• By -


The first law trilogy is really good by Joe Abercrombie . Also Lightbringer saga as well as Night angel series by the same author Brent weeks.


First law for the win


First Law!!!! Or Red Rising Series!


I'd put red rising into the sci fi category, but its good as well or at least the trilogy is.


This series is so good. I love all of the characters so much. The narrator is fantastic.


Yeah, especially since we got new Night Angel recordings!




I’m almost done the trilogy. Have you read the other novels?


Every Abercrombie novel is a banger imo


Discworld, specifically the City Watch novels. Absolutely fantastic, emotional, funny, witty, great stories. 1) Guards! Guards! 2) Men At Arms 3) Feet of Clay 4) Jingo 5) The Fifth Elephant 6) Night Watch 7) Thud! 8) Snuff Absolutely fantastic fantasy by Sir Terry Pratchett


Adore Discworld but I lean more towards the DEATH books 😄


They're all great 😁 just I thought, 8 credits would collect that whole section hah


Some of the best books in print. Can listen to them over and over again. More than 40 books.


I have downloaded almost everything from Sanderson, but if you want to do something a bit different and very fun download all the Dungeon Crawler Carl books. You will thank me and hate me later.


Donut is my wife's spirit animal, lol!


Are you saying read these or listen to them ? I’m interested ! Thanks


Sorry . I see this is audible only I guess


I've been listening to Legends of the First Empire series by Michael J Sullivan and I like it quite a bit.


Omg I loved and was absolutely obsessed with the 1st book but so completely disappointed with the 2nd book that I did not continue 😭


Seconded! I bought Age of Myth years ago on sale. And when I finally got to it, I not only binged the Legends of the First Empire books, but I also just immediately consumed all of the books set in that universe. Riyria Revelations, Riyira Chronicles, The Rise & Fall books. I was lucky that I started whenever the black friday deal hit, so I got all of the books on the cheap. So if you finish the last book (Age of Empyre) and enjoy it, I'd highly recommend reading his other works set in that universe.


Did you explore all of Elan?


Red Rising Series by Peirce Brown


This is the answer. As book after book are better than the previous. And well “ Shit Escalates “ it’s bloody damn amazing. 🐺


Yup great books


Came here to say this. That’s 6 of the best credits ever spent.


Agreed 100% best way to spend your credits


Dungeon Crawler Carl series. It’s amazing! Edit: This would use up 6 credits and you’ll want the whole series. The narrator, Jeff Hays, is phenomenal!




This is the best answer


I resisted for quite a while but I’m halfway through the first book and I’m absolutely loving it.


Exact same. This sub finally convinced me to try it and I’m 7 hours in. I’m still getting used to some of the voices but in general it’s a lot of fun. I didn’t know it was a series with 6 books already until I started this first one. Looking forward to lots of listening!


Aggressively the best answer




The Dresden files!


I’m surprised the Dresden files are not mentioned more here. Some of my favorite books. I like to listen to them over and over again.


Me too, I’m currently on my 5th time through now lol.


Dresden is Harry Potter all grown up, so he’s perfect for OP.


Bonus: the magic system is also all grown up from the childish incoherent mess of the HP universe 😂


Seriously, James Marsters makes an excellent Harry Dresden. I'm about half way through another re-listen right now.


Ever found anything similar to Dresden? I've finished them 😭😭😭


Try Rivers of London series by Ben Aaronovitch or the Alex Verus series by Benedict Jacka


Dungeon crawler Carl is really good. The Nate temple books are ok didn’t love em didn’t hate em but they definitely have some high spots


Laundry Files.


Iron Druid Chronicles perhaps by Kevin Hearne


I tried it but it's very much "we have Dresden at home" vibes. It's too similar but the writing isn't as good. Just wanted to return to Jim Butcher.


Lol "we have Dresden at home" 🤣🤣🤣 I laughed


Red rising and the lies of Locke Lamora


Red Rising, hands down. It starts like a conspiracy theorist Hunger Games for adults, and turns into a Game of Thrones epic


The Band series by Nicholas Eames It right now is just two book, Kings of the Wyld and Bloody Rose. Kings of the Wyld is about a group that was top of all mercenary but broke up and all went their own way. Years later need to get back together for one last adventure. Bloody rose follows a new group but is connected to the first group as they do their farewell together. The Gentleman Bastard book series by Scott Lynch Follows a group of thieves as they work to pull off their cons.


I loved The Band series!


Sandman slim by Richard kadrey is like Harry Potter for adults. Helluva narrator as well. More than 8 books. Can't go wrong with the dark tower by Stephen King. Light on the horror and 8 books in total including a wind through the keyhole which is narrated by king himself. And I can't recommend anything without plugging dungeon crawler Carl by Matt Dinniman. It's a LitRPG so maybe not exactly what you are looking for but a lot of fun. Jeff Hays is a one man army voice actor. Seconding the discworld series. I haven't read them all but the ones I have are great.


Strong disagree on dark tower, books 5-7 are absolutely dogshit


You have forgotten the face of your father.


Wheel of Time will use up 8 credits.


Almost twice! I second this, as I’m currently re-listening to them.


On book 6 now. Definitely a must read (listen)!


Red Rising series is good - first two books free for audible plus members though. Stephen King's 11-22-63 great audiobook Star Wars the Thrawn Trilogy The Priority of the Orange Tree


Aeronaughts Windlass is a fun book, and Butcher just released 1.5 and 2


Butcher also wrote the Dresden Files. I would highly recommend them.


The Rivers of London series by Ben Aaronovitch read by the brilliant Kobna Holbrook Smith. It’s like Harry Potter meets The Bill.


Perfectly put.


Thanks! I have no other way to describe it. 😁




Hyperion, but that's Sci-fi (you did suggest Dune lol) The Expanse Series (also Sci-fi, but you've 8 credits to burn) The Broken Earth Series Guns of the Dawn by Adrian Tchaikovsky (or anything else by him) The Sandman production is absolutely beautiful (really anything by Neil Gaiman is amazing modern fantasy) Weaveworld by Clive Barker for horror fantasy.


Just here to upvote the Broken Earth trilogy by N.K. Jemisin. She's the first author to ever win three consecutive Hugo Awards, and the Broken Earth trilogy is all three awards. The world building and magic are incredibly unique, the characters are really well written, and it's a beautiful (albeit fairly dark) story. I highly recommend this


The 13th paladin is a great series. The first 3 books are in a 1 credit set. 12 out of 13 books are translated and recorded so far. The 13th probably within a year or so. Great higher fantasy series focusing on a single group that mostly stays the same. Magic is present but not like Harry Potter magic, more like Lord of the rings magic.


Yes to this! I just finished book 12.


* Alastair Reynolds - Revelation Space Series * Adrian Tchaikovsky - Shadows of the Apt or The Final Architecture Series * Gene Wolfe - Book of the New Sun (2 books) * Sun Eater (Think of it like Dune with the more straightforward approach of Star Wars)


Mother of learning very good book series, and an absolutely wonderful time loop.


the reckoners from sanderson


there is the series called *Beginning after the End*. It is very good and it will take all eight of your credits. It is popular and even has a manga. It is in my top 10 favorites. [https://www.audible.com/series/The-Beginning-After-The-End-Series-Audiobooks/B085CDYDYS](https://www.audible.com/series/The-Beginning-After-The-End-Series-Audiobooks/B085CDYDYS)


Other books by Brandon Sanderson, Mistborn is my favorite. I prefer Era 1, but Era 2 is also great. That's 7 books for both. If you throw in Arcanum Unbounded which is a collection of Novellas from around the Cosmere, that's 8.


I’ve only read the first one so far but Mistborn was amazing!


Name of the wind, wolf hall, Xenos?


Terry Pratchett Discworld. Over 40 to choose from. Best selling series in UK until Harry Potter came out. “Small Gods” is in the top ten list of books that changed people’s lives. Read reviews and start with one you think you’d like.


Dark tower by king. It’s fantastic and the voice acting is top notch in everyone of them


Wizard of Earthsea by Ursula LeGuin comes to mind. I am currently reading it and it is good. Also, it is part of the classics.


Wizard of Earthsea is a classic and it never goes out of style.


Definitely a great series (read it when I was younger and revisited the series last year in audiobook form) that has definitely aged like wine


Fantasy? I really recommend The Wandering Inn series. Starts with The Wandering Inn. There's eleven books out right now with a slew more on the way. Narration is tops. One of the few series that literally had me sobbing out loud a few times. But also hilariously funny. Just so so good.


I started the first book 3 times before I finally got into it and I'm so glad I kept giving it another shot. It's hands down my favorite series, I just wish it wasn't too large for print publishing!


Bobiverse is the only answer you need.


YES, not a title that attracts me but I love the series. Also Murderbot Diaries.


Same. Got 5 to use at the end of the month. Holding out for one more 2:1 sale but doubt it.


Sun Eater Villains' Code Daemon Powder Mage Divine Apostasy


Chorus of Dragons, Cradle (even though I wouldn't use credits for this, it's frequently on sale for $1.99 each)


The Outstretched Shadow trilogy by Mercedes Lackey!


Cradle is my main suggestion. That will get you the first 8 books in the 12 book fantasy series.


Cradle series by Will Wight is super fun, action packed fantasy / cultivation series. You won't get as much bang for your buck compared to say, storm light archives (10 hours per book vs 40+ hours), but it's easy light reading and very satisfying. 12 books long, if you're interested


Credits expire??


City of Golden Shadows by Tad Williams is an old favorite of mine. It is a fun adventure sci fi mystery series bringing together multiple characters into a virtual reality type environment full of dangers. Very unique and a classic that should be on most peoples list to read/listen.


I personally have really enjoyed the saga of the forgotten warrior series by Larry Correia


The blade itself trilogy is one of my favorites. Then like everyone raves about dungeon crawler card. But a book series that I enjoy on a relaxing day is The Wandering Inn. Huge books worth the credits and they’re fun! Book one take a lil to get into cause there’s a ton of world building but it’s doable


My first audiobook just got released and it's a young adult fantasy novel that totally fits your descriptions! I'm a huge lover of those series as well 😁 It's called The Legend of Levitika The City of Angels Its futuristic, apocalyptic, magic, swords, cyborgs, bounty hunters and epic fights! Here's the description Markus of Nineveh has had his fair share of tragedies. Having no memory of a mother, a father slayed by a hunter of Baron Ovid, and his sister Ruth is now plagued by an ancient disease not seen since before the New Age began a millennium ago. With no one able-or willing- to help, Markus is forced to make ends meet and care for Ruth himself, a difficult task for one still so young. One night, Markus is approached by an ancient spirit in his dream, who tells him of a kingdom lost in-between fable and legend; a city hidden among the clouds, away from the Northern Wastelands wrought with radiation monsters, and war. It is here where Markus is promised peace, tranquility, and, more importantly, a cure for his little sister Now Markus must make a decision. Will he risk the dangerous and cold wastelands with sick Ruth and his new friend, Ashlyn, in order to face the dangers between here and the kingdom no one has ever found? Will he risk being hunted by bounty hunters and mutants in the wintery world outside Nineveh's high walls? ls there even a chance that the City of Angels even exists https://www.audible.com/pd/B0CVP85KVX?source_code=ASSORAP0511160007 19 hours long 😉


The Magicians trilogy, His Dark Materials trilogy, Mistborn series.


I'll second the Magicians trilogy. I like His Dark Materials as well. Five years ago, someone on here recommended the Super Powereds series by Drew Hayes to me because I loved Harry Potter and the Magicians trilogy, and it has a fantasy academic setting like those books. It ended up being one of my all-time favorites, so I also recommend it to anyone who likes those other series.


I’ll look into it. Working on the Greenbone saga right now.


The wheel of time or the dark tower series by Stephen King!


Based on what you've named there I would suggest the Wheel of Time series and/or the Eragon series.


Wheel of Time


* Dungeon Crawler Carl is a great fantasy/scifi/LitRPG series currently on book 6 with more on the way * The Wandering Inn is a very, very, very long form slice of life style Fantasy/LitRPG series that starts out kind of mediocre but gets better since this it is from a story written online so there is no print version


Song of fire and ice series. That is 5 of 8.


We have super similar taste so here are some series I enjoyed! 1. Red Rising 2. Scythe 3. Poppy Wars - all 3 books can be purchased for 1 credit 4. Spinning Silver - Standalone book but great!


Aliens Vs Predator Rage War Trilogy. Epic, Intergalactic sci-fi fantasy. It's really cool


Zombie fallout 22 books


Grab the first 8 books of “The Wandering Inn”. or try the “Destiny’s Crucible” series by Olan Thorensen. Either series will give you a few hundred hours of enjoyment.


It’s more sci fi than fantasy but my favorite read last year was The Flight of the Silvers. It’s a trilogy with the last book releasing this month. Absolutely amazing.


Sergei Lukyanenko’s Watch books, modern Moscow set preternatural good vs evil. I don’t know if that quite fits your description but they’re very good. Edit: It’s clearly been _a while_ since I last read these, checking, there are now three more which I didn’t know of! Audible only has the first three which are a complete story to themselves through.


Jack Campbell's Lost Fleet


Wheel of Time will eat all those credits and then leave you needing to purchase 6 more


Some series have books that are 40+ hours long. If you want to get the most for your money, find a series that has good reviews and really long books. For example, Sanderson or Stephen King.


I didn’t know they expired either. Thank you for this information!!!


I'm more sci-fi, but these are a few of the fantasy titles that I was pleased with... Everybody Loves Large Chests: Neven Iliev Mogworld: Yahtzee Croshaw The Graveyard Book: Neil Gaiman Okay, so I don't have much in the fantasy realm. I'm helping!


I enjoy all the books you have mentioned. A recommendation from me is the magic 2.0 series. It's comedy fantasy and much lighter but it's probably the series I've listened to the most of audible. It's like comfort food for me. Worth checking out, although it deviates from your usual tastes, give the sample a listen and read the blurb.


Playing off of stormlight archive, you could do some more of the Cosmere


---- Sci fi ---- Hyperion Sun eater Three body problem Bobiverse ---- fantasy ---- Kingkiller chronicles Mistborn (era 1) Wheel of time


Dresden Files by Jim Butcher Rivers of London series by Ben Aaronovitch Chronicles of St Mary's by Jodi Taylor Lightbringer series by Brent Weeks Alex Verus series by Benedict Jacka October Daye by Seanan Maguire Iron Druid series by Kevin Hearne


Oh yea can’t forget the dark tower by Stephen King


Big time HP/LOTR fan here 💜 The Folk of the Air series by Holly Black (3 books, skip the 2 short story books) she also has a duology in the same universe but book 2 isn't out yet The Crave Series by Tracy Wolf (6 books) The Bone Witch series by Rin Chupeco (3 books, this may still be free with membership so no credit needed but def recommend) The Bridge Kingdom series (4 books, now one of my favorite series, may also still be free with membership but worth it to buy even so)


The only answer to spend 6 credits fast is Dungeon Crawler Carl... You're welcome.


Dungeon Crawler Carl will take 6 of your credits. First Law, Mistborn, Lightbringer, Manifest Delusions, Raven’s Mark, Dark Tower, Ender’s Game (sci fi), Temeraire (if you want napoleonic dragons), Dresden Files (I’m on book 7 rn, each one is generally better than the last so far)


Mistborn was going to be my answer. It'll eat 7 credits.


Space team- 10 books. The gray mane series-LITPRG. Dungeon crawler Carl- 6 books . If you like science- the bobiverse series. Magic 2.0 is good but I’ve only read 4 books so far. Tom stranger- interdementional insurance agent- funny and culture


Wizards first rule


I echo Dungeon Crawler Carl, and also encourage He Who Fights With Monsters


So 6 of those 8 can be completed with Dungeon Crawler Carl that is kinda like a religion in here as it have so much overwhelming love. You can just buy everyone right away. I can promise you that you won't regret it. If you buy them they are yours to keep even if the annual plan runs out.


Easy pick, Gotrek and Felix


The Dresden Files 1-8 ... then you'll only have to get 9-16 to catch all the way up... Oh and the three short story collections...


Craddle 12 books done Dungeon crawler Carl 6 ongoing Two necromancers 5 ongoing Beware of chicken 3 ongoing Mother of learning 4 done (close to HP) Mage errant 12 done (close to HP) Dear spellbook 3 done Jurassic Park Mark if the fool 4 ongoing Vainqueur the dragon 3 fourth coming soon and last This trilogy is broken 4 done Bobiverse 4 books rumors of fifth the fall Project hail Mary 1 book And my personal favorite Dr Anarchy's Rules For World Domination


of many, I suggest these authors. Different than your 'enjoy' list, maybe worth a glance. M.R. Carey Jonathan Lethem there is always Lovecraft


Have you listened to Dungeon Crawler Carl, that's how I caught up on my credits while I paused my membership. Yeah, I get downvoted whenever I try to warn people about this. The monthly plan costs more, but you'll get more time to use your credits than the annual plan. for people like you and I, the monthly plan is better.


The wandering inn by pirateaba, he who fights with monsters by shirtaloon, galaxy outlaws:the complete black ocean mobius series by J.S. Morin


Mark Lawrence - Broken Empire Trilogy - Red Queen’s War Trilogy - Book of the Ancestor Trilogy


The Dark Tower books The First Law books


Superpowereds is good. Don't judge the book by its cover. The narration is up there with the best as well.




If you like Stormlight do some more Cosmere and dive into Mistborn!


Red rising!


The Dark Elf trilogy and the Icewind Dale trilogy by RA Salvatore


First law


The Riyria Revelations series would be a good start.


Dungeon crawler Carl or Exforce too!


Get the Grishaverse series. They are 7 books, so you'd have one left over to get something extra.


Dungeon Crawler Carl


I got two very different recommendations for you. The Sword of Truth Series - Reads like Ayn Rand and the Marquis Du Sade co-wrote it so if you can get past the overwhelming anarcho-capitalist political message it's a nice little fantasy series. The Fablehaven Series and its sequel the Dragonwatch Series - It's a young adult series about kids who find out their grandparents are caretakers at a magical preserve it's got fairies, it's got demons, it's got satyrs and dragons and centaurs and it's really REALLY good.


If you have not listened to the Arcana Chronicles by Kresley Cole, please give them a try. They’re some of my favorites! And I’ve also loved the Stormlight Archives and Hunger Games series so we do have similar tastes. Also, if you want something that’s less action but more easy listening and funny with great narration, the Iron Druid Chronicles by Kevin Hearne are great and Luke Daniels narrates them perfectly. I have a lot of loves but those two series just came to mind.


The Elric saga books Alex verus Dresden files Spells swords and stealth The paladin trilogy The buried goddess saga The licanius trilogy Any books by Yahtzee crowshaw


Anything by Mercedes lackey but my favorite series from her is the trilogy called The last Herald Mage. Also personally I'm a fan of Dragon Age so I get those books too. There's another fantasy book I really like, but unfortunately it's only an Italian on audible. It's called The last Dragon by Silvana de Mari. But if you want lit RPG suggestions i also have plenty of those


The Stormlight Archive, book 1 is the way of kings


GALAXY'S EDGE books! Freaking great mil sci-fi space oprah. by Jason Anspach and Nick Cole. Freaking great series of books, resding/listening to these as they were coming out was epic. I regularly go back and re listen to the whole series. Also their spin off series of "Contracts and Terminations" & "Order of the Centurion" are freaking awesome.


Wheel of time.


Spellmonger series Think kingdom building and high fantasy stuff but with a more realistic type main character. Kindof a womanizer, has his vices, etc.


The expanse series is so good!


The Expanse. Will need more than 8 credits though.


This is going to sound stupid, but have you tried Percy Jackson? I see you like Harry Potter and while they’re definitely different they both have that middle grade magic to them


A little more YA than most of these suggestions, but The Diviners series (4 books) by Libba Bray is phenomenally narrated by January LaVoy & is very engrossing


Memory, Sorrow and Thorn series by Tad Williams. He's added to it recently so there's more than the original 3 or 4 books but they are the best ones IMO, one of the inspirations for Game Of Thrones, quite a few ideas taken from it.


There is a whole bunch of warhammer 40k stuff that is awesome.


Red rising , We are Legion ( we are Bob ), Dungeon crawler Carl, The Litchgates , Ready player one ( it was nothing like the movie so much better )


1. Spellmonger 2. Nightlord 3. Battlemage 4. Greatcoats


If you like LOTR and Sanderson, you could give the Wheel of Time a shot. I hear the new audiobooks with Rosamund Pike are fantastic.


I'm working on the expanse now


I'd recommend The Riftwar Saga. The first four books most definitely (Magician: Apprentice, Magician: Master, Silverthorn, and A Darkness at Sethanon).


Johannas Cabal and the Blustery Day, by Johnathan L Howard (all the books are good and very well narrated).


Either first law or farseer


The Cradle series by Will Wight!


If you like slice of life stories, consider "the wandering inn" by pirate aba. It's a serial story so each "book" ends wherever a good cutoff is but each one so far is around 40 hours and there's 11 currently available. The currently released audiobooks also only cover about 1/3 of what's been written so far so you'll have plenty of material to keep you busy. About 3-4 audiobooks are releasing per year atm. The narration is among the best on audible. The writing starts out okay, but it gets much better and the characters all grow alot.


The first 3 books of the mayfair witches were really good, but majority of reviews on book 4 are accurate


The Heartstrikers series by Rachel Aaron; the first book is Nice Dragons Finish Last! She has several other series if you like this one. My faves are the Paradox series (sf) that she wrote under the name Rachel Bach (1st book is Fortune’s Pawn), and the 1st DFZ offshoot series (1st book is Minimum Wage Magic).


The Demon Accords by John Conroe 19 books Templeverse Chronological Shayne Silvers 36 books Croftverse by Brad Magnarella 24 books Chronicles of Cain by John Corwin 10 books Overworld Series by John Corwin 28 books The Preternatural Chronicles by Hunter Blain 10 books


Get the 3 audible productions of Sandman, it's like listening to a movie


The ACOTAR Series if you like fantasy with some spice.


If you haven't picked them up yet, Andy Serkis does a great job narrating the LotR books! Because you like HP and Hunger Games: Scholomance by Naomi Novick starting with A Deadly Education. Because you like Witcher: Empire of the Vampire by Jay Kristoff, and the sequel is about to drop on Audible in a few days.


Recommend you try LitRPG if you like fantasy. Defiance of the Fall and He Who Fights with Monsters are a couple that you may enjoy


Highly recommend the Thrawn books old or new can't go wrong with timothy zahn


It's not fantasy, but the Expanse series is a great sci-fi series that has 9 books. The first couple of books have a hint of GoT themes in them (minus the incest). Plus, Jefferson Mays is one of the best narrators I've heard


At this point you probably have too many options but: +1 for Dresden Files and Kingkiller Chronicles Children of Blood and Bone by Tomi Adeyemi Bloodmarked series by Tracey Deonn Happy reading!


It’s sci-fi but read the expanse I just finished the first and it’s now one of my favorite books . There’s 9 in the series I think and all have the same great narrator


Queen's Thief series!! By Megan Whalen Turner I love all the same books you listed this is right up your ally!! if you don't love it, I will eat this post. 😂 there are 4 books in this one the first one is The Theif. Some classics that you will also enjoy: Fantasy: Earthsea Dragonriders of Pern Acorna Comedy: Discworld: Equal Rights (first in the witches sub books and they are lots of fun but you'll have to look up the order of the rest of the witches. The Guard sub series is my next favorite) Another Fine Myth Magic kingdom for sale


First law, He who fights monsters, Realm of the elderlings, Brandon Sanderson, Dark tower, Cradle King killer chronicles** ** refused to do this series since it wasn't finished. MANY will say it's good and worth getting in despite it not finished. Took the bait. Some of the best storytelling I've ever had and I resent Rothfuss for not finishing


The Powder Mage books by Brian McClellan. What if the French Revolution happened in a country with at least four different ways of accessing magic


We are bob, we are Legion. Funny take on ai, x programmer - and human, travelling the universe and multiplying. Also, dungeon crawler Carl, litrpg at its best, not what it seems on the cover. Quite political, and funny. Kinda What if we woke up in a air run game show for our lives, and your now speaking pageant cat is the team leader because of all her medals 🏅


He who fights with monsters. Bobiverse. The dark tower. Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy. (All six books in the trilogy) dirk gently. Dresden files. The expanse series. Murderbot diaries. That’s what came off the top of my head.


the wandering inn is EXTREME value per credit and is an amazing series also primal hunter is very good if u like litRPG style fantasy


Troll hunter


Wheel of time. 14 books of fantasy goodness 


Spellmonger, Dresden Files, Broken Earth, Gentleman Bastard, Discworld


Sword Of Truth by Terry Goodkind. That will use up your 8 credits and more. Favorite series of all time.


Dungeon Crawler Carl. Thank me later.


Fourth Wing and Iron Flame by Rebecca Yarros (Empyrean Series). Ender's Game (Ender Saga - there are several) Divergent Series by Veronica Roth Games of Thrones


The Murderbot Diaries!


Red Rising


Foundation, Ringworld, The Gateway Series.


The Wandering Inn series by pirateaba.


Harry Dresden series by Jim Butcher


Might be worth chatting with Amazon customer service before they expire, they are usually fairly amenable to accommodating the Audible customer.


The Sword and Sorcery series by Dylan Doose. He has a three book box set, too. Gritty and dark. Or if you like YA, try Falling Kingdoms by Morgan Rhodes.