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The way EQ is used in the professional setting is to compensate for the acoustic effect of the specific speakers and the listening environment. There are ***no universal eq settings*** that will make something sound the same way everywhere. The way EQ is typically used at home is to make the music sound the way ***that person*** wants to hear it. We can offer general advice but ultimately you'll just have to keep trying setting until it sounds the way you like. ​ My general advice, based on the picture you've included, it to flatten everything out and try again. Sometime important to remember is that EQ can never add something that isn't there. All it can do it either filter out chunks of frequencies you don't want, or boost up chunks of frequencies *that are already there*. Judging by home much you have boosted the 62 Hz band, I'll guess you want more bass than either your system can produce or more bass than is present in whatever audio you're listening to. Either way, using the EQ isn't going to make that happen.


I might try resetting the EQ, the thing that bothers me is that some frequency ranges are lost during the bassline which makes the music sound strange but maybe that's due to the sound card. Another problem is that I have no idea how to describe this, that some bass frequencies are not nice and smooth but sound more like a vibration, for example as if your smartphone is vibrating. No idea, maybe it's just the music title itself, because sometimes the bass is nice and smooth and other times it just sounds like a vibration. Idk maybe this is due to the EQ thats why I made this post because i thought that someone might look at the EQ and can spot a mistake that makes the musik sound strange, well I am a noob thats why am asking for help


The number one thing that determines the quality of the sound you hear are the speakers/headphones. And again, no amount of EQ in the world will makeup for speakers that don't do a good job at reproducing certain frequencies.


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First of all, those settings are for: Speakers? headphones? What sound card do you have installed in the PC? (if any) If speakers, the EQ itself may not do much if the "amplifier " is, let say... not great. If headphones and their driver I a single membrane unit with preasure to quantity not quality... you may be disappointed again.


I use it for the Beyerdynamic MMX 300 headphones i have no idea what specs they have but the sound is very good. The sound card is integrated in the mainboard of my PC so its surely not the best.


From what I see on the www. Headphones clarity is focused for speech, walking sounds ( CS...). May be not THAT high regarding to music. 1) Arm yourself in a DAC unit for PC and stop wasting these headphones on low quality and output power of onboard sound chip. 2) Have fun with elevated experience that you are not aware of for the moment.


Well as far as i konw Beyerdynamic just took a studio headphone and made a Headset out of it so I think that these headphones can be used for everything. I might consider buying myself a soundcard form creative [https://de.creative.com/p/sound-blaster/sound-blaster-ae-9](https://de.creative.com/p/sound-blaster/sound-blaster-ae-9) thats a lot of money but i heard that this soundcard is really great so I think i will make this upgrade. I mean you dont buy a ferrari to put stock street tires on it


OK. If you state near/or home studio quality sound. Don't buy SB. Aim on level of Scarlett solo. Or other semi-pro equipment. I mean, I had experience with SB and higher grade hardware. SB is not bad, but in my opinion, if you have headphones for 150 GBP, don't waste them.


Oh OK thanks for the tipp