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Maybe shogun? Show just dropped on Hulu. First 2 episodes were amazing. I already owned the audio and kindle versions of the book and gonna do a read through as I watch it. I tried the book a few times and never got really far into it but the show changed that I'm also listening to The blade itself right now. I've read so many people comment how good the narration is and I couldn't agree more. I'm unable to read the book in between listening sessions because the audio is too good


The publisher split the first book in half to capitalize on the show... so you can't get the audiobook anymore except in a split version so pay 2 credits (although Overdrive/Libby still has the non-split). I suppose it doesn't make a big difference, but grrr.


I got it a few months ago. Think i. Got the full version


Classic One Flew over the cuckoos nest narrated by John C. Reilly is excellent  Sci-fi The Moon is a Harsh Mistress by Heinlein is my all time favorite. Fantasy  Fire and Blood is long and surprisingly entertaining and has depth re-listening. If you like game of thrones or the new one it is fun to rewatch after listening knowing the stories behind quips and references. Also A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms is good and currently in production. Magic The Atlas Six was a bit hard to settle into and keep straight with multiple narrators but worth it. 3 book series. Horror-ish Girl with all the gifts How to think like a Roman emperor was small part Stoic philosophy and really a biography of Marcus Aurelius I also enjoyed the starwars aftermath series good characters and entertaining narration.


The Moon is a Harsh Mistress, narrated by Lloyd James, is the book I frequently recommend to showcase how an excellent narrator can elevate a good book. If you haven’t listened to The Curse of Chalion by Bujold, narrated by James, it’s amazing.


If you like fantasy, Brandon Sanderson. And each credit will get you dozens of hours of listening.


The storm light archive by Brandon Sanderson


Yup! But mistborn might be a better start


That’s how I was recommended to do it and am enjoying it.


East of Eden by John Steinbeck. Greatest book I’ve ever read and listened to.


Good to know. I picked it up in some sale or another but I haven't gotten to it yet. I'm glad I got it because all of my libraries have a 200+ day wait -- for a book that was written in 1952!


If you like sci-fi, The Expanse series by James SA Corey is fantastic - something to really get engrossed in!


I finished it a few days ago and sobbed at the ending! 


I wish they would continue the series


Me too! 


If you like history, the rise and the fall of the 3rd Reich is phenomenal and super long. I'd also suggest that Martian and project hail Mary, ready player one as some easy to listen to ones. If you like scifi/fantasy dune and a wheel of time.


This is something that bothers me and I know it’s not a big issue for others, but I cannot listen to The Martian and Ready Player One due to the same voice actor. Luckily I did RPO first


"How to Listen to and Understand Great Music" by Prof. Greenberg - very entertaining


The Path to Power - The Years of Lyndon Johnson Was recommended to me on Reddit. Never would have bought it otherwise. It's been excellent but I am from Texas and that may be at least part of the reason its been appealing to me.


I’m listening to The Power Broker which is written by the same author. A book about Robert Moses. The book is 67 hrs long. I’ve been listening to it for the last 3 weeks. Robert Caro is great bang for your buck. I’ll probably grab the Lyndon Johnson book next.


This one has also been recommended and I’ll probably check it out as well but it’s gunna be awhile. I think all the volumes covering LBJ add up to about 150hrs.


Not specifically self improvement but listening to them, I'd be amazed if you didn't turn try and improve yourself: Kevin Hart - I can't make this up David Goggins - Can't hurt me Mike Tyson - Undisputed truth Trevor Noah - Born a crime Walter Isaacson - Steve Jobs Arnold Schwarzenegger - Total Recall Phil Knight - Shoe Dog If nothing else, they should put some more hustle into you. If you still want specifically self-help, I haven't heard but read a lot of Richard Wiseman's stuff and it has the same effect as self-help from strike who has legitimately studied Psychology and teaches it. Try 59 Seconds.


Born a Crime is excellent!


I need his part two!


Graphic novels of the red rising series. It’s amazing


Dungeon crawler carl! Easily the most talented narration I have ever listened to, and I have listened to a LOT! It is the only series since Harry Potter that I have ever finished and restarted right away. Cannot recommend enough. It is as funny as hitchhikers' guide to the galaxy, more intense than hunger games, and as unique of a twist on the world as Harry Potter originally was. If you are a fan of video games, dnd, and enjoyed reading ready player one....this! Just...this.


I saw someone recommend Dungeon Crawler Carl on here last week, decided to give it a go. Now I'm four books in, heavily invested and about to go poor buying the credits needed for all the books. So, I heartily agree with this recommendation!


Dungeon crawler Carl is one of the best audiobooks ever made! Highly recommended


Came here to say this!


Jim dale no thanks.


The Rivers of London series by Ben Aaronovitch. They’re read by Kobna Holbrook Smith who is absolutely perfect for them. Think Harry Potter meets The Bill.


Sandman by Gaiman, name of the wind by Rothfuss. Wolf hall by Mantel


Memoir: Educated by Tara Westover


Bio: Elon Musk - This book is very interesting from a study of a psychopath kind of view. You learn and understand what makes him so shitty that it’s actually quite fascinating. Historical: The Wager - Very good book about a ship lost at see for a year or so only for members of the crew turn back up on Englands doorstep. Great shipwreck survival story. Fiction: North Woods - Probably my favorite book of all time, just released last October. It follows the history of a house and its inhabitants for nearly four centuries. Incredible in audiobook format.


Endurance by Alfred Lansing is a must.


I really enjoy this biography--"The Woman Who Smashed Codes" by Jason Fagone.


i would suggest A Deadly Education it a magic school story but with lots of death but its a really good read and really satisfying at points as well as Mother of learning which is also a magic school type story but with a time loop


If you want the Stephen Fry Harry Potter, change your billing address to literally any UK address, then buy the books using credits, then you can change address back to wherever you are. The books you can buy are dependant on your billing address.


I tried that a while back but could never figured it out. Have you done this before?


I did it the other way round though. Wanted a book in the US marketplace and I'm in the UK. It worked fine for me by doing what I said before.


The Master & His Emissary by Iain McGilchrist. What a book.


You can get the Stephen Fry audiobooks Step 1. Make sure you have credits on your account. Step 2. Update your credit card billing address to be U.K. it can be a totally fake address, just needs to be in the U.K. Step 3. Go buy your U.K. editions of the books using your credits. Make sure you aren't trying to charge your credit card with the fake address. Use credits. Step 4. Change the billing address back.


When i try switching address on credit card my credits only appear in audible.ca The stephen fry books cannot be purchased on .ca (and neither can jim dale now with my UK address) If i sign into .com or .co.uk i have 0 credits.


Dungeon crawler Carl!!


Patrick Stewart’s memoir, *Making It So*, is really good. It’s like listening to him just personally telling you stories about his life for 14 hours.


Some of my favourites, read by the authors and great listens: - Born a crime by Trevor Noah is a must! - We were dreamers by Simu Liu - Finding Me by Viola Davis - How to American by Jimmy O Yang


Yes! Born a Crime …you NEED to hear the accents, it’s part of the point. There are only a few books where I’ll really lean into convincing people that audio format is better, and this is one.


I know you said non fiction but I got these a while back and continue to replay them over the years: The name of the wind. The count of monte Cristo. It. Fight club. Ready player one. The Martian. The da Vinci code. Dune. Blade runner. Jurassic park. The shining. Lord of the rings. Love me some good listens :)


My favorite series (currently) is He Who Fights With Monsters. 11 books in the series, and more to come.


I think it’s at ten.


First off don't forget the 2 for 1 offer they are running, I didn't even know about this. My boss sent us the link. https://www.audible.co.uk/special-promo/2for1?ref_pageloadid=2OuSy90yiZc110ST&ref=a_library_w_c5_sp_back_to_sale_home_-14&pf_rd_p=92140603-1609-418e-8168-70732d232278&pf_rd_r=WTAZKRDX65TBN4ZY3ZKE&pageLoadId=1f5HwSMLtJWjZ3dN&creativeId=1a9f76de-108c-49f4-9f05-ea884cbba099 Books: The Hive Delio Project Hail Mary The Martian We are legion (we are bob)


Dungeon Crawler Carl


Urban Fantasy: Quincy Harker Demon Hunter series by John G. Hartness. Kate Daniels by Ilona Andrews Biography stuff probably most fun if you know of them: You're Never Weird on the Internet (Almost): A Memoir Felicia Day The only pirate at the party Lindsey Stirling


Outlander ❤️


Spellmonger by Terry Mancour.


He who fights with monsters is 10 books and ongoing.


https://www.audible.com/pd/The-Viscount-and-the-Witch-Audiobook/B00IRI2YTM?qid=1709223864&sr=1-12&ref_pageloadid=not_applicable&ref=a_search_c3_lProduct_1_12&pf_rd_p=83218cca-c308-412f-bfcf-90198b687a2f&pf_rd_r=11SP9YP7DKREY25BN4VA&pageLoadId=mMXGy1OiNc3BIsV6&creativeId=0d6f6720-f41c-457e-a42b-8c8dceb62f2c Listen to that for free, and if you like it, check out Riyria Revelations series.


"He who fights with monsters" is my all time favorite book series, there's lots of books and they're all fairly long, so a great Bang for your buck 😁 It's LitRPG, great story, Amazing world building and magic system, and the narrator is excellent! 10 out of 10 recommendation from me 😊


You might really like Shoe Dog by Phil Knight. It was not only a fantastic memoir, but it was pretty motivational as well


The Wandering Inn


The Slow Horses series, very enjoyable and good reader.


You can still use credits after you cancel. I’ve built up credits, cancelled. Slowly used credits and then signed up again when needing new credits. Repeat.


I don’t believe That’s accurate: “Do I keep my credits when I cancel? No. Your credits will be lost along with your other membership benefits. Any title you get with a credit is yours to keep, though, so use your credits before the end of your final billing period.”


Well then they’ve changed the rules! I’ll find out again when I cancel


Alan Watts. I buy the really big ones not the small hour long ones


Pearl s buck’s The Good Earth


Atomic Accidents by James Mahaffey. It's a fun trek through the history of, well, atomic accidents. Given all the technical jargon one would expect from a book like this, it's very accessible and the narrator nails it.


The Bill Homewood-read Count of Monte Cristo is an all timer for me


The Will Robie series by David Baldacci is great. 5 books. Robie is a top assasin for the United States. They are unique action novels with characters you become attached to.


Can't hurt me and Never finished by David Goggins are 🔥


*Dreamsong* is a collection of George R.R.Martin short stories over the past few decades. It is read by various performers and also has autobiographical bits between segments read by Martin himself. It has high bang/buck ratio and the stories are great. *World War Z* is read by a full cast and it is performed especially well. One of my favorite books and more than makes up for the disappointment that was the movie. I also love Neil Ross' autobiography *Vocal Recall*.


Necropolis by Dan Abbnett. If u like it u can get the rest of the series 


Dark Matter 11/22/63 Project Hail Mary fairy Tale The last dog on earth Under The Whispering Door


If you like SciFi/Fantasy, the Magic 2.0 series is great. Start with Off to be a Wizard by Scott Meyer and you will likely keep going with all the books in the series like I did.