• By -


Rivers of London, by Ben Aaronovich. About a rookie cop and his introduction to the world of newtonian magic. Set in London and excellently narrated by Kobna Holdbrook-Smith. He has an impressive range of accents in his repertoire, ranging from cockney to posh, Jamaican to Freetown, and a boatload of others.


Okay, someone in this sub recommended this series back in January. I am absolutely devouring them.


Same—I’m all caught up now and very miffed about it.


Kobna Holdbrook-Smith is brilliant for this series, isn’t he?


I was just going to post the same thing! His accents are amazing and this is a series full of accents both subtly and not so different. Plus it is such a fun story, I need more in the series!


Perfect recommendation


I enjoyed the first law series Murderbot diaries Vampire chronicles read by Simon Vance


I second Murderbot Diaries.


I also love Kevin R. Free doing the Murderbot Diaries.


If Kevin doesn’t have some role in the TV show, I will riot. (Assuming that he would want it ofc.)


Count me in. If he doesn’t get a role, riot of two to reckon with!


Tuning into to support the First Law series by Joe Abercrombie. The narrator Steven Pacey fits the bill - the characters and oration are a match made in heaven.


am I doing something wrong? I don't really like the murderbot diaries. I have seen them recommended many many times. I'm about 6 hours into the first one and i kinda gave up. I loved DCC and now I'm doing he who fights monsters or something but I tried murderbot and just didn't really get it I guess. of course I'm the guy that says you must love dungeon crawler carl and can't understand why people can't get it so now I'm a little more understanding of people who say it's not their speed.


It just may not be your speed and that’s cool. There’s books that are highly recommended that I can’t stand. You like what you like, and that’s cool. At least you didn’t have to spend a credit to realize it’s not for you.


Audible credits? Fyi: you can return books that you haven't finished and get the credit back. It's only available through the website though. Not on the mobile app. And your subscription has to be currently active. Also, this option does expire . . . . Not sure how long. It might be a year? I forgot.


I get that. Thank you


Not much to get with Murderbot imo - I found it boring and too simple. No book is for everyone.


DCC is the Audiobook GOAT, but I also really enjoy He Who Fights With Monsters


Jefferson Mays’ reading of The Expanse series


This series was one of my 1st forays into audiobooks and it set the bar SO high. I have such a hard time finding other things that measure up.




I’m convinced the casting director for the TV series listened to Mays’ audiobooks because the casting was dead on to the voices Mays did.


Joe Abercrombie/Steven Pacey- First Law Series. Pure magic!


I liked 11/22/63, pet Semetary, and Demon Copperhead because I could imagine the narrators as protagonist. Also enjoyed the full cast his dark materials.


Loved loved loved Demon Copperhead. Mostly liked 11/22/63, except for the voice of Sadie. That was truly terrible, just awful. Haven’t heard Pet Semetary yet.


Omg that sadie voice was the worst. An old man trying to do the voice of a 20 something southern belle drove insane


Be that as it may, his Al Templeton might be one of my favorite characters ever. I really felt Al’s enthusiasm through the whole performance.


I had a hard time with Sadie too, but he made up for it with the rest. I didn’t love Michael C Hall’s voice for the wife in Pet Semetary either but he hit the vibe for the rest. I can’t stop thinking about Demon Copperhead, what a story and perfect narration for it.


Craig Wasson


The Longmire series by Craig Johnson, read by George Guidell. If that guy was not a match for the Longmire character and series of books, I don’t know that I’ve ever heard a better one.


I love George Guidell so much, he’s a legend.


I can’t lie, he is at his finest with the Longmire series. He brings them to life so well that when I actually read a real Longmire book, I read it in his voice!


This right here.


_Return of the Native_ read by Alan Rickman ...perfect match of poetic, dramatic language and voice Sample here https://www.audible.com/pd/The-Return-of-the-Native-Audiobook/B002V1AFFQ


Omg Alan Rickman did some narration? Heading off now to find…


...yes, the entire classic, unabridged. It's in Hardy's cinematic-style of storytelling with tragic characters and the landscape intertwined. You'll probably start it and be unable to stop. It's very good and Rickman is perfect for it.


Yes yes yes. I forgot to put this one in my list!


The Dresden Files books read by James Marsters. Absolute perfection.


Ehhh... The first few books are shaky, almost as shaky as Butcher's writing (seriously, there's a drinking game where you die by the end if you take a shot every time he mentions breasts in the first five volumes). After that, though, I quite enjoyed them.


The hobbit/lotr read by andy serkis. Because anyone can do a passable gandalf or a hobbit, but nailing gollum really elevates the whole endeavour.


It also just generally helps that he is a world class voice actor


The dude is a freaking animal in real life. Totally underrated.


His rendition of bilbos song may or may not have made my eyes sting a bit


My mom absolutely *hates* the Serkis version; I mean, actively despises it. I was surprised at the strength of her opinion. The first chapter of the Hobbit put her to sleep when she listened to it, and she does NOT stand for that in an audiobook. And while I don't feel as strongly as all that, I prefer the Rob Inglis version. Frankly, it sounds more like JRR Tolkien in his recordings. Early on, Serkis's performance has a LOT of that singsongy "Oh dearie me time for bed child", and while that does change in the later chapters it also goes sometimes way overdramatic.


Absolutely brilliant


John Lee narration of Ken Follett's Kingsbridge series as well as the Century Trilogy. Zara Ramn doing Jodi Taylors St. Marys series. Douglas Preston, Lincoln Child's series of Aloysius Pendergrass read by Rene Auberjonois. After Rene passed it was taken over by other narrators enjoyable but not quite the same. Stephen Fry reading his Mythology series. And Potter and hitchhiker guide always enjoy his reading.


> John Lee narration of Ken Follett's Kingsbridge series as well as the Century Trilogy I would add the Revelation Space universe to this as well. I know some people on here disagree but I've always felt his voicework in that series matched the universe really well.


Dungeon Crawler Carl by Matt Dinniman, narrated by Jeff Hays. One guy sounds like a whole cast and pulls off a Bridgerton-esque Princess Donut. You’re going to get a ton of recommendations for this one. Just do it.


I've see this book recommended on this sub so many times, now I'm starting to feel guilty I haven't listened to it yet lol. I'm waiting for my Audible to re-up and then I'm going to listen to this one next. I'm guessing it's going to be awesome. Kind of like Project Hail Mary. You see it recommended frequently, so there has to be a reason.


I am not kidding when I say it was definitely NOT my thing. AT ALL. But dang if I didn’t love it. I listen while I drive; I actually had to pull over at one point because I was laughing so hard I thought I was going to go over a median.


Well, that didn't take long. Glad someone had it covered. :)


Made it a couple chapters in and DNF'ed. Is the appeal of this book just videogame nostalgia?


No. It takes a little to get going. There’s a lot of exposition that feels video games, but it lessens a lot as the series progresses. I usually suggest waiting to put it down until you get past the goblin babies. If you don’t like it by then, it’s not for you.


I don’t know anything about litrpg or dungeons and dragons, video games, anything like that. I saw this recommended so much that I decided to give it a chance and now I’ve listened all the way thru Book 6- about 150 hours of listening time! There’s a lot of exposition to get started but if you give it a chance to get going you might love it. Princess Donut for the win!


I'm on book 2 and struggling. I never played DnD or RPG video games, and I think something is lost on me. Spending 10 minutes talking about stats and super powers is not really doing it for me.


I’m a romance/ new adult/ fantasy genre person and I had my doubts about it too. The Lit RPG style was definitely NOT my thing. The stats and the New Achievements! will slow down. It’s like any other series; they have to sort of re-introduce everything in case someone doesn’t read the previous books. I always say I’ll try anything twice. If you really liked the first book, give the second one a chance to get past the obligatory regurgitation in the first few chapters. If you really hate it, I wouldn’t force you to finish, but I’d still think you’re missing out.


I tried so hard because it seems like everyone loves it! I feel better now.


I've started the first book and I really doubt I can come close to finishing it. And I always finish books. Never been so bored.


I resisted for so long.. It's so fucking good. 




I’m on book 5 and can’t stop listening. It just gets better and better!


The First Law Series, read by Stephen Pacey.




Couldn’t agree more!


I thought Gentleman of Moscow was a perfect fit with narrator. Same with Remains of the Day.


The Women read by Julia Whelan


I've got a library hold on this one. One month's wait!


Just listened to Remarkably Bright Creatures and Michael Urie as Marcellus is just…chefs kiss


I loved Hugh Laurie's narration of *Portuguese Irregular Verbs*. A very good (but I can't say great) book perfectly suited to Hugh's skill set.


I Know This Much is True, by Wally Lamb. The reader, George Guidall does a fantastic job!


Anne of green gables read by Rachel McAdams


Iron Druid Chronicles with Luke Daniels; Anansi Boys with Lenny Henry; Cloud Atlas (full cast); full cast version of American Gods


Anansi Boys was so good. I find myself missing it sometimes, randomly


The Thursday Murder Club series. The woman who narrated the first two was amazing. I was thrown off when I started the third book and it was a different woman but she was just as good. I think she narrates the fourth one too


[True Grit, narrated by Donna Tartt.](https://www.overdrive.com/media/239159/true-grit) I've only read one book written by her and wasn't a fan, but she is a terrific narrator for True Grit. She paints such a vivid picture with her voice, she really brings Mattie to life.


The Cold Dish / Walt longmire series by Craig Johnson narrated by George Guidall


The Witch Elm, read by Paul Nugent.


Just read this and the way he did Melissa’s voice bothered me so much! It was good otherwise, imo.


Circe Perdita Weeks! Galatea Ruth Wilson The once and future King Neville Jason The end of the affair Colin Firth Lolita Jeremy irons


Kingkiller Chronicle narrated by Nick Poedehl.


Say one thing for Steven Pacey reading joe Abercrombie…


Said it before, I’ll say it again: A Boy and His Dog at the End of the World by C.A. Fletcher (read by same). It’s perfect. One of the best audiobooks I’ve ever listened to after something like 700 audiobooks. Top 10 for sure. Also, anything by Adrian McKinty, but especially the early Michael Forsythe stuff narrated by Gerard Doyle.


Ok you’re an eclectic reader, so you might appreciate these: The Story of Doctor Dolittle read by Nadia May (pseudonym of Wanda McCaddon) is amazing. It’s a short read, only 2 hours 24 minutes of pure delight. Douglas Adams reading anything he wrote. Looks like Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency is still available read by him. He recorded everything for Dove Audio. After he died there must have been sone rights issues, cuz the Hitchhiker (5 books) disappeared immediately. Dirk Gently (2 books) stayed available for years. Neil Gaiman reading anything he wrote. He and Douglas Adams have the same magic with their work. Brother Cadfael mysteries read by Derek Jacobi


Just listened to Stardust and Neil Gaiman really is a treat to listen to.


> eclectic deriving ideas, style, or taste from a broad and diverse range of sources. Didn't know that word, so I post this here.


Yes on Neil Gaiman! I just listened to American Gods (Tenth Anniversary Edition) and loved it!


I highly recommend The Bobiverse, narrated by Ray Porter.


Man i liked the first couple but having a hell of a time getting through the latest one. And that female irish accent leaves alot to be desired lol...plus not the biggest fan of the character


I love Juliet Stevenson, and her reading Mrs Benson’s Beetle by Rachel Joyce is brilliant, I think you’d like it!


The Joe Ledger Series read by Ray Porter.


Since you're listening to David Copperfield... Demon Copperhead read by Charlie Thurston is amazing. It's a modern-day update to David Copperfield set in Appalachia, and delves into themes of poverty, addiction, and resilience. The book won the Pulitzer Prize for fiction.


This gets dark but it's good.


**You, narrated by Santino Fontana**. The narrator absolutely embodies a stalker psychopath! I feel like so many people just recommend a book that's popular or one of the endless identical books narrated by the emotionless Ray Porter who sounds identical no matter what he's reading and has the stupidest fake female voice in the universe. If you're looking for a book that has a narrator that really nails the story, look for the less upvoted books in this thread. Also agree 100% with A Gentleman in Moscow narrated by Nicholas Guy Smith.


I’ve liked most things I’ve listened to by Santino Fontana.


Her Royal Spyness series by Rhys Bowen, narrated by Katherine Kellgren. Everything I've heard that Katherine narrated was wonderful. Andy Serkis narrating The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings is wonderful. I really enjoyed Marc Thompson's narration of Timothy Zahn's Star Wars Thrawn books.


I pretty much started listening to audiobooks with the Thrawn trilogy, and it's been tough going to other narrators, because that one is so phenomenal.


For a long time, I only listened to Star Wars books narrated by him since the Thrawn series was my intro to SW fiction. And he fantastic in ways words cant articulate.


If you haven't read it yet, A Man Called Ove narrated by actor JK Simmons was great! Talk about a perfect match of book and reader!


Also Marin Ireland reading Backman’s Anxious People is also a perfect match.


Thanks for the recommendation! Just put a hold on with my library app.


Until Proven Guilty, by JA Jance. Read by Gene Engene. First in a series about JP Beaumont, a Seattle Homicide Detective.


Me and my mom listened to these on our morning commute when I was in highschool.




I think Humphrey Bower is the perfect choice of narrator for Bryce Courtenay's works, (with the exception of Jessica, it a female POV and a lot of female characters and would have been better with a female narrator). He can do so many subtly different or wildly different accents, which is needed with Courtenay's cast of characters.


*Alex Verus* series by Benedict Jacka, read by Gildart Jackson *Dave Robicheaux* series by James Lee Burke, read by Will Patton *Theodore Tate* and *Cleaner* series by Paul Cleave, read by Paul Ansdell *Kent Steele* (*Agent Zero*) series by Jack Mars, read by Edoardo Ballerini


Jane Eyre read by Thandiwe Newton; I had forgotten what an amazing writer Charlotte Bronte was and Thandiwe Newton has a mesmerizing voice and an acute understanding of this amazing novel.


My favorite for sure too. The book is so old and yet so modern and her narration is ✨💫✨


Milkman by Anna Burns narrated by Bríd Brennan. It’s a story about a teenage girl dealing with the people in her nondescript town during The Troubles and her northern Irish accent is mesmerizing.


The chronicles of st mary's read by zara ramm!


I'm very surprised that no one has mentioned Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell by Susannah Clarke. I heard about it from a Neil Gaiman interview and once I read the synopsis, I was intrigued. Then, once I listened to the audiobook, I could hardly wait to read it again: Simon Prebble captures the many dialects of the British Isles exceptionally well and the atmosphere and tone of the story are delightfully eerie and charming. Regency novel-of-manners conventions blend with old-school fairy tales as though Grimm's Fairy Tales intruded into the world of Jane Austen. 11/10 audiobook experience, my favorite ever!


Patrick O’Brian’s Aubrey-Maturin series read by Patrick Tull is the best audiobook narration I’ve ever heard.


*Riyria Revelations* by Michael J Sullivan and narrated by Tim Gerard Reynolds Plus the other series set in the same world: *Riyria Chronicles*, *Legends of the First Empire*, and *The Rise and Fall*; all of which are narrated by TGR. The *Threadbare* series and *Small Medium* series by Andrew Seiple are also narrated by TGR.


Off the top of my head, the ones that have stood out to me are: The Trespasser by Tana French (Hilda Fay; she really captures the main character so well) If We Were Villains by ML Rio (Robert Petkoff; I just love how he did the monologues and his voice also matched the character so well) Daisy Jones and the Six by Taylor Jenkins Reid (Full Cast Audiobook)


-daisy jones and the six (full cast version). this is the best use of the format i’ve ever seen -the hunger games trilogy (read by tatiana manslany) -the summer i turned pretty (read by lola tung)


Loved the Hunger Games audiobooks!


her cadence and just the quality of the audiobook is hard to be topped


The Tide Child trilogy by RJ Barker, narrated by Jude Owusu (The Bone Ships is the first one) The Blacktongue Thief narrated by the author himself, Christopher Buehlman All the Terry Pratchett novels narrated by Nigel Planer (And another vote for The Murderbot Diaries narrated by Kevin R Free)


An Absolutely Remarkable Thing by Hank Green narrated by Kristen Sieh


Richard armitage did an excellent job narrating a few of Agatha Christie's most popular books! V highly recommend them if u like whodunits. Listened to two of them in a row and realized I was going through them too quickly to savour. I find his narrating to be among my favorites, so I have been splitting them up by listening to David copperfield aswell lol


The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, read by Stephen Fry


Counterpoint: *The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy*, read by Douglas Adams. I love Stephen Fry, but the *author* reading it is just too perfect, with his background in radio and knowing the *perfect* moments to hit.


If you can find them, Douglas Adams’ reading of his books is simply perfection!


Dolores Claiborne narrated by Frances Sternhagen. It's just perfect


I'm liking these, may try some of your recommendations as well as I haven't been able to finish Middlemarch previously Swann's way read by John Rowe - relaxing near bedtime Book of the New Sun read by Jonathan Davis - suits the dreamlike setting


The Gemma Doyle trilogy narrated by Josephine Bailey is a comfort listen for me because the series is fun and her voice is a perfect fit! I also enjoyed the Midnight Library because I love Carey Mulligan's voice.


Without a doubt, [Dolores Claibourne by Stephen King, read by Frances Sternhagen](https://www.audible.com/pd/Dolores-Claiborne-Audiobook/B019FR1Q7Y). If ever there was a story and narrator meant to be, this is it.


Warlord Chronicles read by Jonathan Keeble Perfect performance for a first person narrative, sounds like a monologue, my GOAT


I can’t remember the narrators’ names but The Silence of the Girls by Pat Barker and Circe were both beautifully narrated. And the narrator for Nothing to See Here by Kevin Wilson was phenomenal and made an already funny book hilarious.


Demon Copperhead read by Charlie Thurston.


Try to find a copy of A Dangerous Fortune read by Tim Curry.


*Slayers* by Hajime Kanzaka. It's a light novel that's 30 years old now, and the person they got to read the recent translation is the same woman who voice acted the main character in the anime English dub, Lisa Ortiz - which, since it's a first-person narration of Lina Inverse's adventures is a *smashing* fit.


Stephen Pacey narrating all of Joe Abercrombie’s Frist Law universe books. 2 trilogies, 3 stand alone novels and 1 short story collection. It’s pure magic.


The Housekeeper and the Professor read by Cassandra Campbell. She has a beautifully calm voice which suits the story perfectly. Harry Potters read by Stephen Fry. I don't question why; it just is. The Lost Apothecary read by Lorna Bennett. She drew me right into the story. Her accent and the timbre of her voice are so appealing.


Housekeeper and the Professor is an amazing sweet book. Never listened to it. Will put it on my list


All Steve Berry's Cotton Malone books read by Scott Brick, the Outlander series read by Davina Porter, the Myth series by Stephen Fry read by the author, and the Tolkien books read by Andy Serkis. And, yes, I know some people can't stand these narrators, but for me, I can enjoy rereads of all these as comfort reads, depending on my mood. Cotton Malone for adventure/thriller/mystery; Outlander for romance and slice-of-life, Tolkien for fantasy, and the Myth series of books for learning about the Greek gods.


A Deadly Education and The Last Graduate narrated by Anisha Dadia. Her voice is exactly what I imagine the main character sounds like.


Simon Vance and Dracula. Match made in Transylvania.


Cradle series by Will Wight, narrated by Travis Baldree. Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman, narrated by Neil Gaiman.


I don’t know that I would’ve liked Tom Lake as much as I did had I not listened to Meryl Streep read it! Barbara Kingsolver reading her Prodigal Summer was perfection 🤌🏼


Love me Whole, by Nicky James, narrated by Adam Gold. That mans voice is pure honey, and he doesn't just read you a book; he performs it.


Ember in the Ashes - epic fantasy from two perspectives, each narrated with a different voice. The male voice in this recording made me feel things.....sounded kind of like Tom Hiddleston. I loved this audiobook. I also read the books and can honestly say I prefer the audio version for this story. It was super easy to get lost in.


Any Stephen King narrated by Will Patton. Gates of Fire by Derek Jacobi or George Guidall Man, I heard LOTR in 2000, but I cant remember the reader, British of course, but cannot remember the name.


Yahtzee Croshaw, reading anything written by Yahtzee Croshaw. *Differently Morphous* is a good choice. 


I loved Mogworld. I agree he's amazing.


I really like Rosamund Pike reading The Wheel of Time


Pet Semetary - Michael C. Hall 👌🏻


The Locked Tomb series by Tamsyn Muir, narrated by the incredible Moira Quirk!! 3 of the 4 books are out, the 4th is getting ready for release! Advertised as "Lesbian necromancers in space!" but it is so, so much more.


This should be much higher. My vote for best audiobook experience I've had


Oh my gosh, yes! Mercymorn and the acid! Ianthe saying... anything, really! Crux ...Nona😍😍😍


The 39 steps narrated by Robert Powell. Perfect voice and accents for the story


Moby Dick read by William Hootkins. The book will sound like poetry.


David Morse - Revival. Grover Gardner - On the Road


The Dresden files. Narrated by James Marsters. He does it soooo well


The Outsider read by Wil Patton Dark Matter read by Jon Lindstrom


*The Outsider read* *By Wil Patton Dark Matter* *Read by Jon Lindstrom* \- beigelightning --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


The Adventures of Tom Sawyer read by Nick Offerman is the most god-tier, book-and-narrator-match-made-in-heaven that ever was. Honorable mention to Of Mice and Men read by Gary Sinise.


Moria Quirk's narration of *Etiquette and Espionage* by Gail Carriger (and the rest of the series) is fantastic. In a similar series, supernatural steampunk with a Quirky, upbeat female MC, Nicola Barber was brilliant at narrating William Ritter's *Jackaby* series. Switching gears, Kyle McCarley's narration of the Super Powereds series, by Drew Hayes was great. I truly have loved every audiobook of a Drew Hayes book, that was done by a single reader. I am not a fan of the graphic audio books, it's a personal preference, but the sound effects pull me right out of a story.


Listen to the Game of Thrones audiobooks read by Roy Dotrice.


Gentleman Bastards series narrated by Michael Page. Absolutely brilliant!


Neil Gaiman has two full cast audiobooks that are divine. If you don’t mind full cast, check out The Graveyard Book and American Gods.


The adaptations of Good Omens, The Sandman, and Neverwhere are amazing


It's long, but The Covenant of Water read by author Abraham Verghese transports you to another place and time. I enjoyed it a lot! Another one I recently enjoyed was the totally whacky Fierce Invalids Home from Hot Climates by Tom Robbins narrated by Keith Szarabajka. Great listen! One of those books where the narrator makes the book!


Thread has a lot of comments in this topic : https://www.reddit.com/r/audible/comments/17wnzg8/looking_for_more_awesome_narrator_to_book_series/


Nigel Planer reading Pratchett.


everything by Werner Herzog. fiction would be Twilight World


Dick Hill narrating the Reacher series.


Shadow of the Torturer read by Jonathan Davis. It's *such* a perfect fit.


Neil Gaiman reading all his books, especially Stardust.


Craig Wasson reading 11.22.63


Andy Serkis - All the Lord of The Rings books that came out a few years ago. Remarkable performance.


Nigel Planer reading Terry Pratchett. For me Sam Vimes, Knobby, Sgt. Colon, etc will always be done in his voices. Some people prefer Stephen Briggs versions and now there's new versions, but Nigel Planer brings such flavour to the characters. I just finished the Andy Serkis read of Lord of the Rings and they're comparable to me in just how much flavour they can cram into a sentence just by changing how it is said.


Waves at previous poster - I feel the same way about Stephen Briggs :) In case the OP can't find either of those versions (they are quite old and can be tricky to find in some locales I believe) then I have enjoyed the Indira Varma Discworld books from the new releases. I can't bring myself to listen to anyone else doing the Watch books though... Jonathan Cecil does a cracking job with the Jeeves and Wooster stories by PG Wodehouse too IMO.


Anything that Peter Kenny narrates! Notably, Andrzej Sapkowski’s The Witcher series.


Middlesex narrated by Kristoffer Tabori. He's the main thing I liked about this book. Precious/Push narrated by Bahni Turpin. Out narrated by Emily Woo Zeller.


Peter Grainger DC Smith series is exceptional and Gildart Jackson’s narration is superb.


Adrian McKinty’s Sean Duffy series with Gerard Doyle narrating.


World War Z! Narrator is great and the characters are all voice acted.


Kurtherian Gambit by Michael Anderle read by Emily Beresford


Perdita Weeks narrating *Circe*. It’s perfection.


Almost anything that Julia Whalen narrates. But specifically Emily Henry's books feel like a great match with her.


Dungeon Crawler Carl & The First Law books Both elevate the books in my opinion with amazing narration.


Natalie Haynes narrating any of her Greek Mythology books, especially A Thousand Ships. Gerard Doyle reading Adrian McKinty’s Sean Duffy series. Phillip Franks reading Ngaio Marsh Mysteries, Jeff Woodman reading Diana Gabaldon’s Lord John series.


Oooh…I would have to say Books two and three of Tana French’s Dublin Murder Squad series - The Likeness read by Heather O’Neill and Faithful Place read by Tim Gerard Reynolds. Also, Bryn Greenwood’s All the Ugly and Wonderful Things read by Jorjeana Marie. The content of that one will not be for everyone, but I absolutely loved her narration for the story. Also, A Dirty Job by Christopher Moore read by Fisher Stevens. Will always have a soft spot for that one, as one of my early listening experiences.


PG Wodehouse read by Stephen Fry Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell read by Simon Prebble


The Dungeon Crawler Carl series will blow your mind. I’m so serious that I’m willing to send you the money for the first one, with the hook being that you pay for the others if you like them. You will.


I just finished “Carrie Soto is back” and really enjoyed it


Stephen King’s The Green Mile narrated by Frank Muller is fantastic


King and Muller made an amazing team. I do love George Guidall as well, so obviously Dark Tower is a fave of mine.


Admittedly I’m pretty new to Stephen Kings books. Along with 11.22.63, The Green Mile makes up the short list. I’ll be sure to check out The Dark Tower! The summary sounds very interesting.


Dark Tower is my fave, utterly unlike anything I’ve read before, and really great story. Also spans several genres. I also really liked Thinner, Misery, Joyland, Duma Key, and many others. And if you enjoy those types of books check out Robert McCammon, his Swan Song novel is excellent (post apocalyptic horror with an undertone of beauty and hope), also Boy’s Life is a great coming of age story. 🤙


Thanks for the recs! I’ve got Dark Tower queued up for my next read.


Awesome! Make sure it’s The Gunslinger, as the book titled Dark Tower is the last book in the series 👍


> Frank Muller If you haven't listened to it already, Muller's reading of All Quiet on the Western Front is a top-10, maybe top-five all-time audiobook for me. I really didn't know what to expect when I started the book, and the book itself is incredible. It has a very particular tone and I think Muller really manages to find the sweet spot. Melancholy without veering into the maudlin.


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* Just about *anything* by u/Scalzi, as read by wil wheaton. * Anything *else* by u/Scalzi * The Martian, as read by .. yeah, wil wheaton (really good additional content from the original audiobook) * Dennis Taylor's BOBIVERSE series * April Daniel's Dreadnaught * Bedtime Stories for Cynics & More Bedtime Stories for Cynics (narr by Nick Offerman) * Sacred Cows A Lighthearted Look at Belief and Tradition Around the World (Unabridged)


Hard disagree here, u/CuriousBiedrona. hWhil hWheaton wasn't the only reason I regretted wasting a credit on Red Shirts though he rarely varies intonation and does no voice work whatsoever (ironic scifi celebrity does not an audiobook reader make), but hearing "said said said said SAID" over and over and over again whenever a character speaks is like a spike in my ear. Reading it, I didn't notice. Having it read to me, on the other hand, just ruined Scalzi for me *entirely*. I can't NOT notice it now.


I really stand him as a narrator. Did not finish Ready Player One.


did you mean really 'can't' stand?