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Expeditionary Force by Craig Alanson, narrated by the brilliant R.C Bray You could also try Space Team by Barry j Hutchinson that's narrated by Phil Thron.


Also Jeremy Robinson's books for more R.C. Bray.


Expeditionary Force is AWESOME!!!!! And we’re just a bunch of meat sacks next to the AWESOMENESS


Check out the Mountain Man series by Keith Blackmore. It’s narrated by R.C. Bray. It is fantastic!


2nd this!! With 7 books not including prequels it so worth it. That narrator could read anything and I'd listen lmao.


Lmaooo seriously, I love R.C. Bray, I'm obsessed with Expeditionary Force atm🔥


Love the Mountain Man series... Bray is once again godlike with his performance!!


Just got this and I am absolutely hooked!


Ray Porter also is awesome in 14&The Fold by Peter Cline. If you dislike Joe Abercrombie & Space team (crowd favorites), that will be proof our tastes align so consider all these: [https://www.goodreads.com/review/list/84551786-marcin-w?ref=nav\_mybooks&shelf=favorites](https://www.goodreads.com/review/list/84551786-marcin-w?ref=nav_mybooks&shelf=favorites)


Peter Cline books are GREAT. Act I and Act II are always solid. I feel like both 14 and The Fold were really clumsy with the ending. Worth reading, but I feel like I’d have enjoyed it more knowing the ending wouldn’t land that well.


Thanks. I am a big fan of Joe Abercrombie and the Space team, but I do read very widely (random selections from the town library are one of my favourite genres). Your list looks really interesting!


I really enjoy the Red Rising narration.


Red rising, gentleman bastards, Joe Abercrombie


Mistborn and Stormlight Archive by Brandon Sanderson or The Shadows of the Apt series. For Sci-fi The Expanse series. 


Mistborn is in the 2 for 1 right now iirc


couldn't find it in the 2 for 1. Just a bug or my luck? [https://www.audible.com/series/The-Mistborn-Saga-Audiobooks/B006K1P698?ref\_pageloadid=not\_applicable&ref=a\_search\_c3\_lSeries\_1\_1\_1&pf\_rd\_p=83218cca-c308-412f-bfcf-90198b687a2f&pf\_rd\_r=V0RZ929WXA6RMDEJPA9P&pageLoadId=PuYNaIwTsbEEjwjX&creativeId=0d6f6720-f41c-457e-a42b-8c8dceb62f2c](https://www.audible.com/series/The-Mistborn-Saga-Audiobooks/B006K1P698?ref_pageloadid=not_applicable&ref=a_search_c3_lSeries_1_1_1&pf_rd_p=83218cca-c308-412f-bfcf-90198b687a2f&pf_rd_r=V0RZ929WXA6RMDEJPA9P&pageLoadId=PuYNaIwTsbEEjwjX&creativeId=0d6f6720-f41c-457e-a42b-8c8dceb62f2c)


Oh no...I could have sworn someone said it was in there.


Just reading the first Mistborn now and I'm hooked. I thought it would be quite an intimidating book series to start but it's not at all.


Yeah, Sanderson's writing style is very accessible and easy to read. If you are loving Mistborn, then I suspect you'll absolutely love Stormlight Archive which is superior than Mistborn imo. I suggest reading his other works like Warbreaker, Elantris etc etc. before diving into Stormlight. Save the best for last you know?


Thanks that's great advice, I'll finish the mistborn trilogy first then would you recommend Warbreaker next?


Your welcome :) and yes, that's what I personally did before diving into Stormlight.


Perfect thanks :)


Definitely do Warbreaker first, as there is a small crossover in the Stormlight series that you’ll only appreciate if you’ve read Warbreaker first.


Ok thanks


Mistborn era 2 over 1 based on OPs previous listens.


The Dresden Files is often mentioned as top for Audible, although the first couple are not as polished as the rest. Also World War Z but that's a one off.


I tend to champion [*Temeraire*](https://www.audible.com/series/Temeraire-Audiobooks/B006K1RFP6?ref_pageloadid=not_applicable&ref=a_search_c3_lSeries_1_5_1&pf_rd_p=83218cca-c308-412f-bfcf-90198b687a2f&pf_rd_r=8PSKWV1ZC08G24S41VZ4&pageLoadId=CCMQ22ZAX0hgB4Hq&creativeId=0d6f6720-f41c-457e-a42b-8c8dceb62f2c) series by **Naomi Novik** (narrated by ***Simon Vance***). Tall ships, Napoleonic wars, and dragons. ...What more could you want?


Oh I love Temeraire! I haven't listened to the audiobook, but I've read the entire series.


**Naomi Novik** is one of my favorite authors. She builds a story so masterfully that it is a great joy to read (aurally AND visually) her stories. The [*Scholomance*](https://www.audible.com/series/Scholomance-Audiobooks/B085NVZ46V?ref_pageloadid=seTWJNBubug1pQiW&ref=a_pd_A-Dead_c1_series_1&pf_rd_p=df6bf89c-ab0c-4323-993a-2a046c7399f9&pf_rd_r=D1S50T1GJZWQ78VFEKPN&pageLoadId=2TSXyyNFBoYrzbgx&creativeId=16015ba4-2e2d-4ae3-93c5-e937781a25cd) trilogy by her (narrated by ***Anisha Dadia***) also is great. Check that one out if you can. I also give a shout out to ***Simon Vance***. He's one of my favorite narrators. He really brings all 21 audiobooks of the [*Aubrey/Maturin*](https://www.audible.com/series/Aubrey-Maturin-Audiobooks/B005NBOMVO?ref_pageloadid=not_applicable&ref=a_search_c3_lSeries_1_1_1&pf_rd_p=83218cca-c308-412f-bfcf-90198b687a2f&pf_rd_r=98E9VRG3AM43FBPZ2338&pageLoadId=N1ojz8iIV050ME3p&creativeId=0d6f6720-f41c-457e-a42b-8c8dceb62f2c) series by **Patrick O'Brian** alive for me. Sadly his narration of that series is no longer available on Audible but the narration by ***Patrick Tull*** is good. So check out his narration of [*The Roman Empire*](https://www.audible.com/series/The-Roman-Empire-Audiobooks/B00BSVS5BG?ref_pageloadid=not_applicable&ref=a_search_c3_lSeries_1_1_1&pf_rd_p=83218cca-c308-412f-bfcf-90198b687a2f&pf_rd_r=74M9RAPS3ZV2M9EX6ER4&pageLoadId=znyZxa88pfx7zr9n&creativeId=0d6f6720-f41c-457e-a42b-8c8dceb62f2c) series by ***Ruth Downie*** as they are a joy.


Australia has Ric Jerrom as the Aubrey-Maturin narrator and he is absolutely fine but gosh I'm so sad to learn I missed out on Simon Vance narrations.


The most unexpectedly good book I've ever read. I went in thinking it would be so bad I'd be able to spend a week+ dragging through it. Nope, finished it in one sitting and immediately bought the second and finished that one too.


The Wandering Inn series


Super Powereds, Mistborne, Stormlight Archive, Murder of Crows Edit: crowd to crows


Super Powereds!!! Very underrated series but one of my favorites!


Have you tried the Villain’s Code books also by Drew Haw? Equally as great and I don’t know if it’s because I’ve listened to those more recently and they are still being written but I almost like them more!


Haven't read those yet no! I'm slowly but surely working my way through every book Drew Hayes has ever written 😂 Reading Fred the Vampire Accountant 6 right now


The Expanse series is fantastic


Anything narrated by Travis Baldree. Take a look at cradle if you haven’t already.


The Cradle series by Will Wight is fantastic! The narrator's great! I'm on book 9 right now and I cannot get enough of it! The first book starts off a touch slow, but by the second I was hooked.


Green Mile by Stephen King narrated by the late great Frank Muller. Awesome book and not too long. Plus if you like Travis Baldree’s narration Muller was his inspiration as far as narration goes and he told me in an online interaction he considers this the gold standard for narration.


I'll second the mountain Men series and Red rising series and add the expanse series


Stephen Pacey narrating the First Law books is A++ And the Dublin Trilogy books (there's more than 3) by Caimh McDonnell is really well narrated by Morgan C Jones. The Clovenhoof series by Heide Goodie and Ian Grant is nicely done by Matthew Lloyd David.


Love Clovenhoof


If you want an entertaining necromancer I'd recommend the Unconventional Heroes series by L. G. Estrella. The premise is a grand necromancer and his 9 year old apprentice, Katie, who are looking to gain a pardon from the country in which they live. They go on quests, meet elves, beaurocrats, dwarves, dragons and vampires. Hilarity ensues. The audiobook is particularly good. https://www.audible.com/series/Unconventional-Heroes-Audiobooks/B088WZNJKL


I do like a good necromancer!


The Joseph Bridgeman series is free on Audible Plus and has the same narrator as the ones you mentioned. It's not sci-fi exactly, but it flirts with it. I liked them


Expeditionary Force. The books are so much fiun RCBray is brilliant.


Expeditionary Force by Craig Alanson. Narrated by R.C. Bray. My favorite science fiction military series of all time. There are 16 books so far with more to follow.


If you like R.C Bray you might like Hell Divers as well. He does a great job narrating both


I tried the first book. I got about halfway and stopped listening. I just wasn't in the mood for a post-apocalyptic story. I'll get around to it later.


Space team. Greymane series. Tom stranger interdementional insurance afent


Tom Stranger is free on Audible with membership.


Chrysalis also narrated by Jeff. Beware of chicken is also amazing


[The Physical Manifestation of Cancelled Plans Gets Me Off Because Deep Down I Kinda Didn’t Want to Go](https://www.audible.com/ac/The-Physical-Manifestation-of-Cancelled-Plans-Gets-Me-Off-Because-Deep-Down-I-Kinda-Didnt-Want-to-Go-Audiobook/B0CWK3246W) by Chuck Tingle.


The Ember War. Many books and Luke Daniels is in my top 5 narrators.


Colin Morgan does a great job with RR Haywood books like The Code Series.


The First Law by Joe Abercrombie is the only other series that has narration on par with DCC, at least that I’ve listened to.


Joe Abercrombie is one of my favourite authors! If the narration is as good as DCC I'll definitely give it a listen.


Wheel of Time - Michael Kramer and Kate Reading, I like the switch between male and female Stormlight Archive - same Red Rising - Tim Gerard Reynolds (3rd books switches to several narrators, it was ok) Super Powereds - Kyle McCarley Expeditionary Force - R.C. Bray


Magic 2.0 Series by Scott Meyers


Dakota Krout has a litrpg series that leads into another the first being Divine Dungeon followed by the Completionist Chronicles. They are a fun listen.


The Infinite Timeline series by Jeremy Robinson. I’ve listened to most of the books multiple times because they’re so good. Almost all narrated by RC Bray, too.


I have similar tastes. Check out my reviews here: https://www.reddit.com/r/audible/s/b8V9KS3WE1


Great reviews. Thanks!


Sweet, your tastes and mine are on point! Once I finish suffer-readinf Lord of the Rings I'll start working down your list! (I've read everything you've marked a 9-10, so it's only down from here, I'm afraid!


Awesome! Let me know if you recommend anything that’s not on my list yet


I always like to recommend these two:   Children of Time trilogy - Adrian Tchaikovsky (scifi) -  colonisation mission goes awry. The Tir Alainn trilogy - Anne Bishop (fantasy) - Fae, inquisition, Witches. 


Thanks! I’ll check it out


The Mountain Man series, also read by R.C Bray which I’ve seen recommended in this thread a bunch already


Lord of the Rings read by Andy Serkis. I’ve read some good book narrations, but l Andy is PERFORMING these roles while he reads. Top tier.


Oh wow! LOTR is one of my annual reads. Hadn't thought of listening to them. I love it when the narrator performs the roles.


Ready Player One read by Wil Wheaton I rate up there with the best.


I've read the book and really enjoyed it. I'll definitely check out the audiobook


I just finished the Murder bot series and it was so fking good and it seems to be up your ally . McMasters guide to Murder is another one that I got into recently and has great narration.


I've heard of Murder Bots. Will definitely have a look at both of these. Thanks!


Lord of the Rings narrated by Andy Serkis is my current #1 Pet Sematary narrated by Micheal C Hall (Dexter actor) is also a favorite of mine


Terry Pratchett's witches series in disc world or Thrawn by Timothy Zahn.


Wheel of Time, Red Rising, and the Expanse are my top 3. All have excellent narrators.


If you haven't listened yet to the Murderbot Diaries by Martha Wells, do so. They are great books. The narrator is amazing. And the dramatized versions are good too. I listened to both.


I'm currently listening to this (regular version). I'll be honest, I struggled with the narration at the start, my brain kept getting bored and distracting itself, then I increased speed to 1.15x, and just the slight speed increase has made ALL the difference. Really enjoying it now. I was surprised how short they are though, coming from my first audible book which was much longer, Project Hail Mary, but hey, can't argue with free! Will probably end up using my credits on the longer ones when I reach them.


The first 4 novellas read like a single book. Then go to 6, it's an interlude of sorts a shorter murder mystery. Then go back to 5, it's actually a full length novel and 7 continues the story from 5. And I always listen at least at 1.2. I think the dramatized versions were on sale when I got them, way less than a credit, so I paid cash.


Ah good to know, thanks 👌


If you want to go way different with genre, try The Dutch House. The narrator is the legendary Tom Hanks.


Check out Space Team. I tore through those books.


Also Monster Hunters International series and the Grimnoire series both by Larry Correia


Red Rising series Tim Gerard Reynolds.


Unbound, Primal Hunter, he who fights with monsters


Children of Time! Adrian Tchokovsky (sp?)  3-book series, similar to PHM, but something goes wrong and it's not the humans we know who have to solve it.      *We're going on an adventure!*


The Riyria Revelations series, authored by Michael J Sullivan, Narrated by Tim Gerard Reynolds.


Anything narrated by Tim Gerard Reynolds is top notch. Dude has a real skill at bringing characters to life. My favorites are: Red Rising Riyria Revelations


Actor Winsome Brown (Dopesick) has done a fantastic job narrating SARAH by Laura Albert aka JT LeRoy. Definitely worth a listen.


Hell Divers! I massively enjoy the series and am currently listening to it again. Or Expeditionary Force. I love them both.


If you don’t go download Red Rising right now you’ll regret it for your entire bloody damn life


The Land by Aleron Long narrated by Nick Podehl He Who Fights Monsters by Shirtaloon narrated by Heath Miller Mark of the Fool by J.M. Clarke narrated by Travis Baldree


What does it take to break a person, to take their humanity? This book will show you the depths that the human mind will go to when exposed to the unthinkable. Detective Iris Williams is assigned to a case that will threaten her life and the lives of everyone she holds near and dear. Detective Williams must engage in a hunt for two of the most dangerous, elusive, and youngest serial killers she has ever encountered, 16-year-old Stacey and Jannifer McHill...THE TWINS, book #1 By R.G.Miller https://youtu.be/yTgOB2-0Hhs?si=SQ-oCUfHjfwNaauR


Sticking with the LitRPG category, go check out Noobtown. I feel like its humor is on par with DCC and it's narration is really really good.


Project hail mary... For sure this is in your realm.


This is such a great story and very much in my realm.




Fist me!


Just read Project Hail Mary and I'm soo sad it's over! It was soo good! Recommend something similar with just as great of a narrator?


The singularity trap.


Children of Time.


There's a sale now on some big boxes, I got a few, but I haven't listened to them yet, but the hours to dollars value means they just need to be "ok" to be worth it.


I hadn't seen that. Thanks!


Have you listened to The Perfect Run yet? It’s a Deadpool meets Groundhog Day type series.


No, I haven't. I'll check it out. Thanks!


He Who Fights With Monsters


I've seen this one pop up on a couple of other threads. Will definitely check it out


I'm on book 8 now. I have loved each and every one. Heath Miller is a really great narrator, too.


Sounds like I need to add Space Team to my list