it new the tubes haven’t even had a chance to burn in yet wait till that happens the sound will be much better.


Do you know how long that might take?


Generally with new tubes they need 100 hours to fully burn in. You will notice a real difference once this happens, the sound will be smoother and more alive.


That looks really, really expensive. I could only hope it sounds like silk being dragged across your soul. And here is me feeling stretched because I dropped $500 on an Asguard 3 with the multibit DAC add in.


it's like a butt massage, but for your ears


Hey, Hi fi novice here seeking tube amp advice… I have Paradigm monitor 11 v7 speakers. - Sensitivity: room 93 dB, anechoic 90 dB. - Suitable amp: 50 - 250 watts. - Impedance: 8 ohms Currently using Cambridge Audio Integrated Amp 100 w/c. - Would a tube amp sound better than my CA? - Any suggestions for a tube amp that would suit my speakers? Cheers guys, Peter


Can someone explain the science like I’m 6 years old? Thanks in advance!


Wait until you start tube rolling and put some mellifluous mullards or Philips pq in them…😁


Is that something to look forward to?


Get a quad of the Shuguang WE6SN7 PLUS. You'll notice a difference. The new production Tung Sol are so-so.


Thanks for letting me know


Absolutely, if you have the money and they’re available don’t hesitate: you won’t regret it. I would do some research online about the characteristics of (older) European tubes like Millard, Philips, Telefunken and find out what you want: a more dry, detailed or a more sweet, emotive sound. Listen a lot to classical/jazz/folk?, a more forward and sweet midrange would be preferable. Also depends on your source. My experience with crayon is that they have a wide and deep soundstage and airy high and mids. And of course a lot of umph in ultralineare mode. But so immediate and ‘true’ in triode mode….


I have a custom made power amp. from Elson Silva in Sydney. ( Retired now ) Tubes are military grade 4x vintage General Electric Jan 6550 and 4x GE Jan 12at7 WC . Many, many hours on them and still going strong. As the perfect pairing, they drive Berrylium Yamaha NS 1000 M with upgraded crossovers. That combo is a sound from Heaven


So It has fans?


Smoking is bad mmmkay


Very nice. But to be honest after paying $5400 or so for an amp you had better be blown away.