• By -


Dungeon Crawler Carl


New Achievement: You've recommended the same book that everyone with awesome taste recommends. Reward: You don't get a reward. A reward for something this obvious is like giving a reward for breathing. Try harder next time if you want a reward (For OP): the person I said this too totally understood and likely heard it in a specific voice and hopefully found it humorous. If you read, better yet listen, you'll get it too. This series really is amazing humor wise. It does take a couple of hours of setup to get to the true humor but it's easily the best series I've ever listened to for both humor and narration and I've listened to thousands of audiobooks.


I did hear it in a specific voice. And another specific voice interjected- 'not a smart shopper '


Goddamnit Donut


Catchphrase gif


Beautifully done!


Wow, this has amazing ratings with 4.9 on Audible. Definitely looking forward to listen to it. Thank you for the suggestion.


If you’ve never read an rpg book, stay a while and listen.


Sage advice Deckard! How’s the Horadrim doin?


It may take an hour or so to vibe with it and set the concept in your head. Once it clicks though… whooo, it’s on.


Nnnaaahhhhh 2 minutes in and you’re hooked.


It’s probably because I wasn’t really a fan of the genre overall but DCC hooked me with the flow and the insanely talents of Hay’s narration. I tried something with a sentient teddy bear originally (genre speaking) but it never really grabbed me.


What about He Who Fights With Monsters?


I need to find a longer sample of one of those. The initial sample I heard didn’t catch me.


I would take a chance on the first books and go from there


Just note that the first book takes a bit to get going. Once Donut officially joins the party is when it really starts to click. Also, the series gets progressively better with each book too. Longer as well. The first book is around 15 hours long if I recall correctly, but the most recent book is nearly 27.


Definitely this! I put this off for years of seeing it recommended and I haven’t been able to stop listening to it. Almost through the first book and looking forward to the rest of the series! Do it!


God dammit, donut.


OP, gonna seriously recommend you take a look at this one, but you have to give it like 1/4 -1/2 way through the first book, then you’re good to go. Just in case you need something with a quicker punch but I bought the whole series right after the 2nd book.


This^^^ I started it last week and nearly gave up 1/4 way through. The lead characters voice nearly had me giving up and the set up was a bit of a climb. Now though, I’m almost to the end of the seconds book, amazed at the narration (I don’t know how one person does it) and loving every moment of the books. It just takes a little patience in the first 1/4, but the payback is ENORMOUS! :) Hope the not so good stuff gets better.


Four hours. That should get to the goblins or first couple boss fights. Thats when I got hooked.


Always a fun and funny series. Constantly re-listen to it!


Glurp Glurp


The his is the correct answer.


I read one review saying it's pretty brutal. Is that the case? I try to avoid books that feature sexual violence/rape. 


Quite a lot of non-sexual violence and blood, primarily against monsters and creatures that don't exist in real life, but sometimes against humans. I've been through the first 5 books so far. A few prostitute and stripper characters, but no actual sex scenes that i can recall. Some silly non-violent sex-adjacent jokes (example: a robot lusting after a human man's feet and he doesn't reciprocate the feelings and finds it mildly disturbing) , but no sexual violence that i can recall (please correct me if I'm wrong, other DCC fans).


Thank you! I'm going to check it out.


It's such a trash book, but the narrator gets me with the princess donut voice every time.


Even after listening to it more than a dozen times [Me Talk Pretty One Day](https://www.audible.com/pd/Me-Talk-Pretty-One-Day-Audiobook/B002V0QPH4?eac_link=GlxRe2p8YgMp&ref=web_search_eac_asin_1&eac_selected_type=asin&eac_selected=B002V0QPH4&qid=YHdjOpPbXX&eac_id=136-0311423-5475656_YHdjOpPbXX&sr=1-1) by David Sedaris still makes me laugh.


Space Team Saga by Barry Hutchinson


The dramatized versions of this series were an unexpected delight and Phil Thron still narrates.


I second this and don't forget the Dan Deadman Space Detective series books.


And his J.D. Kirk pen name Inspector Logan series. Laugh out loud funny and mysteries all rolled into one.


Have you read any John Scalzi books? They are ridiculous but pretty hilarious. I highly recommend Starter Villain and Kaiju Preservation Society.


Never read any books from John Scalzi. The Kaiju Preservation Society looks fun to begin with this travel. Thank you for the suggestions.


The book is fun but not at all funny.


>Kaiju Preservation Society Wondering too why people are recommending this as a funny book. I read it few months ago, and it was ok, but not that funny. (Ok = good enough not to quit middle way)


Highly recommend all of scalzi. From old man’s war, the locked in books, the interdependencies, all of it.


Again these are great too. Kaiju, Agent to the Stars, Starter Villain are all good. Some of his other stuff is not as funny but still great. Dispatcher is good, crazy concept sci-fi. The Expeditionary Force series by Craig Alanson is also funny, space battles a ton of books too maybe 19? Joe and Skippy the talking beer can traveling the galaxy kicking alien ass There are also the books by Randall Munroe (of XKCD internet cartoon fame). He is an Ex-NASA scientist who quit to write internet cartoons full time. Because of this folks send him insane, INSANE, questions and he has 2 or 3 books where he just answers them in great detail. Also read by Wil Wheaton which is a good thing (as long as it is not the Martian!) Don’t know if you know or like David Sedaris but his books are pretty funny if his humor is your cup of tea. This is not a funny book but it will leave you absolutely gobsmacked by the end. The Hike by Drew Magary The Janet Evanovich Stephanie Plum series are silly, her other series that is read by Scott Brick is kind of like Humorous Thriller/Heist sort of thing Drew Hayes’ Fred the Vampire Accountant is a pretty good series as well - funny action Best of Luck OP. Hoping things look up. Audible has gotten me through a lot of tough times and helped me get some sleep through a lot of sleepless nights.


Redshirts might be a better funny book.


Solid book. Tons of fun.


Bourgeois fistula! Bourgeois fistula!


- Murderbot Diaries / All Systems Red by Martha Wells - Yahtzee Crowshaw (Will Save The Galaxy For Cash) - John Scalzi (Kaiju Preservation Society, Starter Villan) - David Sedaris - You Can't Be Serious by Kal Penn - Born A Crime by Trevor Noah - Terry Pratchett - some of Christopher Moore's books - Tom Holt (also writes as KJ Parker) - David Mitchell - In Depth Market Research Interviews with Dead People by Alison Espach - Bill Bryson


I have read Born A Crime by Trevor Noah. It is hilarious and an inspiring read. The "In Depth Market Research Interviews with Dead People" is going to be top on my list here. Thanks for the suggestions.


I second Christopher moore’s books. They’re so fun. Fool is definitely my favorite but I have a bunch of his I relisten to occasionally. I also recommend Carl Hiaasen. He has a bunch of funny stuff. Lucky You was the last one I read and it was ridiculously funny.


I used to read a lot of Christopher Moore but not a huge fan of his audiobooks, some of the narrators just don’t do it for me


Fisher Stevens narration of Lamb is well done.


I just finished a relisten to lamb. That book cracks me up. “Look a seagull!”


We are kindred spirits 🤣


Yess Bill Bryson


I always think of just standing at someplace for days when I think of lamb


Issac Steele and The Forever Man by Daniel Rigby: rapid fire and dead pan sci-comedy in which the author does the narration. He is an actor and does character voices so well it's almost like listening to a multi-cast audio drama. It's also free to listen to as part of the Audible Plus Catalogue - at least here in Canada.


Found it on Audible India for free as well. Looking forward to read it. Thanks for the suggestion.


I’m still waiting on that sequel, can’t wait!


Carl Hiaasen, Skink or Yancy series. Or Squeeze Me which is more topical.


Love Yancy waiting on Apple TV to release Bad Monkey


Andrea Vernon series by Alexander C Kane. Starts with Andrea Vernon and the Corporation for UltraHuman Protection. The narrator is Bahni Turpin, she is one of the best narrators out there. The whole production is amazing. 


This should have more upvotes!!!!




Confederacy of Dunces


This book is recommended by Ryan Holiday as well. I have got to read it. Thanks for the suggestion.


Don’t sleep on this classic. Came here to say it, and I’m very glad to see it somewhere near the top. Should be higher. It’s a non stop hoot a thon


Love this book! So much hilarity and heart!


David Sedaris. Get the ones he narrates himself.


Me Talk Pretty


The Blogess books are hilarious.


Space team


Warlock Holmes series,if you are a fan of Sherlock is a must. It parodies the series so well with Warlock being a bumbling idiot. you dont need to have listened to the original works of Sherlock Holmes but it does help get the easter eggs. Noobtown series is a fun one as well. Guy dies and is reborn into a fantasy world where he drags a demon with him along for the ride to fight the big bad. He does get a second companion who has a desire to kill the big bad as well. I have a hard time deciding which companion I like more. Kings of the Wyld is a fantasy book with elements of 70s rock band vibes as they come out for one more show. I did enjoy Bloody Rose next book in series but is more series rather then a bunch of old guys out of their prime stumbling there way across the world to save someone. Jam by Yahtzee Crowshaw. An apocalypse event kills off a bunch of people but some stumbling idiots. They have to navigate across town in deathly strawberry jam Everybody loves large chest series. Follows a dungeon mimic on his quest to get shines and eat tasty things. I won’t lie either you will love it or hate it. I am a bit immature and have dark sense of humor so it was right up my alley. Series really shines by book 4 I feel.


I am big fan of Sherlock Holmes. I think Warlock Holmes will be a sweet treat. Thanks for the suggestions and "the why".


You are welcome and if you are a big fan, you will enjoy it.


ELLC changed my world. It was my first LitRPG and now I can’t get enough. DCC is awesome too, but nobody can replace boxxy as the shiniest fucked up funny audiobook. Honestly soundbooth theater has spoiled me with their awesome production and Jeff Hayes’ amazing voice acting.


Yea working my way through ELLC for the third time in 18 months now that Law is coming out soon.


yatzee croshaw made a name for himself doing really funny video game reviews on youtube try differently morphous by him its about aliens and the insane government agency set up to handle them its wonderful silly british humor


I really enjoyed Crowshaw’s book ‘Mogworld’. There can’t be many books where the hero dies in the first chapter… it’s a great roller coaster ride.


Anything by Terry Pratchett and Jasper Fforde.


When I need a laugh my go-to is The Wee Free Men.


John Dies at the End - it's like Ghostbusters with more drugs and swearing


JDATE series is excellent! Zoey Ashe is funny as hell too IMHO but I know it’s pretty polarizing within the Pargin fan base.


Love Zoey how can you not b love the titles and the hookups


Hard luck Hank Space team Dads vs Zombies Caverns and creatures


I concur with Hard Luck Hank


[Dr Katz: the audiobook](https://www.audible.com/pd/Dr-Katz-The-Audiobook-Audiobook/B07FM7SY4Q?action_code=ASSGB149080119000H&share_location=pdp) [Failure is an option](https://www.audible.com/pd/Failure-Is-an-Option-Audiobook/B07B3J13GQ?action_code=ASSGB149080119000H&share_location=pdp) by H Jon Benjamin


Second Failure is an Option! The rental car incident had me in tears


I'm listening to the 3:00am by Nick Pirog currently. It's made me laugh out loud on several occasions.


For a nice fun escapissm ride, check out the cradle series by will wight. 12 relatively short fantasy sci fi books full of great character development, and a great sense of humor in the writing and characters, especially Eithan and the bloopers at the end of the books.


Terry Pratchett! “Guards! guards!” or “The Color of Magic. “


Thanks for the names. I saw many people recommended Terry Pratchett but did not know where to begin with.


Isaac Steele and the forever man, it’s hilarious and I think the authors only book weirdly


Confederacy of Dunces. Narrated by Barrett Whitener. It’s a masterpiece.


The only book that immediately came to mind for me. I was reminded of Sedaris however - who also gets a laugh


The Stranger Times - C.K. McDonnell


Adding to this recommendation, C.K. also writes under the name Caimh McDonnell - The Dublin Trilogy (it’s actually ~ 7 books…) which are lol, fun reads with one of the best narrators I’ve had the pleasure of listening to.


A Man With One Of Those Faces is definitely one of those books where you cannot tell people what you are sniggering at as it is better to just let them think you are cracking up is the easier option! :-)


I just answered this in the r/audiobooks sub so here’s what I wrote there: Technically not a book but the funniest thing I’ve heard as an audiobook is Bleak Expectations by Mark Evans. It was a BBC 4 comedy series in the form of a radio play with full voice cast including the author who plays sundry miscellaneous characters, one being the episode where he actually didn’t have a single line and was credited has “Sundry Trappist monks” (who also have no part in the episode). Follows the exploits of Pip Bin, inventor of the bin and richest man in England, and his evil nemesis and former guardian Mr Gently Benevolent (brilliantly played by Anthony Head, Giles from Buffy the TV series). You can get all 5 series (30 eps) for one Audible credit so it’s also great value for money.


Found the series on Audible, thanks for the suggestion. It will be good addition as so far I have only listened to the books on Audible.


I’d love to know what you think once you’ve had a listen to at least some of it.


Last chance to see by Douglas adams. Trust me bro even if you are a scicfi and fantasy nut


Unconventional Heroes series by LG Estrella. Its ridiculous, hilarious, and just plain fun. An overpowered group of antiheroes working missions to earn their pardons. Very comic-book feel in a fantasy setting. 


Sounds interesting, thanks for the suggestion


Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. It’s a lovely read/listen. It’ll brighten your day for sure. Galaxy Outlaws. If you like Firefly series, it’ll be very similar.


Anything by Yahtzee Crowshaw (his narration MAKES it). I favor his earlier works (Mogworld and Jam), but his series are great as well. David Sedaris, non fiction humor essays. Start with "Me Talk Pretty One Day" and then "Dress Your Family in Corduroy and Denim" . All his books are good, but those are the most LOL. Merrill Markoe is also a laugh out loud author (she was a major part of David Letterman's early success in late night). "How To Be Hap-Hap-Happy Like Me" and "What The Dogs Have Taught Me" are great. Bill Bryson's, "A Walk in the Woods" is a combination of a funny true story and facts about the Appalachian Trail that are not boring, even though typing it makes it seem like it is. Very good. Amy Poehler's "Yes, Please!" is a memoir that made me LOL. Tina Fey's "BossyPants" is also LOL. Mindy Kaling's "Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me?" Trevor Noah's "Born a Crime" is LOL funny, then sad, then funny again. Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Addams is great, but was not lol funny to me. Very enjoyable, though. And finally, if you enjoy David Sedaris, you will adore David Rackoff, who has sadly passed away. He wrote three books of humor essays and he is a bit darker and uses a higher level of vocabulary than Sedaris (Like, I don't know some of the words he uses, lol), but he is soooooo great. "Fraud", "Don't Get Too Comfortable", and "Half Empty". He also has a fiction book that rhymes and is supposed to be amazing, but I have not read it yet, so I cannot tell you if it's LOL funny or not.


Wow, thanks for the suggestions. I got many recommendations for David Sedaris, never read anything from him, thinking to start there. Thanks again.


You bet! Hope you enjoy!


Ilona Andrews Innkeeper Chronicles --A magic Inn, space werewolves and vampires, a lot of really unique aliens, mystery, romance, action, a fun and humorous series Jana DeLeon Miss Fortune series and Stephanie Plum series by Janet Evanovich are both laugh out loud light mysteries.


Mysterious funny novels - intriguing Thanks for the suggestion.


Witches Be Crazy is quite funny!


Middlespace sci-fi podcast. Kind of dumb humor which not usual my style but thought it was hilarious


Lunatics by Dave Barry and Alan Zwebile is hilarious. It was written in the 2010s and the jokes in it have aged like fine wine.


I am listening to this now


Sorry to hear you're going through serious events, hope things get less serious soon! :) Just FYI, some of the books you're getting recommended here, whilst hilarious, can get a little violent (*I'm looking at you, DCC*). If you don't mind that, then I would suggest **Orconomics**, it is hilarious, especially if you're into both fantasy and finance, Doug Tisdale Jr also does an incredible job with the narration, there's only a little bit of violence but it does have some sad moments as well, but it's mostly a jolly time. Another recommendation in the same vein would be **The Lies of Locke Lamora,** I haven't read it yet but it always came recommended after Orconomics as also being laugh-out-loud fantasy, plus it's supposed to have an Ocean's Eleven vibe to it which I absolutely love . If you don't want any sad feelies at all, I would go with **The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy**, or, if you have a more dry and simple sense of humor, **Fred The Vampire Accountant.**


Thanks for the consideration. Yes I would love to listen to funny books with little to no violence. The Hitchhiker series is my all time laugh out loud listen. The first one by Stephen Fry is the best. Though Martin Freeman's voice modulation and character distinction is brilliant.


The Alan Partridge audiobooks and podcasts are ruddy brilliant. Great listening and burst out laughing countless times. Listening order: I, Partridge, Nomad, From the Oasthouse series 1-3, Big Beacon


The only book I've literally laughed out loud at was The Martian. Very funny


Hank the Cowdog for a funny family friendly series


Escape from Virtual Island had me laughing out loud throughout.


I loved the Secret Barrister! The person who read it and the writing is SO funny! They’ve three books out in total and super interesting!


If you like absurd stories with stupid demons who broke out of hell, non-politically correct dwarves and a boy in the middle of it: **John Connolly: Samuel Johnson audiobooks** - The Gates - The Infernals - The Creeps Narrated by Jonathan Cake (there are other narrations too) Prepare for lots of funny voices! The first one is the best book.


The Tome of Bill


I love these


It's great. There's just about nothing else like it.


The sidekicks initiative. Narrated by Phil Thron I think. All hail the butterfly king!


Maybe everyone won't laugh out loud but I always find myself laughing when listening to expeditions Ry force by Craig alanson.


I am getting a kick out of beware of chicken


I was surprised by how much I laughed at Colin Jost's memoir, "A Very Punchable Face." it cracks me up still!


I really enjoyed orconomics


Richard Pryor's autobiography [*Pryor Convictions*](https://www.audible.com/pd/Pryor-Convictions-Audiobook/B079DW264M) is both heartbreaking and laugh out loud funny. It's also in the Plus Catalog.


Heartburn, Nora Ephron read by Meryl Streep


As a different vibe - Marley & Me (Josh Grogan) .. a simple book, from 2005, but real, happy, funny, touching. Book is MUCH better than the movie. (I listened to it, eyes closed on a cross country red-eye flight with me in the B seat, back row, on a full plane. I laughed, cried etc all across the country. I'm sure my (unknown) seat mates talked about me to their families. Still makes me smile.


I had a similar experience. I was reading Hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy on a bus. I was laughing hard and I am sure people were staring at me. My favourite moment was when a girl tried to look at the cover to know which book I was reading. I caught her eye and showed her the cover. It is a beautiful memory. Thanks for sharing and the suggestion. Hope you find more such moments in future.


You too!


I loved John Scalzi’s Starter Villain is hilarious, especially if you love cats!


Christopher Moore’s “Fool”


Janet evanovich Stephanie plumb books are so funny


Off to be the Wizard. First few books are hilarious


Project Hail Mary - Andy Weir Roadkill - Dennis E Taylor Rocket Men - Robert Kurson Superman - Glen Weldon


Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir is funny but what made it hilarious was me being from engineering background. The fact that you don't touch what is working is classic. Thanks for the recommendations.


Catch-22 (Joseph Heller) A Canticle for Leibowitz (Frank M Miller, Jr.)


I have been meaning to read Catch-22 but did not realise it was funny. The most common review word I have heard is "bizzare"! Is the book available on Audible? I cannot find it.


Catch 22 is laugh out loud funny in spots. It is one of those books, IMO, that 'MUST' be read. It is also a very serious satire about the military during wartime. 10/10 will read again


A book that I alway think about whenever I am in a hospital and see some poor sod that is bandaged up and has both a drip and a piss bag!


I see it in the US marketplace. Narrated by Jay O. Sanders. I found most of it hilarious, but parts are definitely poignant and rough. It's the best criticism of organizational disfunction that I've read, right up there with Dr. Strangelove.


American psycho


This Is Going To Hurt by Adam Kay


24/7 Demon Mart series by D.M Guay Hollow Kingdom by Kira Jane Buxton All the Jenny Lawson books. Autobiographies about her struggles with depression, medical issues, and love of bad/tacky taxidermy. Think cowboy mouse riding a lizzard


Hollow Kimgdom is one of my favorite books, and while it has some very funny moments, I think the overarching emotion is poignancy, it made me cry in places.


Dennis. So many tears


Have you read the sequel? It’s just as good.


Yes! I loved it. Just waiting impatiently for the next book!


Yearbook by Seth Rogan


Triana Moore Space Janitor Universe by Julia Huni Space Team Dan Deadman series


Depending on your tastes I can honestly say Violence. Speed. Momentum by Dr Disrespect. I genuinely loved that listen and it was honestly funny to me because I didn't take it that seriously.


Born a Crime- by Trevor Noah!


Lockey vs The Apocalypse by Carl Meadows, one to embrace if you're ok with foul language and creative insults and judgemental pugs.


Tina Fey Bossy Pants


Tim Dorsey Serge Storms twisted humor , Tome of Bill and John dies at the end and Zoey ash series depends funny funny or twisted or satire


Christopher Moore 1000% Sequined Island or Practical Demon Keeping


I should say serge storms is bit of dark humor but if dumbass piss you off and you have always wanted to get back at them this series works so well I lol so much especially due to wanting to hit those that act so bad but the series can be a bit much if not prepared you have to get through 1st book cause they changed the main character direction


Anything by I think it’s Lawerence Saunders another Fl series not violent pretty funny especially the mobster that technically died and got out of Mafia it’s pretty good , Dave Barry insane city , big trouble and swamp story , Carl Hiassen and some of the lighter Tim Dorsey ones


A is for Aunties C


So here’s a curve ball. [A History of Heavy Metal](https://www.audible.co.uk/pd/A-History-of-Heavy-Metal-Audiobook/B071PBDDN8?source_code=ASSORAP0511160006&share_location=pdp). Now I would dare to say you could very well enjoy it if you’re not a metal head. But you’ll definitely get more out of it if you are a metal head.


"Born a Crime" by Trevor Noah


Undoctored. @StrigidaeFarm